=   , .
lg"' 1 Amzm's wzcked mba. 2 KINGS, XXII. J0s1ah’s gaml mph.  I- 7 Z- -  ·¤
'J ‘““ ll Because n lttanasseh king of B. C. 608. ] 25 New the rest of the acts of . dl,}  ·.
_,S U, J_t1ttah hath done these ahomttta- —•——‘1\tno11\vl1iet1 he did, are they net ` —:» Z I
,’ mh, ‘  t1t111s.r1ml hathdotie wickedly ahovc 0 C1t_zq_gt;_g;,l\vrittep in the book uf the ehroni- j'   _ ;,
_; mw :ttl thatthe Antorites p dtd. which 21,:1,.1, ales ot the kings nfjudah 1 ‘ 3 : i i] ,
;,U,,"_ ttm hctore llllll, and hath ltlZ\llU' Jur.t5.»t. 26 And he was hurietl in his se- ~ fihi t  ,
m ,,,,] _ ltidah also tu stltt with his idols: Ip wr 9 pulcltttc, i11 the garden of Uzza: 'Q 4.,l AQ ;
12 'flteretbre t tus saith the L0ttD ,: · -1ntl Jesrth It his stm; j ,1 ‘ his ‘= -J s ': 9
ikntgs ( - ttt1.21 26 ‘ " 8 gm`? ul . ;·~e ·
iotl of lsmel, Uel1e1d.l qnm bring- ' ‘ stead. t—* L . f
,,, ,,,` ‘ tug sur/1 evil upon Jerusalem atttltq lSa.3.t1. CIIAPTFIR XXII,   Q, F ·
,5 __,,, Jtttlah. that \\’llU$§tt5\'¤‘l' hearcth ot ` Jsntfi.3, 1 J0s·iah’syo0t!1·trit;n. 8Hi1lt-igjijmi.   if  
‘ 1t,ht1th his cars s tall tingle. l 4 to-il-2- rlh I/tc bnelrlaf {hu law, J " l 
lLl1\ntl lwill stretch over Jerusa-t .1 ,0 na JO$l1\l{ tz was eight years old ,· 2.* H  .:
rm, - *1111 the line r of Satnaria, and the Q7 !'34:ii'_' tvlten he heganto re1gn.antl he    `K
H pltifipiietlftf the gtouselof Altahz l L-tt1,_;z_5_ rettrttetl thirty and one years i11 Je— t   ;  ,  
  . ::11 wt wipe erttsa cot as an 4*.111.7.7 S. l`|l$1tlt*ttl. .\11tl his 111oti1o1·`s11;1111e "`¤S1  `_ 
  ~tt111_w1petl1 adtslt, \ wiping tl and H,. l tvz1s.|etl1dal1. the daughter of Ada-  
,(_,,,_§`,,; ittrntttg 1I upside down. S “·l`l·lO· ~ial1ot`llt1st·:ttI1.b 2;;. _
.5;,,,,,,u it And I_wtll htrsake t the rent- x hu ,U,-pm, _2 Attdvltt: did tl1at 1t=71in/z was right  ·,`i=5E l 
ttattt of tnine trtlierttance, and de- and 1,1,,,. 111 the sight ofthe l.ottD. antl walk- l  · Z
W`, wi, lxer thetn tnto the ltatttl et their rtlt it ttpgn .etl 111 all the way of llavtd his E1-  
‘ , t11t·t111t¢s; u a11d tltov shall lteeottttc a l/tc iw ’llter autl turned not aside c tothe ·‘f?¤:*·~;i *
