',·_,{~_ -4 — ~—— ~~ -—— -
W ;.   ` 7 I.
l  I   l Lg 'lbms ihrcahmctl. EZEIIIEI., XXVI, XXVII. Herfall Imncn1»,1_ RIFII SIIIIP
. .I I. I; 17 And I will execute great. I'2 yen-I 1]. C. 588. down thy walls, and des*rey G Ii; IIIIII GOP? `
.l ’|’} lzeamte upon them with (`ur1onsl——•-—— Iileasant houses: anIl they sha. lnlndm pf
  . ·   rebukes; and they shall know that Ia umu. ay thy stones and thy timller :I:.i { my lm,
· _ l I mn the Loan, when I shall lay ¤,m.», thy dust in the 1n1Ilstet`t|IcIvattr QIIIIII SUIISI
, _ I I my veIige:1i1r:I:VImIIii them. _ 13 And [i will cause the ne.se ei ‘"}ll’Z" IIIYI
I g   ' CIVIAPI lelt XX} I. (CHA? QU-I thysongs to cease; and the sauiI·lt.f ,° IIII‘I’ lll
V · I ryms fog nettime, aqmaisl .h·ru.sa-I 4 cntxxvn. IIIY lIIII'II* Shall bc 1\tI¤III>I'I¢lII·:Irtl. EIM; If II
· Q _ rzntslfircn/tII1c:I. I XXVIII. lt And lwlll make thee lI"eIlII· W we"
_ AAD it eame tu pass in the ele-  hat:. Itop ot`:1 rock: theu shalt he Illpica   ml
I I vent I year, in the Iirst clay et` *¢·i-3.;.;.. to spread nets upun· tlIunsl;I;I,, 0 . III I
I » 1 , the 1nImth, that the word ef thel 47··l· lhuilt ne mere: ferll fr tliellonit ll'°l"‘“t‘l“l
V I I LOR·DI‘1IIIIt: unto me, sayin:. ?II‘·,lE?IlD· `have spoken il, saith the Lertttion, lmll “l ll"
L ‘ 2 hon o{II1an,_lIeI¤ause that Tyrns "°‘*l· I`l· ,15 Wl l`hns saith the Lord ti0II:II IEII l'I’“°'I‘Y
J , n lIat.lI4s:mlaza1nst. Jerusalem, Aha, L ¤!I.2i.3, I`yrus; Shall not the islesslIal.v.I: lE° l`l°S"l
 · ; hshe is broken {hut was the gates I’s.II3.zI, the sonmll of thy fall, when Ito I hm} ll"`
; (I` lll? I;I’IiYg82 shi: is farmed unto Mh SQ 3 wonnrled ery, when the slanulrc: ll‘"llL:°¥{lI`
- , me :_ s Ia Ie rep enls ie new she · *· · is made m t Ie midst ef thee ti `l""“ I"
. I E ‘ is ltml waste : _ l 4 [$_5_3g_ IG 'l’hen all the princes uI'IlII·sr1 (.EIl"“ IIIII
I I Q   F3 Pliegefryig tltus saith the Lord I q_ 3) shallcemedewnfromtlieII‘Il1m:Ie~, {I·**l"‘l‘ WI
, I . I ¤0D· I: tot cam mainst thee, E C I·*-I· -- and la * away ni their rIlII·<.u:;I WI.
`   g , ,;  Q 'l`yrns,:n1I1hvill cause many na- j~E.,,_-y IL lput 0t`tltheir`l1reidereII ulirateuts. I ll"? III
·    ;·  tions to mine up agamst thee, as D_,_g;g7_ `tltey shall elothe tlieinselresmia ’l"“‘l"'l‘i,'-‘
Z ,i  2 the sea rl causeth his waves to 1 j H tretnhlinszg they shall sit nat:. "”I‘· 0 lP`
· E _? treme up. 5 ¢`h·¤-L2-·· {the ground, n anIl shall treuIh[·=t WUI? llII' II
I l dl » P   4} ’lI1?l.lZ‘°I.3H"`l,‘lSflI"Ii1'J.$."'I`ll? ‘?§I”"‘ ‘*·‘ I II' I i‘Z# $”`I1'SI{I¤Il to the naImng_ I /1 Is.2G.5. fm be on all that haunt it !l tt! I)II`IlII
I I   V} I, · I»\i\I1Il(_lIf:]r Ilfinglnferslwlneh are I lil New shall the isles r trcmlvlé all llII’ I
I I »· ·y   : :n Ie Ie I s sm 1e s am Iytte """""""" in the Ilav ot` thy t`all· rea. It: ·IIIII' II"’I'I
" . ='·3I `F sword; ·mtl they sh·1.ll know that J I`- · ' ` l ` ·I 'Il¤IIII 'I'II
. , cj, · i- I [mmm, Isles that are m the sea shtlle · 1 --
