A}lllZ’5 wicked 1-clan. 2 KINGS. XVI. H1: syvczlcl}1 the temple. Hash
_ _31 And _l1c did 1.11:11. 1v}1ic711msr1¤l1t1 B. C. 712. ·cd unto him: for the kin: uf {my-
· . 111 the >s1::11L of 1110 Lqluji 111: 11111* ——•—-— ri:1 went up :1·.mi11sL $1 l)1111111s<·us. .
1 :1q·c0rd1r1z to :111 111111 111; 1111.111:1 Uz-1 illltli t:_1uk 1[,~llI\(l c:11j1jic1l Lim pm IN lh
l 11:111 had 11:111c1_ _ u »}i|N:i=¤·¢{ gh: gf 1t c:1p1.1vc Lo [ur, :11111 slew _ {Mt;
3:1 ‘11 1l<1w11c1t. 1110 111:11 plncesl " _· '* '-****5 11112111. _ -‘{‘ "
\V§‘1:(i nlot 1·u{1‘1uvcdi 1110 11c0111g:us:1-1 M5"- } 10 11 And km: Almz went to D:1 · "xci Ii
c1-11<1c1 :1111 111r11c1 1111:1:11su sm 1114 , IUHSCLIS to must 'l`i111:1Ll1· 110+4:: “ ’ "
the 111:11 plncvas. llc built t11c1111;;l1c1· ” °h·lG·“' kim; 0I` Assyrln, :11111 suw 11117 ultzu m Um}
g211c111"1111cl1<111sc 0f the 1.011D. 1 __ 2, 11111L was :11. I1:1111:1,·=1:us: 111111 11111; mc ki]
115 11 New 1.111: rest of 111:2 11cLs ol`] “’ ‘“' " Mm; sent to U1-11:111 thu 11ri•:st1111— MC lm
J11Ll1u111, :11111 :1ll_ 111:11. 111: 11111, nrc 111LS111o11uf111c :111:11*, 111111 t11cp:111er11 3 ll A-
_ they1111tw1‘11Lc:11111L111:l1<111kofthe (CHAI'. Ni) of il., :1c<·1>rdi11z to :111 thc wurk 1 "“‘"""
, Cgl'(?R1(Z1%S :11 Luc lungs :11]:111:1111 1 1U _ I 111:111sl1i{11111·1‘1;:1£ ;Ii""'_1’€
f ‘ 7 I1 1.1059 :1ys u v,11u 1,0121:1 bc-, 11 4- 7 1 >$· 1 11 A111 U1-Xj:111 the p1·1csLl1uiltk:111 "" ‘ 1*
4 Kill! 111 send 11.:111nst Jml:111 Rcziu 111 M- Qnllur :1cco1·d111g to 1111 1l111t kim 4 Alld
I thc 1:111: of Syrm, :11111 Puk:111 w 11111 I Q QI <1’g11_:1z 111111 SU111. 11-11111 111111111_`11¤$; ,11 g "*‘¤$11¤r
~ sc1nu1l1e111u11:1.11.) L ·“·l‘·r,;, br1_1:111 the most 111:11lo; il :1*:1i11>1 "Z`“L "
1 . 4 » 1:- 11111.11 l '* 1--·
- 1 ’ 6*18 Am] L.{ut11:111l1 slppt w11.l1 l11s 1211-_ " ’ 3; 1k111;·; A11:1z came 1'r11111 D:1.111:1s1:11s.  
