Gedaliali smitten. 1 CHRONICLES, I. Jchcaichin relczuedfrom prim", gem
23 And when all the captains ofl 1}. C. 588. l 26 And all the people, both small `_  _:ll,mM
‘ the armies, they and their men,.-—•—- nridgreat, und the caplaiusufilie ‘  zlmmu
heard that the kms; of Babylon had l ,· JBA; I gm l urinies. arose, and came Lu E; n;r an y
. . , . . ’Yl‘ nl In
““‘d" G“d3l""‘l g‘“'E{“°l·h there Q rc ,,f,,,, ¢`<§§l¤£&¢y\v$renfmule1‘r1ie17lralllccS_ Am] th
came to Ge alia i to A izpa , even A. I Am t it came to pass in the — uml pc
Ishmaelthe sonofNethaniah,andl mgm'"' seven and tliirtleth year of the gah
Johanan me sun of Careah andac·l1 kiuzol 3;; Au
men, u C-·*0·m» Babylon, in the year that he began The so
Q 2L And Gedaliah sware te them, 20· to reizzn, did lifhaputhe liexulufle- , mel
, and to their men, and said \I\1l.0`“ gupd hoiachinkingcflialaliealefpnslin, 35,1rq
them, Fear not to be the servants U¤mE¤_ 28 And he spake U kindly lu limi. Rem,]
. ofgie Chalilecs : dwgg igtlme landd *0**}* '¤m· ahdfemllns thrime above the tlireae · ](m-ny
. an server ie ·in;· u a y on; an U 1);,2,31, lo t ie angst mt v were with lain Q6 Th
it shall he well with you. 5.8 19. in Bahylun· 1 d O
2.5 Brit r it efumi tu Pass, ir; tlielw I,_6l_;;_ 29 And cgaiagcxlgu his ]{l'lSlll;—E\l'-   H;
· scvcnti menli tint simac Lie _ ments: an ie 1 cat.: irean can- ll" T
een uf N;;ll}iaiiizili;1v.lie sun ff Elis- E x 2%*9*33 iinually before him all the days uf Zplahvh
hama 0 tie sec IU ruya ca1ne,·yNe.ll. . . uslile. QN .
i and ten men with him, and, smnle U*~l-5· L QU And his allowance um.; a rnii— {mi]  
Gedahah, that he died. mul thc M“'·G_·1l- liinual allmvaiirce given him ufllie lm,] Dj,
Jews and the Clialdees that were AUS (’·]· ikinz. a y daily mic liar everyday, gg A"]
` with hun at Mizpah. -—~—- . all Lhu days of his life. my 7 1]
laifs si:
l0 'l`li
I 4 uml Un:
l , T/ie Ftrst B00/c qf the CHRONICLES. "]i"';,5fl
l .\il·l tl
j iam, ai
l I ClL\T‘”l`ER I. B. C. 4001. 17 El The sons nf Shem; Elam. l`l10i·a1i
, 2 Azlunfs [ine to Min};. ———•—- and Assliur, and Arpliaxall. and _l1l'l`ln
‘ L -A-D¤\}l.11 Shelli. Eunsli. a (;c_.;_g;yr_;g_ Lad. and Aram, and Uz,:ml1 llul, Ziwaii,
1 ; ' 2 Kenan, Xlahalaleel, Jercd, 5_3.g_ mal Getliur, and il \lellan
l ‘ 3 Uenoeli, Nlellinselali, Lainech, 18 Aml r‘\rplizixall begal Sliclali, lll1l )
l ` 4 Noah, Shem, llam,an1l l D G”· m·2»&¤· mal Shclah lieszat liher. frwllml
· 5 gr Thcg, suns uy j;,;,lmr|,; G0. lm mp]m,h 19 ,\l;4l\|1l;ri liherwereliei‘i1il\’¤> iw hm
I ‘ mer, and Maze!. and Mallai, and ali, iw i,, lisnmsz Lhe name of the one IMS hllsrav
‘ Javan. and 'l`ul1al, and Mcshuuh, same COME, -1 Peleg; (lioriausc in his [lays llic ilu: nai
. an1l'l`iras. earth wax rlividerl:) aial his bw- ll Ani
6 And the sums 0fGomcr; Ashrwlie- ° "f- RUM- lher’s name im.: .lel;taa. , lub lla
naz. and l 'l'o::arinali. """i “c‘ 20 And Juklnn linear _‘\lim»1l2i¤l, f··|:ia~rl
‘ l '7 and lhe si»ii= nf.lav1m; lilisliali,   and Sheleph, and llaza1‘n1a\‘ulll, _ l·`· An
i aml la1·slnsli,lx1tt.|m,a1ul iiflumlanini. V *’ and Jr-rah, I 1 lllleliai
l H 1l The sum of llam; <2ash,a1al C Dl·_2_2(}_ 21 `llndoram also, and Uza , nlll |€•·< rei:
' Mizraiin. l’al., and (`aiiami. 1 [)il·lah Eli Au
{ E)AmlIlin=so11<¤vi`('\1~l1; $el>a.and ~---»—~ 2;; Arid lilial, and Aliimacl, illlll _ llulalll
l llavilali, anil Sabin. and llaamah,la Sheba, *lunleI
l aml Salitevlia. And llm seas of, °':· M’""· ZS And Oihir am] Ilavilah, illlll Yilziugrl
· ]l·i·mi·ili· n1}lli{:e:ii·Lli. l Gc.l0.25.   ill il $hem, ll Arpllaxarl, Slirrlillll Nllulal;
» 11 And . izrai1nli<=gal .l\¤ im. and IG ._H_m 1il·Zl1er,.l’e·lr:u, lleu, ‘l**‘ul.
' Anam1ni,ani.l l.uliulmu, und Naph- ( L &@_ 21iFerug, Xalmr, ’l'e1·ah. Vi .\m
luhiui, _ E (.017 , ZT;\l11‘:1m;1·llil;s:mn:lx.\lil'Hl\¢\lll- >!i:ail
12 And Patlirasim. and Caslahim.   "" 241 'l‘lie sans ul`r\li1‘ali2ilu; l<2¤M·`·f llllllvnl
(Ui`\\'l|i)lIlCl1lT\0ulCPl\|ll>llllUS,)illlll ‘f¢·¤-**2.3- and lshmael,·; ill An
: V l`:iphllierim.c _ _ lg ue_1(;_1i, 29 {l 'l'lie$e`m-re Llreir ql·iiem'w1[‘¤ A llml-ll;
1 , lil And Canaan bcqat Zalnn his} 15. The lirsl,~l»r»rn/i al` Isll1uzu‘l·xV' , ¥·_wm·rl
i _ , ii1·sL—l1¤·rii.anusi\c_vals<>. _and lhe` u;_ and Xlihsain, I _] {Mail. li
Aynlil\c. 4 5 W H rl 30 Sllshnia, aml lhimali, Fl-L*>·‘» · ·=M·llhe
, 15 And the llivilc, and thc Arkite, KC; fg ga lf- llallanl, and 'l'ein:i, _ illlil Im
; · and me slime, _ ' i; · ·· , :41.l.imr-_Na,.l..$l._..rill la~»le¤ii=¤l¤· ll.~·.l...,
i 16 Anal llic Arvmlilc, and thc Zc-1* G“’·*’·'·&°· .'1'lie$e are ilie was al`1¤liiii:i¤ l._ . igrarl
¤ IllLll'1l.0,ill\\1lIlU llamatlnlu. l——•—-l 32, 1l Now the sons ef l¤·iui;i.i»' _ ul Y
~ 1390
i 1 .