1 5 j 1 ,1
1 1 . . I
'Z;yl°"‘_ Duly of a wnlchman. EZEKILL, XXXIIL Juslrce of Gad'.1 wnyy, { 5 1 "
{fig; umslznn hy the s1vur1I : _tI1cysh:1ll B. C. 587. Q Ncveriliclcss, if 111ou warn thc _ . · ‘
,,,h,u_M 111 with the u11o1ro11n1c1sed. 0.IlLl,l —~T- wicked of Ins, way to turn 1`rom it ; ‘ ' Z 14
ulnmgw 111111 1l1o111 that gu down tu the h¤l*;_$*·€1|¤· if he do not tur11 1`ro111 his way,l1:: ` 1 ,
mm ,1121 pi. _ Ju·’?·?:1 sI1:1ll111e_/c 111 l1is1111q1111ly; but Lhuul  
1\Tl1cre be the princes of tha]: · li G· hast duhvcrred thy sou .
,,1 1111r1I1.:1Iloftl11:111 and ull thc Z1- _ ‘ · 10 '1‘h11r1:fore 0 thou son of ' 1 ·
11l1<·a11.. . 1 ¤~ ¤ 1
1mL1“,111 111111111s,t which are gione down '°l’·~b·2ly n1a¤,s oak unto tho house of Is- 1 · 1
11·;a|1 tha slam; with t ll?l\' terror *1 ¢l¤·3l- No rael ; 'llhus ye speak, saying, lf our ` ' l
mmd 1111:111; 11s_l1a111ed_ o1 thoir might; 111:.33.5. trzuisgreworxs and oursinsbe upon 1 1 11
C QJYXR1, 1;111t|11·y hu` u11c1rcu11u11sc1.l with   @.53. us, and we 111111: 111 away in theni, 1 ,  
, Swm, Mn lhul bc slain l1y the s\vn11], :11111 - ”·¤» · I1o1v11sl11111ld we then live! _ 1 ,1
,l,m1lé` 1»¤111tl1u1r shanic with theni that 1c11_.11¤_ 3;;_)! ll Say1111tutl1cn1,AsI hve, saith -1 1 "
,,1, ;1111o11*111otI1c11it. 1 A [ d 'tho I.o1·1I GOD I0 have no pleasure ‘
  .lll’h11ra11l1 shall see thcm, :11111 whiff:] 111 the 1lc111.l1lo1` thu wicked; but 1 1
Mp 1,1,} 1.11111 ho uorniortml lc 111*1:1 all his 11-11,; 1., Ihut tho \\'I(il{C1l tur11 {1*11111 I11s way * , i
hmmm; 1u11lt11111le,n1*e:1l’l1araol111nd_:1Ill11s1 ;1oo1~1i 111111 111*1-: turn ye, 1111*11 _y¤ [rum ` *1 1
wml :1n111 slain hy thc sword, saith thc 111111121/1c1·. yo11r z:1·1l ways; 1ur why will ye she, , 1 .
1 uu my 1.1111l _U0n. lu C11, 1.1_ 17, 1) houso o1` Isracl! ‘   l 1
m, um 12 lor I 1111111; caused myl 1crr11r11,g$,_1S_2,_ 12 'l`11or1e11»1·o. thou son of man, I 1 1
fu11m{r 111 lllm 1111111 o1 thc 111*111;:: 1111_d hui g1{1_;1V1y_ 1say unto the cI11l1h’1111 o1` thy_ 11c1>~ 1   ' l 1
· 1111111: 111111 111 the 11111lst o1 ths:1 1l11,U.S. *11lu, lhe r1:l11o1111s11n:l l|1¤|ll,$1JU1\li to the cliild-11/Ylizilig, ,0 nous, {lm; he $111111 sorely liver? if ‘ 1    ' I
1,,,, 1,,, 1111111 [hy 1»v1»1· 1:1 11111} say 11111111* ],,l",*,g ' hu trusttul1isow11sri¤l1t1:11us111;ss, 1 , 1`
l_'_l111_U lll€IIl, l\\I1on 1 hrmga tho s1v111·1I,hJ,,_gV,§ ' and 1;o11nnit 111i1111ity,ai.ll his right- ` . ¤ ·*‘ .