_ 1 .1ers,_:111 w:1s mr1u11 w11l1 111s 1:1-; "1 12 A1111 when 1111; kim: wus come " *1*
’ 1 L11crs111L11c any of D:1vi1ll1L< 1’:1111cr:j ,_ , lfrmu D:1.n1:1scus 1.111: 11111: sam- the 1 }'I‘" 1*5
1 :1111lLdAl1a.z his son r1;ig11e11 i11 his C   zallzxri nud Lge 11i111;{111pf:1:11:11ed1<1  
sm- . " ` ' L10 111,:11- un n1Tu1-1:1 1 1111:11;:111. , ,_|
i CllAl"'I`l§R XVI. 4 l d 1)1._ 11:; 13 A11:l 111: l1ur11t his lmr11L»1111bri11¤   I l
] A7m2's wmkul rcrym. _ 29 Hczc/:zr1h_ 11;;_1,1__;y;_ 111111 111s 111z::11-u_11'u1·i11g, :11111 1111111-•·1l ‘ {E1 [IN"
- succe-¢·1l1·1l1l11111. 1llS dr111k—11ilu1'111: 11111.1 s1r111klu1l "“* *1
* Vatlma <.1tz.1I 1 {P L1 ll 1f~11" IH" "'|""`*‘
1 'C\"1U’\\ 1)*9:1*0 0- c1:_·_1__¤;C_ 10 111111 11 11s puuczu-u 1:1111::1 , , ··
[ 1 kuh 1111; ?UKl 111` R11111:111:111, 1\1111z I 11111111 1111; :111111-, [:*71111
1 1 L 10 sun u . 011111111 ki11§* uf .11111:111 j;11,1»1,23, l·1 And 111: b1‘r111ght11ls0 t11c\1r:1ze11 ‘“ "“~
E - bcmm to 1-011:11. 1 1 =:11x:11·,111 11-1111:11 w11;11u1111-e 1111: 1.01111, . ""‘] ll **1
1 - 1  1 1. ,1,. ;1··- 1 · ·.··.-
` 2 'l`wu111y v1-·11·s 11111 was A11·17 1 I" U1 |l4|'Ul\\ 1.11: {1111111111 of L11<. l1uus1 "`”'* '*
1 1   wlu:11 hc hcq:111 1:1 1-ci:n.:11111 r1:1g11— 11111111 l11:Lw1:c11 the 1111:1r :11111 lhd j""l ml
x · l 1::_1s1xt1:1~11 yua11$ 111 J1:r11s:1l1;111, :11111 '1 Ti';»1t’1 1l11111s1> of LI11; l10111>, :11111 pu!. 11 011 `{"I_m‘
Q 1 117111 11111. 111:11, 111/11:-/1 ugns 1·iq11L_ 111 I11»;~ iw} Q2 l1|11: 11111·111si1l1; of 1111; :111:1r. ‘. l""*
1 , 5 ¤1_LZl1L411f_||1u [10111.1 Ins G111l,l1kc 1):1- lU¤·¤>··m· 1 1:3 1\111l lung A11:1z <7o111111:1111lu1 1" mm
1   1 vnl 111s 1:11111:12 _ 1     1lYr1j:111 Ll1u 111·1c51,s:1yi11g, U111111 11111 `mlmh
1 1 1 3 13111 lu: yv:1l1;e1l 111 1110 w:1y nt" 1',“"j"f `grcut 1111:11* burn the 111111‘111111:11 1 l;"`"* UI
1 1 thc kmzs 111 Is1·:1ul,yu:1, :11111 111:1111;. ?"f"“".'_; 1l)lll'llF·0ll1Jl'1I1L{', :11111 the 111-1-11111: 1""* 1]*
l Z 2 his $1111 mh 11-ms 1111·1111¤11 1.11u tire l 2(‘h"!°"U‘ 1111-*11 11111;1·111·¥ -11111 1.111: ki11·r'1~>11:¤1:1l 1111:11 11111} 111111111u1l. `ll “*‘“'
1 1 :-1111111 11111 111·1·é1·1.1111· /11111 ` ’· I’¤-*0659 17 -11 11111111 111111; 11117 C11; 1111111c 1" 11111
‘   , ,1 . ._ ` · 1 _ 1:,.  
