Anmztah ldlled. 2 KINGS, XV. .4zaz·1nh’s good reign. Mmm,
I Lcbztttotysuyintx, Give tltytluuzlttcrl B. (S. 839. 'Jmluh, Jcroliuum thu suit uf Jcush _ _
· tomysntttu witiz: umltltct‘ut»ttsstrtlI—-•·——- ltiu: ul` lsmcl bvuutt to rcitrtt in lI‘°?l§t ‘l
hy uwiltl beast thut wusitt Lebumni, ·l U¤{·t-ill; Suttturizt, mul rciyrtrd tbrty uml mtu I·l° ';Illl'
und tmtlc down thi: thistle. In 2U‘·3Z·Z¤· yours. ·‘“‘Id "ll
‘ ll) 'l`lt0u hust tmlcctl strtitlctt ‘ "’ Mu 2t;\ml ltctlitl thutwltirhurnsevilin Mlidri
Ifduttt, uml tltittu ltcurt ltutlt liftctl ll hl{"’5°£;O tht: sight uf the LORD: he tlcttztrtvtl wt-, _“
thue up: glory Q/` this, ttml turry IHJUR lg 3*,: ltUl.fl‘tt1tt1tllll1C sittsttt ul`Ju1‘ultu;tttt ‘ VI f\{‘*l
Y ut htttttut for why sltuultlcst th0uI 1 NTII {I   thc sou uf Ncbut, who tttudu lsrttul L“ll*“'li
mctltllc tn lhy hurt, thut thttu I u ,,I‘{II£IL'_ ` to sitt. mm fl
' shuultlcst, full, m uvwt thou, uml 0 );,,_s_l(;_ Z3 llc rcslnrctl the cttttsl. ul` lstuvl l'I"ml‘*·
Jmluh with thee? I}, ,ttr_;;t_3s_ frutn thu cntcriticut`lluututlt.r utmt ~l Mid
. ll But Atttuziult wnultl tint ltcur. Z¤c.1.t.t0. thc suu y of thu iluitt,:mm»1‘¤litt»;tt¤ ;· lll thc
; 'l'ltterut"urc Jcltuuslt ltitm; ut` lsruul q tl{i.7.%I. lthc word tiftltc {40llDGtttlttl`lst1tt·i, lilllmls l
I wcttt up; um] hu uml Atttuziuh r ¤‘l{.lB.l2. Iwltich he spultc hy tlw ltutul ut` his ‘ UIQ {III
I kim; of Jutluh lnukutl one utttttlter -* QI hiu-ii- isurvuttt .luttult,z thcst>tt<»t`l\tuittut, ' tl · "l’*‘
_ itil ilIc] hurt: ut it Jlltilllt-sltutttcslt,   II.lte]pt·upltct, which IIJHS of Liuth- ` {`lIII;I’Il;I
w tit: t iu mmrllt to ut u t.- I _` : '   · mp ter, i ‘ · i
I l2 Aml Jutluh wus il put ttt tltv fljlljlwf d 2U For thc LORD suwtlwullliclitttt lllm h"l`
, wotsc l><:t'<»rc lsruvl; uml tltuy llctl   E of lsrttul, that il uws very l»itt,t·t·; lllllh {mt
cvury tttutt to their ttzttts. U ch fu G ' {ora Nwrc was tint lilly shut lllt, ttttt 7Il_];\‘lf
I 13 Aml .l¤ltu:u
i Stgltim, tut;] ltratkc down tht: wull 1 Wi P R `Tuvctl Kham hy tlltu lI:tml ol` Jtrm- I ¥Il‘I"l;‘I:
0 crusu situ rum thc gum 0 ul` U ‘ · *·F·· ` mztttt t tu stm ut` uns 1. .- f
` Epltruittt utttu tht: ci>t·m;t·-gutu, pl I IQ`·l€I’·5*]· I ilu 'll Now thu rust. of thu unls t¤l` YI Mac
I I litur hutttlrctl tzuhits.   UILIE I'.] *.lt—mlinuttt, uml ull thut. lu: tltil. utttl WIL  
I ‘ ll Aml ht: tuuk ull thc znltl Il uml ly my  I' ‘ ,1us tutzht. huw ltiewutrutl, uml hitw Il‘·"_ll ~
I ~ silvur, uml ullthc vtryuls thut wtem E ' Luubf ` lhu t‘t:utw¤¤t1·tl llutttusteus, uml ilu- lfilulc
I lhhhtl ih tht; lhthgu; hf th.; l,t»tth,I ,;II,,,I, ltttuth,w/tic]:Imlmtgzttltl to.]utlz_tlt,tt~r III   50
I ‘ uml iu thu lricatstttwes ut` tht; ltttt:‘s ;,t1·_ t§_39_ Il:.t·t, tot` stun . ‘
I ` 151l Nttwr tht: rvst ofthe urls nfl k’itu.ll..Z. l Lili .\ml .lut·ulttt;tttt slupt. with _ltlS ¥'v"“I 'lIl
I I I Jnltottslt whitclt hi: dtml. uml his F <"’_~lll·l~ }titllt<:t‘s,t1t·m with thu ltittus nt lv- ;‘“'l"l'iI
t I t tttizltt, uml how hte iitugltt. willtI*l$’}_**’·’·G· }t·ut·l; uml lutiltutlatltltisst»1t1‘¢:l;tt· I'I"°I·'
I I I Atttuztuh hint: 0l`lJmlult, arr theey In     mln itt his itivuil. l I \\ °£l'\T:\I‘
' . not wrttttrtt ttt the hunk of tht:} ‘   ' t‘ A "l` il .' V. ,_` ‘
I I I ¢:ltrotm·l¤·s ut`thc ktmzs ut`lst·us:l l I  §_',IlII" il ,1znriah`s umu! r¢·t`¢m: 5 Ju/limit ;I‘I“I· ml
I I , lt} Aml Jvltuuslt sltrttt with his ht-I WIILQ l _ .x*1uro¢r·tI:.·Ut/1::11. [LII   II
, l thcts, uml wus lturttatl ttt Euttturiu gin; 'g_   rt this twtztity uml sttvvtttltlr 3,“’_,lU".