l`\_m:m 11111111   land, 11 tho 11oo11lo o1 II1111 G“_2_1y_ o1111s11ossps shull_11otl1a rc111c111111:r— 1 `;     `
Umm 11111 1.11111 a_111a11 111 their c11asls,l{;,,_g7_;1_ cri; hutlor111s111111111tvtl1atl1g: liuth _  » 1 _
W1, 111111 gui I11111 1111* th1e1r 1valol11111111 z [11 _\___W_~_‘ co111111i1t1;1I,h1: shull1l11: llJI‘ il. 1 ‘  ` ;   i
1`(_11m,1, lll uhun ho sooih tho s1vo1·1l1 I _ 1 1.1 Amon, \\'l10l\ 1 say u111_0 tha 1 1 L, _
,I‘u_mu1_ 11111111 11111111 tho land, ho hlow tho ’¢ I1-I->;IQ· 1v1ok1:1l,'I’l1ou shalt surely dirs; ift 1 1  w ’ i `
1 1,, l111111;1u1.11111l11.·a1·11Ll1o 11oo11lo; ·l""·*·$*- ln: 111r11 11*11111 his sin a111I 1Io 3 that l `  1 ‘
  4'l`|11:11_U wliosouveer huzirelh tho I   11*1111:11 is l1A\\'l‘\ll iIIl1l`l'l}{lll ; 1 ‘ 1    1 E
,1 ,,, 5+1*1111l 111 thu tru111111:t, and l11kcLl1`"" °;"..‘ " 1:3 lf thou w11:k1:1l rosiorc the " I -  1 1 ,U.“._l_|H_V_ I1 I V _ _ 1 _ 1111~11..s1.1|_ _ _ , _ 1 1 1 · . 1 1·
,,c1_,,,_1N   1* ¤ L1 1 Uh &\\1Jf1 LUIHC. ].$4130_7 11lcd1:1e, ;:1v11 .1;;.1111 1. Ih.1t ho hail 1 · 1 1 H 1
M ML, -112J 111111: I11111 away, his blood shall I__Vw_ |_1_‘ r11l1hod, walk 111 tho statutes w o1` 1 1 I .1 } I , ‘
I Hm, 5, L*g11111111|11s o11·11l1o111l. ,,g$,,_11_1V,_ hfo, without 1:o11111u1I111g 111111uity; 1   l     ·
Im mm IJll1· liuaralzt 11111; sound of Illia 1,11_3_;1;1_ I111 shall surely hvc, hc shall not I   1 1 1 ‘
` H11111111,:1111 11111 'not warniiiz; ns 1111,11.5. 1111:. J . .  V l `
1.‘M1.1,,,1 lj1111111l1sI1:1lI111e upon 111111. 11111. hu 21*¤.:1.9. 11) None x ofhis sins that ho hath .   il 1 l l ‘ —i
_,m,,_$:., I-1·1ll=111utl1 11·a1·111ng shall dplivor ;1ul1_.8.20. oon111111t1-11 shall In: 111o11t1o11c1l l “ · l l= 1 1
?,1w,,,,_,. l·*}51*¤l- jjj-i·[1¥¤· 1111111 111111: 1111 l12\ll11lUl10 that \\'l\l(}ll   l, 1 l 1 1 l
Im ,,_,,_,1_ A 1111 11' thc 11·:1tu11111z1n soo 111o 'IE-1';x13L*· i5I:11v1ulz111d right; l11:sl1a1.lls11r1:ly I1 1   ' Q·
, V.1, ~·1»1 1:111111:. :1111 11,1111 not tio _ ··;·- · l11·o_ _   » 1  11
