‘   ’ " ' "` , — 4;;
7'T"€'d_ Drpah Ieawlh 1\?1t—1111. RUTH, ll. Ruth 111 1/tc jictzl 0,/'B17a:. _ Q i
l“?)`"$? lt1\11d tht-y tilted up their voicc, B. C. 12722. that was sut over the rcapcis, _ { *
¥"*,,““,i antl uc11t auain. Anil O1‘11z1h kiss- <·—— i Wltosc tlaunsol is tins! ` Yi · E
° S °u‘ 1211 l11·1· 111otl1ur-in-law; but Ruth 1 1’r.l7.t7. I 6 And the sbrvatit that was set ‘ `_ ' ?* ‘
U .,m,,n (,1,,,.,), ,,,,1,,1,,;,., I k_y,,_11_21_ 111v_1:r tho rcapcrs _1111sw1·rud and 1 · _1
FWZ 1 __ la And sho sand, Behold, thy s1s— l_1,_5_24 15 s:11tl,lt1.vtl1u A ULll)lllSl1lliUllS|!l that . , · ,
‘“H,,,‘,,, t1·r-i11-law is gone hack u11to hor ,5 1,_ ,2 ' icanno haul; with Naomi out of the 1 :‘ [
$2,,,,.1,1 1»1·1111h2,,:u111 1.111t1;,l1e1j nods: If: ru- ,,;,;;,,,7,,,, ii‘lt\l{1[lP’t{I 111111,11, I L t ,
_ ',.,‘ l11r11 tmu attur 1v s1stcr-m- uw. ’ _ _‘1 7 1 111 s 11: sail , pray you, c me 5 . '
`l‘("l_Lii,i,i lli Allll lluth said, 61'illtl`l!ll[ 1111; 1:12t~.1,2.2,b. ,gl1>a11a111l g:1tl1•:railurtl1n rcapcrs ‘ _,1 ; 1 l
"“l“ "° 1111t to loavc 111 then, or to ruturn L‘*·Zl·{Q‘¤» 1a111o11: t|1osl1e11v1:s: so shc came, _ { ? ’*
“l·__ _, ,,__ t`1·11m thllowintr after thou: tor !9· 1and |1atl11vont111uc11 oven ltom tho 1 g *
l>l:"·_ ,',__ 11|11tl11·r thou uocst, I will go; a111l 11 ch.2,lI,12. ]111or111ng1111til now, that sho larried `- _. .j` l ‘
',‘l‘·,,‘,:,‘1,’ \\`ll0l'|} thou lodgest, l will loilaroz U 1$1_3_17_ al1ttlu1ntl11·l1ouse, , .v f   1
M "__‘_f tl11·11 111-01110 s/mil bu 111y 11nu11lc,i M ,,0,,, i S 'l'l1c11 szutl Boaz unto Ruth   '#* *
‘“_u‘U‘(‘ 11a1ltl11*U<.1dn1y God: P ‘ "‘ "` ' Ilcarust thou not. my 1.laugl1t¢·r   -¤j/ 15* 25 , ,
*l‘Y°‘.1 11 i7\\`l11¢1*u thou 111151, will I dic, 'lA°·*'·"'· i(*·· Mt ¤•>s*i1=¤¤¤ in ttrwtlwr tivtdt .   '  
"* ;‘f,.‘,. :1111ttt1e1·¤ w11t t hc h11ri1:1t: thu 11 1 .1—11-111g1.·1.11-`acilh<·1‘c 1:oti‘<1111 lm111·1~, lmtubidu · ,·'-it 4 ‘ 1
·“‘1l, "' l.uttD ilu so to inc, and 111oro also, ud /1¢1·.1t·[ ,l1o1‘o last l1y111y111a11lo11s: •L.?,1‘ j . · .