l » * witlt tht: ktntzs ut` lsratul; uml .lt:t·<»- (pim I}_ mt youru|`.l tht: I 2 Stxtteutt yours nhl wus htc wlhill I'"_I “I"
l I theuth uf Jteltuuslt sun <·t` Jtzlioultuxl l¤\··tt¤y-~¤- ht: lu-gun tu rteiqtt, uml ht: twtzttutl IT*_·*I‘?*'
l kun: nt` Isrmcl tit`li:¤·tt yteuts. ` \*"*’ll }'¤=¤\’ two uml titty yours itt Jcrttsultxttt. . Jlmlllr
I lrt}.\ml thi- rust t»t`tht· mztsttf ;\ttI;t-I :L—l¤'I'ihI*;· l_\ml his h;hth.·;·’, hmm; mix .lm·ltt»· ` IIIIIIILIIIIL
4 mu 1. mv: tlttrv mit \tt·tttt·tt ttt t tt: ‘ " .“" ltzth i»i`.lt·rttsult:ttt. » l
I I ltuoh tit`tlu: clttwtttitzlcs httlu; ktttust I°)"’_“IlllI}" i ll Aml hte thd thut tt·ltir7t1rrus Tlillt   (Ill
I t <»t`.lmlith’! I _II’IIU‘I:‘GI` th tht; sight, ut`tht; liutm, iu·t·ut‘tlttt¤ II {ml
l I 19 Now lltvy Iuutlc It t·<¤ttspi{:tIryl Im I-NIIIM Ito till thut his l”ttthet· Atttztztuh hlttl jI\`III_"I;$
Z uguittst. tittt1tt.¤:t·ttsu<:ttt; um tt·` ,, ,, . I`. tlurttt ittcuttsu still utt this htqll I-itrltiil B
l torsusz utt tc wus tttrhet ut,. urn- riztu hui, { Ilmmsl `I .
· sultzttt with his ftttltcts ttt thu uttyl l¤i~lh¤·<¤x· In 1] Aml r thu Lnttn stmtirt lllil III'” Ul ·l
I ut`l>uvitl. l ¤····¤·lh wr ltmg, su thut ht; wits u hettur uttw ~,"'""'
2 21 il Aml ull tltn cutth: of Jmluhl "l·l*""l’”‘ thu tluv ut` his tlguth, uml tlwvll lll (T`} ·`|'I'1
    tuttlt i\zut‘tult, tz (wliivlt thnx >txt¤·t·ttI “"‘_I‘ Im"' ttt stevt~i·ul ltitttsiz. l\ml .|t>ihutu ll=*¤ ,II‘Il"°_;“
. I yuuts nhl,) uml tttutlte ltittt htm; ttt-   IA‘U__ Iltittfs sou ti·rts<¤vi·t·tltte ltuitstyjtttlx-  IIl~v·t’
t t stutul ht hts titllmr Atttttztult. It Qu;] ' itu; tht: Itmtplte ttf tht- luml. {III Il
. . 22 llc ltttilt, l·Iluth, it uml twvstttnrtll T,,. It, qo I ti Aml tht: rtcst nt`!ht· m·ts ut`.\7n- I*_'l'
t - t Juttutt · t ·— tt t · t· »»   ·- · . 4 . »,t1t·v ‘l‘ hh
t to _ , ut t.t t t. t t tt. tm, A |,_;.,_]_ trmh, .tml ull thut, ht ilttl,m . I, I
I I slept wtt.h his tlttltcrs. ,g m-_;;;_ limi. writthh ih thi- ltttttlt nf rtw HIM ‘_I"
I · Ziilln the tifmutttltyuur ut`l\tttzt-_; 2t‘t..gt5_19_ cltrutttvltzshl`tht·l;tm;s<·1`.lt1¤l¤¤l\l Z, III),
t ’ mult 4 thu sou ot` Jouslt him; ut ‘ --*,4. 7 Su Azurtult shept with hw lJ‘ Z`, II l
I ; JAG   sh.
‘ l
LR t