rrbtht · , J . ~ .»s 1 
M“,,,‘,,,, I   and a spoil to all their enc- !ltcrw_/Z   11,11131 t_?*tt1tl1elt—ft_ _ 1 dtf ,~ ._ 
U C,,,,,,> ..1:es; ,,,S·S9r3g , , , 1 nt 1 t·a111t-_to pass 111 _t te t J , t
l.1 llceatise thev have done that [J eighteenth vear tit k111·r Josiah *1 1 ‘ r
-,, yltrli was evil 1t1 111) sight and J. _,¤_T_ that the king sont bltapltan the ,*2;*  ·
  Late provoktztl tne to anuer,stttee   lson ot Azal1ah,tl1e son ot )tt·sht1l-   L  
um, ,,,, · tac dat; their fatlters eaine torllt U PS _A, I7 ,lillll, the seril1t:,to the house ofthe   _  ,,  
_,_,,,,,,,,,v ttttot l·.gypt.evt·11u11tt1Lh1sda5, ·/ · · · ,l.0ttD,say111g._ _ _ _   _; , j
,_,T ,,,,,, lu Xloreover Nlattasseh shed 111-¤v_y£,_Q_3,_ , ~t Go up to lltlktah the htgh priest, Mig.} ' Vt
,,,~',,C,,_ ¤~t~t»11t hltttttt avery ntueh. till he 1g_,,_ Qthat he tttaysutntltc silverdwlttelt     -
ltd hllt·d .lert1s:1lt·tn _? front one _ is hrought. into the house of the   ._
,,,0,,,,,/ ttul to another; heside lllS stu °J"”"‘”*<'¥¢N¤ l,OIiU,\\'ltl(!lttl1C keepers c ut`tl1e\ 3-3  {It t
_ , 0,,,,,, '=tttert·w1tl1wl1etnatlt:.lt1tlah'tosi1t, "' "'"“"'· `tloor have zratlteretl of the people:  _; L   Q;
',,,,, ,,,,. .1 doing that w/ac/1 wrts evtl 111 the w 11(;_t,,_1g_   5 and let thetu deliver tt 11tto the , ,g`,i '
·:l1t ot the l,0tt1\, jc, ml h:111ttoftht: tlotrtsot tltewt1rk,tl1at E Q  4* I,
, . '7YX ‘-··· Itvetlntvetstgitt t`tlel1u1,·:t` -t._  c
ll,,,l;l,lll,·   ?§at1:is;el1, mill all thlat life flitli BO- tltlellioltu dfautl letliheili t:tve`it. to     A
` ` Yat its sin tl1:tt liesitnttzd aruthey gC1,_gg_g, _tlte doers e the wovk whitch as i11    il, .1
,,7, pas; **1 tvrtttett i11tl1t1t1t1okot`ll1eel11·o— y 5;,; l ithe house of the l.0ttt1, to repair tak?  ll,
`,,,{,,,.,.,,t L.*`|t·s ofthe kings ot` .l11tlah { tht: l11·t=:tt*ltt-s tit the hottse. $   r
,,,,,,,,,,,t, Ll" .\11d llanasselt slept with his -7 "¤¤‘»'-!,&L‘· ti Unto (`1t1‘[)t'lllttt'S. aatl_ htt1ltlt~1·s, E    
_,,.,,\ ,,,,,t »;~ltcrs,:111dwas buried nt the ear- ,1 Chg; 17_ and tnasons. and to hay tnttht-r and {1,,;;,   .
