Rchaboam ravseth an army. 2 CHRONICLES, XI, Xll. Rehnboam’s wives. Rehaboa
that dwelt in the cities of Judah, B. C. 992. {devils It und for the calvesl which because o
Rehohonm reigned ovcr them. -—+—~ he had mnde. vi them, Thi
IB Then king Rehoboznn sent H9.- ,, u;;_i_(;_   16 And utter them, out of allm have forsn
dorumn that was over the tribute; ;,_iri the tribes of lsruel, such ns set 1 have I uls
and the children of Israel stoned ,;1dwnmZ,i_ their hearts to seek the Loma Gnd 1 Shishnk.
him with stones that he died. But iof lsrxtel came to Jerusalem, to 5 6 Where
king Rehoboam 'Jmude speed to °’"{"f-Ill" isncriliee unto the Lmun God of   and the
[jet him up to his chariot, to ilee to "Td I"""' ‘their fathers. l selves; ni
erusalem. "j‘ l 17 So they strengthenedn the is riglueot
IQ Ando Israel rebelled against a1*s.89.30,&¤.Zkingd0m of Judnh, and made Re- 7 Andi v
the house nf David unto this day. .lmboam thc son of Solomon strung, theyhuml
CHAPTER XI. (CHAI'- IL) three years: for three tears thév lrf the IIC
Rchoboam, yrrcpariug to subdue Is- E ,K, In O, lwalked in the way of l)avld and Savin;. 'I'l
racl, isfarbiddcn by Shemarhh. ' "gcj ‘Solomon. selves, tin
A-NDawhenlleliobourrixvnsceme Q l81T And Relmhonm took him I ll1€!¥\,l!\\[
to Jerusalem, he gathered of b I’r·2|·30· lMaha.lnth the daughter oflerimnth Il€llV¢fl"·1l\*
the house of Judah und Benjzurnn C Ch ,2 . ithe sen of David to wife, uml Abi- not be no
Q hundred anttfourscore thousand d G ' `°' ih?d the daughter of Llliab the son hg gre hn
c osen mm, w lic r were wnrriprs, c.I3.S. Qu esse; feverl
telight against Israel,tlu1tl1e might Mh ,0 FI 19 Which bare him ehildren; 1 Furvgrnts;
bring the kingdom agaun to lteho- 1,; 3:; ii Jeush, and Sliamrrrinh, and Zahnm. ` rerv1ce.n
bonm. ' ' ' 20Aruln.ll.erherhetookllnnehaha llomslof
2Bntb the word of the Lorm fIs.22.l0,lI. thc dnughtcr of Absalom, which 9So Shi
carrie to_She1naiah¢: the man of , 1-. ,9 ihnre him Alyijuh, and Attni, and up nsgnin
°§°%‘ ‘“¥“g*t R i i ti g C " '" " lZéi“t"3‘iFl‘“l§ ’‘‘‘‘ “l· in i i · "}“5’ `l“
pea un 0 ermnznn ic son tprtmiml 4 n e 10 nnm ovet naeiai u ie .r
of Solomon, king of Judah, nnd_te 1/reirrselw. the daughter of Absnlom nhove all the king
all Jsrael in Judah and Uenjzunin, ,1 Nu 35 ,, Qc his wives and his conenhines; (for he carrie
