jqyI_ ZmW`i15 (`0PY¥i’IV1/~ I KINGS. XVI. Omri's u·ir}rr*I1 rri/yn. ‘ Ii ) . I 
mm hi1uI.lI:It Ilirethuf lus in the fields B. (I. 951. ll1(%T.lIOY`l,!l\’l(l ull Ismel with him. 9 l ` ,I
" shullthe Iuwls IIi`thI- mr cnn ~— —•.—.luuI1I.IIey bcsiczed Tirmh. *   I"`-
`]crII.   BOW the mst 0I` [lu: Iutls of ;,gI·I,II(;_I l 18 Aud it cmuc In pass, whcu fa, T.;} 
m[.Im llznuslxax. mul wlmt he dnl. mul lusI KQI Ilimri suw that Iluv city was Iulmu, , ‘ ~ ; ;I  ’
Og ]u_ *  IIu:hI,nrnIlu·v1uII wrxlluu /1 1u the `ICII H I,] IIIhuL he wcut ium the pnlmzeofllm .I .·; Il  l `
II [WI, lIIIIIk oflhc cluvuxclas I»I`IhIa kmgs ' "' ` luu:`s lmuse, uml hurm the kiu:'s · I` IL ?
III lsr:u·l! Ik *'¤"·'· huusc uvur huuw with Iire, uml V? I. gz ll ;
gm of II SII lB:I:Ishu $lI·pt wi!h his I`:IIlI<*Is, `I ELZOIGI Ihml. 1* ,,  7I‘
IU WIN :uul was l»lll‘lBIl 1u 'l'Irz:Ih: 1 uml I [Il For his sins which hc siuucd iu ‘· ~ L I I
\,h(,Ié_ lzluh lus snu rvmwnl iu has sIIeuIl. I”* *'*"·U- Iloiuz evil Iu rhs uiqht 0fIlue LORD, I`; "    
7 Ami ul‘\'(:lllIIl`11lllllI)l3\'lll.l\Z\YI hu Ilul 1u I lZ1uIriI uml lus Iruznsou Ihut hc ` Q-'§.;_Q~ ·l 
M XW Iuu s1:hLIII`Ihe LORD, mm prIIvuk- ‘ ¤¢"¤¤*`h WM I\I‘rIIII;zlII. mw Ihvy uIIr wriIII:u in {ICTY; r· 
U Gm, 1II!lI1I11III:III:s:r wuh Ilu: work of i’”'*'· Ilus luIIIk III` Ihc chrouiclus of the  5;]   Il 
lI1sl1Iuuls.iu bein: hlu-: II1I· luuxsne 1115:1.23,]], kmzx IIF lwrurzll '    
of Am III` JI:rIIlIII:uII; uml l1cu:IusI:1I lu: -; III._ hmm his 131 Tl 'I`|1I‘H Wi‘Y" ll"` VCUVIG of IST   :?}`;?.§· 
I`. mm _ lullml lum. * lIiII.I·III.I, II·uI·lIl1v1IlI:IlI/ lI\KI!L\\‘<)[1I\l`!SZ huh iid gf; [ '
‘ ` MI Iu thu IwIIuIy uml sixlh vr*:u' IIIIII/III luf Ilue IIIIIIIIlI~ I}IllrIwI¤Il ’l'IlIui Ihc   l 5
MMIII. III`I\s:IkmzII1` .lI1Iluh lIII2:Iu lil:-h` JI-IIIII/II, snu nf l{u_I:IIh, III Iuulm hIIu king; ;j;£I*i'a»_ I 
IIIIHM me sou ol lluuslm III rI>1:u uvur ls— I. `,I.,._g_ zuul hulI IIIllIm·IrIl I1mrII _ ;I*';'l‘i§,  II
