L _  
en. Jerusalem pillaycd. 2 KINGS. XXV. Nabtcs slain at Rtblah. - ,. i i  ~.
qiicli 15 Zedekiali q was twenty zuul gmc B. C. 55*6. | the pn1ard,l>ruke down g nie walls . ';_1   ,
years old when he l1z=:an tn reign, -—-—•-—- oflcrusaletn round abuut. ;_.`  li
tg nf and he reiauetl eleven years in `q,1e_5g,i_gc_ l ll Now the rest ofthe psoplcthut J ln?  lm .
i_ mg Jerusalein, And his niet l1e1·'s name T Ch 23 31 wern left in the city, and the 4 fngi- · · *·  ;{ i· -
.i‘ilie tm Iltnnutal. r the daugliter ot` ‘ '_ ` tives that {ell away to the king uf · '{ It  
nlil Jeremiahu[l.1l111ah. ’ Qgh m’·l€- Bitllyltlll. with the remnant of the ~.,,,_·l ‘,‘ 2
li liis 19 And he did that which was cvil ~’“·l7·l”· multitudr·, dnl Nehuzar-ailan the =’ · il"`   
; san ia thc si;·l1toi`tl1e LORD, attcu1‘d111g ((jiiAi>_ 2;_) captain ofthe guard carry awnv, 'l2'”,  _ : \
to all that Jelioiakiin had done. in 2Ci,_36_i·; 1 12 But the captain of the qtfnril  gg. ga, t  l
mime dl For through the anzer of the gc? llcft of the poor /1 ofthe land Lube _.;r *1 i 
lnnd: 1.01111 it came to pass in .lr:rllsale111i Ju,f]—1_2_&¤_l vtttvtlrtrssers and littsbantlnien. II  
tkeni aa1lJutlal1. until he had (amt thc·1ni G!).1,&e, i lll And i the pillarsk pl`l11‘:1ss that I fx  
_ulh1: itat from his presence, that Zetle—l 5l.·t.&c. lworn i11 the house ofthe Loan, and ‘  
nineil gtah rchelleds against the king of I EZ¤-2+5. l the l>a.st3s, and the brazen sea that   `
ally on. —'¤· was int ie iouse of the l.011u,dii] ‘°,Q_, it 
litem . ., , - . ib Ez·:.12.12. the Clialtlees lireak in rieees, and   *' .`
rtzitrn, CHAP1 EI" XXV' `C u],_gg_3;i_ 0ur1‘led the l11‘z1ssol` thein to ,ljnl>y· -·  
three Zrtlckiah lukm, his sims slain, mid;. V A lou. gfigg  ·
iinnic his 1:yz·si1ulu11l. 1 Alyilcm { _ lt And the pnts,l and the sliovels, lgflil yl 
gy ui Nlln it txune to paws iu the. J, L" m tantl thu stiutlers, and the spotnw  
IX 1n11th rear ol` his 1‘t~1:11.111thol__ mm mj"` land all the vessels t1t`l>ra,~s where: }:i§-i·§" Z’
ii; evil `·.atl1111t>ntl1.1ntl1e te11!l1rlltuo1`tl1<· ` '"“"l“ I'l‘"‘I·i with tl1ey lninistered, took they `  j-pi; I  [
aiding aaintli that Xeln1t·li:nlnt·zzar kin; ri Etc-12.13. away.   i
iq, gt l.lal>ylo1icj1111o, lie, autllull liis M`- ill;} ]1\ntl lthe ){irt·lwt:rt11 4 H iter t1po11 it was lnass: and tl1e 5» gt I ‘l
mi his l`»\‘·» walls, which is liv the kin;:`s plum iln·iul1t.ot`tl1<· twl1apitt·rtl1rtze tzuliits; E M, V!
