, : it
~ Tents rtfihc Syrirttts sttnilrtl. 2 lYlNG<, VL A lrzrtl lratltltru I0 timlh, [pu",
gél ‘ . king ttf lsracl hallt hirt~tl azatittst ll? J}. (?.tl1JL2. S:) zt tttcasttru (tl` tint: llttttr was still ,.,,,. 5,,,
\| l Q thc lutttzs It ttl`tltte llttttttcs, atttl lh·· ———•—· tttr tt shclaul, atttl twtt tttuttsttrus ttl tu.}, ,,,
t 3 ~ kings ttf thc litqypltatts. lc t:utttt:g ltttrlcylbf ufshultiil, aucttrtltng ttl <,,,,.,,`,',,
` , t UPM! *1S. `), tt{i_t   lhtt wort 0 o t tt: atm. [ ., .
, · . : 7 \\’lterel}tt·c thtry arose i atttl tltttl t 0 i 17 'fl Antl thc king uppttitttctl ttw · Qi;} iw
; , itt thu twiliultr, :tml lt:l`t their tcttls, ` , ,,, ,, , *lt>t‘tl utt whttstt hatttl ht: luattttl ht ,,,,,. f,,
`, ‘ ‘ 5 atttl their ltttrstts. and their 115505. "_,,j` ,‘_G lltavc tho tzltargc ttt` thc tztttttz atttl ,,.,,,,, `,,
F _ ‘ (evt-tt thu <·antp as tt was, atttl llctl ,,,;,1_' ,tht: ttcttplt: lrtttlu ttptttt lttttt itttht· ,,,,,, Q,
' fttr their lith. — lt,-__;t_t_ gate, atttl hc tltctl, as tht: ttttut ttf ’ ,.,,,,,,3 ,,,
t , F Ain: wlttxttttltttstal lttptrw tcatttc ltt, ,gt>t.ll`ltatl sattl,p whtt spttht: wht·n ‘ 5 1,,,,,
it111,.";,·§S€‘%T.tt."i€itt `{tm ‘*.,Lt"Ill?t *·   tm it li;.°;t"LZ:‘;"{?,°$-l1Hi"· . tt .. 1* ‘**“** =
; _/. · . _ 4 _  _ t·r_tt_gt;_ - _ · .*·· / ·‘-_, lt ttttlztt,
, ual atttl tlrtttlt, uml tttttttctl thcttt tt ,tttatt of Ltutl hatl spttlttettltttlttzlttnc, ,,,,,,,,,.c
~ t silver. atttl tzttltl, atttl rnttttcttt. atttl sayin: twtt tttcasttrcs ttl"lt1trlt¢y htr tt ,,,., 5,,,,
\_ { wunt atttl ltttl tl; atttl czttttu ztmutt. lE$·"-H- lsltclurl, atttl a tttcasttru t>t'tim: tlttut ` ,i`;,, i
` { atttl ctttta·et1 tnttttttttttltur tcttt, zuttll ,lttt· .t slttekul, shall he ttt—tttt»t·t·tttt . ,,,,,, ,0,,
  itzttirlgetl tltcttcc also, uml wuttl. aml 'l we shall altttnt this time itt thu gale ttf Ea . ,,§‘,.,,,,,.,
·` , ttt t, ` intl yttt- ltttartaz ,, I ' 1
, tl ’l`lttstt they saitl ttnte to :tttttl.lts·t‘,i {tit/tntttt!. t 19 And that lttrtl answvretl tlt»· _ i_,;ii,,,,(;,`
q \\ c k tlu mtt wtzll; tlttstl:ty1s:ttl:ty~ ttttan ut` Gtttl, atttl said, Xttw. ltcltttltl t ,,, 1;,.,,
` ~ v1` twtttl Hdittzs, atttl wu ltttltl mtr ,,,g$_._t~;_gg_ tifthu l.ttttD shttttltl tttaktt ttttttttttts t .,.,,, ,,,,,
> · _ pcactt: It`l we tarry till _lhu ttturtt— ant ltttztvtttt, tttighl. sttt·lt a thittu l»t·‘ _·,,,·,,,. ,,,
ttttpltgltt, Ystttttc tntstcltttjt wtlltztttttté Z, M U * ;’ttttl_ht> saitl.1lt;ltrtltl,t.lttttt sltatllsttu th ,t,,,,
. ’ - Hptgt us: ttttw tl,ttt·%,ttt·,e. fjllltl, ' lit with thtttt; uycs,ltttt sltaltrttnl ,,-,,,,,,
’ , _ _ ` ta wt: may gu am tt; 1 tu ‘ttt; s _ cat, tltttruttli   ,
, . _ ltttttseltttltl. 11 l’*;U`·l2· 20 Antl stt it ftellttttt ttttttt hittt 2 Bti    
i i i 1 130 5,, slid Wlllg nm; (`llllthll with, 1>—·*J-1);, thu pttttp}t$ \rtTlt: ttpttn ltittt tn tht: t~,,,,t,,`,·
, I   ; , te pur or nt ttl tc trtty: am thy, · gate, ant tc t tt·tl, tt _(,,,
Q t , tttltl thttttt, sayin:. \\'c tcatntt tttth<»` (7llAl"l'l·Ilt Vlll. . tttt n.