I III_I.II_ rucl Iu 'l'Irzuh. IwII I·II;.I—,I_ I ·III III II 21 BIIL Iluz IIIIIIplI>_IlIuI IIIllI·.;$J.Jl. IrII1uupIl. _   l e
J. ,,. IIIIISII iu ' `Irmh. I I-I .-Q'. Inf, su iu: II Iu un ue;;:Iu mr1:   ;,I `  J
[“.lIll‘lI lil ¤\ml [num wont iu mul sIruIII· -l"·*—$-I`-I IIII rIII:1IIIvI:1· lsr:I.ul,I.\vI*lIv0 yours: I  
__I\I_II.II_ IIIIIIIIIIII IIIuI·I11uIII,IIIuIIIIII·I·IIII· ]{_··*—;‘I·’· wv y··=u·~ r¤I¤III~Ii I¤<= III irwly  :§;@.IEI In;
III IIN gun: IIevI·u{lI I·I·:II·III[ IIN km? III-! I»IiII.·III I QL iu!] hu lIIII¥:lIIIIIlm IIIII bum?     I I
I III II I, um rI-Ium·I Iu us sII·:II, ~ ‘ “' Inu II I`uIImar_ ur wu :II>uts II II g;m,,k  II _
I` W ,‘ ` ll Tl Aml ILIIIIIIIII III Iuss. whvu li \`¤¤·5· ·::I|vI·r, uml luult uu Iluz _lull, uud   Il
  lu- lIII::uI III ro12II,us sIIIhI:I.~I lu: szII u II,_ 154;;; lvullml Ilu: umm: II|` Ilu: truly whII·h   II I  I
IUI Im, IIII lus IP5IIIII·,IIlIuIIlu· TIIIIII ull Ihu I hu lIII1lI,II5II>I·IIlIF I::;IIr:II{Iil1;:r1Icr,   I
  I Iuuse II huI~ III: II; IIII Iuu IIIII ~ ~ ~~~—~—· ;IIII·1II:rII Ic u ,· Iuuur : .rI I .I:;I_  
IlllI‘l·I·II IIuI* I; Ihur IIIs>I·Ih I1:¤IiII>I an w:Ill,`II_ FI IIIEIII   2:3 15 llI1I_ (hurl wrIII1;:hI I:v1l h Iu    
IIWI IIII juI·1IhI·I·III"lIIslu1IsII1lk>I,uIIr•If|usI l,__I,I MII IIIIII vyvs III IluI LOIm,uml Ilul wumc   I I
u·:I·uIls. I II II ·¤ IIIIIIII ull Ih:II, 1I·I*I·r* lII~I?IrI: hu:I.   I I
.. . I, EJ 'l'IuIs IliIl Zixuri Ilvstrnv :Ill Ilun I ° ."',Q`Z ‘ ZZIGl"IIrlII!\\'1Ill1uwlIIerI:wIIlI Iu* uuulu - My`} I
:Ig_IIII$; IIIIIISIHI II by juhu [lm pnyr "·I‘-}·”`··l· l~I·uI:l III sm. III II1·III·uluI Ihu LIIILD i.g§?¥{' I
II**lII III` IIhI·|_ [ \I'·I'·II I. Ikhul of lsrucl III uugur wIIh Iluur  %!j·€;‘{;_*I I I
I_`“.II\.,I ll l·`II1*ull Ihr: !=iII$ of lluaIslIII,1uIIlI  fj  " v:IIIuII·< Il _   I I
I >III I3 Ilue mus IIl` liluh lus sou, hy xI·lIu*h i —(- **IZ~·=· I 2._AI»w IluIrns' III`Ilu: uc*snl'Umr1 ;I_%II_¥I__·, , 
to MIL Ihey >uIuI~Il. Iuul hy whu·lI Ihvy 4 .$IIIIIIIIImI. wluclx hc Ilul. uml has lll|lZh[‘ u'm‘    