,.1, ,,,,4;. f*'1t·t;lttSowtt house, in the gan 1l{i.l 1.33. hewn stone to t·epa11·the ttttttst;     t"
L,,,,,,_,,, -‘l1trt ltzzaz a11tl Atnen l11s son 1 llowhetl t|1t:rt— \vas_11o rt·t·kt1n- m y  ,
¥*·tJttt·tl n1 his stead. ·"""""*` ing ntatle wah theta ot tl1e111o11t·y :4:-,,,  r 1
,,,1,.,,. 11{ l’Y.\tuott I/1003 twettty autl two ,, ,,1, , ,0 _th11tw:tstlcl1vTre,t into thtztr hatntl,   , I
, _ , ,, , }n1tt$ttltl tvttttn he l1e·r;1ntut·t;1g11 ‘_ ,,j,' ’ ~het·at1setI1ev t ea t iatthtully. _  Mi,
,}L_l,,d ll. Mil he reigned two ytitrs 1n ,Ieru—l f;;,;,,,_ l 5 1[ .·\!1tl Htlktah the high priest  ·, §;,
" t ‘tl»·ttt. Antl l11s111otl1er'sna111ewas said unto Sliaphan tht: svrtlttv, l  ¤<·" ·
this .t111. 1, . . . . ,,
,.,,_,,,,,,,,_ ,;·*ltttlleu1etl1. the daughter ot (CHAP, 22.) have htuudj the hook of the law   it -
~,,,,t, rttttz ot .loth;tl1_ _ _ ,·-A {H, ,1n tho house ot the l.0ltl\. And _£· Y _‘
3,,-‘,,,,,1ll; ,`:,·\lttl_l1;·ltl1tl Stat lagtétgt was ulvil H $6;,_l,,,_,’ ,il1I{:;:tI1]g:t1iei:l1¤; hook te bttapltan  ji __:  
· ,.t1· stgt o to ,:1s : tts M_ ant 1t~ wjat .   1;, ;
, . [.,5 1?1tt~rNt;t1t:1ssett did, _ , i !1 And §hapl1at1 the st·1·1he t·an1e    
,,:lll,{t11¤ $1 -\t\¤l he walked itt all the \t*:ty,I"I""l"‘w‘ lto the li111g,antl ltrottght tht- king  ¤}y__ _ ·.
,·,,tt,t·1·>; ifi ho t`atltr·r \\‘alkt·tl itt. and sorv- F ll·‘“*·5·3Z· ,\vo1·tl aga111,a11d said, 'l't1y st·t·va11ts   , ·t
,,,,1,, Ht-. 1 "1\ltu idols that his ttttltor so1·1·od, ,1c1._1g_.1_&,-_‘i1ttvt: Y gatI1t·1·t»d tht: 11111111-1* that k _ ·_ »;
,,.,, ,-,,111- ¥_l\t·ttsI11ppt·t1 tltetn: [_ ,,‘ Q}, ,0 twas titttnd 1t1tI1el1oost·,:t1t¤l have § -' _, 1
,,,,g ,,, ,.]t ' 5i,·\|\¤lltettttsottk11tl1el,t)ItD God ,1 H`     I} ,dt-l1ve1·etl 1; 111to ipe hand, ot Ihtiin     tv
y , ' f an tatl1t~1·s, and waited not 111 ""‘·“"- that tlo t te wo1·t,t tat_ 1avt· tie . ,1 ·_
ul `W il - ··\\=ty·11`tt1e t.tm11. ` { tt.¤at.21. tt1t·t11·s1gt1to11t1t-ttotisuottttteI.01tt.1.    w, g
,,,- ,,,,.111 Ll °i dad the st·rva11ts of1\111o11 iUh.3|.lt. l to Anti Sltapltantlto st·r1l>t· show-   ?
,,,,,,,,,,,,.· fihtttrt-tl 11g;n11$t, |||1t1,t1|1tl slew KH _t·tlti1ek11tg,s11yt11g,lltlktalttltcprtost 3 · ,._
,,,,,,,,,t|tt· ‘·"lit¤t=: in his ownhouse. 2 ,,n1;,,,[, [hath dvl1tt·rt·tl ttte a hook. And  gh;
`,,.,,,;,1.·,11 Sl -\ad the people of the la11tl· .<__ ,, ,, ,Q ,Sh:1pt1tt11 1·t·ad 1/ tt hehire the king. 1; *  5;*;
` V j"“`¤¤ll tht·111 that had tzonspiretl lg_],_     x tt And it t·a111t· to pass, tvltott the tig; _, , r
,,,,,1,,·t1;s flittfi l    _;. 