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1  1 1 " 1· _ _ , , , 1
I ` .   Destruction q/`Etzypt by LZEl1lEl1, XXXH. the kill!] nflittlylm DM Dj. a
Z   ple; and tl1ey shall bring thee up, B. C. 58%. YIS $1111 ?fl1nan,t1v:11l]t 111rlll11:1I11t· lm Shin h
· I · m my net. 1»—-fj 11111e n uzyp ant cas u 11.1; _ _.'
I Ali 4 Thene will I leave 1111011 11pn11`¤ J1e€  
1 wm, my IIEIKIIL I   Ia 1 [tcm [hu! nrc sam l1ytl11es1¤1r1t1l1 ZN _
I I I U Iwillalsowat1·erwit11t11y11lnm1!1;h Jtjcl   lishc 1s deltveretl tu the $1111111   II'? {"I
1 I I- the land Y whert-ei11 tl11111sw1111mest,` M,I_zI_2I1_ lI1"(1\V`lll!\‘ :11111 all l11ern11tI111111:t>. ‘ I “_l°/lg ‘
1 I I r1*111 Lo the 111ou11t.11111s§ und the 4 Hgmw/W, 21'Ilm>?\'l*ll¥“?lllll"ll¥ll""ll¥'»'¥ LIIIII ." . U
1 ! _' rivets shall he1`11ll11(tl1ec. I 1,,Mm_ ' shall spealg to 111111 11111 11I`tl11e 111 L-: {WH  
` I I 7 A1111 when 1 shall Cl put thee cut, I 5 (him dar], ot hellz wt! 11 them that l1e111I:.1·1·  Hm *I ll
- I . lh will cover the 11e11ver1,1111d111:t.ke .I__ _ IU In _Q they are e;o11e_d1•w11.tI1cyl1e11:1c1· {Ill __   L"'
_ . · the stars t11ere1.11`1lark; lw1l1 cover   ···"· ·1c1nne1se11, sl:1111 hy the swttrtl    
~ ~' tl1esu11w1t11aclo11t1 and the 11111011 !"”l"’ll“l” 22 Asshur zs there :11111 all 111 ‘ l_1' ‘
‘ I ·— ' shall not give her 1i·;ht I “"g‘l’°t me c·1»111p·111y · his gravses 1·r1· 1111* Q lm 1 ll
I    11 B All the ~\hr1:11t.l11;l1ts111 11caven gl'; _ 111111; all of them slain, 111111111; ;I;_lI*I I‘lI_l‘l
1 11   will I make 511111*1: over thee, a11111l‘ “l‘·>'·ll-’· the sword: Lj‘jIn_l“ ‘Il
I 1 1;  Set darknexsi upon tl1y land, sa11h I IIUJKJ.-tt. 2;} \\'h1»se graves are sct 111 in k‘Im“lIllI':I
I `1 `  ·: the Lurd GOD. L1r11Ie.·1l1.21- sitles of the pit, 111111 her 1e11111:·.;1 jf 4 ‘ I
.   E gif 9 I will also llvex the ltearts 0fI 215. 1s 111111111 about her ¤1‘11v1·: 11lZ1I  
' 1 l` ‘ ‘·:t · 1 le 1 ~1 I shall hr111e* 1 ·t=' 1111:111 slain 131111:11 luv the S11  .‘
1 ,   I _ 1- 111.111 peep e. w ret nc¤...t.1. 1 . _ _ _
1 '~? ‘ 1   t11y1lestr11nt11111 :111111111; the 11at11»11;` 311.1. wh11·l1 2: eattsed U terror 111 1111;  GM (I/(JI}
f _. 1 111t111.l1e1:t1u11tr1es wl1111l1tl11»u hast U1._g;_q_;;, n1`1he 11v111¤. ` U ° Q
1 1 . 1 1 Itttt
1 1 1. ‘ X . I not lmnwti. I, CI,_2II_II_ 21 I here 1s 1.1:1111:1 antl :1ll L=1 G xm I
I I " _' Q , -1 10 Yea. 1 will make111:111yI1enple/c 1 dl Mmm 11111ltit11111e 1*0111111 111111111 11121* 1r:1=.   tjmiv \
_ - I."   a111aze11 at thee, 111111 their k111·e·s‘ ` all uf them slam. {:1111-11 11:1:1 . .‘ e
1   I `;' " I :=l1all he l111r1·1I11y a1`ra111 11·r 111ele.I   S‘·Vttt`l11 Wlllcll *11*5 111*111* 1·1l1*.&J , j _
1 I I . ql.1.1..1, 1 . 111111 11m
I 1   ‘,·1v I hle at every 11111111t—11t, eve1y111111_11or I.I_1I_Ig_ terror111t11e1a111l111_tl1t:111*11;:1:1 gm   I '_
I I ;·‘ _E» 'C=·" 11111111)*11l1te.111t11e1l;1y111lhytall. lr wl. _: have tl1ey home t111:1r>l1<11111·I111ht Im Wil 
1 » *1.2 -. l1 11 l·`1»1·m thus s:11tl1 the |.1>r1l 1 . ' ` tl11e111tl1z1t:0 ¢1ow111o1I11e111 11i" lll
- ~ 1. v lm 1 17 1 111 nh1·1
I · 1 g1 tion; ll1eswor1111l`111e ktng nl lla- ` ju;]   5; 2:3 '1 hey have set h1·r :1 111:.1 :111*2 fw H, UH
I l 'J *;:31  l•yl¤¤\11c1=1 I " ` "" lmttlst o1` the slam withal. l11·1121*£· 1 ' ' 1 l.
