` ·
`/mum 271: ymluml slate EZEKIEL, XVI. nf Jcrusalz-nt sigrzihen. I ` I
bntttez ends of it, and the midst of it isl B. C. 5Ut. [thy ¤blo0d from thee,and laneint- E . i
ousues.; hunted. 1ls it meet tor any work! -%g—-’ed thee with oil. % , 1
sliehold, when it was whole it ,’ Wtutl ’ Wlolotlied thee also withhroider- .
herehit, w;is¤meer_1or no work: how muchi P"”P"`? ed work, and shot] thee with l
and ti; less shrill it be meet yet for any 'inmu nt. hadgets’ skin, and I girded thee i
iltesulzzg vrurk, when the tire hath devoured e 1<.24. IS. alrout with fine linen, amllcovered ` l
,rnitghh. itnnd it rs hurnedi I A¤u.5. IF, thee with si1k, I
6*] 'I`herehu·e_thus saith the Lord. 19. l 11 1 decked thee also with orna- E
men wi Gon; As the vrne tree among the d ch.t~1.S. iments, and I puthmcclets upon thv
Lord 04;, trees uf the forest. which 1 have cio-upmmi, ‘hands,arulaeht1in on thy neek. ` *
rsunm given tothe nre for fuel, so will I (CHAP ,6 ,l 12 And I put ajewel on thy 7 fore-
nll her:. prethe mltahitunts ofJerus:1le_m. 55 ' ' ,head,o.nd car·rinr;sin thine ein·s,und
llbeilgg 7And I will set my face against " I‘· _·'· ga heoutiful crown upon thine head. :
them: they shall go out from urie_‘¤¤"¤"€ mdw 13 Thus wtLst thou decked with i `
irtliu;] tire, and mwrherc nre shall devour ‘"· "°'”'¤‘ ligold and silver; and thy mimeutt .
nvnrti, D them; andd ye shall know that I` '"'"· f1r:a.s·offirie Imen,:md silk,aud L·roi· ·
ltgt lt-; umthet bono, when l set my face lb%élg·26,29· ,dered work; thou didst eat m tine {
.1 : mms tem. · ·*- ilour and honev,and oil: and thou ·
inenm HAntl lwill make the land des0·`¢ H<··Z·5· lwastl exoeediri·· her utiful n and
L¤nlG:; latte, because they have ilconnrnt-`1 ur, when I ithlou didst prosper into a kingdom. I
  strait: . wdritrespass, saith the Lord Gon. Iuokc:1up¤u` 1.t Anti thy ;~t;ip,w" wen; my-th 0 `
y slntze CHAPTER XVL *11% among the heathen for thy beauty: {
_ . ii or rruddm or it was perfect 1 throutrh in l
istltgpiyi God`: .*1Ilra0Y¢;i;l;1tZ7,:0v¤ Zvlvdfd JG-. nfrdur fuut. L efimeliness, whinhll had pT1t utxlg r ~  
l 0 it ` ’ · ri Ex.3.7 8. t tee. saith the Lord Goo. ‘ .
to cuti GAIN the word of the L01"tDE¤ ,,mn·- [ima. 15'l'Butrthou didsttrustin thine ~Z
mm tl iimigtre   ilitaagétyirmrér 1 i ,,..;iY,.,,_ ipwiikheriiity, ain? yllayedst the har; . ` 5
. .,2. e t . ·: , . ,_ . usa ein ;;x_]_-_ o s iecuuse o t i renown ani 1
Qlsatllim tgluuiwlierahotninations, V pc_|_ig_ iponredst out thy i{1rni<:a.tioris(en , -
th?  a€‘ll.5?it.l.';Hit§??‘ll·i}}."’» hat I °   ··**· t FYXIY "““ “‘“‘ ’”””°“‘ "’* ’“* ‘” `
ils Brit: . and thy nattvity is of the land off gf - l lll And of th garments thou didst 4 V
md ECM ggitzxirt  thy Ruger It wrg zm‘Anior- fg   [take, and deekedstt thy high places ‘ I
  V .1t iyrno ter:ni_ it r e. t~ _ ' ‘ ; wit; divers etlours and la··l.t $·
Imhlrl  dywtl at fur l{1y'1l¤\K1\'iiY, ill the 'fJE‘xél3‘”* llhe lmrlot thereupon: Ibteyclilte , ,
upon »<- ity \ot\C\vL\st iorritivnavelxvas ¤ ¤·`-‘· ,tI‘ ·l l t ~ 't —
hc   put cut, neither wast thou washed h l·I""·5·S· itllggirsfn I no cumhi ncl her shan    
i,nirrrltl;.t ¤ in  ina stnpltile thee; lthogl ‘-`*“`~** 17 'lihot} hast also taken thy fair ' " ’
¤- _ · sa e u 1 ,nor swat e is ;,r0qd_,_ jewe so myyold and of my silver. `   i
pin i,_. _. ntl}? V _ _ lr mw, which Ih1ul_ gtvoii thee, mid modest · '. ,
**;,4:,-; .   Ulm €‘)0D1'·t8tl thee, to do any] 15;,4,21, Ito thyself nnazes of ¤ inert, and I i,_
vt 11,11;,;- `, ¤_ lhuse unto thee. to have eonipns-al 1,;__,5_m,H_ , didst commit wlioredorn witlitliein; ' { ,
ant att ; M¤u_ltpun thee; lint thou was: cast m D _ 3, ,3 18 And tookest thy limitltrrtztl gat'- ' ;
2*1111*;;,;  , Pill lit the open held, to the loath- " "',_,‘ ments, and covoredst them: and E I·
- sto   , ttl; ot thy person, in the day that 3 I., S, ,5 ' thonhrtst set mine oil and mint: in— .
    lgttywtst horn, I 1] U 1 Q4-FIM: oensehetore thorn, - ~
— ··. .-  'ilstlw hud of the Held and trhiui ytoier son; artdizctln Ou ms n cu U ‘ ‘ `
__ r ,; _ U . , , . _ _· , . . . y daughters whom — ·; l
, Mllh L 5  l;11t.1¤>tLsut1vltttsltiz¤l·rr:tl and lim-o_ 1lo·2.B 21 That thou hast slain v my 1 -
_ me W; _-  ,w,_°i‘ “i1Ull 1 passed hy t.ltoe,g1nd E H n nmln. children, and delivered llmm lo 1   `
fu W Ig } W-tt`; tttiou thee, ltehohl, thy time ii ,,,,,0,,,. of [cause them in pass through lh: ,/irc ’ Q
YFWW   lnfqittétllrie ot love; and [sprtnulyi Ng, itbr them '! ;
‘= " i ujk;E'lf’YFill1¤¢.=t¤i