* 1 1
tiamin. Bmjamtlcs destroyed. J UDG ES. XXI. Bettjaniitfs desolation bcwuikd. S ; I
ntrhm ed behind them, and hcheld, the, B. (1 llUL$. the l.0uD to Mizheh, saying, He   g .
Anil tlzg lltlzune of the city ascended up te ———•——~- shall surely he put to death. I i: ‘ t
nnrrmtl heaven. V x I lu wm-, w,,_‘   And the children o1`_lsraelfre-   '   ·
telinitl. ll And when the men of israel; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ ptuted them for Bemannn their . . tt
:tn watt tamed again the men otBett_tatn1n: { _ brother, and said. There is one _ ~ ‘
I were junazed : :1 lor they saw that d isgj-ih   tribe cut ori from Israel this dav. . l » .‘ '
ne wor •·ti 1‘ was eome upon them. I ··- · 7 llow shall we do lor wives` for .t "
tt` lltea;:t· 42 'l’h<:refore they tamed their ¤2ti,»uE;,c,g_ ~them that remain seeinv we have ‘ € — - t
tnttheia- tm·lr.t before the men oflsrael unto} La , 3 isworn by the 1.0hD thzit we will   , - Q
theah, ns the way ofthe wilderness; but thel° "”‘ ‘ ‘ {not give them of our daughters to ` W , - "
_ lutttlee overtook them; and them I U 0r,pVom , wives! ` ` f
lli·ti_i:lt1t11t \th1t·l1rum»: out of the cities they Nmuc/tuh.‘ B Hi And they said, \Vhat one is ’ , f· · ·
tuple, mit dvstrttyed in the midst ofthem. it ,,,,,0 0,,,,. 5 there of the tribes of lsniel that f V ·Z _!
1 io to llizpteh tothe l.0ttD!   t `
ftht·p~1~· titmttes round about, and elittsetlt __ '_ lAnd behold, there oame none to .   {   · ·
tnnt·~.in tlte1n,m1dtrode them down 13 with f·i"$· ·¤,-if- 3 the catnp l`1·om Jahesh-gilead y tu ‘ ·   “ {
ine eu in IFEU Uuvcragaunst Gihetth toward  *,6   the assotnltly. ` ig`.}- ,f_   ,
_:tnil hr liu st1n—rtsing. ` ‘ · · - 9 l·`t>r the peottle were nutnltered,   ‘·j*’· $
;ld,:tlyJ1! i-1 And there tell 0I` Benjamin eigh— 1 g engl, l$_ ttutd, ltteltold, Ihrrr terre none of the ` l_,g*§2;;!Q f"
_ lttstt lttousautl men, all these mr:. ‘ M ,,_,,, ltttltahitttnls ot .l:thesl1-gtleail there.   V - ,
]3t~iit:ittr¤ !l1Ell\>|Vzll0tll‘. _/,,,,,d_ 1 lll And tht- r·ou;:rt·ea1ton sent.  $32};-j'-  j
n·nl»··t¤v* l»r And they turned, and fled to- _ ,lh1ther twelve thousand men 0i the ..?t··,. . V i' »
he t·tt:l·lj lllttd the wilderness untothe rock "’ [UWB 1 r:tl1antost.a1td oonimamled them, `. ‘j+i;V "   .
;tlt·e.¤;t·l mi./l(1tt1t11;1tt:l and theygleaned nfl JMU/ML fztying, (io/t amt smite the in-   .- _
,· unto M lvllt ttl t ie ugh»ways tive thou-- . , 1 ialntantsof.labe>It~t:tl<·ai·tttu¤@ lllwusaitalinentlinttlrewtlielsxvord; » Mh   ,q_,G 1 hath lnmyby man. Y _  it   '. w ·   *
h, L ·~lQlh•r>e wm; men ot`va,lot1l: I _' 1;   ‘ 12 _And they tbund among the lll-  }.ZQ Q t '. j' . {
ist Gtl·t‘\-I lt Util 51 stx hundred inen t,urut·tl d ('$’·{j·—$b· halutauls of Jztlaeslt-gtletttl {nur stil gi}   li.  
t·n out lll Md tled to the tvi|tltn·noss unto` l°·‘-·‘U·“*· ,hundred youu: Qvirgins that had  '§f’ lei? , '·
n·;ts>i1l·‘Z llwttwlt lttmmoti, nntl nhotle intlte,e 251.2-1,25. iknown no man hy lying with any  if _=i · ij; .
it evil ti! '**<'k lhttunon tour months, _ ` male; and they hrouzht them unto  2l"» t.,~  
_ _l$ And the mon ut` Israel turnetll"`“"“‘l the cauntt to Shtlohtk Whilih 1-Y U1  {fix? · if ii _
~llt—m:tlll~V} ·¤¥1¤¤tt upon the ehiltlren ot` Benin- tfd, ,, .,5 the land ot`l`anaau. _ ’ gg ,* [ =_j · V '
-lnldrt~tt~l_ ¤j_¤1l,2ttitlsiiiotetht·in with the otlgl! _` " ' I lil And tho whole eongregattcm I ;.s¤ ; 5 fj
llt~ti)a11lll** "t Uh! sword, as well the men ol` ls I¥*·*_-ll- l- sent some il tu streak tothe clitldrcu T-.4.;-`,i,'y Ut,  
_;tli·1¤l~1¤ill {l*Wf‘t|y,tm the henst, and all that ·H·H· \ ot` lit-n_1am1n that Z were tn the rock =;aq=.!;j; ·§" W '§,  
all ll¤<>¤ '“¥`*¤l|lt!lolt:ttnl;ttlsotlwysetotilireiii i~.·t,5, Iltimmon, aml to ·\call peaceably Q_·Q1‘_ 'zif,. rg -f
_ U dllltc   thatllil tlteitxtitie to. ' $1.5.23. . tiittoclieiiih _ _ Z: `*°,5?i';§·s - I, .
