:.»» .
;w;,,,_ Afmrtiac tn Samaria. 2 KINGS, VII Elisha praplmsiztli ofpknty, .§` _ ·  
t mm . I7 Atttl Elisha prayed. and saitln B. C. S93. twe may cat him: and u she hath I ’Z {  
: Lana, l pray thee, tttteti his (-yes. -—•——-.hitl her sun,   '.";  `
,._‘m;,, that htt may sta:. _ Atal the l.tttm lc|t,j,lI. I 1ltt'lT Atttl it came to pass, wltctt   ;.7§i I 
rt·ttt;t.i tttitcttetl the eyes ul the yttttttzttttttt; l'>.1ll.7. ltlm king heard the wards nf the *T‘· z   l
a-pltttwt . atttl he saw: atttl, hcltttld, tht: V hh. IT. wtttttan, that he rent v his clothes; i`. ·‘{ Z `
_ mm _ ttttttttttztttt nvm full at harsusl zttal £¤¤·l;*- ,tttttl la: passed by uptitt the wall, i; _t[` , t
·  tvhartttts oflire rtttttttl ahattt liltsha, Lt·l’7· atal the tttrtiple lmtlcetl, autl, be- VH i'¥~ ¥ 
,mm_ I IS Atal whra they catttc tlawtt ta R""·lil·ll· ltttld. lar /4 ul saekclttth within upui: j   J"`  ; l
mmi5_ htttt, iill|$ll§l[tl'il)'t¢L1\\IIlUTll0 Lotta. _ ll· ~his thvslt. wtf ‘;`   l
` atttl said, Stttite this pt~uplt—, I pray 'll ‘··‘~l"·tl- j BI 'lltutt ht: said, Gnd tv do sv and '] Y Z? t
L _t_7_d thou. with Itlitalttcss. Anil he tt.!$’t.16.1S. more also ta mtg, it the head of   Y- 
77 thc,. ‘ :.ttatt_e them with in ltlttttlttess att- t· Izmir ye llultsha the st>tt_ (tt` Sltaphat shall ;g 7   i
7 rttrtltttz ttt the wttrtl ut liltsha. , uftir inc, statttl ott lttnt this tltty. E: {mi} l
imm ltWAu<1Lilishasaalnttttttttltunt, U i,a_gi_ti;, ‘ 252 Ihtt Llhslta sal in his house, f1L;'§y·_·? j. 
“·,,;(.y§ 'lltts ts not tht· way, ttuithur ts tltts at, atttl1tltet~ltlt·t·s sat with hint ; atal g>gr,:;“~y t 
s itat,. tlt<‘ <‘tt>‘¢ “t<¤lt<»w atc. and I wttl ,,i»r_2;_;i_;;_ the ktttu mit it ittaa rt-(tilt twat.-6    t
' hrttt: you to the ntatt whttnt ye Ri,_ig_g,;_ him: ltttt it ure the tttessettuer cattte 3·,,;;;_  l 7
{ 577:,t_ , wok. llttt. hc- letl tlttettt to Natttarta. ll Ch 7 9 `tti ltittt, he said te tlte elders, See ;` tjgiiia i
5i,i,“..,i Ltttttaltt camcm puss,tvltettt.la·y gi] lyc haw this santtt it tttttrtlerer: I: {wt  
1;,lt,“,, ttqrc Uttthu mttt Satttarta. that ,,77%, ,,7 ,6 hathsettt ttttaku away ntttte head!  7  
7; md Lltsha Saal, LORD, nputt the cyt·s J',_r`§>},7 ' ,lhtt, Whtxtt hte saw them, Aly ta— 7_7h_,7_7' tlttwtt ttttttt lttttt: atal_lte said, Ile-   .· 7 7
mg, iii tttttr, shall I saute tlmnt! shall 1 JU,_,7j_ haal, this ettltt it _et the Leith; yy  7-:  .