Izuulu ls1·:u·l III >iu.1u III·IIvIIl;iu! x II I. III I.! lu· sIIII\vI1Il. {mr lluzy IIIIL wrIl.IIIu nu   I5_I·  I
BIIIIIIIII IIIIII l.?l(I) (hul II1` lsI·:II;l I.I1 :uu;er III{III'7_jI_ Tm l»III:l§ III Illu: clxmuxclus ui Ihu IH *;· I I  ;
IIII ll IIe1rv:Iu1I1I*s,! _,,,._   bums II sr:_u: . I _   ‘€ 
Q IMI, !I Now Ihu 1‘I·sI III Ihn n<·Is III" ?\I·,l>,‘;,¤_ l ;jI~lSII(lIIII·1slIspIIw1IlI lus IhI.lmI‘s.   {I I 
’IIH1II_ l.luh, uml IIll_IhuI. hIrIIliIlI. n1·IIIlxI·y II UIIIIIVII IIIIII IuIus hur1I·Il Iu I>:uI;ur1:II: uaui   I, :__I  ~
III, » IIIII wI·uII2u In Ihe IIIII; II I Ic ` _ I `. In II IIsxIIII1·vI:Iu·I Iu us s.I·:II.   I  ,
I" ,,. IlII‘IIIIu·lIex IIfIlu~ limes III lsrzwlf F \¤'·‘·'· , L:E• 1I Aml 1uI.lII· IlIIrIy :uulI·1:hIh ,  Ig;. _· .I
    ll 'll lu lhs- Iwculy uml sI·vI·uIh Il I···I·.lLI, ‘yI·:Ir ul` .\S:I liu)! III .|uIl:Ih lu·::uI II  AI  
ll· mul l‘?*|'¤>l`.\>i1l{iI|1:I1I'.lI1Il:IIIIlul[num I\I··~ I·Lli.I \h:Il1llu:sIIuIIlI\uI:‘1¥II|`*’l:l‘U"(`r   Il 
IIIII UI I··I:usI·\*I·I1Iluysm'1'1rxIIlI.u .)ml I- I,.,»_;I;I_ 1|>r:u—l: :IuIl ,\h:IlI IhII mug! IIIIIIII    *~_; 
II`. III·I» :lII‘I|·I·II|IlI: IIIIrrI IIIIIIIIII/III:Il Inzzmisl II IIIIII II II »I·I·u:II;*Il I:\§iIl;\ li'I“a'Il HI Mmmnll    Q1!  II
_· , ·IIII·I II_ v I · ·I; I ~ II’ ;wI·uyz II ·II_··; ·> _ Ig =·;;  l
· **** "’ I·II,I.I.,l,.?;_” ` "‘ "" ”"·" "' ‘ ‘°I ;;;.Ig*,, .III.·\1IIl IIIIIII IlII_I>;IIIIufOII1rI uu   I
INI`, IIIII II? .\uIl IhI2 II—IIIIlI» Ih:II Ivvrc 0u~ _ ;`__ vvxl u1Ilu:sIulII III *|uI l.0IIu:Ib0\’U€   f. ·
I;_*I,I__, ` rIuugII·Il lII:uI·Il suy, Xium lmlh cIIu- f!'·"`III‘II;' WH UM! ¤"""' ""l""" h“"_- _ I .  ,'*‘i2‘;j$  
llIII1Il,I: >.III·I·II. IIIIII Iuuh nlm SIIIIII Ihr _ ·_I’· I ill AIIII I1 I·=IIII~= }~* I·=·~¤I·*=·> ¤*`*’  . ·~,; * ·I
·II.I-W l. uz; v.*lII·I·I·|lIrII ull l>1‘:u·l muIlII g D··..,I.$. Ihml lII·I·u :I h:hI_1 IlI1u::IIIrlIIIuIII I III _.II II 
'I II_;,,·,_IIN. (.Immm uy II". INN km? JII,.1L$.l.2, wvull; Iu Ilue sms III' .lI:I·IIlIII:I:II IhII I  eI;I II.I ,
~I~lI:I III I=·,I;I I~I*:u·l Ihul Il:IyII1IlII: