'  I ` · S  
I   ~ ' Samson is dcnird his wah:. JUDG ES, XV, XVI. Samson slaycth the Philistfnrs, p€g,[,,;
I to Ashkc1m1,:md slow Lhirly lll0ll\ B. C. 1161. are mlcrsf over us? what is lhs 3 Am]
‘ of them, und muk tI1ci1**7s|mil, mul —<—-— lim! thou hast Ilmm umu us! .\u»I my am
E gnve clnuugc 0I`:1u·umms unfolhum E UT, ¤1PP¤¢’¤‘- he sujd uulo them, As they ¤I.I\ ;hC(](,(,l-
I which uxpuumlcd \I1c1‘1dv.IIO. Azul t(;h,l;§,2, uutu um.so huvc I dune uu\nIIu·m am] the
his uuzer wamknmlludgmdhc went ,LJ,,,._9_l_ 111 And they suid umu him, \\e xml; I],.
up tu I1isIEnIIu;r`s house. Mg_7f;,_ me mma down to bind !I1vu,llIrIZ um H,
i 20 Bm Smusunfs wife was yirm t Jnn_3,;Z[)_ we lllily drzlivcr thee iutn the II:In.II carried `
to hns vurmnuxnimx, whom hu hud . , of thu Philistines. And Fxuusuu lI1IIIh:1!
‘ used us has fri¤¤mI.u (CHAR ‘”*) suial unto them, Swear umn mv. Iqlgm
` ‘ S IUI h%"1>\·2IgJIXV. V '* °’:·]M·22· thin: yu will nut full upon mu your- [[1;,;]],:
. mnsan nmxr Liu: xilisliurs com llc mr n sc vus. ml =·
wi/hjkm·s um1_/il-4·bmzui.s. U··'v¤¤- 13 And they spukc unto him. Mu- Dy};1?,1,i]
~ . BU'l` it cauuc Ln pass wnrhiu In inr, Mama- iu! N0; but wu will \v1r1dII1n·c·I:IsI, 5.\n<1 ‘
’ while nflur, iu the thm; nf lcssfrum. und deliver thee iutnthccir Imuelz Mme H
xxjlnnnt Imrv<: L‘<¤1‘¤:¤·:uueus {IuxtIm1wz¤sI»v1r¤.j ¤.._,m,
` ' {Luke hor, I pray thuc,i1I>LcmI of   1_S'lS‘31 ixyiih limi, zu;d Ixis bands 5 I<>~¤¤¤ xpm 1,,
_ ‘ 1(il`. ‘ ‘ ' 1r<»1uuII` nis mu: s. IIu·¢;_
I ; 3 {I And Sauusun said mnuzoruing ° "’“_""_I l5.\ml hu Ihuuvl il "*r1uwj:nW·I»·‘¤? 73;,.]
I  _ lIu2m,No\v shull 1 hu ?nm1·eI1Iu1m:- _ "‘*{"‘* uf uu ams, mul put Ilvrth Ins IIl¤i=‘i— thu- my
 7 ~ · l;JS>]\lli|Il Hin qlxilixniuus, Llnmgh l " "¤<1¤¤· Ianni tuuk 11, und slew u IlI¤»u—=m! mm I)
.‘ { cut ICIIl1llISp\’i\SI\1'L}, ,7 Im hmp. '1u··u \h<·1·uw1Ih. skull [
, ·1 .\1I I1;~~`> i'l'Ll.ZK
§  3IiruI»r:•1uls,:n1Ii¤¤v· II alum an llumsauul umu. mm “
lj  1 x   bI;Lw<:¤xn Iwo Izuls. b*"**'· ""» I IT .·\ml IL mum: to p1n.:pe:LImnu.III—¤¥ M joy
Y  ’ nu Inyv, In: lub I/um ;;I» mm tho "/'€"'V‘QI he: 1:usL :1w:1y\Iu; jmv»lmm·¤w\I\¤‘¥ n;m_ I,
I  = I slukuixnnz<¢<·r1Il/»<3t`tIm l'h1Iis1ihI·<_ $lfm{lLL` has hznmi, uml culled than {Wi rI,rm,|.I.,
Q I V ; nm mml up ml nthu slmnks uml , `K _Q 5 I{:uu:nLh·l¤·hi. _ 'IIII; ·
