_ Brawl is EZEKIEL, VI, VII. lhrenlciml. ‘ ‘ i E
 hm dealed my sanctuaryk with; B. C. 594. t 6 In all your dxvellimz-places the 2 V " `
ulltliyldetesta ile tl1ings,and iv1thl--·•—- cities slinll be laid waste. and the Z ` l  
all tl1h1e ahotninatinns, therefnrelk vit-$5-&¤· hiuh planes stroll be desolate; that vi `
t1-1|1lalsodinninshm t/1or;neitlit·r 2Cl'·36»N· your altars mav he laid waste and i
shall mine eye spare, neither will I lch.tt.2t. made desulate,a.nd your idols may I i
have any nity.n Je.»t»t.»t, he broken and cease, and ynur i
l2‘ll A third u part of tl1ee shall m 1‘s.107.G9. 3 images may be ent down and ` » ·
die with the pestilence, and witl1 ,1 L1,2_z1_ your works may be abolisliedi . l
P.i111i11e shall they be consumed in 0,,.,. g_ 7 And the slain shall fall in the
the midst ottltee: and a third part ,;1.f(;_1g_ midst of you, ande ye sl1all know ‘ 7
.slialln1lll1ytlie sword round ahuttt ,!e,t5,;!_ that l am the LORD. i |
thee; and 1 will scatter p a third 21.9. S Tl Yet will [leave a remnant f »
 part into all the wi11ds, and Iwill pjc g_i5_ that ye may have smne that shidl ·
draw out :1 sword after them. (Ich G yr escape the Ysword anions the na— `
‘ i3 Thus shall mine aneer he no- ?;i;"' tions, when re shall beiseattered - °
wmpl1sl1ed,qa1ul lwill cause my L¤_`;_'11_ throueli the emiiitries. , t l
{uryto rest rupnn them, and Iwill r ch_2[_,7_ ll And they that escape ef you , L
be eonifertetlz s nntl they shall Nh ,5 GJ shall remetnber y me amour; the `
lznowthat lthe LORD have spoken Isl, gy ' nations whither they shall be ear-
r!_1n my z•-al, when lhave accent- ,Nc ,, ,j ried captives. because l ain broken { 4
})llSl1<’tl my tury in them. ‘D     /1 with their whorish i heart, whiteli Z
ll llnnzorer I will make theet U ,,6 ;,·..7· hath th·partt·d from ine, :111d with I `
waste, :1nda reproaurh atnung the 1,% .`,§j," their eyes. k which go a whorim;
rntianstliat art: round about thee, _I,_'.Cf,'1,` after their idols: and they shall E ·
ttqtluz smh: ull, allthat, pass lhy. 1   loiithe lltheniselves for the evils i
u co it s ia ie a reproae 1 1: ant 3- .. w neh t ley have connnitted in all ‘
alannt. an nistrutztiun and an as· U   their ubunnuations. » V ,
 tatnslinieiit. unto the nations that w D_ 3, ,3 lll And they shall know that I :1111 1
nrrrouiitl about thee, when I shall “;,,T ,;,` the LORD, and that I have not snid ~
:xrc¤1't]pt1lgn1¤·nts in _tlu·;z, in an- lx   in vniai that I would de this evil i ,
cr ani n1 turv, ant in urtuns v`U° - —·` ·-- unto t tern. 1
reliulars. lthe Lormhave spoken il. t(JllAl’. G.) it il 'l`hus saith the Lord GOD· `
15 lllninw l sl1ullsi_>11d_uponthem 1, L—h,9_9_46, Smile ni with thine hand, and
lite evil :1rrows_t1t l.1unne, which I, d,,3,,_]_ stznnp with thy foot, aml suv, Alas l
 shall he tor lIu:1r destruction, mul N3_;;_1_g_ hir all the evil aborninations ofthe · `V -
