·. l I y ·
l    i   ,
· ' ` _ ll. Judgment upmz m0ckr·rs_ EZEKIEL, XXXIV'. Rrpronf nf had sllrpllmis, The kl-7|{1Il
l '·   t<~enlllmm1ll1,in the mth day nf thc-! B. C. 587. lknow that :1 pmphct hull; Legg l];\l\ll1‘l‘
~ _ . _ _ ‘ xmmth, limi b umu thul haul uscupcll l--··•——— 1 among llmm. me pulqllc.
~ . `   nuL_y· ml llm~.:¤ud u
. l _ _ _ ‘= _¤d¤.ml¤2mn l___ ,. ~ l .· l_ .
- _ { my mouth mm lmlzlmd, .uu.l I wua mu; l1c_Um_ all) umn them, lhus sux! 1 nlm Lay.; cl Isrzml sh
l , no umrv llumh. ,,·0,,_ lL¤0D lllllll the shcYhcnls, \\`llnll 1.. simll llloy l
[ { · 23 'I`h<·zx thx: wurnl uf the LORD ~CJ‘_ _H ,&c llllc slmplucrds ul` srzmllllznlyllubl nl`::l l»u>lu
» E » vauuc uutu ml:. huyluz, lr |"G   ' lllclllslrlvus I should uu; Llm slll;. lhs lllllllllli
y [ Lil Sou of umu, Lhuv that inhabit J C '· · ¤ · lnurds ibn-llLllc1lm:ks'l lilwlll ll
_ _ those xvmrus nf llm 'lzmd of lsrawl ll wr, nf. Ll Yuh cut the hat uml we clan- mw ll1¤·u
‘ ` ‘ spcuk.$:¤yu1g, l\ln·uln:uu c was une, 5, ch_H_ L you wllh the wn.»l,Y yo kill e mlm,. llml Gun.
. ~ , I and he mlxcrlhzml (hq land: but way my that um full: but ye {cull not lll lvl Wlll
_ l ; - are muny; the luuel ls glvuu us for 7 _ _l. V {lock. l ~l, mul I
: { N xnylxcgklinrxlzzwn y  '"¤ 4 '1`hcll aliscxnsml have vc 1:l' ll`wi\lflVl!ll
l { ‘ _,   ’ rqrclurc suy umn l mm, . ,, slmllgllnulmll, xmillmrll;wcy¤lll.l,- lll! Wall`}:
 '   · “.— illus sauth the Lm1lG0p; Kc eu; ;,7;’;,;Qp?;f cd than whwh was sink. lmtiy xlvvnzllllrn
  ·l Wllll thu lrluoll. amd lull up y¤»u1·l,m_ W llama yu lmuml up that xl-/wl ws Illtlwllll
~ _ '* eyes toward your 1¤l·»!s,:u1¤l >lmll` [0   llmkcu, uculmr lmvu yu Ilmm.: mulls: lu
4 · I} bluud: uml slmll ye d puswsx thc? 7 P " lnguiu Llml whmh xx·usll1·lml:m.»., 1¤.¤~ul.x
I l   .   Af] llllld  lh   y 11c1lh0r have yl; sought y lh.ll wll.~. l7 Allll ns
~l ‘ l  lu X0 slnud upon your swlml, y¤_ Ijj)g;~i;- `wus lusl; hut wllh l`lm;{;_Im1nlll.‘:. Swllllhc I.<
l I ·_   Z, ·:= work ulmxuamllllm, .m¤l ye llvhlur ’··‘·· · cruelty have yl: ruled Umm. lll\\‘c·l¢11 2
; i;_-   _ 1 = _ nvury cmu lug lm;;;lll»l»¤u·’s wm; ; ·' "U1}j€'Ul'€—Y, 5 Amly; mlmy were >.l·;;1l4;mll. ll·· lvvrvuy ll
E 4 W rl   ,2  ullil §h:lll yu p<·>s Llm lxmd   ` l "l`,Jl`¤¤· lt·:msl· h [here ls no slmpllunl; :.:. Willi.