1 1 lt A1. lrlllll 111111- 111·z111 k111q111` Syd _ Q 11111·1l1>11·1111 1111; 11:1;:111:, 111111 r1e111<1v¤-11 j `·‘W1¢
1   Tux rc11<1\·1¢r:11l 111:1111] 1:1Syr1:1,1111111 Hybl   G 1111; 1:11·111·1'1·111111111'11111111; :11111 1:111k ";“l "¤1|·
‘ 1 druvc 11111 .1::ws 1111111 1 1J1:11.11; :11111 "·"’-' 11111w11 11111 g1·:1 11-1111111111111» 111:1m:u ·l MM
{ 1 1110 Syrizuns 1::11111: 111 l·Il:1L11, undl w"11xu11 111:111111-rp111111111-11,:11111 1111111- 1v"_"ll ll
1 1 1l';v1:;1 Llxiv 1111Lu 1111s 11:1);. 1 Uh, p aN._ 111111111 :1 1111v•;1111:11l. ul`s1,1>111:$I I ]]\'"h";1
' E `u IQIZ s<:11L 1111*ss1:11:c1·s to; 1/- ,.`- Q 1 18 111111 1,111; 1:11v1;1-1. 1111- 111u s:1|1l1:1il  WY *1
1 { 2'l`1:1nt?—p1lesi¢1·g I<1111: 111` 117)-1-;:1,1 ;£1::D1;"" 111:1;. 11111i; 11:111 1111111, 111 11111 1111nw, ,`fm*'·l¥
1 sz1y1111:. am 1 1y s1:1·v:111L, :1111 1 1y- 1»u1U;,1,_ :1111 11111 1i1111·'s11111,1·y w111111111:lum-   ?"¤`
1 Kglll xl 0:1:110 [1111, ill:] suv:1 211: 111111111l ICI 4 I `1·11 111;1`1·:1111 11111 111111$11111'111u L1>11U 1}; 1:;%*
[ 1 1:: 1:111: 0 L11: 111::11 .jyr1:1.11111, "V -'- · · 11111110 l1111;{111`ASsy1‘1u. _ _"' ‘
1 1 11111.111 1111; 11111111 :1{ 1111; 1:111: uf I5-. F M 09 1 111 11 N11w 1,1111 1»11S1,11{1111; :11·¢s<11 1";l'}¤>l
1   1211:1. w1111wh 1*1su 1111 :1:z1111s\ 1111;. 1" ""   A11:1z w11i1:11 111; 11111, mv; 111¤·\’ HM!   M`!
1 1 1 H .\u1lh.’\11:1z 1111111 1111: :1111*1:1- :111d ' 11-1-1111111 111 1111;11111111111`1I11e1·111‘¤11=1· j1';"'l·_ ii
. 1 fixjltl L11:111 mm {11111111 111 Kl11· l1:111>11 D mi 7 2:1,,1 ‘1·l<-s :1111111 11111gs 11{.l1111:111! 1 _`[,,l*"’I
1 , ul thm: Lf1l1_1¤. :11111 111 1111: tru:5111-1151 ' ' ’“ ‘1 211,\1111_\11:1;S1c11 1111111111; 1':11l11·1>· · ‘{*“!— 11
  1 of Lhe kun: s 111111s1·, :11111 $1:111. 1l jur, ¤ — 1, 1- :11111 J1 wm l111r11·:1 11-1111 111s 1Z1111¤·1> _-1%.:111
, . .;1_,(.I1... ,..1. 1 111 ,
1 1 il prcs1:11L 111 1111: k4111q111‘1\ssy1‘1:1. 1 `111 1111: ::1111 1»{1)111·1:l ; :11111 ll[!I*'l*~|—*·* 1 j|f‘*1
1 · 9 Aml thu lilllgtll 1\ssy1·111l1uu1·ku11-1 -gg--» 111s $1111 re1g11u1l 111 1115 >1c:x11. ·   ‘“"
  I .11a
1 L