l · .Lt·'  I, lion the lantp. _ my ,,,_,HTE_ troubled at thy Ileparture. IQ llII_ II*‘
I ,   . I il I· or thus satth the Lord GOD; _ III l·`eI‘ thus saith the l,erIl GIID: $·III'·Il> IIIII
I I t `· V . llehold, l will hrmg upon 'I`yrns` I I*·2Il·I‘·‘I. When l shall make thee a Il•;sIIhi-· Ilwy lI¤I\`I¢
_* .j' - _;   Nvhucliatlrezaar kinz: ul` Babylon,l UL W-9- city, like the cities that are net II.- l!'ll¤II$l_I
l Ill I';   Ii it Vkmg f et kmzs trom the nertlI,l It Job 40.5, hahitetlg when l shall l1ringI1pIE.¤ II§I*IIll IIl
, [Ii V_   I; with horses, and with clIariets,a.nIl' ls.l»I.27. ,Ilee[I upon thee, and great wuitri II III'l=I’$;
`  tt V A-,}    withhersemen,and eempames,unIl ;c],_;;[_]g_ shal eover thee; _ l"IIIl·'lII*I'
. ·  - ~. much Ieowle. . ·> I ~ · ·‘ t» -- IIIII1 l~I —l=l\1llI
Tat , V  I I I _ Jc_.;g_g;_ ..0 \\ henl shall lnm_ tla I. I. I _
. M _ ' ~ I A =A [§yl}l‘?uilml;rjli:;" J`;'ll·:}_]l~lI? _$“iI3I`Il, H, J_,,,_3 G_ with them that Ileseentts II{t}`l>III
  `  A and least a mount against thee,} It Job 2.13. Inf the earth, in planes III->I»l:I1III—! II IIIIIY
. I , _, amt hft up the ln1eklI:i· auamst theI:.I H C] qw In lohl, with them that tzo Ilown toI1.· !IIIIl¤ HI I
I   _ IQ ;·· It Stat: the shall set tfiiutnnes otwarl P ck`; 6.. mt,that then benotInlIal>III·Il:ml I‘i’I‘§G1It1
,  V_ _ ‘   az: as Iywa s,anI wu I nsax·· ···'· I’· I slzll t. rl *` tl -1I teita ~~ te
',I_ E I g  V he shall break Ilowa thy towers. ul q IIe.li£.9. llitiiil; ; be B on In LL dm "“'I"lI*I'II
I    _ i       {Sy reasumot tll1e`al1nnIlanI:e ot" 5 ,;,E,ms_ I gl It will make mm nn {pw, iitenilfant
_, ` U .; I. mrses nar Inst shall I·evI:r , land tlioushnltbc no nIere;IIIoII;,n rI»¤..ItI
· . I, }— »·  I mee: thylwalls shall shake at the· T ‘“rIl"‘ Ithou he S0|l"l\tl`u1', yet shalt lll- IIIIIY 21 an
.  _I U lv I  . noise o tie Iorsemen. and eI` the s ch 1l2.IS_QI, I .·, I , [" d pv; ;Ith Ile III SIIIIIII
` lt ·~ _j—  1 {_ wheels. and uf the elnxriots, when; Nu.Iti.S0, ,KlolflrG(;(I;. mm In mil N sIIIo|‘I),,
~ - { {    he shall enter into thy gates, ¥ as` 83. I CHAPTER XXHL III thy a
_ jh]  ;_ mei; enter mtu a. city wherein is li’·2’$·l· Il Tlur rich supply of `l'yrzI.I·: I"? iltyfaitrst
; V _ · { 1oaI e :1 hre:a:h.   I C1, 2.1 lg , ,,.n.m,,,,.,,M,. {g{]/ [/Ivrmti truttlemt
’ . I `IQ Il With the heats of his horses   i 1 HE - I-] {U Q lbmj me cur;II_anI
` I H `i I shall he treaIl Ilown all thy streets il ll nn;]Il'_ { I mm;:'\(E:“(;’"m·l;mmV l7 Iuda
· I iii.,   he slrtll slay thy people hy the;" l=..>,_gU_ ` 2 NUWVLHUU Sim nf lmmulkr up IlII·I· Ip;.
_ `·   T, “;‘_"I‘I ·*IIIl IIIY SIIUIILI HIITVISUIIS (CIIAP. 27.) a lamentatien n t`IIr'l'yrns: l“"lI`Il It
-_; · I I V s tall go Ilown /1 to the gI'eanIl. I . _, , 3 A nt V- U , III . Us mI,,,uII,I: ltiitmmtt
  . I ., ,, ch sb, . I say ntl yr , ,
  1.,;: Z- _l.. And they shall make a spoil of, "‘ ‘ " art sxtuate at the entry oI` Iae~II. meg, aatl
Em. _;. I    if  tay rlathes, and make a prey et` thy b l*·i3»$.I