S1ttlt·11: (now the t`iiald•:t·s urtrt i m"ly` ,:111tltl1ow1‘t~atl1<¤11wo1‘k.a111lpou1e— __ _   I
nice all 2:.1111st tht· t·1tyro11ntl ahout ;) and .’l °l’·2l·Ll· inraiiatos upon the ttliaptter rountl   " · {*
inf tht ll: limyb went the war toward thv *]"· m·’· al1t1t1l,:1ll ttl lirass: autl like unto Q;. ;,<~ jg:
of tl1t‘ jt.:1:t1. V iJl*;2i-llfkf-` tlnlso hatl the st:t·ontl pillar with    
i·i·t~s all $.\1ul the artny of the <"l1altlt~c·s ll"·7#l”‘2l·. wrt·:1tln·n work.   ,  
iolaittllll Zlltsttwtl after tho kin:,n11tl ort~r— lt iZN.f7.¥$. 1 lS{i.\11tltl1tzt‘t1pt11l11y· it ll.'l1.li. I 1. `7 otli1·t;r that was sol ovo1·tl1<=111e11 §*_·   l  
mn lt’ll lll to r llitvlnh; nntl they l gave Elm 7·l· ot` war. and li1'e111t·11ot`ll1e111l.l1:1l: ’    ""§
nil llw l`lll¥lllClll upon linn, ` .,J,,;»i,i_ l ¤wt·roinll1elt1ng's|11’<·str11t‘t¤.whttih   · al
ionc ruj `T.\n·ltheyshiwtlitrso11st>{Zetlt1- :11.:.3,:E). ,wt:ro tiiuntl i11 tht: mtv, and the   Q g
. gorttll ¢»l—ll1 lrolimg his t:y•·>,;1iitl 2 put out 1; mm,m.d_ lllprintwipnlst·1·1l1eo1tl1tel1ust,wl11t¤l1 ii:-_, ·L
l`-l=~)‘¢·s o1`il Zt·¤]t·l{i:iI1,a1nll1o1t1itll_ ` _I nn1stt·rt·1ltl1e iit~oplt·oftl1t¢la11tl._antl   in  
lioiarlllll iilll\\'1ll11-t;ltt11‘>t1i` l>i’n;;,,;iiitlt;;i1‘-i "’r¤‘ ""“L ‘· tliroostioro111e11t_¤l1l1opt·o|1lt·t•Itl1t: g;,,eJ_,·j '
iiiullwl'. till lu111 to llnlivloii, ‘ will 1/ll'  land that. were lountl 111 the t·1\y: gay p ‘¤
liis$0lll‘ ‘ Y .\11i**ll.lt’l1111t¢Xclittzar-;iilnii,ilnap-i W H" illlll-. lil l\ntltI1t·hi11L:ot llalwlou sttiolu   ff
,int·i1al1ll . i-lill at the ;;11;i1‘t]_;is4-i·\·;iii\ iii the tpl·l1.2.l.27. lilit·111,;1|1tl ;1.—w1Ii.»iiiat lltlilalt 111 gp. ll Z
lint \\'l’l'€ illi<·1`ll:tl.yloii, 1iiiZu,It¢i‘tt~;ili·iii; i !·=‘-{ll-{lib it|n· lnntt ot llninath. wp tlutlalt ~   ,4
yan tlltlll _`lli1tlr|n· Iinrnt tln· lit1nsi;t11`Iiii·i l’*'·-`·~l". wins t·ni·i·n·tl :iwaro11ti¤Ill1t:11‘la11tl. my _
ight. €·lP‘ f"llll.Zlt1i ot` .lt~i~nsnlt»iii_ niiilj ` " ’ “‘E< i·t·niaint·¤l in thi- laial ot irlutlalti ~ Exp  
'llaliflllll '·t‘l?‘u1·t·at. niimli lioiisa lnirni liul _,l H' ,wli·nn Ni-1»ut·li.t¤li1t·ut1r kin; ot  at  .1
my liar ’·t1lli;li·.-_ ` ‘ J _‘ l p,;.i.i~|.ii. lintl li-1t.¤·\trn or··r»t.1t·111 mg;  ix
lehall§**l ’l`*—\l\ll all the ni-niv of iliie (`hnl- ’(~]"-*lU·l’i¥€-. no in;nlt~l2¤~tl:1l1_:1l_i th·· son ot aiu- :;;,2;.:  _
—¢¤> that town onli the t:npt;11i1ot` ;.—.-.-_ kann, the sun ot blliljlllllll. l`llll'l-  ;.n»_:;_ 
asu ;  J
;g;_:  ..·