saying, _ _ ' "" he took eighteen wives, and three- of gold
4 Thus saith the Lone, Ho shall ich.l3,9. {suoreconcubines; nndbegnttwenty made.
§10tl.‘f0 up, mir light zmninst yiotartlhi IK, 1, 3, izrnd [eight suns, and threescore V10 IHSUB
~ wre rren: re nrnevory mnn o us ' T'. ’ lang iteis. ionm nr
house: lore this thing is done of lJ"m' l 22 And ltdliohnam rnndep Ahijzih l uumuuth
nic, And they obeyed the words -~ ~~~~~~ the son of Mnnehah the eliiet".iuI1c the nhiei
ofthe Lone, and returned 1rom k Ip ,-7 Qruler znnong his lirrethrun; for he the cntrz
going ngnmst Jerobonm. V 1*%:;; {7 itlnmyht to make him king; _ ll And
5 1I And Rehobonm dwelt in Je- u~;,_]{,_2{,_ E 23 And he dealt wisely, and dis- 1nt0 lhe
rusnlem,nnd built cities for detence __ V persed of all his ehildren through- guard ea
in Juda.h._ I liv-F2-2+- lout. all the i·onnti·les of Judah and brought
6 He built even Beth-lehem, and lg'-?} lljenjrnnjn, unto every ieneed city: rhsunbui
Etum, and Tekuu, H°·l‘3··· ynnd ho guve them vietiml in nhun- l2_:\I\ll
A7dAHd Beth-xur, and Shoc0,and ,,,C,,_l§_r,_ ldnnee. And he desired imany Qfblhtlle
u urn.   _ s,`svivcs. lrom m
S And Gath, nnd Mareslizilr, and i>S_;)i_l;l.§l_ i ClIAI"l`EIt XIL Sl·¥¢>)' hl
Ziph, , Ryhubaam, _I?1rsulmu1 Nu: Lord, is in.ludnl
if [rug Adornim, and Lachish, and " Ch- l-· l~ V ynnn,qJn·i1 by S}ii_q}i(i/;_ 13 Sli Fg
zur: 1, 0 ii;i_i5_g_ Nllit onine to mss when llc- Une rl
ll) And Zornh, and Aijnlun, mul she is A. hohoaun hud edtnblyislietlu the ruiimcd
Ilobron, whuzh ure in Judzih und in cnlhwl Mi- zlrlmqdom und hnd strengtlwiietl und 1`ortV
liffijiirrrlirrli`ent_:<·tl t:1l1Vn:s.VV gltirrslt thu ]lii1nst:ll`,liel1 llirsnnlrc the lnw of to Tfilgll
J ni ro Iortrlien J ie stron: M"'! { *‘l` *tlie ,0np and all Israel with him. . y'•3¤ll‘S lll
holds, und pu!. i·npl:unsy1 in them, "l Lf WJ- l 2 And it lrinne to pirss, that m the lh9 LGR
zuid store ui\‘|t:l\11l.l, and ot oil uml °l'·l‘}·~· ,ili'th vnnr o1` kingllehol1onn1,Slll- l1‘ll>US U
Wills. _ _ p eh_13_ in_ ishuk lung ol` Egypt ezime upzutauuét tll0\’G.
12 And m every several city hn put 1)u4£Zl. is- ‘Jerusnlem, (lie<·nuse they had mms- wm Na;
slueldsVu.nd spears, and mnde them 17. ltrrussetl ngninst the Loun.) 1-I And
exceeding stroiig, _h:u·1nq Jnulnh ,_ I , {_. il\\'1th twelve hundretl ehariots, Jprupnr
und Beuizmuu on Ins sule. ‘[;’€':f.’V""‘ “i and tln·eosi:ni·e tlnnisznid horse- the LUN
lit Hi And the priests and the Le- J UL"' imen; and the people it-m· without 15 Nav
vites that Vwcre m all lsrnel l re- (NIH, ,2)limrnherthatoninewithhimnutrn first zur
sorted ui lmnoutofnlltheir uozists. ” ' ' _ ' ‘ ligypt; the l,nlp1ms,1l the suklrinns, in the
I-1 l·`or the Lm*iteslelttl1u1rh sub- " °l‘·ll·l*· and the litliinpiniis, _ proplmt
nrhs amd their possession, and i, ii;;_M_2;_ ·l Annl he took the 1'eneed mlirs Concert
qrme to Jnduh nndVJerusnlt:m:l V _ V whichprrlummltoJudnlnantluninc were wt
tor Jerobonm and his sons li:i¤ll¤U*‘»JZ·l—¤,l¥· tojernsiilnriiri Jerobo:
cast them oil`: from executing the (Ich IG S 6 ii 'l'hen onine Sliemninli r thu lti Ant
priests ollice unto the LQltI>1_ l ` `,V' prophet to llelnihonni, mul lv hrthers.
15 And; he ortlzuued hun pr1estsi‘“l‘·l‘·-· the prmees of Jmlnh, that xv¤·r¤¢ of_ lint
for the high plnocs, and tor tlrel——·T§——,i;atliered together to Jerusalem V reigned
,i·» V
. J