{ .
I1— I J0b’s l11m0urtumc1l J OB, XXX. into c011t1·111pt. .
11 and Icaused the wid¤w’s heart: to B. C. 1520. I 10 They ahhor me, they tiee far
1, smg forjoy. _ _ —•¢ [111111 me, and tlspare not to spitd
15   l-L Ifput on righteotisriess, and It j{¤,GI.I0. i11 my thee.
’.1 . clothed me :_n1111ndg1ne11twns11s a g1,_5_1.1_ I it Ileeause _he hath loosed my
1,   robe a11dad1:ne111. V .e<1rd, a11d adheted me. they have
. [1:1'Iwa.§eye?11]to the bI111d,:111d1€N"·I°·m· 1als0 let loose the bridle before
,· 1 ec.1vas to t te ame. ·111·1·,29.·. ‘¤¤¤-
Q 1 16I11·usatatl1ert0 the poor: and h‘V I I 12 Upon my rizht hand rise thc
_ V the e:111se1u/11rhIk11ew11etIsea1·ch- “J¤¤¤·!¤W*1°F youth; they push away my feet,
, edo11t.l H I I _ { h ¥""”"·"*'· Iand theylraistil 11p against: me the
lj'1 nt 1ram t1e {']1\\\'S e t 0 6 1 ways oft 1eir estruction.
·   w1e1;ed,a11d¤plucI1edtl1espoiI0ut _ im 111 They mar 111y path, they set:
Y  . oflns teeth. _ V _ ¤ I5·$O·6· forward my calamity, they have I
 i IS Ihenz I sand, I shall d1e in my -1 0},m,:,1_ lll!} helper.
nest, and I shall multiply my days H 1—t '1'hey_ea1ne 1111011 mp as a wide
V asqth? s:111d. 7 d V I ”“”· IIJTCIIKIIILK 111 0111111/1·1·s: in the des¢1—
. 1. . y1·ootu·11.r sprca out Jyt IE 1 G _19_g1_ ·Iati0n they ro et themselves upon
waters, and the dew lay all night I E mn.
I upon 111y l1r11nch, _ D ¢h¤"§¤d· 15 Terrors are turned 111*11111 me:
‘ 20 My 1;lo1·y1ua.r Bfresh 1n 111e,:1nd (CHAR 30_)1they pursue my '/soul as the wind:
myk bow was Vrenewed 111 1ny _ 1Zll\LI IIIY welfare passeth away as a
hand. _ I *3 fi'}””' cloud.
1 V %l U11111 me 111in1:ave ear.andwa1S- "V·‘· I IG And now my séml is poured out:
et ,:1111 cept: Sl ence at 111yeouase . im 1 11 Iupenc me: tie nys of atllietiuu
I 22_A1ter 1ny words they spake not 1/xvii;/12: 111avo taken hold upon 111e._
.1 again; and Illy speech dropped up- _ , 17 My homzs are [>lDI'CU(I 1:1 me in
1 { 011 them. _ J Vmwy ’tI1e night season; and 111y siuews
; , 23 1\n_d they waited III? me as tor "'¤ ‘ · Itake no rest. ».
1. j the rain; and they; o11e11ed their I/mlm. I IS liy the 1;ro11tIl»rne 0/71151 Ilismse
141 1 month w11l1:11.tt}»1‘I IC atter 1*:1111. _ A is 111y exirnmrit ehanzedz it b111deth
I 1  . QI It`I1auu|11:d on tI1e111.tl1e1;l1<1»1“ P"‘9· I(H“'· 1111:ahottt.:1stl1eooll111·t1I`my coat.
1 I1eve1l1l11ut; 11111I the huhtl 111 111Y·;1111I1111j11u I N11? |111tl1e:tstf11111111tothe1n1re,
·_ . cot111te11a11¤:e L my east 11ott.ow11. mote. `ant 11111 l1e<*o111e like dust and
I 23 I whose out their w:1_y,a111l sat, I lh GO I1 ashes.
I 1 e1ne1', and dwelt as a Igme 111 the ’ I`{j·I{1m 20 I ery unto thee, :111¤ltl1oudost.
11 arniy, as one 1/u1I cointorteth the ‘ ' ' I '111ot, hear me: I stand up, and thou.
