»' 7* I ,  
Int. Ahnziuh sittin, 2 KINGS, X. .4l:t1:t`tt/t's brt-(Itrctt sirtttt,   :."   IQ
tftltu I   T But whteu Jlltaziah tnc kin-:I R (7, FSL I 4 But they were text-t-utltttzlv {  
I tu Judah saw //tt.~tt ht: tlt-tl hy tht-I—-—•—— afraid, and said, Bt-httltl, twt» tz   QQ 
_autl tray tgt tht: zttrdtru-ltuttst-. t\udIc J,.__Iy_II_ Ikutt.-s stuttd aut lttefttra ltuu; htm- `}-·   I
I lat- · .It-lat tttllttwutl aftt-r htm, aud stud. _t.,_I,;¢_ Ithuu shall we stantll ' r` : 2   '
{Ju. _ §uutt- huu alan tu tht! vltttrtttit. {tml zt‘h,;_3_9_ I 5 .-\utl ht- that. uma aver tht: hnusc,   ’I€-? 
tram, /ttt-It t/tt1_ xt: at the ztttuq \lI1lt> (tht. d ch S 2; aud ht: that ttvtx uvcr the utty, tht;   Ijl, tl 5
tau I- xvlut-h 1s hy 1hlt::ttu: Aut ht: ttutl ZCILJZII 2 t-hlt-rs alstx. aud the brtuzt-rs up tt/` I"  :'I I
tl ha - ttt llt-ztddtt. v and thtrd thcrt-. I IH I] ,_’ Itlhr r/tt/tfrttt, smut ta Jchtt, savluu, ·¤‘ I'  ,·¤ I
ts Ita . 2;* _\ud hts strrvauLs ttarrtctl htm {III? IILI I\\'tr It tm- tht- stervauts, arttl wtll da   1;, 4 t
h;uIt·, tu tt t:l_utt·tttt tts Jt-rttsztltzttt, aud tt¤t—I IIIQUM-H, Iall that thtttt shalt htd us ; we will ,1* _ *' E
-utatt, I t;t·tl huu tu las st:Itt1lt·lu‘c wtth lttsI t;,(._w_,[0_ ,ut>t utalze any king; tttt thttu that <.,I¤  
tt Itttu ,  t:ttl1t:1’stutlxt#tt1tyttll}1t\'ttl. , , H,. IU Q ,0 Itt·/ttrlt ts ;-ttutl at tluutt teytts.   .`Iv·· I
iid ,\utl tl tu thg cltevtruth year of t' ‘I' "`“ ', ti 'l'huu he w1·t>tt: a lt~ttt:r the sty- ·.  
mst-- .Ittt·;uu tht- sttu at Ahah htrgttu Alta-] *5 ttf. cl-ttm- Ittttutl tttut- ttt thtzut. saytutz, lfytt lu: 2 {tg   I.
Thus t rtah lt»rt·tt1ttttvt:r Judah.   ]*·*’*¤t'L-· Iuuttc.a1ttl tf ye wtll ht-arkteu ttuttt    
,\utl .ttI il .\utl wht·u Jt-htt was t·t»tut:,j IKt4tt;_gI_ Iuty vt»tt-t-, takt: yt- the httatls ttl the   gI
ttl tltt t·t.lt:zt·t-pl.Jt-ztzhcl ht-attl ttf tl : and I g 1_:___U43_ Ituuu your tuastt-r`s sous, aud t·t¤tut- {L, " f
II tut-, t tht-Itpatutt-tlht-r1at·t-,autlttrt-dItter, 1\_I_LIa_m_ I tts tue ttm dt-ztt-t-I hy ttt-tutttrttwthts ‘_ tjttg I
ty-at:. ht·:ttl, aut! lttultetl ttut ata\\‘1tttlt»\\’.I _Icr4y;_It,_ Ituut-. I\ttw tht- ltut:'s st»tts,Itt~mt;  ·  
~t_ hut lil Atal as .lt:htt t-utc-rt-tl tu ttl thu ;;LI_;IU_ Istevt-ttly_Itu1·stuts.trtrt-wtth thtyggrt-at  Qéért ( I
u:ttt~.sht: sattl,1{tttI Ztutrt tr [J¤iilt'tJ, M www I1ttt·u ut thu t"tl)‘, wIttt·h lu-ttttght   ,
utl ttu It-lap slt-w hts_tu:tstt-t‘ In 2 I hm { M Ithtztu tut,)  
tht-ut, .t. Autl ht: Itttt;tl up ltts t.tr‘t! tt- thu- __ t t .\utl tt vatut- ttt pass, whnu tht- __, - I
g, [atl tttutlttw, aud sattl. \\`ht¤ ts tm my I /‘ II"-:I~·!·I- Qlt-ttt-t·t·atut: ttt tltt·tu. that tht·y tttttlt »r:_¤¤*'I:_== It,— ~
\\'h:tt, ~ttIt- I wht-! Autl tht-ru lttttltt-tlt1ttL`il'».SJ.t.tt7. Ithc k1u:’s sttus, aud slt-ty t· >t;vt-u—  afi t g   I
'lIum it- hltu twtt or thrt-u I- uttutttrhs. Jt·r.S..!. ,tytipt-1·:~ttus,autl Itttttltt-:1*Itt-:1tls t: .   -5 .  
