t I
I ~
  David'.? victories. 1 C1-IRON ICLES, XVIII, XIX. HL? messe1rge1·s abused. The Syy
  Q thy servant be established y before B. C. 1012. cated unto tl1e l.0RD, with the sil ·· hire rl the
{I I thee. -—•— ver 0 Illlll the gold that he broueht out ofales
  * 25 Forthou, Orny God, hast4 told y r¤.90.17. from all these nations; from Iudom, rtaanaael
  I thy servant that thou wilt huild *4 rwmrzd and from 1\Ioab,and from the ClIllt.l· T So the
_ I I him an house: tliereliire thy ser-I yi.; mmf ren of Ammon, and fI'Ul1l the Ph1— thousaml
g vant hath fou11d in his hear! to pray my dream. hstmes, and from Amalek. Slaaehah
. I before thee. ¤ or` rr may, 12 llloreover 10 ADISIIIII the sonof (-time and
}I§ I 26 And now,I.oau, (thou art God, I p1,n_ql.1_ Zerutah slew of the Edomitos il 111 And the
· I   and hast promised this goodness Iz R»,_H_g9_ I the valleyofsalt euzhtoea thousand. · thered th
I I u;n(IQ|,:,· S3I·vm¥;) 61 I AL I I(CHu_ lS)II1d30;I Andi l1eltI1¤1t lI31rr1sé11;sl1r1 tge1I· cIt1e
. ~ ..7 I ow nero ore e. 1 p ease·   · · ·. r : an a 1e u on1_1 e· we- . nr xv
I thee to hless the house of thy ser- 4 25*% LM- I came Dav1d’s servants. lhns the _ sont Joni.),
I · I vant, tliatt ithmaygile hefore6lfe for 1 or, Hv.dad· I LORII presctived Davtd \\`ll1Lll€I$U· 11n{;IitIiiii;
; 1 ever: or t. ou essest. 0ItD, czcr, Iever ic wen . _ E I 11 t
` i and z it shall be hlessed for ever. ‘1$a.8.8. ` 14 HT So David reitzncd over all canie out
· CHAPTER XVIII. 'lhmidred, Ilsrael, and e executed jadtaneitt ray befod
.. . I David sablluclh the Philistines and 2$a.S.—t. Eandjustiee among all hisfpeople. and the ki
,i the Jlfonbzlcx. `¤ Dmmrrck, I 15 And Joah the son o Zeruiah hythcinse
I NO\V’a afte_r this it came to pass, I 4 mnt,] I,,II,u I was over the host; and .l(Jll0$llll· Ita Naw
» I that Dav1d smote the 1’l11l1s-I book or Iphat the soaof Alnlud, II recorder. thattle tv
lines, and sal1dned them, and took santa-1, I IG And Zadok the son of Alutuh, and hehmr
I I Gath and her towns out of theI Iictrtlanml audi? Ahimeleclx the son of Al11a- Ivhoice o
~ I hand ofthe I‘hiIistiaes. I Iitmthui. ‘tl1ar, were the priests; und 13 Shar- array aaai
2 And he smote Bloah; and the L1Ki.7,l5,3:c. sha was serihe; _ ll And t
` .   Mzahites became David‘s servants, I I nr, Tai, 117 And 13enaiI1l1tIIesonI1fJel1o1aé tlI:IixIere;l
' an hroueht gifts. I 2s1.s,9_ tta was over tic r1e1·etntr·s a11 siax iis 1r
' 3 'll And Davidsmote I Iladarezcr,c nr Joram Ithe Pelcthites ; and the sons of solves in :1
II · kin: of Zohah unto Ilamath. as he I g§n_g_iq_' I David were Cllllif it l\l10l.1l2IrllL)lilllg. t1t`.\1nnnn
I., I 1 went to stalmlish his dominion hy I-I ,,, ,,,,,,,, UllAI"l`ER XIX. 12 .\11dl1
1,3 . ` I the;·1v{v1·TI·.11[·I1ratvi. { I _ I., M W Doon; [$021:/::/;; ntcssrizycgg In L`;)7Il_/.0ll IMI strong
1 I ‘ I · I nt ava oo c rom a1n :1,, ` ' I . emot ie san 0 a mx:. _ le p me z
,1, I 1 - thousand el1ariots,aaiI srevea‘itliou- "I “`"·° U"' NO\\'o1t came to pass aftortlns, mon be to
I ` I ` sand l1o1·so1nen, and twenty thou-I   I that Nal1a.sl1 the king of the \r1ll helpt
I sand h1olu1on: David alsoltouzlied, ' ' Ichildren of Annnon dted, and his ld lloj I
  I 1 ¤ - all tho <:l1ar1ot horsis, hat reserved ""` """"` son roneaed n1 his stead. as l1ehav¤
I ' . I oftlu:111anhaadred ehariots. cJo~,6.l9. I 2 And David said, 1 will show our peo il
  1 I I   5 ,\nd whonthg Syriansof 3 Da. 1o_,g;,;,,,;_ Ikind11ess unto llanua the son of our God:
{I   I , niasizus (-ann; to help llatlarezer ,l2sI,_,5_I3 U INal1asl1, lmeause his lather sla1w··d that which
lg   ` kin: of Zohah, David slew of the pS_i_y_’ 'tkhalness to me. And David seat ll So .]<
» I  - Syriaas two and twenty tliousainlID{;,_ Ig I., 1iu:sso1iu;:1·sftrI conrtorti la1a con- a·1r1ra·ith
¤ l mea. *- ' i` eernia: as at 1e1·. .`ot ne :~e1·v1111 s ·`rruu1s111
§ ` I : 6 'Shea David put gmrrtvonsiii sy.I   0I" Bavid c;_•n1o into the laiid ofthe 1lI:t1 it lnitli
- - ria- auiascus; and tl1e Syrians he- RII.l~|_ eii tri-a o 1\11unon to a11u11, o   Ann v
_1 I I came D:1vid’s servants, mul hroutrht . l>,9.7. comfort him. thou saw
[ gzifts. 'IIlll1S the Loran presewed 3.1.t. 3 But the princes of the cliildrmi t1r·1l.tl1ey
*‘= David \rl1ill1t·rsoever lu; wont. 1x m_ Tpmpm. of r\111mon said to Hanan, 1 'I`l11nk- ~t|•·1n.
I , Iladar¢·z<;r,aad hroutght t.l1emto.le-1 .4/innilrrli, Eirters unto thee? are not las ser- lti {I Aut
I I rusalz-m. I vaiIts ooiae untotliee{ortl;1soa1‘<‘l1i Iaat tlxey
’ t I 8 laltowise from ·i’l‘il1l1aIl1. and.¤;1 (-mall ant to overt irow, aut to spy otl More sr;
  I from (Than, jvities of lla· ,\mn1on saw that they had made travliarnnr
I I with him all manner of vessels of "=l¢1s’ir1k. themsszlves 9 odious to David, ll=\· II\I`ll.1t[al
I z gold and silver and hrass. I U¤‘·U|»·|0- nun aml the children of Jlaullotl ·<1taot the
' I , 11 il Them also king David dedi-·-—T3—— sent L1 thousand talents ofsdver lo lt) And 1
1» I -10
1 Q