. lt I
-. ..st it tl
( Gad appearelh. ln Sulanthtz. 2 CHRONICLES, VHI. Splmmmig bmldiytgg, · “ `   *1
` house: and ttlltltutcattttz mtt»Su10-t 13. C. 992. A-NDrLi;C;tmBt0puSs(;,t ttm Ong `qw t `; ·,-
mV0tt's hcurt tu muktt_tn the httuse _—•——- gf twenty ymrs whcmm $0],,,   · t} `tt
ttl thc L0tm,mttl ttthts uwn house, _ 7 _ mtrn htttt hui]; they huusc of the ti i jé i
{ hc prnspumusly ctlccted. t' D'~-l-·-”· 1,0rm, mttt his tttm house,) ,·i ' _’."b
l (12 lll A“‘l fl"? MRP ¤i’P°¤'°
t Yttlvltitrtl hy multi, dlltl stud llllllll t·$_tt;;_;;tt_ `hutl rusturctl to Sul0ntut1,Sul0tnt>1t ..t_= , ttv
· ttm, lhuttu ltvtxtd thy praycnund t `V built thutu, uml cuuscd the child— ty`; ;,i
l htuc eltuxun tht> ttlttut: tu myself Vittprttt wliuntlmrt nf Ismt;] tt; ttwutt thcm_ :· L K,
l WY XU} l\0¤5 _ V: ull -*-;t‘=*·
l 1t lfmy t>v¤>t»it>. ·'wltt¤v1inrc<>=t11e~l _ n u Ahh ht: ltutlt 1$t;ttt-ttumttn the ’ l it   t
i   nuttin, shull lmnflnu lkiltutlt- ” I‘{lg·V:6·H tttttttetklzttitl llmtit-ltttrutt the ucthcri _ =·t ~t t ’
    im! l‘T¤\5’ 7** fmt 5¢v' Tl WY!   ‘ t‘ ·E utttcc ctttcs wtthwatlls rules tu J ·=t T `
t tuctv, zlml turtm_`t`rtttn their wtckctl U lg Gt, ,,0 hurs; Y lb ' I ·’?·1;~\ li l
1 yyztys; thtztip \ytll_l itunrtrtmtn imzv ‘ “" ` I G_t\ttti llunltttit, uml all tim store- Fg? it ' i
I wllllf ;“lll1‘;illl_ i¥i!'¥i{€ '·lt¢¤11'SH1t mill Il uh, G,27,:t0_ llfalltw lhut Sttltttntttt hutl, uml ull thc Z;,'j' tt  
t ‘_ tuu tctr mit 4 t: tttrtnt—cttit·s, uml tht: t·itit;s uf thc "L;f ti ,·
l 1uZ\utvttttttc cyvs sltull ltr: Oltull. ‘ mmf iltursuttttrtt, untl ull ithttt Sttlmttun   J?  
uttd_m1nt: r~ut·s uttpttt it uttttt thu };"_¤!’Q’  ,tlustrt¢tlt/ Lnhttiltlin JtzrtL~ult:ttt.tltttl §~*l§` 1; l
t·1:tyt·rt/tm t.vtttm!t,·1tt ilt1st>lut·t>. l '"X F·”'·*- tin Lultunttn. c uml titrttuultttttt ull tf ir
ltr l·ttr ttttw ltuvte I tcltmtrn uml 5 IVE mln . lthu luntl ttl ht; dttmttttttn,     4
Sumrttttctl this ltVt»ttst;, tltut my tt:unt>_ [U I/M U I '71[As for ull tht- tttcttttltetltttt wtr1‘t:   ifi It
muy hultlttgru ttrr ctyut‘;d§1tlttl't;ttttt= ‘ ;lut'ttt1`tltu lhttiths. tttttl tht; Amttr- ;" t§j·`*
"}'°$“lll Umiti WM Sli >U NYU I,.»>G Mk `1tt:s uml tht: Pcrtzxtttrs, uml tht: Q5] ;·*
pcfptetttully, _ V ~q I,,._Q$i3[j_ C Iltvltcs, uml thu Jcbttsttvs, which `    
It .i\nl¤U1YU$ will WY; ‘tltt:m tlitl Sttltnnon mukc to puy lj`? wl;} Vi
t jtlt·lgt1tt·ttt>:;V V ((.1, U, Q) ltrtlntttvfttttttl thtsduy. * =·` I ·_
i 1_b lht·tt will I stultl1>h the thrtttttz ‘ ‘ " i !tlh1t,t>t`tltt:childrent1l`Is\‘uultlitI A— i§‘ it ’ l
‘ Ut thy kmgtltttn.uvtittrtltttt: tu   huyc tt lI{l.{\, |t1_ lSt>ltttnt>n tttztltc no scrvuttis Ihr his ·   EAI l
mvtettatttttetl wtth ltttvttl thy httltt:11 tw. lwttrlt; hut tht·y wrt- mutt of wut, 1 ·*- all
sitytnz, lht·rt— sltztll nttt 5 tutl thuu I Y , Q tuntl t:hitvt`_t»{ his rupiuitts, uml Cup- Z Z  ,'
ulttiwt [/tt /1% t·ttit·t· tn I>t·tn·l. I _ ’·,l‘{  · ltnins tit` his wlturittts uml ltr>1‘st¤1tn:tt.   j '
t ll qt yl: tttm uwuy zttn tut-` "‘·" · ltt Atttl tht·>t: ttwrr thu twhttef uf ` ` .» '
