. { Y — _
[Q j Hczvkiuh mnurncth, 2 KYNGS, XIX. im pmylm Imiah
hl · away to :1 lunq like 2: y¤»ur_ owm B. C. 'TLO. 'uf thc king.: of Assyriu have blm ‘ Salam].
YI 1 lama]: ll lzuxd 01 mgru :1ud\\‘1nc, :1} —+——· phcumxl mc, C m" [*0]*
I ` 1:•pd_0fhr<:ud mul v11u:yzmls,:xlamd x Dc_5_y_g_ 7 Bulugld, I i will scud :1 hhml k U}““hi’S
· ui mlrulive uml n[_ lmx1•:y,Ll1:nL ya: H _ upon hm1,:uu1 hc slxull huur u ru—   ;1"f'h°"ll
, . 1¤1z1ylxvu,um1nuL dur: und \1curkvr1` 0*3 d¤¢~*¤‘ mour, uml shall rclum to Ins own \ {T‘ml·V.
nut unto lluzukmlx whunlnc 17 pur-. ‘m· luml; zu1dI\v1ll¢·:u1sc hun lu hl! ‘  A rl hh
1 Q sundcth you, suymg, Thu [,01111 y;h_{g_13y13_ ! hy ilu; sword in lus own lzuul. Mh SVU
I x w1ll dchvrr us. 1,. l0.1(l,ll.! 8 HT N1 Rub-slmkeh mlur11ed, mul V  mgm Z
. ` 33 Ilmln y zmv of the nds of Lhc * \i}»uru1 the k1u;.·; uf A>svriu wnmu! `1Q°m§Ed
` , nutiong elulivagrud nt Sl his l:nuq`¤J<··—\9.?$· guzxxiust Lihnuln: xhr hb hud hvunl ~ "Um? [
out ut thc hand uf thc km; oi `¤¤N·B7·-?| llhau, hc was dupurtud from L:1» l{°:Eh\€’l“'
V Assyrinl 4 uu. ir:lush.l _ ~~ “
I 31 Whcrcarcthc ;;udsu1`H:1¤1:1I.h.:] bch_m_‘T [Q} 5} And m when hc lm:u‘d sny of _   MM
1 my! uf Arpu4l? whuru are the urgds Dm,_3_|b_ \TlI`]li\.k1\h kun: ot 1·Zlh1up1:1,Uulxnnlal, li‘F‘E‘H"·
\_ · or bcphurv:mn, `Huuu., and Ivuh { rz \l1¢:1s mum out Lo H;:lnLAu::n111sLtIu~u: ‘ m' L 'ls
` { { hiwe Lh$y dlclivurcd S11mm‘iu. uulxc 1’;;?G; if:]   hu sum. xncxscrnzuns uzauu uuLu11u~ 1%;**1*j;)
* u mine mm ! ’ ‘·”· · zuki:xh,suv1nz, ‘ V
,~ f 35 \\`ho b arc ihvy :1111011: ull thc, [1;_;;;; -_ W IU '1'hus'slmll vc spunk to Uvzv- ’ r"}’r"“"}`
` gods ufLlxc(:uuntr1us,Ll1z1L lxqvcdxz- I I kmlx kim: 0(Juduh,s:1y1m:, Let nut  Ich ml
‘ ! hverud {hour uuuuzry our, ot 1m1u¢`(CIlAl’. 19.) thy Goal in wlmm llxuu Iruslusl 71 ‘"" U"?
. hund,1huL thu I,Q!ll)¤]\lJ\.\h1 duliv¢;r`n IS 31, sw idcrruivu theo. sayin:. Jcrus:nl•:1n ?""{'“¥}“
` · Jgrngulcvx out U; 1H1111<]l1]1x11nl { § ' ’ ' shall unl hc dulivurud 1ut<1Llnuhu11d x QR: Q` 
‘ ‘. 'G utk xc poop 1; mm Lm1rpczx<:u. 1» Lu.3,1 <»1` Hue kiln! of¤\ssyr1:n. , "·
‘ » mul auswcrunl him nutcu\vun1: fur` cjllgl Y 11 1h:Iu>ld, thou hush hmm] what TUS 'hl
· , @110 KIHEYS cnmgmzuxdnuunt wus,suy-` LMMGY- ‘lh<: kums of Awyrm lum; duuc lo   lf"]¥f
j 11;:, i\luswur lun; ?_u§._ I { ‘ E JE B0 7 \1¤ll lzxmls, by 1lustmy1u: [hum ui-    
· I7 ' ` nun rmuu ·I 1:; mu t 10 sou 0 ` ` ` :lcrly: uml $11111lhuul>c¤I&:1|v¤er•·¤l! “ ‘ 4
r ‘ 3 Ililkmh. wlniuh wasnvu1·1l1g;luumr:· Mr. pwwu- i 1;; Haw U mu gulls of Hm mmm . ¥:£¥¢·rs.a
` [ . hold, und 5h¤{l1nu llux sunlm. und M!·¤li· ¤!ul1v¢:rud lhmu whirh my |Enlh<·rs "‘:‘°_1 d
  I V Juulx Ilxcsgm ut Asznphtlnmz 11;ou1·dur. d rh IQ H, `],;,`·m],,S]rl,)-Cd; Us uM,“,_m,d Hu. `l;;¤‘:¤¤i!<
L _ Ln 1[uz¤:lc1uh.¤l with Hmr vloL!n·$` ` " ' ,ruu. uml Ruznzplx, uml thu ¤·hn|dr<;u V"' H  
*9%   , mnt, uml told hun ilu: words oi u l’s.71.1s, E<»1`l·I¤l¤·n;1wlmch1m·r1rin'1`lwL¤>:¤r! f "`__ W
) » . liu};-slxanlueh. v_ _ _ x I, , al \ ll] \\'h¤:m1sIlm lun: nf Ilauuznh,   H"
I   _ I LTILXPIER XIX. _ `f ""0"‘ ' uml Llm kim; uf Arpud, uml ilu; _ ;·"‘ Eh
, x [ Ihrzc/smh umum1m;_ ,w·m[vI/1 lu Isuzu}!. g Ii »m,fl..!7_ kms; uf rho my nf Suplxurvninn, ui ` ;[‘1‘;*]‘l";
` * % /U17/‘¢/A/./v1‘lhz·1:r. `lle11:1,:uul Imh! `. YT ."
