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1 .
1 I III Calamitzes ofthe wicked. JOI1, XIX, XX. Job cruvrrlt pity, Ii
It 1 I1 the ground, and utrap for 111m 111 J3. C. 1520. Iatzxunst mc, and 1lE4CCI\11110l11 mo
1V 1 * the way. _ V   unto 111111 as mic nflns enemies. 3
fi ; 11 '1`errors e S11f11l111Kll((?1\11\]1|.1·1"f11(1,t .11;.110.3,1. ' 12 Ihs troops come together, and
;' 1 ·1 on every side, aml shall 4 Ll1`1V€111IH· 4 ,m,,,,_ ratsc up their way against: me, and
‘ l· to his feet. I s 1,,,,,, B11(7il11111I`Ul1I1(1 abontniytabernacle.
_ ‘   12 His strength shall he httnqer- ,,,_ ,0 QQ 13 Ile hath put my brethren mr »
1. . II bitten, and destruetion shall half '_,; “' from me. and 111i11e aemtaintanee
· , I, readv at 111s side. Ir l’·*?‘·"l· are Verily evstratteetl from me.
1 1 I1 13 lt shall devour the 5 stren1;t11,h l’°·—ll·lU· 11 My (1_k1ns1ollc have 12111ed, and
I II 111' his skin; oven the 111'S1.·1)Ol‘I1 111 *1 T/try sltytfi my 11U111111\1’ friends have torgetten
lt death shall devour his strength. •'h‘¤¤¤ htm- me.
- l_   11 lhs 1:1111tide11cefshall be rooted i Is. 11.21. 15 Thcy that dwell in minelmnse U
` 1 BI <1ut11{11is ta11e1·11anle, and it sl1a1lt;,1>,_;;·;_1;1_ and my maids, t·ou11t 111(3 fer a 1
l I1rm·* him to tlte king of terrors. ·, ,,,. 1,,,,.,, strattgzerz I tun aliett i11 their sight.
II 15 ft shall dwell in his tabernacle, ,,},,11, },,,,,_ 11} 1 called my servant, and he
. 11t1(‘1111S01[1vS11U119U{111SZ1)1"l1l1SU}lll2 ,,,,,,,,,,O,d0,, gave mc no answer; I entreated
I shall be scattered upon lns habtta- ,,,,,0, him with my mt 111111.
111111. _ ,2.,, ,   17 !\1yl11*ea1111s strange t11mywif`e,
16 His rootsg shall he dried 1111, " ‘ ‘ tlwugli I etttreatetl 111r the rzhjld-
‘ ; be11eath,and above shall his hranc 1 I (CHAP. 19.),1*eI1`s sz1}12of 3 nnnt; own hotly. 1
1 uc_¤11tot11 , 11 62.31.7. I 18 Yea, ·1 yotmtz cliihlren t11—s11is1~1l
1 1, N11 lha remewbraitiellt slIa1I11a:rt:11 1 ,,,_ 1,,,,1,;,,,, me; I arose, aml they spake against
1 1 om ie ear 1, am ie s 1: iu *1: 111111111u:r me.
1` ` no name inthe street. _ £z111‘1t11n1¤.l 111 All 5 my inward friends ah-
i 1 ·§ _ 18 11 He shrill he driven {1*1111111;:1111 b1·,_;;$_1g_ Ihorred me: and they whom 1 loved
vt 1 mto darkness, and eliased out ot .1,,,, U,-,,,,,,cc ,a1·e t1tr11e11a1;:1i11st me.
1 the world. I , ’ _, , ,, ‘1 211 My 1: bone t·l1-avetlt to my skin
; 19 Ile s11:111neitln·r {have son norl C ’1""" ' land to my tlesh. and I am escaped
1 nephew amen: his111·111111·,1111ra1ty """"" with the skin ofmy teeth.
1: re1nam111;§111lnstlwtcllinss. tl 1%.3*.11. I 21 llave pity 11111111 n1t·,ha1‘c pity
t I . ,20 'l'11eylI1atI·11nI11aHt1r}1]1n1slI:1ll:Lt my /1111y 11111111 11111,0 ye 111y frientls; for the
`1 1 1e:1.>t111111e1 at nst ay, ·ast neyt 1atl *11121/to 111and 111` God l1at11 t111n·l1t·tl 1111-.