éll Ilutl Ia- satil, Il`lIruw ht-r tllttwtt. I0.-t. Itlu lt:t>IIuts, aud suut huu [htm ta    I I
_ say- ·t·l ttxyt truw tt-t· t t>wu: aut smut- _ . _. tzzruts . :j,,q ·  ·`~; I
-I_ aatl ttf hut hlat>d was sttrtulilt-tl on tht: I I(’"’\Ij‘ IO') S TI And tht-rc catuc tt tut-sst-uzcr,  %`:£7 ‘  
uvuta wall, aud an tht: hutscs: aud hc~‘ t¤¢-tt-‘¤-tltttmIaud told httu, saytuz, They haw; .4 -  f ·
It- >tttt tttult-ltt-1‘tt1ttlc1‘tt»ttt. I tltl”t>ll*'lllt tht: hteatls ttt` thu luuu's ‘="  · ~
. V . . . - WV Wtxv " iii · 1*
t ht- at ,\utl whteu ht: was t-tttuc tu. htr sttus, Aut] ht- satd, hay yr- tht>tu1tt ~- :;;.52  | .
tlttl t-at aud tlrutl:. autl stud, Gu. sctr I G Ch ,, ,,,1 q- jtwtt hcatts at tht- cuturtug iu ul thc    ·'   .
t·t·:Itlj.-. tttuv tltts t-ttrsutl tutmtrut. aud httt‘y`   I"` watt: ttultl tht- tuttrtuug.  ‘Q7  ’§ L
t·t>;ttIv Itt-rz hu- shtt ts a It1u:`s tlatttsltttvtjt _Z- ll\t.2tI;—t. , tt ,\tttlttt:a1uutuptt~stullte1uttrtt- T NQ-  -ttII ‘
l_\It:t» SI5 tlutl tht-v wt-at tu ltttry ht·t‘: ->!· Kuta that ht: wteut ttttt, autl slttttd,   '  it ’
,t·:ttIt I·ttt tt thtzy ttttuttl ut» tuttrte t¤t` htcr cjntrmu aud stud tu all tht: Ituttpltz, Ya lm ‘  ,5;;  ,Z
tt ttttt _ tltau tht- skull. aut] tht: tuet, aud In _. H Irtulttt-aus; ht-httltl, _/ t-t»usIut·t-tl  ;lI-_·
ut tht- tht- Italtus ttt`}ttr hautls. _  C I"··I·· * ~a::t1u:»t tuy uIa.ltl lutu. t\utl ht:sttitl.'1`hts as- I _ I ltl l{ut>w uttw that thtvtt- shall xw -  ·, ' I
I, ls tl tht- wat-tl at` tht- I.t>lt1», whttzh ltt- I “ M"- HIT- ` t`aIlyt11_t’t» tht- t-arlh ut»thttt:t»t'lhte   .,3] V
tvt-tt-tlt ~I-alto ttl hy las st-rvaut lilttah tht·I - ,wtu·tl ut tht: lttttm.wlttt·lt tht- lmttt    _ · I t ‘
ts tlttr IlI~|thttt-.s;tytu:, It lu tht- I·t»rttt¤ut»t` f¤l¤»¥I·I LII. ‘sItaItt- It t·t»ttt·t-mtu: tht: httutt- t»t` .”‘*  ._ IA
t·~ht·l: It-at-t I shall thugs eat thu tlesh tu`   ,, Iam] 3 Ig I .\|tah: Ihr tltteIdtttRt»ItaIlt tlttut- t/ml :;“2t.y“ ~` _ I
tau-:} -it-Itt-I; L J,f III 3.; ' Iwlutwh tt: sha ‘t: it hy us servant $§;·=;‘  ‘
hand-. Il? .\utl tht- cart-ass ttf .lt-xt-ht-tl ` `Qtf I l·Il1_Iah.  "f”.§.Zt'*  I
tztttalt, ~It:dI ht- as tlttu: i tthtut tht- t`at·t: ttt`I] 11.. ,l I4 I ll Sn Jt-htt xlcw all that rt-utaiuctl     ,
lt! tttt-tlt·Itl ju tht- Itttrtttultt1`.It-zt‘t·t;l;t I II" lk _‘ Inf tht- huttsc ttl .\hah tu Jt-zrtztrl,  7]  ; Il