  , , catttp t»t` tht; syriatts, atttl, lttthttltl, v_ \\\_\\ 1 'l7u· Sltttttntttzttittx _/iw Elitlt/t`t thi 
, , 1 , HW"? NYU Wl mill! ll1<*F¢‘, _\\**lllM‘1`l ii 11tirztcltr`s st1lt‘1·, hullt /tt·r Imttlrtj- _   _\,,,t
, { _ vttttat ttl tttatt, ltttt. httrstes ltt·tl, atttl‘ shtrrtl [tu [hr kim;. 16 Jrlturttttts ;,,t- t,,,-,t
t t a.sst;s ttt~tl, atttl thu tents as llttry ¤ vera!. tt·tt·L·rtI1·t·t‘t;tt nt Jutlttit. titttpt
I l t V"""· , Tlll·IN spaltte liltshtt ttnttt tltt· ttm ,t,,
» l l.- ll Jlml ht: ttallretl thc pttt·tt:t‘S; atttl ,, ,.,.,__t_ ` wtttttan_ (whttst· sttna ht: lt:t=| ·_,,.,,- ,,,
l ,   tltcv_tttltl tz ttt thc lungs httusu rt·stttrt:tl ttt lilte.)s:tytttt:, t\t‘i>tr,=ttt·l . ;};·tt_t,,,,3
- t t wtthttt, _ _ ‘l (,,_ W ,4, ,gtt_tlttttt atttl thine ltttttstrltttltl, ttttl ~l;;t·“·,t
,l, ‘ i lg Wl AW} lim RIDE QYUSO lll lltf‘ I   ,,',,., sttlttttrtt \vltt·rt;sttt¢\t¢r thtta t·;ttt~!, ;‘,,,,,- ,.,
`t t l ntzltt, atttl sattl unttt his stervattts, l ‘   sttjt.tttt·tt: fttrtltt:l.tt1lltltalltt‘1tllt·tllt ·t,,,,,,.,,
', ,   will ttttw shttw ytttt what, _tltte ' ` lltr a l`atnine ; atttl itshall ztlsoruttlv tt _\,,,t
, , iyrtatts 'ltmt: tlttttu tt>4tts. 1ltt·5 TY, 1,) ,2 ttipttn tlttt latttl sovttttn yt::tt·s, · :,t»t—,,.,—,,
_ ·, now that. xtc br httttgr), thcrtrlttttt ·, 1,1 -1,,- J .ltttl tlttt wtttttatt arttst·, tttttltlltl t_.t ttm L
,· , , arc thtty gnat: ttttt ul lhu_ t·:ttttp ttt ,,,,:3 »,,, _a{tt-t· the sa;,·tn;; ttlthte tttatt ttt intl: .t·,,,,—,.,,,·
,’ , . t httlc tltcntstzlvcs tn thu ltcltl,_say—~ ‘ ‘ " ,atttl shtt want with hut ltttttst·l_tttltl. t;,_,t ,],,,
,, 1 tnt:, \\hctt tlttry tztttttte ttttl. ttl thtt atttl stt_tttt1t·ttt:tl itt tlttt latttl t.tl lll<‘ it 5,,t
,,— ~ , t·tty_wc shall catch tltont ahve, :tml _ il’lttlt>Itttt·s sttvtatt ytears. ‘t·ttl tm,
t Wil Ulm [lit? (`1l)'· t (CHAP- SJ 3 Atttl it t·atttt: ttt pass :tttlttest·\‘t·ll ·,|,,,,,
E lil Antl nun ttf his sttrvattts an- `yt;at·s’ atttl, tltat tho wtttttttttt'·‘· httl tu`.