'“tLlL°‘ ¤_/`1111g}1l butp dualh part Lhuc illltl ,. ,_ ,,.3 7 ‘ it J1! thmo vycs lu- on tho tiuld »_g{§-1tj_} ` V
"%‘V‘11·1....1t1   tl tsl tw it *·*i?·*?*‘· iilISI*.}"`“i1"1""“‘i"ai"§" *31 iiwululliir   ~ *
n : .·1os* ’ IH ·1u 1 _ _ . · : an 11 1: ;·:1:1 o  %;~1;.·.,
su1l1it 1t11s1.1111a11¤ 1111111 11111. *'i‘"·‘“"'· *¤··11<=l1J` tt·¤=¤=! ¤·¤1·lwt1¤·¤1*¤¤~··¤ art »°i.i§i.. 1
l1)1YSotI11:1·lwowu11tunt1ltl11;y ft ttm! is, iatlntst, eso 1111to the v1·ss1·ls, and   _   .-
1*:1111ulo llutli-l1:l1c111. 1\111l1tcan1c ?»*N¤”· 11lr111k ot` //1uI whioli thoy11u11;;111un (,-.*41 7 *1 ·
:.~11:1ss,w|1u11 they wu1·c<·o111uto , ,11111 1,31. `l¤i¤\'t> U¤`=¤Wt¤t   1; 1 I V
l’u1h—l11l11·111. that. all the nity was lll '1`|11:11 shc fully! on hor hmm  ¥i.{`lf" '*_¤ ._
),,,,S,,€1_,_ 514;,1:11 wont thfin, and they saith, 1(`:i;\t’.,;!.)   litawztll:11;1·s,1t1',lt11\{'h,1; $1*1111,11df     1; U
J 1s1·111on11. au1..,;.,... *t4 ria _ 1 _1 ,' ti’  Mg?]-·· 5
Dt! .\11··t111: thu Loan hath tostttiotl C1¤S_139_7_g_tot tlann l111s_l1a11d: and hum thou  y i * . ,` :1 _ ,
,tt,;*,`,_r ,,,1,   and tho Al1111;;l1ty hath. t’,11,:<1131.li,s_    tf1&·,1{1t})1,o1,.;:111l,t11y\w`oll:31;,  Ein :, ._ 1., -' .
* .. 11:11;. ;1...: ·: 11·*1 .;»1·. .
Mum   TJ FoX2111111i mtt1r11sv1l,11111l lluth ,11-1-16 » [art 1¤o111u1mtoa11oo1»lowliiuhitliou  i"$f·i,1i‘fg;iii  
nic i]Uiii11-1 li11-ll.1;1t11tr·S<,herdauiflttor-i11-law,i ' "` ,l:m:w1·st. not l11·r1¢t111o1*1·. '3'Fi ,E . :‘f`Zl` ‘i. I
t¤   [H, t111l1|1o1·,wl111*l1 1‘1:t111*111:1lo11t.ot`tlu· ~\»\ AMY, ILE 'l'l11: l.o1at,• 1‘o1·o11111<-11sn i tl1y  {.11 wi _
‘l “‘,ll ,, {1t111t1‘y11t`)l11al1: 11111.ltl11·yo11111t-I11 _ _ _ ,wo1‘k.a111l a iull 1’1·wa1·1l l1o uivon   rt ltlggq Y' 1
iUi:111ii1.ii'i1~ ,·f::1,l·,I11·111 i:1 thu ltitgllllllllg ot` ;_i_*"_°,bl,;'¤&· zthtgz of 1111: Loan Go11,oi` israel; £‘  `J, v`    
`*1‘··*·· ``·‘ ` """`1`·i`F1‘1»1·1·11 ll 1*?‘Gé¤` }1'.Z1.$'11II'11?{iii “"'g’ "'“ “” 1  *:.1*5 it ;~  
-‘)' m""` hi iit1tl1_1;!111111//1 111 //11* jit I1/x of Ban:. u t5.1.2i.££1.   13 'l'h_1:11 sl1o,sai1l,il lint me find m l `;  *· ii]
,,,0, 5,,,,,*, Xml) M1111111 hzulak111s111a11uttt` ;,,.1,_1_1.1.17_ Qli*"U“|`ll*_ll*)'*'¥l_ll1"l)' ltml 5 Il#¥'li¤\[ '_ "     Q
U 1,,,,,1,,- —,_ 11·r huslastntl s. a 1111:l1ty111a11 _ _ , , 1tI1ou hast uo111to1tc1l mo, and for   ~,;t.·,,,l.{
