I * '
{ ' · Elijah fed by raveru. 1 KINGS, XVII. He mzkclh lhc wizlaufs san. Efygh
IJ — I king of the Zidonians, 71 and i wentI 1}. C. 929. I2 And she said, As the LORD thv MII
QI I I and served Baal, amd worshipped —-—•-1 God II\'0I·I\,l have not Z1 cake, brit » A day;
II I . him, ih ,1u_1g_1, anhandful ofrneal in il barrel. and I-cone in
· 32 And he reared up an ultnr forI I CI, ,1, 1,; WG a little oil iu a cruse: aud. behold. saving (
Q I Baal i11 the house of Baal, which 2;% If, IQ ' I am zathering two sticks, that I - rnidbliv
I ' he had built in Saniuria. I i had may go in and dross it for me :u1·I 2 And
: i I 33 And Ahah made agrove;kaud_ ]·,_I6_ my son, that we may eat it, and rt-It` unt,
It ` i Ahab did more l to provoke the' k ,, ,. they ~ Sam gm
I   ; Lan? GTI of Israel EDKHIIEUT than “I"·Ig·IIh 13 1\ud EliIaIi said luntoiher. Fear 1; And
; a L ie jings ol srae tint were 216 ‘ not; go, am to as t lou nut said; whireh 1
’ , beibre him. JD ,7 'I Q but make me thereof a little cake house, I
_ lll 1I I11 his days did lliel the Beth- __ ` ' I ` tIrSt,}L aud brintzil unto me. and ut`- ` I.0
I elite build Jericho: he laid the l“,';‘§?‘,. ter make for thee and lor thv son. 4  
I foundation thereof in Abiram his ° ‘“ "‘”* 1·t For thus saiththe I10II.DGt1tI oi ‘ on erfn
I m-$1.1wI-11, and sci, up 1,110 gums mJ¤s.G.2G. Israel, The barrelofnieal shallnot * that Oh
\_ ` ¤ thereof in his y0t1ngests0nSezuh, Ma1.2·1.G5. waste, neither shall the rruso oi itroplietg
I aecordiu1.{ to the word ofthe LORD, (CHAP. 17.) oil fail, until the day that the LUILD rare, ar
, I , which he spake m hy Joshua the 1 ;;,·1,,1;,,,_ Uscndetli rain upon the ezmh. and wat
— I _ son of NSI? wi LR \\ H I Lti,l,l7, ,15 dud she went, IIIIII Ilid accent- ’   And
I I ‘ 1 ‘* ,' ’ . -1.25. in: to tie sa int; o £li`aIi:a11d ftaintnt
' I 1 Elénh is ml by mums: 17 He ht- is e:i11ed,sI1e, and he, ali/tl her housh did va! ·»1`watc1
N {)niis·3lI /71;: 11Iul0?’slsh1x. Elia:. 4 rmmy days. :1dvt·ntu
. *. · ` ·Z ija 1 t ie ' `IS 1 >ite, what :1 2l{i.3.14. I 1ti.·tv1zl the harrel of meal wasted save 1 I
. ; A. was ofthe inhabitants of Gi- b Deul.I0.B. IlI()l.,I|(tlI.I\t$l‘ did the eruseofoilliul, that wg
` , I lead, said unto Ahab, As :1 tl1eIcI_,,k,,,, 7; tuceordiug to the word ofthe Loan, tt5e1ln
· I LORD God of Isracl livetli. before IAI .1;nn.6.'lti,· Iwlueh he spake 5 hy I·Ll1jah. tl1eu1,te
~ L » whum [ stand, therec shall not he [I l_ mw, I7 TI And it oanie to pass aller tientnn
I ; ' I dew nor rain these years, but ac-I   ' these thiutzs, that tI1e sou of the tI:aI1 we
I,I t I cordiu: to my word. I ° IS‘gg]?i.m· ,woman, the mistress of the house, 71I A1
{I   l 2 {\1Idv the word of the LORD camel ITA,       hdl stink ; and his sickiiless wasl so - Ytnplieli
» · un u um.say1u:, ' ’ _’ sore t rat. t iere was no ireath t·I`t ‘11ew hi
,I   I 3 Get thee hence, and turn theeI M,,,_G_II]Q Iiu him. nal Sai.