E I   Nl')u|1_<·;111u: Lup;gss,wlmul&inLZ " S”"**’Y· Q li {I And Ih·z•eki:1hrnmriwd I!10 W _I_)h‘
F   Il<·zuk1.¤l1lxcaml:!,Ll1uLlu:rm:1x{ h clhlsjs h,m;]· 0{ mu mm,] my my ;m·g¤,~u· V _" Y'; ‘_ U
_‘-; , { Ins ulntlms uml <·n\·r:rm\ lumsull L ' ;g‘·rsY and I-uml H; und )[(m·kmh ··i"*·*}{'*
···2, 5 , \v1tl1s:u·l (iml4»1' .]_Q_r""'
{W g Ymesls. u¤>v01‘ul w1Lh s:;<:lml¤»¤l1.l·g ’ °·'~I*-H· ` Is1‘:u·\. which r dwullezst I1r!rz·cn11\l1•e ` 'm"{'r
Q'; x sumhb thu pruplmt thu wu U1 m lSn_g3_g_7_ mclxurulmns. thou s url Lhv liwh   B‘_}_r
‘ . Alrwlll ‘ _` 1 N `¢·z·::ntlxu\|11lmu;,<¤i`a1l\llu: ki1u¤l·»|1:¤   lar`;
_ » i · 1% ; rn Lmysuu num xim, ' ms uuh.I$.5. -¤»1` thee uurlln: llmul ham m:u.¤: fj .
» with ll¤m:\\1:nh. lhis nlzny rs :1 mluyr 4 A `hsznvuxn und uamlx. Tu? pm
L ` *»\` m»ul»I¤=, uugl uf n·|»11l;¢:, uml "(h'1S"`1*3|" lll l.’i ¤<»¤·¤1»<>vh·1·l¤··~¤¤ im' p I-)zu,27.2J. ;:nmlhuur:•»;>¤:11,1»l.<»u1>,l1m11·1~y¤·>, ywlwl _
V § vmxm ln lhu hmh. uml l,U<·r·u1s1mI W A _ V, iamul sun: uml lmanr thu wunls wl I ·¤ *5
\` I sLrm1;:tl¤l¢>}»1·n1»;|`·»r1Ix. Q >~ )'-J··-U· ;S¤-u1m:·l1u1‘1h,whirh huth >¤euL|11m {’|“‘\"-I
J. { ` »1l%\l muy lam) Hm Lyim thy (ind r 1Suu.l.-1. itu1·¢:¤»r¤>:u2!11111:1mn: Lim]. _ ,:"_‘ Q!.
‘ ‘ * w1 mar u I ue www s of {uh-5 nn- ;!yri:¤ his Y ml W qq *A;~\‘ri:1hewn:uimmavuxltlnu1xul1uu¤  "*
` ruustcr hu} 1 sum xl ln 1·¢·p1·¤»m·!xz· ' I il   ` ` :u1_\lny { l'~·W2·?·;· ihr:!i1‘¤:: 1`¤»1·tln·yzwrc1mumls.\¤¤1xw wm vw
V ~ Gnd huih hqurd: wlu:ru1<»1·u lm 11p`uy3_m_g \hu\vu|‘kni*1m:11'sl1:xmls,xwmlamnl .1;_r _ W
1hU1>r3xyr:r mr me ru1uuuutythuL_ 7 ) U ' >t·»u4·; 1lu·1·¤-i`uru Lhvy hum do- ‘w'{;:·l
{ ‘ am: 2 <·|`l. - U nu I` "lD‘ >1ruv¤·xl Ilwm.   '
  S Sn ilu: scrrvnms of km; llcxu-`uy{v,—,,_ lv Now \lne1·n‘l?¤rc, O [mm nur {_Qi’]l]__‘l`{
y _ · krvnhr::uu¤:I<1ls:u:xh. yw rh In _` (im!. I hwsmeclx LIu:m·,s:1v¢e tlmu ui   fjln
· _ i ` 1 u TX And Isumh sand umu thcu1,y '   ,m1I. o1` l11sl1:unl,tlmL ull Ih4¢lil1lJ‘ , is FHL
; Thus shall ye my to vm1r11nu5u;1·. h__H_mM_‘¤lu1xns nI`IIucx:uril1 may lm¤m·.1lh:¤' mh wr
‘ ( ~ _ '1`hus aaulh Hm l.o1u>, Bu unt ulrzud ,. _, ',_ gtnuu url. llu: 1401:0 Lim], uw; lhuu W ` ·_ Y‘
K ‘ E ` of the wnnls )vh1ul1 thou bust I H"~*0·2*`· *Uu1y_ ,`."'”f I"
,, I » ` huzml, wulx wlmzlx h Liu; scrvzmls ——~ ——— QU H '1`lxun Isuiuh the sun Auwz ""’ 4*
· g .5:2
~ 4
. ‘ E 2  
  t ¥