- K
{fg; The qaleen of Simba 1 KINGS, X. (llIIVliT('[]LSO]07Il0I1`Sl£`{$flUI7l. lj. _} `
; NJ. conccrmnq thc n:m1c_nf thc Lolm.] B. C. 100;. 1·l1]' Now the wenzlu of uuid that   j ’ l
mq, SHG _i`il¤1•§ [0 l>Y0\’C lllm Wllh lxurdri•———~ vguuc lu Solomon iu mm {wear was   g ·- “ `
lr l;:;¤l ¤1_Q¢¢>l¤vv}>.b _ j A 1·r.1.a,c. mx t;umlre¤1 mreescure 'zuxd six ‘  L  
hm-M . Anal >l;•.: camp tu .lcrus:1lcm wuh w ; mm], Lulculs ofzuld. ,  'sl    `*
1;-;:;;;- i*"°Y5'F¥Tm[[Null;“'1U\0¢¤¤1UlSihilflg ,mm,£"_, 15 Bvsillé that he had of thc mer- 4 T ` }l '
:m·u FWG *l'Kf'f5·~ imd '~’0i’Y ml\Ch gold, 3 Ur I ll`; ml;>:u;m1un, uml uf the tmflic of the  , V  ,l ¢)
ghlur, Mill [*\'€Ci¢1UbSl0]lGSZ and Wlxcuslnu * '“‘ C""spm:-;;;0rcl;u11ts, {md uf ull lh`: 2 · -; `!  P:
was vmne Iu_bul0mm;. she c0m— " vvvrd- kmus of Arzxhizx, and of the 10 "Lr ' ·` l i r l
ry nm] unukruenl \V1[ll hm; of ull that was 1;;, 5 wr, myi»;g;. ;·ur;ilL*IlLl¤ll\(VC ut h1s 1;;1u1xIc;s amd, _’ ]:1·c:;t, {lm 1 u { ; * ·· ; · ; I 5*   ‘
pmk llwxr anppxujcl, :x;;v.l lus 9 u11;;-lwu:;r—l ?°h'U‘2" '1L wiih Ihlrlhllgl   lm] med ul   ;
“·m,·], xlrs. uml h1s :1scu;;L hy wlugh hu` ";fi{;_"‘ l lil ’l`l;u ll_;ru;;;: haul six stops, uml   .{
4;-;;;1;_ Haul {uy; hrllo Ithc huus? `uritlmt 2L.i|··2·;A `Ihu top ul tho lhrrunc wnxlruunnul  ,j?:I},L2 { .
·I¤·1.ll ‘~—**U» UML WM 110 IUUTL ¤l1¥|1\1l\, Q H, H ,1* |¤<=hm "*_`*'~ _ ; . " ’ "nu ¤·1Ilu=r xnlu uu ilu: planar of ih·· Z . Li¥Z.4'   "
·c um U And shc smd to thc k111L',lt\yz;s` ” T7"; i’» "rv 1><—1;r.m;u·.'.i¤·/; he- I 2H ;\1;c1t I hchcvcll ;_;nt the m‘¤»¤d¤¤¤! ~Ihu sux slaps: lhurc w:Lsx1<1L\¥?ll;·:   Q }; ‘
;;;.U;,, }\‘~r¤1s, u;;t;l I c:;;;;u, ;;;;;| ;;;;;;l; ;·y.—$ !»_l'¢_· /1/wml mm ;;;;;;;;; U; mw kg,m|;,,,,_  §l’:·:;%g.»—_ { 
ml has 1m¤l>lee1x1l.· u;1ll,l1ulmlll,ll1u hull V ‘L[ L"'? l Lil il Anil ull lun: Sulmm»;;'s  
ml Ins l\¤¤* hut told mc: U thy \v1s;luu1` °*`l“"“'"· hlriukiu: vessels wrrc of gold. uml  :2 WS:   : 
:;;·;uI>` lllll llrwlivrxwv uxrzeudctlx thc Iuxuu l __\_\_`\__ ull thu vcsscls of the huusc of \|;¤» '  ;.§§§£;Ei  .1} ·.
Wl 1l¢¤\!'l . ~i}»rusL of l,ch;u;<>;; were uf pur··  -_{:£EQE?k?'-5 .. 