tv mth tt that tht-y shall ual >ay,I1`hts isl I' aud all lus tyre-at tut-tt, aud lux ·t Q ,3 `4 Jl
,It·ltt»- JuttzIttII_ In ’·U?’*¤l***’*tIIktttsthllIs iautl his Itrtusts. uulil k   II
tht- Ht'- t`lL\l"l`l·ZIl   ‘l· ht- lt-tl titu utnuc rt-tuatutu·*. , "  
aud llc ` tl- Ittt ity hm It-1/t rs t‘ttttt»t·I/txt-1*1-ttltt tt/` I t at·tIttttt‘ut- 121 HI Autl ht- avttsty autl tltI}tat‘ttItl,   t Q  
tllttt/t'x t·/tt/tlrt·n it; In- ht-/ttttt/tt/, tztttt. aut t-autt: ttt Satttatwtt. Aut as tt- ,1-  ` Q ‘
gar hit xxl) _\IuIlt tual st-vt-utv sttus iu- I lu U; 1 Ima.: at tht: 5 sltt;artu¤—ltttttst: tu tht: ‘_   - .
htm ttt I V Satu;a·ia, Autl .ltvhu wrtttt- lt-t·I I-;-_I;;IgII_ -wa)‘. ‘  I  ,: I
Natl---t`t I-‘t~.aud st-ut ttt S;ttu:u·ia_ ttuttn that __ I I lil .It-hu 6 tut-t. wtth tht- ht‘t-t|tt‘t·u .{4 ` - ,; ,
t-t· It-·t-' Ittlvrst»l`.It;zt·t-t-I,lt» tht- trltlt-1x_autlI’-Il\'~Il·m- Ittt`_\ha1tah ltutzt»t`.ItttIaIttautIsud, Q,  f ’ I
tat-th-‘t I-- I tht-tu that hrtttttght up _\hah'st I, h,,,,., ,f \\`ht» nrt- yt-I .\tttl tltt·v_tttt<\\’t·t‘t¤l.  t' ` pt
I lhlttt t-tttt/I·tu,,;.y,,,Z_ _,I,,],t,I,.,[\ I\\`t- nn- tht- hrt-thrt-tt ttt .\ltaztah; s· lj  _t
-1 U \t·tv, as sttttu as tlu·tlt-ttt:rt-aut» tttttttt; Iautl wt- txt- dt-wrt tt- 7 >=dt1I¤ Iltv {fi, gt. *
#I¤‘t'¤ItI" ’?It trt you, set-tug yttttr tuastt-t·`s sht·t·I». t·|ultlt·t-u ttl`t|tt- |.tu:,autl thu t:hthl-  
ud tit-I "-tt~ tm- with ytut, autl //ttt·t· tm- t. /·,,,,,II;_ rt-u ttt`t|tt- ttttt-t·tt._  Liftit
I·<>I¤I‘¥ “IIIt ytttt vltartttts aud htust-s, al _ 'V _ lt t\utl ht- >tttt|, lzdtt- lltt-tu ahrt-.l ·t      
ttt IIII‘ I·‘ttt‘t-tl t·tty aIst»_ aud ttrtuttttr;  'Y-'*`I""”'V~I ,\utl tht-y zu tttttlt tht-ut tthvt:. aud -3  ,,_;v· j
NIII Ilt-tt[tt·vt-u tIttt,tht·ht·s; uutl tut·t-t. ,II;,_;II_I¤_ tsltdy tItt·tu at tht- tttt t»t_ tht- sh- at-  digg-  ’
tm mt-- -~t ·tt` yttttt ut;tttt»t·‘$ stuts,:t1ttl ttt; ) __ Q Ittm-It--tt—··.·t‘·*1I‘·\--tt!-tt I--ttf It-I '-I  -’Q;?;t`~II§= 
dttt; I° I-t{t t·tt lus t`;tt|It-rk tlu-tIut»_ uutl "I —LI‘·>-··· `ut·ttltt-t· It-tt ht- ttuv t·t tttt·ttt  l,;I'I{.»=,.;3k
¥-¤Jt‘ tt:t‘vt»tt1·tuastt-t"shtttt.~t;. l»é»4t 13 FI .\tt·t tttttcu ht- \\··> -I··ttt¤t‘¥<·d g- tif}-
' sit 2-; ··¢' ‘· · .
t  t  . I
,;·· _§§t~= 