whtrhl will send to destroy you: C Lu_2,;_30 ,house ol` Israel! fur n they shall `  
llllll\\'l;l tinit{e{;set,lie liimine t1t>o1t,,m"i"m,;U yfall hy the sword, by the {amine. li t
tau, an ui rea; your stall` uf ,_ ' , ’ ' and by ll1e peslilenre. ii L
liruml. ‘ ""· $"”"· 1** l·lt· that i< t`·rr off shall die ofthe Y ‘
l7 So will I send upon you faniineid l,lX'_·l$·2- pestilenve; and he that isnear shall  
, und evil .L· beasts, and they shalli *·l"·2‘$·:gv 1`11ll hy the sword; aml he that re—   l
. ht:rt·avetl1<·e; and pestilenee y and- ‘ 111anu~lh and isliesit·u<~tl shalldie by Z l l" ‘
itltttttl shall pass through thee; and ` "`f`~*\~~ the t`a1nu1e: thus will l aceuniphsh I ,
,ImllIlg::;;.;ltlit: swriytl upon thee. ,¤.um-zmugus. *11;% {Ny up3>11&l1e111, ] I 1 ,
, ‘ . ,1:1ve_spt1 rent . ~u ver.t3. I "ien s 1:1 ye cnowt 1at mn i ·
, _ i ll.\l’l'liIil \l. Zf{\_(;_|g_ the Lotm, when their slain men · ,
77tt·!iii!lL1'11t are rrr/1r11·t»»zi 10 lmnc1il` Je.-t»t.QR. shall be anions: thetr idols round Y  
» _ t}1rz1·culm1nh4·s, g P_'m7_,_ about their altars. upono every l .
_A,l\l),tlu· word oftlrelmmeaine 1);,_g_2_;;_ llnqh ln_ll, in all the tops of the Ii `,
_ Estate nn; saying, J. 1-$_7i;_.io, ’rnount:nns, aml under every green · ~
,1 ,<»tir»tt1i.ti1,setatl1y1E1oemn·a1·d V 1,..1a,zt. tree, and under every tlnok oak, i.
;¤.,1not111ta111~. I1 oflsrael, and pro- l i .lt·.(l.e,t:h the place where they dtd oller , {
ligthl aaatnst theni, V h cli,-l-l;·l;i· sweet savour to all their idols. ‘
 ,‘€gll*ll>¤ll‘.}y tttotttitsnns oflsrael, _Y·?"i;»§g· lt No will Istreteh outp my hand ·, .
— Thl§_l3t= \\ tn tl of the l,ortl (yon; ,, Alf},   · ]upun them, and make the land de- _
n ¤ :·ttllt the Lord (Joy) to the, ‘§U·,,,· solatt-, ven, ·| more desolate: than 3
·_nlh'·llll<\l|1°. aml tu the lnlls, tn they JU,} ', , Q; the wilderness toward lhlilulli. in
nlmttttttl tothe valleys; ll¢1l1olil_1,t,,, ,,,_2[,_j_ all their halvxtatious : and they shall ,
· u,,dl;;mll,l>i}¤;i1;:1 syywtvl=1po1iyot1,i,,ch_5_]_;_m_ know thag :1:% we, {Qty?.
* `— `· 'Y** as Mt- ¤¤<>cs.}u i..:.1.a ·. ` . "·lt ‘ . ~
Milli] your altars shall be tit-sow ,1.- rv -6i 1 The fi1rnl1I¢w»·l1t!tt»1t o/`lsrncl Z3 ·
-_  ,‘*'lil' Witt   itttaues shall hel lt.: »l.lS. 'l'l1ri1· 1g1rswruh/zirup/ivily. —
 Elaihigllxatrtlllrvilleasad{1w11you1-,L> ls.6,23., I B/[Ciltli0\ l·Ilt the word of the
, fe `_5 your tt n si tit, Mm rt ¤ · .ont> vanie unto me. sayin:. I
#‘   éatlllh J lay the dead ear- ft`i{l’;; the i L: Also, thou son ot` man,thus saith
—_ fumlhlt tyillnldrt-n of israel he- lft ·"' H- the Lord ttm) unto the l11n_d ot Is- t
 your h·:`\;tj,<¤i>, and ln·11lsieatter, (<.Il.—\l’.7.) ,1·nel; An_<:nd,a the end ts come Z
A ¤,,_“__ Mt round about your ,1 t;1,i_9_ |1111o1_1 the tour eornois ot the land. .
` °‘ l-——•—-[ Ll Bow ts the end com: upon thee, ,
· Tw
- 1