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misc Gl e.s·.mm of PSALHS. C, CI, CH. gmlfmcssx ·
IMCSEE; e kings strength also luvcih   2 in A perfect wny hc shall scrvu ' `
ment; thuu 11 dost pslnhlxsh dJ°h$(¤·¤·7· rmc. _
they y, Lhuu uxuuprust judgmcntlr l(Ih.2t¤.1. { 7 He thntlwzgrketh dcccxt shall ;
that }l)·z,·:hLuuusnuss m Jacob; ·c m-, ,·;_ `umt dwc]l w1th1nmy hpusc; hp Lluu. ¤
Wshipz Ehrqln ye t_hc Loma our bpd, n11mllfE,‘_,5_2;_ `rqlluth hcsfshull not -*turry1u my Q
rslup ut Ins fuotstuol ; cjnr 2 hc 15;,_7_g_ smht. ) I
5 mm] ;|o]y. _·lg1.;x_33_9_ Q 8 I}; wnll cm;1y de:2· H\·.;\1{ c my p1·uy4~r, O Loma, mul ,
UNM.; Gumlt;t§l141u}h\va1S¥i Tlfmxltmlnat u __r his we 2 Ubi! rpny <={5'I§·¤>n¤i;c m}to thee.
~ vcs. mm, annum o uu ·- » u u: no nv num: mm mc 1u .
E Lomggexngcurnce nftlnmr Ill\'\;?llEiU{lS.   L   Ig bhp n|:1y_w/uv? I ufu in ttqubln ; in-  
uks Bu, xgxh Lhc_ Lum) gmrf bug, and - · · Blum: fhmre mr umu uw, nu the duy 1
www Esgup utuluf vluflylz lull; ior the `C E7—¤~34-Q;. wig? I culllunswur me sp;:4·;1{l·§·h\ \
[U "‘ our rrny< nys nrc r·0drl1kchgr:1?; so that 1 furgpt lu
· ; - - I gmc- mu. mv run . ~ ‘
mw mm{*l`[40RDt:i]1({}'iL`c ?X:i;“s.un 0 ml ""l"""~ 5 Bx: rmnsnu of thc vcivc of mv ‘· *
' ]“:"."’Sérvc the Lcrgu with ;;l:xducss:* P’<’°·'· ::r<¤:ming my bums cleave tu my ,; - {
‘€“ ""i1ébcfurcl1ispruscuccwilhsiug- PSALM 101. iiskin. ` ` *
_ ]_ ‘_ ;.· _ ,1 1;4._yg_l.;_ 6 I nm likqnpnlimnu 01'thn wihler- i
WIL ‘l_ Know {Vc that thc LORD hc 2s I, ,m_U_‘_ mss: Iauu hkczm uxvluftlnunlusurt. » `
;`_;§";;1:l]§ 11 is nc u thu; hath u1:u.lcr1s.l F I; 33 I5 }l I \v:1vn}1,d•11<1 um us n spurruw ; `
no wc uursc vus; mmrarr us 1 ‘ ' nom: upon xc mus;;: lu:Il1am1u`11l umn l1uu,` — ` · —.`\»-A |v1·u:1d.uml nnmglud my drml: wxth  ii j
V css us rumw. an- , .| . wvopnnxz. ·,
 lY'{“}“F¤r Lhn {,01:111.2 gmml; hxsmcrcy   ll) Huvuusc nf lhinc imlm1:Ui,I]$|.], amd thy wrullx: Ihrf llmrx 1msL Y *; ;
;‘*Gv:|';{. to 4 ull ;.:::{n<:ruL1ur;§. `fRc_2]_g·;_ lnflud mo up,:u1d <·:;>.L me nlmvu. `» ’, ~
ld mw · PAAIAI LI, _ ;a pu md. ll My Jays nrc hkc u shndmvy ·
rmd make!} a yqw uml ]7TDfL`5`3‘l07l W I,!i.¤/mi,   ;}•»<·lrmell1 ; uml I mu w1Lhc1‘cd {j
'   ·21. I2. 1*0 Lvmxs. 4 . `
1 Sm"' A   <;;l3;;vid.   q 12 lim} lhuu i 0 Loma shalt cn— E ~
misc l" WILL sing of mcrcv mul j11dq-`ITALF mm durvG¤r¢:v<·1‘:mulIhyren’1c1nl>r;mcc   I [· '
uw mmentz unl0ll1uc,O LORD, will IA   uvylojlll gu1mrzuio11:~:._ I   |;-
d Lf W1?. _ _ _ U l,3_w_$_ 13 Ihnu sIn_ulL npsc, mul have W ,·
"¤ wxll huhzwcq myself wnsuly 1n ; C px M; m_ mercy \l[1(IllZl0\'1 i tor the nme km {-I K `
` , perfect, way. U when wilt thou ,g y;_qg;Q_ fuvuur her, yen, the sctl Limo, 1s ‘ =   { '
hm" hqrnaunm um? I will walk I1 wnh-` xg.,_1g_;3_ comm:. g`? ‘
’¥i’U"" my hupsu with an pcrfuct hcupt. V2 nr, (ng wumz _l·1 For thy svrvzmts tnkc plmxsuxre 3 ` !
L XG ("" lc wgll set no 1 wmkud Llm1;·;` wally {nm. 111 hur smnus, und favour thu [hm 1
H nglmfnre mum eyes: I hum the work Q Mr. J1 x/¤· Lhcrzznf. » *
* ‘V*’rl*‘·then1 rl that tum aside; il shullw #}F;iY3-[2- I5 S0 the l1cull1<:¤1 shall i}*:1rtl10 · I
{ tclenvc lu um. i{i3;·*?·7; ngum: of the Luuu, uml ull the E - ,
if U }_ A frmvurq heart shall depnrfih   kmzs nl the earth thy ulury. _ g `
7* "’ *·m mc:1w1l1notkuuwszuvmk- H%·5·m· V Q6 \Vhun the LOI(l'1>¥l1lH huxld up : { l ,
{K"'-! bpersan. _ V _ k IQ bd lh Lum, hc slmllup;¤»ur1ul1ns glory. J
*·__l" r_ Wlwso pr1v1ly slzmdcrcth hrs nt, " lf, 15, 17 He: m will mmm! H10 prayer ni ~ i ~·
U $‘u"I·1ghhnur, lum will I cut wif: him HQ 16 P2" ` thc destitute, uml not despise Lhcir , .
Ut Hm (lt h:1l_h uu high luck uml n proud m $c_`;_k_l]_ prayer. I '
_ _urQ, wall uu!. I sulhzr. Q_ ;A5_ IB This 11 shull bc wriitcn for the y {
U Z'““»_ Mmc cyu> shnllbe upon the Ruth- n R¤,15,4, [Z0ll<*l'1\! um tu <·¤»u1c : and the pew · ’ j
’I"""I’l‘r. of the land, that they um? |Cv¤.l0.ll. plc whivh shall be cruutcd shull g ¤
iigiycvell w1Lh nnu&l;u thm. wulkcu T przusc thu LORD. * { t