l  ‘
nimm _ Tha rule EZEKIEL, IV. afpmphgpyl I  =. 1
6Fnr thou art not sent tc :1 neo·l I?. C. 595. 19 Yet if thou warn the wicked, j r ~
G Hu u_ I · tnfa strange speech and ut an —-—•——-— and he turn 11ot {rout his wicked- x  ? ' I
Mm .t  language, but to the house uf 1 deep ¤{1rp, ncgii ng1r_{rorn his wicked way, he   ' I ·
HMM .t el; 1 und muy Ish the tn l1ts tniqtnty; but thuuq J {
H md, 6hot to many people uf n Uflvvtsw. hast delivered thy soul. V
’ ‘   use speerli and 01 an hurd Ian- 2 nr, uf I hud? 20 Aga1n,\\ hen r :1 righteous man
dmv _ age, wliose words thou eaust mu Ilia; {doth turn truui his 7 ritzhteeusmess, =  {
2 um; tt  understand. ‘¤Surely, hatld l Im/um, land eernnut miquity. and I lays a `
Aém    utlhee to them, they would have wmzldllicyt5tu1nhln1g»I>hx:k before him, he
 tttitcttftt ttttttt tItt?<¢— _ ttt _ r noto nu ot iein ra1·t:;»1·ox·ei·:tv or · t. ,
cd M e .:`§hctu.autlanoise t1I`:1ut‘0tttrt1sI1ttt£. ll   they urn :1 rtel1t·llious hottse. . {Z Q
mtu,   :.2 Itbokthe spirit hitvd tnct1t¤,t1t1tl I   ` I L17 llut when I speak with thee, I , .{ . I
;ll“_T;-L;  izlottktiteatvay, and lweut 5 tu lut—,r   ,w1ll opvii thy inouth. and thou .  tt I
WDW L_ ;J\I;!r11•;~¤,1ti t·tl1teheatol` iuy spirit ; I_ __ ix _’ " Ishalt say unto tl1en1,’l'hussu1tI1tho ‘
u :11ultr_»  @nt;I:":4Ite`Iyilalirdut ot the Lotto \t‘11st't7t%£·;’tt·t‘ 'l.or•l tion; Ile that lieatiutli, let ; c— .
w“i.IMYli   15   'I`Itt·u I ti:-inte to them of theit tt’¤·2·6·S-   ZIIIIOIIIIIISIIIUQILCIJZ  
mm"` '  fr:`Ehttt'tt}’¢tt€IE·I:iI{1lt,that{l¥·elt hy It l’s.tU.ll. `helhuus house. , It
. __ ‘ l'l\'t·l" o ` u·1ar. ant satm Ma - CIIAI"I`I5R IV. `
IL 3 Gm xgtvltcrtetlit-t· sat,antl 1·u1naiu¢·d there I   IBy Ihr prnuisizm qi` Hm siwc is showed Et .
L `·i;¤i§1tusli<·tI runnin: tlieniseren days. 1H I"' ’ "'   Ihr Iiurtlnuss Q/`I[l&’_;?tVll[1lL'. ‘   I
Iuutttzt Fénfsévgtx :ltr`:t.1in;;.t;1Ln1.1ss attlie_cntl   lTIlt)U alst}. sun ot ntun, take   IW I
. that txt {;[mn("“u·\_>,' 1.1   uordot thc, 1* Y _ ` . thee a t1Ie,and lay it lu-foie , . ,
·t·· t wt  ct. it at oI filth`? ‘i`l;¤.?2’i§1?Z’tC ttm “’ "‘“"l?· ~2I‘Y.?‘i"?$I ‘l‘t’E}l§"’ “"°“ ‘” `“° “"" ` ·
L  .-nwmrl 4 · . . : it l I ·· ~L· I- st — : _ _ , _ g
`ty   ·tttt·t1\1t ttuto the hottste ot , J »___ I 3 And lay steze :1 asatnst tt, and V
zwan I  .Lttf~tyt¤ IIt¤tt'htt’t* Itttar the word at (LT; xsl;) thuild a. 1`ort against it, antl oust a x {
mv, sm  `fntnitotitli. and give them warutiig ' Mt niouut against it;settliet·a1i1p:ilst» { ,
to vnt.3 sg 18 wr; I or , .rf Iazcxnist. 41t.:nnl set t Ittz!Itru1y1‘11111s E 5
S rulltl;,Z ;:ThUu`itt1 I`s:ty unto the wicked, lU;I§':;_\,, uzainst it ro1uul_:1l1tu1t. i,  
mum,  ti _vm.`t.1tstuelytlux; autl thouu r,L2,4&_ I J \l_tu·t·o1·t—1· tatw thou unto thee . ~
hmmm, _   ‘ Auth not waru1n:,nor speak- _ ' ,¥an1rou pat1,anwick3;··tttt’ the wteketl irtun l11s:"";‘;fI‘? lot tron lmtwowit tl1ee_and the c1ty_: _ t
,,,,,._;_.;t   samp tv wth tu Sure his lilo; thcl   " t and set. thy lure against 1t,aunegt·tI. and thou shalt I {
tl1uu·tt.—·i , uu"} . tut his ltlood will I rc- tt ¤tt·t1-·6tIt- llay suture auainst tt. Ihis shall uc il a
' q ° "I· IIIIIW It¤ttttI» I——~—— zstgnb te the house of Israel. I I
· 717 3 ·
‘ E