1 ‘j  
The Syrirms ovrrcmnrr. 1 CHRONICLES, XX, XXI. Ilabbahla/t·r1i and spoiled. 5 it?} I I I
il him tl thum clturiuts and homcmcu l B. C. 1037. tllnduruzer saw thut they worn pu; J  ·I l
ht. out01`)l<:snH10l:u1t1n, uml nut, of Sy-   to thu worse before lsrur:l_ Lhtev S3:  · l'
11, { 1·tu—ii1uucliu i, uml out ufZ0l>:1li.c tt ]¤`_.t5_g_ made peace with David, mul ltd-  ’ , t 4  
d- , 7 bn they lurcil thirty uml lwn _ mum: his servants: ncitlivr would  W J V rf
ii— tltmtstiml irliuriuts, uml thc kim: of "`I‘·]S·”v9· ithc Nyrtnus help thc children uf  `{" Z;  ’, F
I Alzutvliuh und his pvuple; who n gm nf mc lutumnn uuy nmre. ;‘°.' 'fi >’
tf vutnu uml pitvliml huthrc Mcdvlnzt. 'tlmtt. |,`l[Al"I'ER XX. ».i=    } ‘
iu   .\ml lhtz vliiltlrcn of Amtuuu zu-· IlnZ»bzt7t1sbrxt'q;c¢l by J0ab,¢1nd  3-; hg
td tltnznul thcriisulrqes tosqtrthur t`t·ut1i_""'· ?t"'”'é' .sjt01'!ct/ by David, ; ":Q 4
in tltctrvttins, uml cuim: to hutllu. t "'"L AND a it cutuc lu pass, that i  ‘— l' }
»t·» H .\ml wlivn Duvinl hcunl 0fzt,l1c 5 Jllslyai ntl ur thc vcur was expired. nt. _ P ii  II 7
tm Strut .l<¤nh, und ull thc hust of thc _ ' Ithc ttmu thut kings gh out to battle, ·  · "  X i `
u· tm::|1Ly1m;ii. JN¤··l·l·l· _.l0:th lcd forth tlxu`pmvci· ut` the , , ,.2 le E
st And thu chihlrten of Ammon ,,Ju IO 15 furtuy:x1tnl\\’usn¢dtlic<:un1iti·vul`tliu { 5 tl [
lll t:ttt14·uuL.um.l put the butth: tix ur- ° ` ` ' ,r:l11l_ IHMTM" I 2 Autl lluvtily Kwok tht: <:t‘u\v1i cf   4;
er. il huttlc wus sur. uguuist him h¤t”<»i·c ` ' "‘”• M"` tthuir kin: {mtu oil` his ltrrull, uml   v_ I
th, uml lmhiml, he chush out uf ull thc t _l;f}/#016 tllmtttl tt U to wvilrli zi tulteut ut`ut»ld,   Y, ·t
tu- lrliuirtc ot`Isruul, uml put I/tem 11i _ " "'_ ' ' tumltiurc were pru<·it¤tts~stnmasiu tt;     y
“._ muy ummm th`. 5)-I-jmm t l‘>. |b.39,—\-l. ‘uml in wus set ttpun ltuvitl's hcull: i — . `trt
_ ll Anil the rust ht` thu people hc} _ __ html hn: hrwuzltt ulsu uxcomlitig yi; · tj?
tu- tlt·lm·rul umu thu huml ul-   ,\l»i- ` " "` `1itut·li>pt»il unt uftlio rtty.   gt
uml ~h:it litsli1·<»lhui*,uml thvyscl thcm- CH ,\ 1, ,0 A A Anil lxcltt‘ot1t;l1tmttt the twtzttlt: _! ’Z~ Fw ,
uf {likes in azxiuyztgmiiist the t·hthl1·cii L IN; IH' ' Lhut trtmditi lfiutitl cut I/ttm with    
1:. t·t , mmtm, - · - · suws uu wil i 1:ii‘mws of imu Y   ]5‘ ‘
l2 .\tttl ht: suitl. If 1110 Fyrinns lm I dt 1/xl www hull {wth uxcs. livcu so lluult itu, ·YT#·??~_  
url wu stron: 1hr mee, then thuu shult IMM 0/ t/lvlvttl with ull tht: ctttt·s nl` tho child—     ?