ti by my straw t/ttm? H I 777_\__.,77 :9 what. I1 shttuld I watt ter the Lutm  7:   i _·i
JL .\tal he attsweretl. Iltttu shalt UU is `7,7_' ,atty luttgurl V   · g`
miiiiiii ttttt saute: {Ima : wttultlcst tlattt ""'g7 l ClL\I"I`EI{ VII.    .· __
lji·ty,7t»~   i.,igt_i},_` ,EIiS7u1irrnpttwgtftllaltggtlzblcplmlyin  tgt; `
wv: at ‘ t ~ · * tiutlar ~ . 7   ,· ?· 'Q ·' ·, —:
. .“·il_ _ ttty haw ! Strt ltread it atal water ' TIIILN Lltsha s:tal,lIear ye the   _  gi; `
  t » l,t·l}tre tla>m,tltztt lla·y may tzat atttl as . `MMA wartl uftlte Loan; 'l'hus sait_lt _€_;h»f;y,  *
Hf uml ,gm,t;_ 777,,} ,:7, [,,1].,.77,,.7NcI-_ H mi 3 _7_ ithe Lottt72’l'u-tttttrrtiw,tttalttttttntltts "g ggt  ug . ,
 lliillii `Ll A tt to ]tt‘t·ltat‘t·t ttrvat ]trttvi·   ·—’~ mtu, situ tt ttteatsttrutt me our  r , V ;
,i,i»i, my >ttttt Ihr tltettt: atal when they had v 1I\t.2t.!7. jmstthl far it sheltel, atal twtttttea- _ ‘%2t;g,;  e
tatctt and tlruttk, he seat thent at ll{i_llt_j_ sttresttirltatrlvyturtt sltekchttttltc  tag,
lm kiiig 1·'·\`ay, tual they wettt to their mas- { i,;m._a_i_ tstttv <>t`Satttarta.   gjj  ;
at I- iii; t·*t‘. Stn tla: hatttls qtt1`Srr1ae:tttte g(t,t_ i1'l'ltt·ttztl ‘g;‘, ~··  ’
|.;.ti_t "jtt‘tl a wtttttatt tmttt hittt, sttytttgh ;""";I"‘ sit still httre, we the aleat. Ntw · ¥;.  A
illititwr lthllt. my lard, t) kittg, { sg'?   ,tltt·1‘sttt»t‘ttt·t>tttt·,atal lvtttslxtll than 5 7 ;__ .l7 7,
, tutrat `~t .\ttlt.tlll1\t , ata tt  1; , t
"5t*t¢! ttlttttlilltel1:11‘1t-llttttr,ttrttttt ‘_ ` Q', ‘ they ktll tts, we shall hut tlt<·. it- · -  = ,
,t 91·lllt' ttt tht: tt·1tte-mass! ' ‘“'·l ’··(lj, 5 _\tal they rash tttt tttlltretwtlttzltt. __:`_ qt; , 5
i·h·, atal J .\tttI the kttttr saitl nina het-_ tt t·¤=t‘-t$·tt·- ttt an ttan»tli·· ttatttgtttl tltt-ayrtttttsz   i f  ,3; ‘
..t`k·ttt:t- lthrtt atlt·lh that-l Atal the aa. · lZ~.»l.lG. atal wht·tt they yvvrv tttvtta:_tt>tltt¢ .  .5  I' `
l |i.»t~t< Mtttttnl, This ttntttatt saiil ttttllt itat, Lu-IMT, ttttt·rttttt>t [t1|l`lttllllt't'i|lI|l!tl‘ bytta, ; 7§_;;} 
tattt>1tltl '·t¥<: thy stm,] that wit may eat _ l`· `laeltttltl, i/an- trim tat tttatt there.   7
grt h·~\\‘ ltttt t·¤—7lt- ltitst tttlltiz>yr1:tltSIt»lt<‘1u't\ItttI°t‘ I 77  g et; Q 
»ar tt·»Ii it Nt wt: laitleil my sail, ath] iltil` ·l"l‘ l’·¥l· til` ttltaratts, att·l_ at must: at ltttrsrs,  
iristttttttl '·tt htm: and I sail] imta lii·i- an ut‘l~.3.32,&r· t·i·»iitlt¤·ttt·t>t·<»t a::rt~:tt hast: zttttlyi  ._i·t7é:g:7_;_h
tt. lit" "ttuxt day, titre; thy sail that ..—•-( they had t»ta· ttt zuttttltct, l.u. the [7 ‘7;,,;,7jy _
att? t$=· ·t·' _ ‘-i· .
4   .
- [‘°    5
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