: Z 4
rrz!¤ud_ Adqywnls on Plmraoh. EZEKIEL, XXIX. Cuptivi/y of Egypt ' " lv ` *7
the Img EMI And there shall be nn more Il { B, C. 588. 9 And the lzmd of Ezylat shall be { v "
lhp sun mcking bnerz qutgu thu huusr: of `—¢•-;- desolate and waste; nm they shall I { · ‘
mm m ];mnI,nnr any grmvm: thorn ufall ~¢ N¤*;§3·¤¤- yknuw that l am the Lum) 1 because ~ ¤ _
_ r.m>arc round about them, that ·"‘*·;{·'3· he hath suid,m The river ix mmu, ` ~ Y
Men th; liespnscd llxcm; und they shull I’·q}··;h amd I have nmdc it, I ‘
[pragma; knux%_{huL 1a1gtl1;zlI.ur;l GEDC RET; 4 · H10 Behald, tlgerefuge I am nguiusx i `
nc m *1.5 ms sm 1 10 ,0r `uD· ' ‘ ' xcr; uu ngmnst L y rivers n uu ~ ` 1
}01'[L],lb.e When] glmll huvc guthcrcdy the; V I‘·i_'·'2·?3· lw1l'1 make Lhc land of liqyim 2 ut- :*
uI£1as@ [muse ut llsrach from thc peoplf; xi §*‘·¤U·2J,·!E· turly \ViA?lit;1tI1]0s0];\l(:, from iitlu; 1 `  
ru , · umuuz w mm nqy urc scuucren xa ¤.23.G. luwcr 0 `yencu even umu thc ~ ‘
dd: the mad shall be szmcmicd z in them in; Ib G¤.2s.12 border nf Ethiopia. ` !  
rlsuuduf the smhn uf thc heathen, menu` ]4’_ 11 Nmap [cut. of mzm shall pass ` 1
u lhgum ihnll Lhcy dwell in lhmr lzgxjl that AB D,. w_-M thruuuh xt, $10r fum. of bcusL shall i w
0:m.. huveg1vcnt0n1 *snrv:mt ncub. ` , my Lhrwuz x it nmtl r sl ull `L b ~ F
mulzcyub 26 And they shall dwell 8 s11|`uly·`Cf;);;`f(;7lcL` mlxilurvll iinrtv'ye;u·s?e I l E ; . '
zsmuee lhcrcm, und _shall hmldc h0usuS· gn,.   12 And 1 w1Il make the land of 4 Z I }
·1ynmu:» and plant vmcynrds; yea, they ’ Wm ‘ 15;:ypL dcS0lu¤c 1u thc midst of the » 4 ·
mlkkdvp sh¤¤11¤1\ve11 -!lh_ cumidcncc, when fi L‘·'·S· cq·gum·i»:s thu! are dusulum, and har 5 _~ F
hcaiums llmvu cxuculcdjqdgnnerxts upon all j(CHAI’. 29.)*01lmsmuunzllnc ciucs I/ml are laid 1 { 4 A ‘
lhvec llmr ” despise d them ruuml ~¤ vh.2s.2|,2g, waste slmll he mlusolzxmfur1;.·ye;us; , I
l\u‘w¤y: nlmut Ihcm; und they shall knuw ‘1,Jc_g;_|g_ uml I wnll summer the ligyptuuns ` g I ¤ .
want rm Ilmlum thc [.0111) Ll)cir God. +1.30, zxxnrmg thu nutncus, uml w1ll dis- 5 Z { ?
found m CHAP'1‘1;IR XXIX. C pu, xxxu_ |>ur>c l]l_(?\Il through mu counwies. ‘ { g _ '
Il lU»eyudguncut 0f1’g:m0h. 8 The 1».XIY. 013 H hctq thus saith thu Lurd ? · i ·  
IY mer dzsnlulum of wwp/, J¤·.XL\`I. VOD; At the em] uf furlyyuurs w1ll ` yy , ·
thV$Il\Z~L:· N the tenth your Eh [hn temh ~¢N’*·7·|·X9 H- I ;:uLhcr thc ligvpiiuus from the ` ' " \
uml lm: Imonzh. in me Lweifnh day of mm; ‘ |’-¥7»'- Y puuplu \vh1Lh0r they were suuttcr- J li ; 2
mllm mnulh, the word uf the L01u> camo lc lh T 5%,1 cd: I l \Z ` Q
nc umm- u1uu1nc,s:\yin;: \ _‘ " ‘ "’ ‘ N Mn Iwi 1 hm]! ¤—»"7\i¥\ me 0319* I *
}my\l.&, 2Suuofumn,sLLa thy 7E1nnng;insL .-/·“lt;‘g’f‘;§ livitgruf1£gypL,uudwi]l czunsu them · !   · * l
mm liz Phuramh b luu;,·_¤f Eqypn, and pm- j,fnLl,‘;d» gh: Lu l‘(`¢Yr\ll'l\17lI0 the lqnd of Putlyrus, " {I
4 phusy ugxunsn hun amd wmiugn uu g ‘   mm the land 0i`thc1r 5 huhituuuu; 1 ' ' `
<’¢|¤PT‘ £·*v I Y G i Jim" un lr they $11.111 be tl 10 Gbwze `
, `¤- .___;. ; ~ ·>,_;._2-_;;p;_ a · . · · 1c' u . · 1 ‘ ;—·
{wu nut lJbJ1c:d:,z1¤1i;1 say, Thus smth thc   .1;,3;.:10. k¤¤¤%\0¤?· u I I 1 ‘ V L-,
ny rum ur Gnu; clmld 1 um uguiusn ‘ · zx‘,nsA;n, 15 L s nu xc me msest of the 2 ‘ ` ·
<¢=¤:I§:: Khan, lélxunuohlklué of 1;;;-;,;, Lhu in l>.2J;>.2~7. kimidums: neither slurll it cxult ` ‘ i ‘  
uw- me zrexn ruquux that lickh iu me ` Je: 7.5 sec. use r` amy more uhovc L nc uutious: ' ` »
»h1¤he¤. nzndst M his rivuxs, wnupn 1mxn`i·'¤·2·<¥¤·, 1`·»r iwnlldiuunislx tlmnmlmrthey ` ·    
L}ny_Sa¤i· 5.ud.)Iy nvur rs mine uwn,e uud1l--~»-~» Shall UU mum Tum UVB? me lm' J . 2 ?
r ui [iw lmhe maxdu xi {br myself Em U., 3 UUHS4 _ V J g · ~
V5' Mlfhn lliun 1 mll pu; huuksf in ll1y\HCy‘;3b_`]2_ 16 And lb shall hc un more the , ~ ‘j_ `;
[Nil! M11 }K\\\S.1!HL1 I wnll munsu Lhg {ish uf ;m,_g_;_ (·rm·*uLh I/mr iuin wmv hn , ¤ * M ·»
vnnr 1l1ll` p ‘ m` `mmf 1 ` 1 1I‘111 " '·
u »..z um wx )I'!1lL{l uu u ut tv · r,. rcmu1n >m1n:u w mu L10 * s nu Y V
<·1Hi.lQ lgmlal of 1hy·]·w:;r5, gig; ulfl mt; l¤¤;:if13I(;m10l luuk miszr lhleun; hut they shall E I ;   { ` gy I
xl bulw.1 {gh ufltlx). rnvurs shall stick umu T Syrian, Luo? thug I um Lhu Lord Gun. 1 I : , _
hyscu us, · ZX- ·\·—· 17 Am it cumu Lu [mss in L xr: ` j ~ * é `
¤·¤2:m¤·~i{ §Au'€*“”» ii! UW `A .• J ` { ’ · 4;
x11>lr··¤i¤; \_.¤u \vgldm·m·ss, umn uml ml uml ·:*`E`M'€"· 1nr¤L manila, m Llxc msn day uk thu gy w. _’ ` I Q 1
>1‘1‘M. ull Mh wx thy rmem ; umu slmh, full 'f'i_l"·‘;;; ih mouth, thc word uf the LORD umm: av 0   I ` |
jfgiw ltaplxlllxu *.¤»pm;1iuld$; umu,] slum `L IsA'I5:w·' uul0_mu, suymg, _ U ji ` , · I I
» ·· _· rc l>mm;m wgl;x|m;~, nur im- ., M. Mm 18 bun of umu, Iwchuchzgdrcuzurt · S x , E
_ lllimli l lmvu gjqm {hm for mum lr HL lm I: king uf Bubyluu caused his zum); to   '{ I g ~
¤01\¤~=l1¤· —» vc mms/Luf uw gum um] lo Di, H 4; svrvuu ngrcut service nzzuust `y- H ’ ‘% ' E ·
HNF U\9IU\\'Is11[`l|;(; hggwpu l I .4;} ms; every hand was n1;1d¢· buhl. ' · F'? V J
the IMC <3A1u1 all tlnc` \ll`\1: It {EW t **1 ·. · ‘ nl ·v·\’v sl uld ar rc s cult}: ~ - I;   ! `
UF? {VM >hn1l know {lynx} zyyiusxg   1: lTél.l,3.   hgdnnb xxuxgvzngés, mi; ln}; urilay, . {E , 3 l  
~1·»r11¤·;1» \>w.¤mu Il10yl;;wg hgm; Mmr uf GU.-w.6·_ mr 'l'yrus,1`ur the ¤cr\‘wv lim iw ;¥ ` ? { 1 ` I
uml \1¤' Igurl; in the {mlm; uf [SmU[_ J¤»i i$¤ 3¢· had snrvml 1|L{2l\ll>l nl: »€ · 4 3 ·
hvlMSF· I· Shank Llmy Luqk hum (,5 meg   19 ’1‘1.¤»m11»¤·u thus saith 1{¤c1i.urd , ‘ In ;.
iw J'i"i‘ ·Y ly m11d.tlmu.m1$; \;|~g;;k and ':·’·_ · Gun; 1h:huhl.l\v1ll "irc k ne uml {   ¤
>n >¤=-W Fvudull their snmumcp; mul xhygu ‘°;‘gJf’; EM- ,·.{ liuym umm Neihclnzxxlrczzaxr ,{ , ’ :.1 ¥  
_ WY Yvimcd upon mcg, thm; bmk. lu `l:_'§%'0' {km; uf Uznhylnn; amd lu: Shall Iuka 1 Q ’ ·;. · l
¤cr¤¢i¤;>· ¤¤!,=nu1 luiulcslulj Lhgjy lgmg tu be A gpdjjm; *1m- mu11uu¤l¤:, uml 7 Lukc_ Ixcr spml, ` r   { ` ` ~a
r>|f·‘;=>~ m2_§l=n1nl.£ Wm and uml {nxt: hger Yruy; und IL slmllluz _ j' . ; ` ‘ A
0 J“*·;€;   G Ujvltfurc thus saith the Lord ],,.(y`;,L,· the wuuus my us uimy. _ _ ~* ; _ ·
w 5*];*; WD; hezhum, 1 will 1,.~gm;uS“·m-L1 ,,,·¤,,_ ; uu I lnuyn gwuu hun thc land or , · I 1 . [
¤¤*‘l*··*¥ “P***¤ Uwe. amd qu; uifrmzm uml H or, hm. iligyyr _rm· lus_ Maxbuur wlmruwnth ‘ ‘ j H
LUIKU- b•¢Ml0\u uf Lhcc_ --V4-i- hg 5;-1*uJ ugzunst l{,hUCiX\1>(5 they ~   b ; 1;
. 4J ` V { > 4 gl
g   _ g ; , '2
. v .