l.t·l;: mc: but itthccl1tllt¤»s uftcr €~¥s"g‘ j·‘#
his yl.! llcvfiuf wml t*t;iii·:i;_··n, uml   A UU- wcgyll `this, t'ltut.tlii·1‘¤; ilztrttsc ivhrut   Qc-      
t·~ hultuitv uuishlws xuhuutly mi W7 {mer mth thu lhtltstuws; ut wlmzh -2;%;  
MY mtr ttcttltlu, und fur thc: tritues ut` `C Wl ,1 IQ 1tttu<:Stltlt<:cli:ttthullttsltutliitcsluw   sy. t
wt ttttr Lim : und y let the Lum; du "' ‘“ {J 5 Sigipui, that mm ut` thc cclinlllrvit 1,**3 ji
w tl lltcd zt·/ttrh as amid iii his sight, t ` L` (nf G the- utuut.: uml they were mb- `r?§*i· 5*
·uL ll So Jouh uml thu tnmpliz thut I! l""'I· ""· imlttwl, V    
·n· tt‘e1‘»rwitliliiin nlrow iiiglilttetluv the "`""'"‘“'{·] 5 Aml tltvne uus wur zmuitt with _§“·‘£ {
tits >)'l'l1\llS num tht: huttlu; uml they ‘**¥, UML- tht: Philistines; uml lZl’tuttuu lhc      
hn: 1ltttitltt·l}m:ltttti. n .,,·_ ,<,,,—;,_ Ishii ot` T .|uu· sluw lillllltl tlu· lvr0» Qs-   t
,to 1.3 .\ml when thc cliildrtru (Jl·;\fH·Q ;!S.i..!t.t$. {thier nf Uultuth thv Litttttv, wlwst: W3; _..‘
W   uw, ;;,,},;m_ fi;‘t·‘::::;-sL=¤ll` wns like at w.~u»·;r‘s     ‘
tk· ~?¤:u llisltrutlmr, uml eiittemt ltiitu 7 mu"`] “l*" I tt .\ml tl wt uzuiu there wats wur    
mr ttm an ·, ’l`huu Juuhtcuimetu J<:1·ti· J"""" ,nt Uuwh, iiltvrc www nt ¤¤¤=m tfztrwrf ?”I—l" E
nu- ~~nl¤·tu.) 1   KY"' Et·stuinrt· uttusc tiuutzrs uml tm-s pi? `IZ
4 . , . t ...t...t.t·It. t t _ _ __ _   t
nrt- lh Tl Anil wltmi thu Svriuus suw _ ~u·t:·t· thttr uml inout;. stx on mr/L $32  
c‘lt. lull, lhcy werne put lu `thu wursi: ‘I:*‘·2]·20· ihz11ui,:uuI six 01z¢zt<‘/t_/bot: uml hc if _* if;
will ¤t*·t}~1‘¤» lsruvl, thuy stent uuesst·u;¤»i·s, Pi mttti~u.·.—, zilsu wais it thc sr:i4el.uiul pussuttuvlm IMG ML dt` ltuvtd, uml hy tht: huml ut hss   g;
tml lt¤nllu1.:u1¤l truime ttptut thvm, uml tu _ sui‘vu1its.r _ _   . ii  
rw ·~·l!fn* Im!}/»» iu urruy uguinst tliltui. , ;;U"‘l I, L'lI.\l"l'l·Zl{ XM. _ _‘:"j jj
mc >»· wttcu tmmt hull put ttm tm. t<"*Qlj"g"= L>,tt-nt, 1tm,,tt—.1 tw .~·ttt.»z, _rt>m1.*t   ~·¤;.
mt- lh: iu urruy uquuist the Syriutts, ' "   ./dub it; nilnz/ur Nu wtqtltr, Qe  
wl! 7ll¤·vt`u¤1¤liL with him, (t‘tt,xi·, 2t_) Ahtttz Sutuu sttmnl up it uzuinst    
NH, l¤ lint the Svrtuiis ttvd tmmru ts- ‘u§_‘__N ,kC_ tsruut, uml piwvulml ltuvul 10 , Qt gif
Wl: uml ltuvid sluwt»t`ttu·$yi·iuus ` ` liuiiuttter I:-rxwl. A Q;} jj?]
<·|` ‘··*‘··n1 thmtsumt im·u wtmw _tm¤;/tr l"""’   12 Amt ttuvid saml to Jtmh, uml In it};  
Mit! ¤*1vlturtuts, uml thrtytluiuguml tliut- \ YW ?;'l*"°' tlitei·ult·1··:t·1tlu·t»¢r<¤tvl0. (ht, ttuttt- 1;% 
{FV lltt lt. uml ktllml Slinpliuclitll•_;1·up— ’   ' h¤·r lsr:tt·l lmttt lit·t·r»sl1r·l1u<*\‘»·u In j§l,,j,,E,
wu ittttiu1`t|l4; hush lf €lt~$·--U- ltuu; uml hrtti::rtl1&· ttrxttthrtr ttf Elijlijl
fw lit And 1 wtuzu thc scrvgmls of t-~•-— lluetitLuhtu,IhuLl1ltLt)'littu\\‘l!4 ‘?,}3¥,;:»
5 ~¤·¤   il
i l`- L