‘ I i · ; ¤ nIs<» thu snuulmq I-um, wah, nlm ‘ 1"·"·'· V ISH A\IIiII1\3\\’iI$$UI'Vi\UIIY$'··m`1 Mu,  
I ‘  I Q { vuncvamls mul oliws. U ""» I·”’¤*· _4wuIlml01IlI1u II01¢I1.:mLl suIw\,'I`I1**‘I* IIIrI·;II{ ,
` I `   V€_l{[ 1'1`I1]¤:11ltIm ;'>IIi|l1sLi;u·i sixid, L Is.·I|.3. Ihuslr }§I\'Lill \l;1s{u1‘¤·:¤L d<:II\‘l¥1`¤I“"; ‘Im;`»|1,»
= , g In In I num: I us . I nn I Ivy lIg_[O,2*), Imtu I nm: mm u lh 'S<'I'\'i||IYY IW w;»;;.,;
v' .   _   `4 m1s\vcr<:d, $:x1usI»n, thm: suurm»I;•w IU L `._ ,],6 `umv shall 1•.hn t§>ri,lhr>t.:u1¤lI·§} III Img
Q _   ~ of thc fl`IuI1I1l hn; ma; I¤Iw.I!,I 19 Um Gnd <*Iuv¤» nu I¤¤¤Il¤>“‘K*E*-"" WI nm-
‘ · g urnuyvunxmx, .\ml the I'II1I1sI1m·s ur, wml, that was In Uthu juw, uml *I¤·‘7* Ii:m·_“·|
I · · , g igznim up, :;1uI Imrnt c hm- uml hpr l’>.1J1.li. Enum:/c\vute1·Ilh;n·<»ut;:I1I¤I\I?¤*·’ I·IIm,|_
; uLu>rw1I I lm:. m III- ,I·.»u., ur hud I|r\11I|{ Ins :4 lIl'|I "*"" lI ,
` - 7 {I .\u UIICII-I1;Il{Iu»1‘: wh1¤·h Is 111 *3* I~ w ; -
I , ‘ 1wilI¤·¤ran¤·:4 ~ I 1¤'“_"‘ umu Ihns dmv}, I2 Invf
_ I [ . ` 8 And In: smmr: Ihrm hip amd} "“""‘>7 ill) ;\u4l]w]11(lg4~¤\1r1 I>r;u·I.1I¤U" rm, H
· I thnuh \VlIhIlL(l'I>1AY>I1\\I!IIY¤*l`. .\uIl* ‘_‘f"""?'r d;;y>uI”I1u: l‘hIh>ImwI\\‘¤·III1`}`*""’ Burl wm
· ’ ` hlgavuurII;n}‘u:xmlIIwcILI11Il¤·:Is»p {;i:;:_:_r_ *`|I.·\l"l`|‘}N XYL I "“I*·*H
‘ I u In muc ·Il,:uu. . .`_ ,— Smnxmzz.¤>11 Ni WYE f¥·~I:II»u`
3 · ' 1 wm<<· vnzs Iu .011.1 eII.11I.l. .. uml saw IIu·n: Iz•1IlI:u·.u_;I:, I`I .\mIl
· ` ‘ · III .\uII thc; 1u<·u ul` Jmhnh mid. _ wvnl nu num Inner. N¤!I¤4-rh
. ` ; \\hy' nrc ym:r*n1n1¢: up a¤;:uu>v \1 >`*?" ¤H~II»,§.{
_ · I AmiIIlIuy:111>w¤=1‘¢:d, '}`u himl Sum- ‘ U 14-"MIMM, lihz,$;uhs4111 is mum Iullwli _-I" ‘IIIII II
; `_   sun :u‘¤· ww ¤·I»1m:I1[»,tu du to hun` ’*'* ’*””’*·'· Illwy;·h1hp;•>gI;4\ 4; hun 1u.2Il¤‘| I-} All-I III,
_ ‘ I as hu I¤:IIlxaIum:1r»us_ J; 1s·.1s.2I;. mm; gw mm uu mum U, eII· . y wr,;·_,_,
, ‘ : I ' 11 Thou llxrvu Ilxmwnxul 1n<~nm`; i’>·UY‘-I0· jul` 1h•· my, uml xvvm Y II'II*` " h*'¤·I\·.·I
I ; ¤_ Judah Iwcul,II¤Ih¤~I<1]>uI`III¤eru<*k U· ithu uighl, suyxng, lu I|\¤* ij I U hm
1 ' Hlz1n1,:uuls:xuI Iu$:¤I1x»u11, Iiuuw- 'L Virul. Img whch ju Is [hw. xxx: ¤‘¤-¤I» *‘ I*·'l, Im!
 Q _ ,  _ mt lhvwu nut thu! ilu; u 1’IuI1sluur> #.,4 ·hi1u4 > l?¤*‘~I»
{ ;   . 2:33
II ~ ~
.  I I