*¤*'i*‘ "'Y>l*¤'*i'*‘*will¤¤¤)`<‘lt{1¤1t¤¤¤l1tl· ,t _t,,._,,, 3 t ,lmt: sttttttttttttx tttllt·ter>, rmt twttt; t.Z t r t
ltit‘;tti.\§lt1trlt 1 hitvu stri ltt}tttt·teytHtt, tt·h_7;;`l_` lttnttlrtetl utttl titty, thut hurt: rttlu Q; ‘ § ·
htm > tu tut um svtwt; ul mr mt ¤ tt»\·t·1·tIn·ttwtttltr. ’,.j-‘ i·l `
tt.tttlV\ylttp thutn; Q Y 1 I/tu tlt·tt`t·t· ty` l11tA\ntlFttltttntmltrttttzltt tm thu ` · 1T'
Ji lht·n will I ttlttol; tlt<·nt tttt hy, Ntipttttttt tluttglttor /t nt` Plturztnlt tttttt ut` thtz   is `
V tht: 1‘u¤tt< ttttt nt my luntl ttlnt·lt l` tv/t¤‘?»/»·¥» vtly ttt` llztvttl tttttt> the lttttme [hut,   {lf
I htitvt :t\‘t:tt‘tltt~ttt, :tntlVthts_lttttt$t-,*1,K(_Vi4,V&CV htt lt;ttl_ltn-tlt titr httr; htr ht: sutd,   A;}
_ tttth I hut: >ttttt;t1ttctl 1·>t my Bly \tnt· shull nut tlttttll ttt tht:   ,t
; ttumtr, will l t·:t>t nut ttt tny >tultt_ , y];t_-;V;_ tltttttsty t>t` lhttttl htm: tut` lSt‘ut·|. lttz- iff yqt
zttttl tttll mukt: tt lu by u Itt·ttvt·r|> t,t_.t.>. tuttttw [itc plmvts um Yitttly wltcrc- .  ·_
x ;t‘tV1tl:t Ity-\t‘tt1·tl uttttm: ull nuttttns. i _ , ,ttntntltttutltttftitte ltottttlttttlttmtttt-. V .  
I rl .\tttl this ltttttst:. wlttelt ts lttult. I ·l"`-{[*42- { 121l'l`ltt·nSttltttttit:tli}bt-utt :t>tt»ttt>lttnuttt ttt ttt-my-, *· ·· tttl&·t·tn;s mtttt tht: lttttttm mt tht:    
T t·ttt· t tut, t»tt>>uth l»t· tt,· bu thut l1t·` , -· tt tl. ultur t·1` tltt· Ittttth. whtt·h hv itutl '€.J, ¥·‘
`ltull >:tt·,r \\`hv hutll the Ltttttt L H`I‘°"`1` htttlt i»t·tltt·txtltt·t]»tttr·lt ·,  
_ ¤!i·tttr thus ttnttt tltts ldtttl, ttttd tttttt> J, m,_;Lt_ t 1:t1it·t·nut‘tt·rttt·t·t·t:tttt t·:ttt·t·t·t-ryh E; E},
{ this ht»t:>tt lx H I 1 I ;_<_ thty, tl»t1t»t·itt¤ ut~t·t»t·tItttu tt· tht· t·t·tii- J' -’§,
.J‘J ,t nt tt s tu tt: ttttstt‘ttt·trtt Eur tttum ntt·ttt tit` \itt~t ~_ tttt tht- »:th— ·t;; ,:,,
‘ ·‘¥5it~t· they tittsttttlg thte Lttttn Utttl V * /¤—iftt·tt- lt;ttIt~, ttntl hh tht- ttm tt»ttt·tt». uttti ;-   :;'
, ·*1 thtgtt 1.ttltt¢rs. tt·htt·h ht·ttttt;ltt ii hw I`, ,; ttntItt;>t»Ittttttt|tzt>l<,llt1tt·/ ttnttzs "  
{ t|tt·tti1tV»t·t1tt»ttt ttt`tttt— tttttttttt l·];;yttt,, ' ‘ "" ttt\ltt:yt·;t1‘.:t·t1tnttltv tt-ttttht uu;    
_ Mill luttl htthl nn tttltt·t· gtttig, ttntl t_ t»;\_g5»,n<, lt·ttt·t·nt·tl hrt ;tti.:ttt»i ttt tht- t:·:t~Lttl f T zsh
·: ttt»t·>lttpt¤t·tlthcnt,u1nl>t·rvt:tlt|tt·ttt: tt·t·t·lt` tuhtzr- _** ` 'zt
fi tit•·t·t¤tttt~t> h:tth ht, ttmttgttthttt ttttt 1t1~»!‘*;ttt ttttt·tt-t, V ,;;· ,.[
li itil ttttttn tittetn, , l"·l°·ll’· t tt "] ,\tttl ltt· :tt·t=t»ttttt·tl. ttt·t*ttt‘tlttt: ""»· ;j·
7. ,, , . ‘ . . . . ttttht·ttttltt···tiiztvttlht~1Etlittt.tltt· ·`;;t  
V t4llt\l’ll·.ll \lIl. t~lU‘-QQQ.‘· ,,,,t,t»,.t> t,, t.t‘ ttttt ttrtt~~t» tt» ttt··tt 3;;, IE
l_ l·Ywlrttttt»tt`.tbttt/titzttm, 1i‘]1tji,{t·’tt[ft " ' >t·rt·tt···, ttttti titt· l.t·ttttt< t·» titt·1t‘ tg} Qi
° yolz/Jmttt Upittr. . *..4.*- t·lt;tt·ut·>, tit t¤tut>t: utttl tnttt1~tt·t‘ lw· gg?  
lll;} .7;;  
V i%%=—  
1 tg? ’
t t" 3.