, swcrtttl antl_ sattl,_ l,t~t xtmu: lttkt·, l tt ult.l.1$,I;c. ,tt1t‘tttetl ttttt. ttf tlttzlatttlttttltt; 1’lttlt<· tit ttt sltt
. \¤l‘=lY lltlttr, ttvrc ttl lltt: httrsvs that ‘titttts : :tml slit; want tttrlh ttt rrr 15 _\,,,,
t‘t~ttt:utt, wlttt·lt:tt·t· lttlt il tttthtt t·tty, 1,,,, ,0; ,6. lttttttt thtt king fur her ltttttstl lttttl :tt,,y,—,,“·
_ (ltvttttltltlttty rms as all tht; tttttltt— ,,3, ,` ,1 tltr htatlatttl, ttttl thp
, ttttlt: nt Israel that art: lt-lL tn tt: °` ' ` 1 4 Antlthttltinqtalktztl willt(it·lt=\1l wt, tu,]
‘ , ; l>ultold,1srtytltuy ut·r· tcvtrtt as tht· _,__ ,,_, ,t/ tht: sttrvattt ttl thm ntatt ttl Uttl. ’l,tmt.t ,
tttttltttutlt: ttf tht: lsratzltttrs that art: L ""·‘H··'· lsaying, 'l't;lln tttty, I pray tlttztntlll lt; tt, 4t
I cuttsutttct1:)atttl lttt us stetttl atttl I I 7 O itrttvgrtgat thtngs that Elisha lttttlt r,ttt.tt,,.
suc. t v t.$.;.<1 ..7. `t tttttt.   gt,
i It They took tltcrahtrtt twtt cha- y l ft :\ntl it camo to pass, as hte was i  
Q rittt. ltursus; atttltlttt lttttqstatl al`lt:t‘ , ;,,,t_2_g_ ttttlltntg tht; king htttv ht: hatl t‘t*>l¤*Y‘ itat lm,
= llttt ltttst uf thc byrtutts, saying. Gttt t_,,_;,_tt_ ltetl a tlttatl htttly ttl ltt`tt,_t' thai. l`*t‘· it ‘t‘|,,,
- ml'] ¥*‘U—   23.%. ihttltl, tht: wtttttatt, whttst; sttttlttltittl lt; tt~t,,.,
t , 15 Atttltlttvywcnttmtzrtltzttttttntttt Jtttt.u..:7. lt·t·stttt·utl ta hm, txt-itttl Itt tlttr ktlw tttyt...,t
, . Jttrtlan; atttl, ltt, all tht: way was llttr ht·r ltttttht; atttl tin- ltt·t* ltttttl tt _t,,`,t
. j ,v_ fttll ttlullfltttztllsittltl\'t:$st:ls,\\lt1l¤ll fd, ,,;,1 t\ntl Ut-hazi saitl. my lttrtl, tl lttttx. tttr lttttg
‘ , , F , tht: byrtatts ltatl vast away ttt lhtztr ` ` this is thtt wtttttatt, atttl thm 1-* lll? t·l`.\h;th
, - ltastt:. Atttl tht: tttttssettgtzrs rt>— sttn,wltttttt 1{ltslta t·t·stttt·t~tltt>lllt‘- ¤w·t,|,,$
, l   turtttztl. atttl tttltl tht: ktnz. ll "’»“"’""]‘· G Atttl wht·tt tht; kin: ttsltltl ll·" wht ny
‘ ` Q t 16 Antl thu pttttplc wuttt ottt, atttl tt  wtttttan, aht; tttltl hint, Ftttltv Fl"? l·t Ya,
;   ‘ Sltltllcd tht: wuts ul Litt: Syrtutts--:~— ttttpttitttett ttttttt hut tt t·t;t·tatttl tilt ~&t··»,-tt,
t l ·
` `
  l .