111t1ur11e1‘s. e eh.I7.U. 11*1·1;11rtle>t me 1111/,
<`lI1\I"I`I·ZI{ XXX. | Lil 'l't1ouart ¤ lnzenme cruel to me:
· Job`; /1e11r1u1· L11r11c1Z iulo c1‘l1·c111c ""“""` with U th ’ Sltl't)Il"` h·1nd thou o -
11 B _ s, · P
· _V ` rr111/map!. G willlhwl Iposest thyselt autunst 111e. _
B11 1 HOW they 11,;.1111:1; 1{1111“V;_·.·;1· ml MVK/UC 1 22'l`I1<111l1ItesL111eIIptI1LI1C wind;
. tl1a11 I have 1111: 111 1 ertsitm, jh/m_ ' Ithou I·aus•·st me to rule 11111111 it,
. whose Etthers I wI1I1lVd have nhs- and d1s~oIvI:st my W sI1l»sta11t·e._
I dainod t<1·l1a\‘e set with the dogs tl   G- 231 l·‘o1·lktmwl/1u£tln111 wilt bring
1 _ oftny tloch. V · 1¤·~1y'I· 1111eloIl¤·:1tl1, a11d In tl1e house ap-
~;·, 2 E ea,wl1eret0111I1171l tl1e_stre11;;th —¤·—IU· I pI1111tI»1|y tor all hun:.
L: ot` tht-11* Itantls 111*11/Il 1111:,111 whomnlm-umm! 21 Ilowlieit. he wall not stretch
{1 ohllage was per1?l1t>Il  V U,,,,_ out/11vl1a111ltotl1ei1 L:1jave,tl10ugl1
  1 3 ·n1· want ant 1a1n111o t1r11wrre tI1I·y1:1‘y111 I11sdestruI:t1<111.
· 1 'isohtary; tltztetiia 111toIl1ew1hIe1‘- B l`>··I?-·I- 115 IIIII 11ot. I weep tl1r l1i111 that
I mass il 111 l`u1‘111er time desolate and . I was IY 111 troul»IeI was ani 111y soul
I ' I waste. 1"TCh")'3 ` aI‘1I·1‘I·Il 1I11‘tInepo11rI
1 It 1\'ho 1:11t_ 11p 111aIlows_hyltl1e ` I1”’*”*U° itil \\`he11/1I lookedt}11‘t:110t`I,tI1eI{
. ms 1es, ant 1u111pe1=1‘I1ots_/r11·I mn- ¤¤· 1·v1 1-1111111 1111/11 mer: and when
1 meat. _ _ ·111._1 ..1- waited tor hght there came dark-
‘ 5 'I`hey were dr1v<·11 torth {mnt] 1;,Z,:Zj:n1;f1111·`g_ '
` KUIIUIILY INFN, _(II\€§v' UFIIYII i\tU¥1' CIIUIII H, lr _U;‘._(]Um   27 My l1t1\\'I¥ls Irtvilotl, and rested
:1.;; rzf/1:5:1 Ifituf;1 l_ Y H] ‘ I (Q 519 *Il\0° 1 the days ot`aIlhet1onprevented
.1 '.`o we 111 t1ec11s :1 1n 1*:1-{tf ·¤·. . . mm
Iyys. III * GIIVUS Ol-UIC Uttflll,1lt1lll¤IIItI11·11p. 23 I \\'e11t. 111ou1·ninz without the
the roelqs. ,1 hard of sun: I stood I1p,1111:lIur1ed 111 the
T -\111o111:thnhushestheyl>r:1v1·d; (Im 1:o11z1·1:ga11o11,
‘ 11ndt·rIhI·nettlestheywere gather- J' _ 211 I am al1rotl1r·rtn dragons, and
wl Io:1:t|11·r. V _ 1}* J°·¥‘·I·*· ,11 <·I11np:1111o11 to lil owls.
H `l`i11y 11¤vrrj1*I11ldren ot`tI1eIS.y0a,11;1,,r,,,_,1,.i,1,£,' III} My shmi is hlack 11pon 1ne, a11d
I cl1ihI1·e11not·>l>:1sI1111en:theywe1‘e1_ Q ,1nylmnes:1rel1u1·11edw1thheat.
\·1le1· than the earth. 1* L“·}··l· 1 Ill My harp also is t11r1n·d tn
, !)A11d11o\v/1 11111 I tl1e1rs0ng,yea,. "‘ 0* ltlI\|\l'I||II1{. and 111y organ 1nto tl1e
Ia1ntl1e11·c by-wortt. I—·——- voiee ot tItcI11tl1atwe1:p.
I so: