Josiah slain at Megiddu. 2 CHRONICLES, XXYVI. Jehmalcimls wicked reign. Jmis
neither did all the king of Israel B. C. 610. down at Jerusalem, und Feon- passion
keep such a passover as Josiah -—•— demued the land lll an hundred _ qlwelhn
kept, a11d tl1e priests, and tl1e Le- .»2t{i.23.29, tale11ts0t“s1lveraudutalentofgold. = 16 But
vites, and all Judah and Israel tl1at &c. 4_And the lung of Egypt made , ger; ol
were present, i111(.l the inhabitants 'lhmuc. |Ell11kII'[\ his brother lung over words,
of Jerusalem. , _y,, as gm iludah and Jerusalem, and turned until th
19 In the eighteenth year of the S _ 1ll1SllfU!l9[0J0l101i1J$UIl. And1\echo against
reign of Josiah was this passover °f ""J 'f“”"· took Jehoahaz _lllS brother, and no 111 ri
’ kept, _ 9 meds $16*, carried 111111 to Lgypt:. 17 'lh
20 *11 After s all this, when Josiah "“·2···i”· 5 ‘11Jcl101ak1n1w1zs twentyand tive them 11
had pre iared the 'ftemple, Neehot tv ur, among years nld when he began to l'Bl§T\, slew tl
king oi} Egypt came up to light the repuz- and he reigned eleven years in _e· sword 1
againstCharclxemishbyljupliratesz chris, rusale1n:_ and he did that whicli tu:1ry,:1
=1111l].§0Si11l11ventt011¤ ¤§¤l¤5%l||mi rt Zec.l2.'11,  évtd 111 the sight of the Lutm ,·,,u,5 .
21 ut ic sen um amators 0 L¤.4.2o, IS 0 . 11m 1:
him sa `n What haveltodo with G A ainstb him came up Nebu- than al
. thee, tllrdugkiirg of Judah! I come ” M""9'23‘ cliadéiiezmr kinz of Bzihylon, and IB Ani
not against t11ee this day, but wJ”·2-L20- buggtdjlaiuiini'fetters,t0c:1rryl11m   of God
ajnst the house Bwhcretvith I i1;,,,d [ Q to _t1 y 011. 4 treasur
hive war: for God eeinnianded c1,_;;;3§°~'| 7I\ebuchadnezznralsocamed of   anilgtlri
me to make haste: ferhcar thee ((,,,5,, ,,,,,1110 vessels ot the house ot the 1 irflngp
from meddling with God, who is _‘_ ' ‘ ,LQ11D to Babylon, and put them 111 ; to Bah)
witllriine, that he tllcstriny theednot. 11 m\1·?3-gg. J\é$IE·;9UlI7'lF at Bélbylgi. L { J 1 (391Ant
22 evert 1e ess osiaiwou 11ot ' · nw 1e res 0 ie ac s 0 e- j `ot at
tum his face from l1i1n, but dis- *1}f1110v1ll l11H l
, and lrehiea, and was hiirimt 111 in aeZ21,z.1. ’11111d lyrvusht 111111 to B1111:·*1·111· 11*1111 1 d*"}$_
0110 0fl/in sepulcl1r11s n[l1is fathers. NK, ,_, Q M ` the bgritully vessels :1 ol 1,1111 l1r11_1se 1 desi-1
And all Judah a11d Jerusalem _` "` "’ ,0l`thc LORD, and made 7Zedr1l:1al1 l
_ m2g11§11e;li;i1rj10s1al1_. I I L d "*';fI;’;f,l},,m11]15E111‘&tl;er king over .Jlltl1Lll a11d !
= I1 ereuna 1 amen c u * $1 ·
1 for Josiah: and 11ll the singing- wm" l1'|l Y4Jd0la.1.1,z, JB|`llS1llUII1. _ _ _ N ,,,,
mums: win Israel z and, l>ol1old, they 6.2. _I1l AIl\l_ll€ dtd that winch ujns evil I of ,4,,,%
are written 111 the la1r1e11tati1111s. 1,,, N,,,,,,. 1111 U111 Stsht Ut thc LORD [ns God, l ,8,,,,,,,,
2tiN11w the rest 111` the ants of ,,},,;,_ ;,;, land l111111l1letl not l111nsr·1t he_h1r1· , ,,0,,,,c
.los111l1,la11d lais ii goo1ln1:ss,iujrzoiiil- fi;/m-ty ,if1‘et111t1lI1lLh1i_]gr1]>§1gt&prx11/czny trorn Cyrus
'11·*u1\ 1:1tw 1101wa.vwr1t1e11111tn: hrnl/nzr, I0 111u11 1 0 1e 1, 1 , _
la:} oftlne 1.0111). 2l{i.21.17. lil And he also relielled zz against US,}  
27A111l his 1h·1~ds, iirst a111l hut, CJU 1,; , kim: Nel>11<*I1:11l111ezza1·, who had ,,, wm
l1el1old.\l1ey nrr:w1·i1to11 inthe 1111111;   _'& ,n1;111c llllll swea1· hy Gnd; lint he 2 ,,·,,,,
. ofthe kings h1‘1s1·ar1t rant 111111111. f g“·“_·3· °· ?111l%11c1l!1 }_11s neck.1111¤l11r1{11ch;·1l The L,
. , ,,.,   , ns rear 111111 urnin-r uno n>   ,.
CHAP'} LR XXX` L 1. E2¤c.17.l5, ll.0I1t1 God ol`lsr:1el. B `   ll
Jchuuhuz 5'|lCC£`L’(]lIl]], is rltposml hy N. l 1111 MU,-,·Uy,;,· gill me ,;],jpf pf ‘ ,,‘,,m,,,
, P}WT¤0h· I1:1{i.17.1»1. ;tl1e }>1‘i1:s|s. and the pniople, trans- w,,,,,,,
` IIENa the people of the 1:111111 .,,_ O, ,,, `1.{l'(35$|,¢ll very n111t·I1 alter all 11111 3 wh,
T 111111; Jelmaliaz the sun o1` Jo-1* "Q',3',g ' 1al>t111111111t11111s nt the l1i:a1l1¤;11· and his ,,0,,
Z siah. and made l1i111 king in his ' ` polluted the housre (1|`tl1t: l.0nn um, ,8,
Q |`atl11:r`s stead in Jerusalt·111. 8 ’v1’y‘ l\Vl1l(7l\ he had hallowed in Jem- w,,,,,,,
1 2 J1:l111al1az 11·a.y twenty and three l'“"' M ,sale111. _ huuéc,
1 years old wh1¢11he beg:111tnr¤·1211, " i.··. 1*11111- , 15 And: the Lnnu God of their (,,c,,,S
. and he rt·1g11