ti;nuttl¥·’ ,_ ' A "l` it XQL 5.¤.||.`. 11 nl enjatmn came again at {   <.‘,. "i , Z
h;,tl·t   Ulfitfojtle bja-git ttm tilggtatinii ty im 3, ,; ilintt tinge; and they gaved tlaem ffl?] _y " ` ,
(-0 , in ¤> ]i,ij,,mg,i_ t ‘ ‘ ‘ wives w itch they lad save at ive T it?.-.57 .· ¥··
tt')' \F"""i New fi thu men of Israel hatlb ‘ ’*"”'f~"U* of the women ot`_.lal»eslt-gileud:   _~»t,":;§ 2.,ii
a·Iu<‘h lil`! · éwortt iu Mizpelnsaying,'l‘liei·e "'¤ ·!t*"¥ and yet so they sutheed them nut. ‘; ji,   i__ ; ·  
_ , IMM "**Li¤¤}’ of usetve his dauglt- “ "l‘ "‘“"‘ 15 Anal the _pe<1plc repented nt · _.j}i _;_  V
·ait ltfg"’p· *fV'i1llollettjaintn to wife ‘1w¢mtrn, them Mr Bemattutt, hccause that , t ji ; tl`); -_
h; ant! W Ulrd the pi-ottlt; onine p to thpl v¤r;i»w· the Lotto had made u breach tt in ·`* {W5" ·
Xt-/i~t¤:tY~*¤¤¥i !¤11l1><· ol`_Lihtl, tint] nhntle ther-e till it ,tn,_ig_i_ the tribes rlflstilcl. " ·- { v`   Y}
,- with lh Non lttilaie unit, anti httett it in, Mm, WW 1tt1l jlhen the elders of the con- gy]   ,t
I . ·"l¤’\‘¤¤tt·es. anti went. eine; mu, {,,,,,,1 ei·et.,-ation said, llow shall we do  ‘; _·,; gif .t -
I apt_v·ll**f} 3-hid said, t) limp Gnd nf Israel, _ ',1`or wives for them that Ttlllllllll. ",·,,,x· iz   ;
~n ot Wl ml? 15 this eoint; to page in Israel, ’°"·2U·**· {seeing the_ wtuuen are destwyvd   L __ lt
1, that j-1},,, HT there slninltl hc to tiny one ‘ or), pro- loult ot llonjaimn I _ G. jp;   V
Utlililw ‘“‘ { 1§*{7hlllLY tn Israel! t` ¤i"* 1/Atidlltey said, Y/mr;} ntizst he l.1l\ ,»  3,--5 ; » ,
tt; rtl} — lll tlt::i1iie\titi;t5g nn tht; nmr. I’¤1*€’?· inlierttam·o lor them t tut he CS-  fb .,§’¤~ . VQ
yn _ol   "*“‘» that the nnnntc msg ein-ty, in vent;. ieapetl or Benjai1tit1._llu1tttlrtllebt:   je _
eiuattllll in ?"j]'hu1lt there nn tllthr, and ot`. ,, tt;1._t;t_tt_ not destroyed out ot Israel.  ;g'·;·   Q. ;=
;·;.},'.*.t¥‘i- ltxlim *‘·* 1 U“~*¤=e     ··lV , ..'?t'*‘· .35* "°‘li‘:“J.‘.‘2ii.i"lLl‘.Z*f‘“iY$$"3?2   it V
,i·. -, _ —-- sn. . ’vt·so »_ A tl *»'Z ‘ Qi-.1  ;·  
nrt: >|¤lllYq ,3,AHd llte ohilth-gn gf Israel Said, oil. I2. clitldreti ot lsriurl htlvu S\\'U1”lt, Sill'-  ?;;}.f  °.
in thu ··"' ,.*1* it Hum innnng all th., tt-ttm Om , ing, tan-etal br he that giveth a wife  Q-t1;;s,%;i;~;.,; ,
V ,, ;’\I*Y¤¤1¢| that mine not up with the I ‘ ' to llettjatttitt. _  ii?} ;,·t’_ A ·
no lit!-l",,j ,{"il<‘¤=ttioitantotln; Lonnt l·‘ni ·‘f¤‘<>¤· WM l9'l`l1t·ttlltt·)' s<¤t¤l.Beltolhiloh  ’¢=.·_ ·=f.it¤‘ ,
. t. ( l~ . 4 » 1 .  
,;iinit¤·»l»* W1; han that, onine not up tol——·——— Gyuarly, we 1#!¢¤<‘¢ “‘l¤¤¤h it 0** uw     ·
ti zu      
it :.   pi
, tt; —:: 1
. ~,,,-‘