, 1l`· Mllannyu m·L·tl;v1nc11 hn; vn"l‘" . · lu ll- 1·1 -   ` .· · -· v  ?~;—‘*¥?i;·`! E `
  {frm: llhv survznnls, \vll;cl;H;ln1l1l] llxzlngilli lkelsw lmnlllll2L:;;·ll1hx;L;ll   lhl:   I
l; amp <¤·m=¤u¤:¤lly_ l»u{l»;·u umu, uml mm x. ¤»;,¤¤_ga. muyx ..;‘s..1m;;_l»;;_  4;;-ggj-»  »; 
mughi l*4*`**{` WY \\‘1scl|`lh—  f¥,r;`?·*j:  Q ;
;;g);¤.·r ‘}H1<‘|1 llcl1:;l;uz;l ;;; I>|;uc, 1;; Nui dHI,m`;` ;·;;;;;; 0;;;-.» ;;; ;;;;»(,(,ym;,·S m,,,;;[;;.;   - 3}
Iluvnl   u;:l1l;u[ llxrnniz ul llslruul :1 lsv, ;;,,.,-my; lnzuiy mif '|`h:u‘sI;1sh, h;·;;;;i;;;: gmlsl.    ‘,
yrmyply; H wc ue .0llD nm; s;·;;¤· ur ;;, {, gum sx vcr 15 u·l»1·v, uml upus zm·|    · ` 
.i;ll he {"¤Fi¥|u·¤‘;:In1‘cmmle Im thnec l;i1;g,i ,1;:m l' ?;u~:u·u¤;ks, Y Y i?¤`f?‘§Z';§  
W l<>J\1< zumut zunnljuslnezu. ` ' l Z3.! Sul king $nlrmm;1cx<`cu;lcnl ull .`   *3 , ~» 
;; yq·;;r W :\u,:;nl| l‘YL`&’|U\1$ sL¤»1;¢:s: there: _r·:u1m ;;¤»' }_ (W H; _' _\*i lll S<1lun;¤»1;.m Iwur hns wismlum. _   Tl} L '
y vulmj   s1l;·l;· uluxyxnlanxxcxz ul spxgos us; ` £L.]`·jU_'3Gv fxylhcl; m Gnd hull put 111 his hunrl, _ _`g;;*q;;_?-§·   {
bu he   jx \\ 1u.h llm quccu 01 >l;;:l11x`mm_ [I ; ...> Anal they lsmmmlxt uyury umu 2 vg.; $1,; a
+3***5 in km: buluxmna. _ ; P/‘;Xfl;x‘, {Ins presugnt, vessels of sxlvur. xm I ’, 5};,; -.*_ " 
;:;;4l¤~,;: WtI.\in;l :il;1:t;1z;;·ylyQ :;l_s0 of lgrxfxxpl Im/[_ ivcssuls ol mild, agml ;:a=r1nu;;ts, xml   9 ; .
»»;·r. ·~ ~ » { ;:_; gun _ mu; p ;;;·, _ ` _ zmnnuur, um s;;;<:us, ;om·s, zu;. I  ·,; j_4   I
aiyww l*{yl1uI;L nu iron; Uphnr Lrrwnt plculy , I ¤l;.;l!,gg4L;il· lu1ul··§.u rzuuyu:1rl>yyu:xr.   It
l·,¤l»»m m.;;;l;uuL:lr¢:n:s,:uulp;·;·¤r;uu§sm1xcs.\M I   I ‘ I Llriix Aml Sulmnmu ::;nl|u:r0¢l tl;.  hai; 44 
;;;#y]n.< l~ ·\H¤l lhu km: mulle nl thc :;l-` ’:“~/“f"V· zulhlrr ¤·|;:u·;nLs rz uml l;ur>¤·u1¤·u‘  -; 
k;;¤»w· ITM: lrcvs ¤p1llj1rs {urtlu:l;»»11:mu>w···1   , `
1ph;r.u   Xhvru nunnu no such ulmugl M'- `;;; \hl· 1:1I|¤·>l»u‘rI;1u’u»£s.xuulwllh   2: 
l;l,l~v1f *"¤>. nur were SUCH num lhns eluytl W lmzvn. 1Lhc Inu: nt .h·1 n1<:;h·;;1. I   4,  ‘
ls, uml UU .\|ul lung $nlm;;<»;; ;:;;v¢~ umu ;» _4,;,;;1,;; l L17 Aml l!u· km: *7 111:x1l<·s1lvcr/0   ·‘, ·
l" *l|H:<~n1u1 Sl;l~l1n;;[l l;u;‘>1h~s111~. ,;U;,.yf;,;;, ` bc 1;; .lz;;·us;;I¤·m us >l0u¤·s. mul cv-     g
{ L‘llj¤l~M¤\'{:r sho ;;sk;»d, lu-s;l1;e Hm! uf;/N hlurs ;;;:;;I;v hu Io Iwvzm thu syqzx- ‘v ;j‘ iyfy
ll; Inn l\Im·h ¤u|m1;¤>u gzuwe hur of hi: Ilwrgiv `umru Iruus that nrrxu the vulu. my g éqf {V  
» 1"2¤\l lmumy.   51;;; [;;;·;;;;;1 ;;;;4li r{¤7{¤~`/¤r<‘q-K ;;l;;;;;:I;;;;;x4·.  ,;j·;j7J·“',1
'Shv·l».¤ \··l;l L.; |;;·;~ ;;;;·;; gu;;;;L;y, shu uud< M “"""' ·‘·; UH {Y 1** ,\1ul Shlulunmx hm] );<·r<<·~     fjyl
lunmm .<·1»L·2‘\·;u;ls. :-*7- lmnnylul mu ui Lgypt. mul huun 45%;, :,;;‘;
.»;.s ' -;,: Lv ·
 FI? ' :’_»
· ·5:   I  