Wt ‘“ *1 \*.1*11ltl1.o1 tl11·ta1n1lyot lilnnu- ‘ l§‘···l·l;’· gthat thou hast spoken -t tr1o111Ily 1 ~1·_-   ~
N _ ,,,,,;,_ l1‘t1;:1111th1s11a111o1c11s1 Boaz. l"H‘ |°· 11111to thinc han1l111ai1l,tl1o11:;l1ll1o ,-" 5   L_
,wL‘L,',,,.,,,, I3,,t111l,l|{11tl; tlho M11ah1t1·>s axial It   i:1·1t,_ ,1151: unto onn of tlnnu haml- ‘   { {L",
- 1.,1- J· .-111111 .o 1111: now:11 11 1o .1. . 11a111· s. ·   1 1 ._
111ttl""4`,; |—*l1i.11111lu|l~1111}111111·s111`1·111‘11aftvr 57»l· lt .\111l Boaz saitl unto hor, -\t '· `-i‘.,l*   "
ht!} uml   111 whoso sight l shall tintl (’·l·7· i1n1·:1l-_t1n1n 1ro1n1: tl1o11 l11lh1·1*, and `j,{,;*.`i: 
,,,,!,,,,_,,_ gg ,,,;}‘,,,,l,;H1tl‘sl11: said unto hor, Lio, tch. 1. 111, Mau   l,i;:: lumul, :111} ,l|1,1I1l1h;,,111o1;{     W,    
,,1 ,·.1;. ,3 —! ,.1 ; ~:1.. .1;;    
»¤tl*},l‘;},,i,1 S .\:11l sho wont, and 1*:11111:, a111li nr: [fil"; `lwsidotl11·1·1·:1111·1’s; :1111] |1111‘1·a1·l1o1I 1     ·· ‘ I- .,
1`1;{:H,,,·,_5,, ;‘,·tl1;tl 111 ,1h,; 111,111 a1`¤1·1· tl11·,"‘,g;`·,"l,·J"· ~hm,11111·<·t11·1l,1·111·11,:111,l,st1o 1l11l oat.,     in
, _, 1j f 1··‘ H; 11111 1or 1:11 2 was to   ' " 11111 wass11tiv1·1.:1111 1* L.11  :"f__ Q,f,1_}‘ .9 _
l.·l1ttl ··‘“ i.1111 111111 11a1·t11t`tl112 tiultl I1r1'1111»111111=° tv 1/11: 1 15 ,\111l wl1111si11· was r1s<·n up to   Jil - 
VM, ,,,,,,,111 J,t·;<},l11111z, ul1o1t·11.~: ot` tho k111d1‘1·1| /11111}, alaan, lloaz 1·o111111:1111l1·d his youn:     ,1,,
- 11l1l 1*11 $11 ;‘;.1111·I1.1·|1, ‘_·*‘·—1l·,Yl- 11111111. s:1y1nu. l.1·t. hor qloan 1·v1—11  Zitg1i1Qi_1;E,j rv 1
tl ,,,<,,,,,,,11 ,,1 .\111t t11:hol1l, Boaz 1::111111 from “"·l·’·J· 111111111: tho >l1o.11*t·s,a111l ¤ 1‘1:111‘o;11rl1  ;?..·¢;1E   ·
*5*, _r,.1111Zi "j'i1—!1~|1·;111, 1111111 said unto tho 11 t·~..1t.5. o l11·r1111t.     ,";QQ
ll-_   ilrttlht {°_‘""l$·f7 'l`h11 l,t>]lI)l»lJ wah v·.11,1,, I, , ` 111 .\n1t lt-! t`:1ll also .vn111r ot` tho  lil,. ·5,·1‘ v= `
·l~·‘*· " 1 ~*l1t···~11· ·--— ll *1*1 -’ “"""°‘ 1- 111 · 1· ~·1-~1 -- ··1  1*  . -
@,,,1 ,,_,, .111snt11.1 11111, 11.1 , ,_ , 11111t us ol 111111111. 11, 111._.1.11  1,,.L,,h. ,,
1 is .. ,111t1l1·.~~t)11·o. t" ‘ ""‘· ·’· 1 I1 :1v1· /'11111. that sl11· may :11::111  ,P  ‘
··l111·11>:1.1llioazu11t11l1iss1*1·v:111Y.—-—·-AA l.*111.*1.11111l 1tl11:l11·l11-1 1111t.     1,,
'    ,:}-53.  
it    .·»· · .<