r Mm 11**1}*1151, 111111 tho 110111111; hu 11111.1;   17 {1 Xot thc cl1ildr1:110ftl1ypcc1- 11 ,  11 I 1 , 1 ’ l
t he ,,1;, .11111 , il 1hu_s11o11I co111o,n111l1 phi 3 9 1111; say, 1110 way of the LURD is [ ,  _ ~1 1
ml ,,111, L;*11111111u1S1>11 l1·111r1:11V11o111;1l1o111,1II1,._2g_]__1' not e11nal; hut as lor 1l1on1, thoii 1 l ` 1  l 1 J
  Q! 1 mich away 111 Ins nnqu1ty# 1 _3_1g_ 11‘z1yis1111t•2111111.l. ` 1 V I , I E
rll1,_I,_,,, °111|11¤ 11111111] 1v111 1 1·oq1n1·o ul 1111; l¤j2,$g,,,,,,, is \\‘l1on the rizlncous 1111110111;/   ` · `1  1 ‘
1m,111.,V; V‘[~'{§l11111111 S I1a111l. 1 11,.11j111r;,—1·_ 1“1·on1 his ri1:l110o11s111·>s, 111111 011111- l, l ,1 1; I
S 1),,11,_,_1 _· 1 ¤·1ll11111,Us1n1o1‘111a11,11111ve 11 cl1.l5.T,&1:.111111L1;1l11n1111\1ty,lic shnll oven die E , F ‘1  1 1
11cH.h,,_,1  hwvy: il w;1t1:11111;n1 1111111 tholv 11x.¥J.1.~1. 'Ll1Bl`€ll)’. 1 , , 11 1 "
mV, ,,,111 g‘_’}_`¢ 111 lsr1111l; 1.11uru1`or1-1_/ 11111111 l·1¤¤·f-·»· 1 19 But i1`1l1owi1·l11·d turn 1`rum his ,1 ,, 5 $_ , 1
,_ hm, *·=~¤11|11::1r tho w111~11 111 111y1111_111ll1,` l·¤·*¥'·§ [11-ivkodiioss, and 1111 that which is =~ 1 1 1!  ` Y1
“MU1,,,,,;_ "·Q‘l\1}`i11’11all11:111lrommo, 1'U lj‘“]'[f#";x 1l;111·|`ul and r1:h1, hu shuLl livc 1. ‘- ‘ ' . { A
m,,,,,.1,,,1 \:K`1Vll1?lll¥11y'\l11t0ll1¢: wiolqenl, (1 wr ,111.7   *,5 11lne1·o11y. · _1 Y l   ' -  
H [wm D 111 1111111, 1hou /1, 5111111 sm-o1y1 ‘ H, ;‘,,,‘V,,‘, 1:11 \1-t; yo say, thc way of thc; 1 ·— _1 ~ ' 1
[1°111ll111111I11stiiotsponk111w;1m,,I11ui](,_3;,f ' 1,111111 is 11111 equal. 0 yc house ol 1 1 · . 1
hm. 1,,1,; ‘;*’_k"11*l1L*1l from his way, {thai 3 11r_1oVg_ 1111·111·1,111·111 jlhlgu Y0'-! €\’U|’3' 1111011 1 I I Z l
,1M,h ,,1; [jj *;*1 111/111 shall du; 111 his 111111111- ,1 ;1·1,,;,_ 111_ aI`Lc1‘ his \\'11)'$. _ Q 1 _ 1 lr
),,1;,,,,1;;1 11*;* 1*11 ms blood \V1ll,l|,‘1:ql1|1‘u;1[ ;1¤_g11,1;1_ 1 21 'U 111111 li caine to pass lll ihc , g ;,  1 *1
·*-l1=Jl111111l. ,...—..; lwcljahyour111`11111"Ci111l1\‘1I)',111ll1(1   · l  
117 ` _
1 1 - 11* 1 1