1, I '7r1;*eht lttithrtt ti,1v1:reI:l1t1`r1,;l1ttid. I5  ¤I;,f I(ge,11·1.1,t1t1 ye 11erI111*11tt§_/` ,111111 as
_ .. .1111; y snt:1 are tts 1 wt- mus · 11* · , 1111 ,:1111 are not sa tsnet 11*11 1n1
I ` tifthe \11ek1·<1, and 1111s ts the place Q""*;1`}`“· tl1:sl1! Y
It j nj`/am t/tut k11<111‘t1t11 not 1 God. ” I,`·  151 11 Oh that my words were new
, (J1l;\1"l`l·Z11 XIX.   ,,; I‘j’,, writtettl oh tl1aL tl1ey were printed
21 hh rr111·1·/h pity: 26 Ht- Z>eZim:t*l}1 ,,,3; IL' i11 a 111111111
1: ` the rmrtrmr/1r1:1. 7 ,f,. ,,},,,. I I 21 '1`hat they were graven with
‘ TI—11·IN .11111 atxstvertetl and said, ,1],,,, Inn iron pen and lend in the roek
I 2 1111w long will ye rex 1_11y ,,,,.,,1,, 1h1r ever!
I sonlhand break 111e 1111110008 with 111t11g11111i1l 3:1 l;11r Il»:11r;wti111f my I'1e11ee1{1t·r
~ wor s. 1111111- l11zn't·-;l1\'t!1 1, :1111 Im! te shal slant at
I1 3 'l`h11se ten a times have ye re- rn-1t11t1I. 1,1:1, the lattertlttt/11111111the earth:
1 . proaclmd me: yt: are nr1tasl1:1t111:tl M11! 11/ 1111/ I Bti .*11111 7 t/1111111/1. at11·r my skin,
  ‘ tim! ye 1 make yottrselves sLra11geI !;1`t’1;{*11Il ,t1r11r111s tlt·sf1·11y this l1t11/tt, yet in 111y
_; ‘ 1,111111:. §1¤ _·1_'- 1111·sl1t1s11all1s11t·.11tJt11l:
5, 1 ·t And he it indeed Ittjrl l have`f,l_I_"·l,",'*l· I 117 \\ hom 1 shall s<·1· titr myselt`,
"'·, errod,_mmo error retmunetlt with fa IIl,i;,,,jj,,_ land 11111111 eyes sl1alll1t=l1ol11,11nd not
1 _ rnyselt, 4 _ 1,, ,V,j ,,,,,` '1¤ :tm·t1n;r; //111111;/1. ll 111y reins he
1 » 511 1nut,‘",·`1""y Iltrrcis:1i11d:111<:11t.
i cr0i.v110_I1t1 gnivnt, V ”1f1"1 · t'11;\1"1`1·Z1{ XX.
8 11e hath fenced 1111 my way that 1 ";1V',~ ’:"_IV,, Z11p71m·s.lt01L·n//1llttzsmlts artzlporlion *
¤, lcannot |11L5S,11l1l111U l1atl1 setdark-1 W '3,af;),,_ oft/tr: 1c1t·/ret!.
ness in 111y11;1t115, ,,,,4,,,,, F[111EN answeretl Z1111har the
‘ 9 lh: hath stripped 1IIO(>1.11l}' 1:l11t*y, ,,, ,,,,,1 . Naatnatl11te,a11d said,
1 at1d1al11·11t11e1:1*1111·11jG·mn 1111*111;:11.1, ,,,_ G, ,0 ,, Ll '1‘11t,1·t;1t,1-1111,, myi_1,,,u;,1,1s (-umu
1 lt) Ile 1: 11at11 destroyed me o11I V " "_ ‘ ' mt: tt1a11st1‘er,a11d Fort/its 1 lmalte
every side. and 1 am zone: a11t1 tUl»\l· *!0·)1l1:1ste.
Ilttnc hope hath he retnoved like al ‘ tgttt hrtttc 3 l have heard tl1e vlinrrlr of my
L tree. _ I 1* 111 "1·’· r<·11rt1a1¤l1. and the spirit 111` 111y tm-
, 11 11e hath also kindled lns wrath, -~———T—— de1·sta.u1l1ng eauseth me 111at1>\\\*t‘.
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