I I I ezmtward. a11d Indo thyself hy the· _g_;_ I Irl And she said unto I·IIi1ah. Iihiah!
I I hrook tjherith, that is hetore Jor-I 1,I1_gg_;3;_ a\\`hatt ha1·e_I to do with thee, tt $511111
, I dgnk 1 _t I H ‘ U HI I H lte.13,;_u, than man ol Ind! art thou coun: ltxllthy
I = · — nt 1 sia io, uz iousia , z . unome loca n1vs1ntore1ui·ni~ EA
L1 I I drink of the brook; and I hareI ':,?t,%J,;_ul I11`1ult*0,:u1II toslayluysout lhatiiiid
'I eouunziuded the ravens cl to tI;eilIf(II,,2,,_ lll And he said unto her, Give mtr tant intl
SI ` , , thee there. _ _ I 1_,,k,..I_2(;, Ithy sou, And he took him out of tue?
  ~ I 5 bo he went, and did according` mncti I1urI1oso111.a11d earried him upm- ttl ily
' I u11to the word of the LORD: hir, .sa1·epm, to at loft where he abode, and laid there ig
. 1 I   weI1t:tIi1i;I_d¥e‘It hy} thI: hrookI him upt  not [/1
* , * treat ant tesi1nt1eu1or111n;:,a11 I _;,.,_I _   tthou aso brought. evil u ion tat .1n·»1lnn
Ie I1reI¢II :1InI IIesI1)iu ‘tlie kevemng; 1,·.1.1_i1,h, I\I'ItIt>\V with whom I sttjtitttu. hy ihtthd tl
’f . I ant ie t ran { oft 1e iroo ‘. .,._;_ _ is ayna: her son! II And
I , 7 iluil it rome to pass 'iafter a "l,,fk°§}I1_i ill Andi he tistrotelnzd IIIIIIWII lhylonl
 _ ‘ while, that the brook dried up, he· 11.,1,,1;_1g_ Iupou the child three times. and I2 Ani
I cause there had been no ram in n_,,i,,M, Ieried unto the I,0rtD, aml said. U tritium
 ~ the land. 1 I ' I I.UItl1 mv God, I p1·;1vtIn·e,It*t thti the Spn
. 8 {I And the word of the I1OIlDI";r'n_fuu ‘t·h1Id`s soul onine into 7 Inm IIZIIIIL there wl
 ‘ nruiie unto Ium.say1u2. I ,_ -I°m’ I 2; And the Ltiltl)l11::11‘tItI\t>V¤ttt`tI \\In·11l(
i. , I) Arise. uet. thee to %arepI1ath,j  ' I"' H'; Iot` I·ZI1jah; and the soul oftIn:t‘IuhI t‘11 ur! a midi nl` (Gin], and l!ttt' Ihr lori
1 _ 1 water iu avessol, that   n1aydr1nk.t ,,_ ,`, 3. ·the word ofthe l,o111;1n1hy1uotttI\ itttd ho;
I r ; Ill And as shewas going to 1`eteh "I "‘ ‘ " as truth. I5 Ant
~ 1 1l,he Called to her, and said, Ilrmq tl -I¤*‘ YI}- I tAZlIi\I"l`lCll XVIII. *’l host
I . I I rue.   prav thee, a morsel of hreadt I0-·$0· I Eliyrrh, ln; prin/1 I- 11/1/11111ow mia, Ju! ~Iau¤l, I
V { I ln thine naud. ..-•;—I www;/1 ,1/ini; In Jrzmrl. lttttu hn
l “ ' L1.12
 I I .
· I •· .
A I 1.