I   12 lly the swords 11 111” t11e 111i:htyI "V" "`““ t1t111le : 11er 1;t‘:t.r1es r11·nrn11111l:1*·1.! `illII‘j:IvI· 'Il
1 '   ;_;1v· wtll l cause thy 11111lI11t11le to 1`alI, t r1·r.2. I111111; all o1' 1h1;n1 11111·.1·1·111111  ~i111·1l1»i`1I
I _ ' ' ·._   I the terriltle ul the 11:1111111s, :1ll nt` 1t1;h.111.1.1. ,sl11i11 hy the swtrrll; 11.1111:11 ::1:1   INI
I 1;] Y f *:   them: and 11 they shall spoil the I 1, W,-_gI_;;I_ Itterrur 1* was causetl in 1111- 1.1111:1   __:,_lllI"
V III   LI . ptnnp 01 Egypt, :11111 all thee 111ult1—1S Ur>Hn1MU".d1 Ll1e_ 111*111;:, yet 11:1111 1h1·j·‘ QPF ll11ii11lr|11ll
I 1 { e _ tude tl1<¢1·eo1sl1all 111e1l1estr11ye11, I I-:]/mI_ their shatne w11l1 tl11—111 111111 51 HL I It
 ._:·‘l l I 13 1w_1lI1l1est1r11yalsoallt1111l1eas1s1w ls I IH 111111*11 to the Int.: 11e is p·1t1:1’2 I:"HI"_Il{‘l
 _ . ` IK ' thereut 11*11111 hesnle th1:_ zreat wa-1 I III.!) I0 111111~t o1` I/11-111 I/11t!}11tsl:1111 _ Ivw_IlI;I‘l_l
1 I 1 . "  » ters; p 11e1thers11alltl1e111ot111 111:111 I   " j ' LJt}'l`I1e1‘e1s Mes11e1:l1,1I `l`11l·111.111·. [lll WI  
' `  1 l _‘ tr1111l1l1e tln:111 any more, nur the li l~·'·'·l¤· -1111 11er 11111lt1t111l1e; l1eru1·n»~"t 11,11111lL
  I _  9 l11»o1`s 1»t`he11,sts tr1111hl1- tl1e111. 12Is.31.|2,l3.?r111111tl:11111111 111111: all 1¤1` 11111:111- I mu `u· 1
.1 » _.  lt 'l`I11·11w11l 1 Illlllitt 1111:11* \r11tt·rsI¤t>r, d1`111111y-1t·i1·1·11111teis1:1l. slam hy the   1.-.11111 ·
1 I 1‘ r Q}; theep,1111111·1111:r1111I in;. mmlgh ml,). ,.mN·1l their 11-1111:.1 www" "Il
I'. I I L-1;* l11l=ll_¤1=¤¤l lim wtttttry 11Je1.C1,e1,;a, the 1111:1111- Nm 111-11 li1ll1·1I1~ZY' IMI l,l..ll‘
 `- I2 · —u ¥·l~ Flllll ll?"l;1·;s1l11u1eI111It11{It 1v111e1‘u11t` 11111,2.11}. 1111t·1r1:11111111s1e11_ whirh 11r1· Lit u;lIm'l'?Iu
1 1 · j`  z-, 1t was u 1w 11:11 s 111 smite 11111 I, _1g_.1r_ `tl11\v11t1»l1oll with lllll1tfl1'\\'I‘1:‘ll   I .
’  IE __   ;   t11c111ltl1att.lwL;1lth1:ren1.t11e11$11:11113CII. IT Iéi Inf war: :11111 1111.)- 11111*1: 1111111:-* lTJ§1lQI:'Il;l
1  · I {5 1 sh they ·no1v q t 1:111 u1t1t111:_|.u111>. [Qi ' lswords1111111ertheirl11e:11ls,1111ti11·' H GH _
1 ·   Y lll ’lllll$ T ls lllll lllllll*lll*lll‘ll\$l (}u.ll).l.!. I11111111111es,rsl1alll11;11I11»111l111rI»·1r>1 I4I,u}‘Illf)l.'I
__ ·_t » g·. w111erew1tl1t11ey shall l111n1·11t her: 1[ I__I_I_ IS In _t1h1»11:l1 they worn tlne t1e1·1·1111~1€'»¥ ___m‘h‘_`"
l  'I  ». :; the tlauexhters of the 1111111111s sl111ll1w_l_,' IO` ` 1ni1:h1y1111l11z 1111111 1»I` the 111111: .1111111··1I-II,
1 ‘ , gi la1n1e11t 111:1*; they s1111ll l:1111e11t tori I"11I,¥'!;;x`;lf 2:4 Yea. 1111111 shalt he 1»r11k1·1.? C “I;m{
, ` ; `J   `I 11er,111·m11o1· 1;.;:yI1t, :11111 lor` all l1erIJ1~I1_ 1I, 7 1, ` the mitlst o1' the u111¤ “wM_I1-ml
· . 1   .11 111111t·t1111e.s=¤1tl1the Lord hun. 5,_.I,'&{‘,.;`.;C :11111 shalt lie 1v11111 1111-111 11-:1:1 m."»'h_I
‘ 1 .1111; 17 *11 it <·=¤¤¤··¤ tv wss =~t>·¤ lll thql 1>il;j§Q 15111111 11-1111 11111 s.»—1.111. _ 11_I‘Wk[_
I  " ,I;_ »· _e[ l1vcl1tl1y1e11r.111tl1e 11Ite1e111l11lgyn1 *11 g,·L,c,,_ 1,,., I 29 '1`here 75 l*T1l1>1t11u 111~1 1..1:: M_kl_[1"M
..4 .__i.i3  I the tnotith, [hu! the wortl ol 111eI 1111, I111111 all her printees, w1111·1t  11;1I111l111
 if {sd -  _ LORD came 1111111111’e,