1 ‘  f E —j _. U v_  Z;`F:lyl\lll>;x Illluslimlu lhumi llhus w 5,,,,; ty tlécyil»cr·un1•;mu:lLi lu ull lh<:l»e.>‘> l> 5r0Hl•‘·
l _ _'  ' Nllll ll: ml `rm; As my 1»m..\. o L m liulll, wlmh lhncy xvuulm- }‘—»llll» lm
I my »x  . }`  surulyllwy mm lm- m nlm yy-lungs - ls. 3 ,9 mma. llm.l·llml·l
2 ,·_;   ‘·y V rl T{li1}l_(illll:))' llux syvinill, ;Hul hlm ` " ' ' all xly sheep wzmllcrndk llnmzsk }~·‘ll'l`•:¤¢Il
_ §_ lf. .  `l· lil *5 lll lv lllllfll lll:< Wl gm: "“"“‘\* u l le muumzmns, umll1lml1r\·:j lllllF·Y :ml
, I     ig   lll Lllc llvzms in ·l l>g•luvm1rl;ll, mul (CH H, LH Jhlgh lhll; yuh, my llurlg um sl·.:Z· l`l`l‘l~ \\‘:¤l<·
; l _ ··'; iq] ¥ll•J}'ll12xl]n ul thu {urls zmll m [lm ' ' ‘ lvnglll u llm ull the {ucl: of l1.·‘ Wiillllv wr
l ‘~ .— <~ <'· valves >lxull nhl- ulllw ;mLrcu:;tl1 shall cunw; zmd the C M,_3_|_8_ thu word ol nlm .01111; _ llllllll lc
,   j,·',,  { muunluxusj nf lsmnl shall lm (msu- d Io _ ,1; l B As l llvu, gglilh llm Llml lm?. lllci. _
E 1   — > l€}t0nl_h=LL nom: shull pass tlmm;;ll_ hl; {fl', `sumly lmvuusl; my llnuk l»l:r:llll·- Yl '. The
V lll Q 1 ' Zgtehxil $h“ull|l'J)i lklllllla llillli I I '|_ 'x“' `|»l‘ery,111ul1uy illwk lmuzmm mllil llllllIGm>
1 . ¤ > um llf onmwmn um; lu lm ¤ ·ll· ¤··· yl·vm~y lmmm uf thu limi. l»l·r.r~< 'l"’l .wllI
{   ly   hun] mulsh llu>ul:llu llcviulsf uflull [lp¤,5_;_3_ ll/lvm- wa.; my slmplmul. nvrllllll 1 Milly uml
, · llblf HllllK|lllilllUl1S w mr; lmy _, V A . my slmplmrlls 5l;m·<·ll mr nxlyt.l·· U ;l‘l71lll
`  ll- · li ll_{lV¢‘f`»l¤¢:l1ulw
; Q , _ JU il ,\Isl»._ llmu sun of mzm, tlue ‘*”·***·"*l*<*"`slclvvs, uml IUI rwl llll lllll ki , "·l‘*l"'l ll
li L .¤‘v <'llll¢ll`l‘ll~ wl _lhy ymlmll; snll m-U *’l~l*ll**‘·l·   $1 'l`lll·ml`.n·u_ U yu glmplmllhlnli llllljg lluv
{ ·% ` _ Ly. lullxlll: *·:l:u11l¤L lhuw hy llm mlllg Il Zl·¤_1(1_g,3_ ~•_]m “·l,¤l 0[um lmmh; __ Ll lln•·l·¤·
y  1 °     1lll
* ‘¢ j ·' 4 $llU1l' lull: ln zum! m1·.¤·vl;l·y·mm lll J' ` *' lmlll l mu · wm sr (lm >lu·l»l:¤fi>l l"ll l wll
_ ,» ..¤ - nm_l0 I2 l V ·l»~· l .
l  K ~' ' lxxs lmlllmr my ·· l' · l ·· · ‘ ‘ - - ». -. ·   lt mul »· .
 ,_ ,;¤.g . r·_lll-. pun, pm), __ r .•ml I xylll ll.qulll,n my lllu · hlllll
Q ‘§§ ;;· gt  )'O\l,illIl1 huzlr whlnl ns the- wm-ll A H]‘·2·:·f· lllmlr lmml, gmd l·;lu>l· lllllu(1
- .= _ ;._   l{l¢i3‘ llly}\‘l>;»ls.[llwl\L lhlzy wllll [ml 1l.,l;;_lq_ lllml. llmym;•y·»m1l>l;ml·ul ll*lli'* Lylflllll
 , ·‘ y ._ lv wm: nr¤\\‘l.ltm1rnmu1 lllmy H l ll ¤j l-‘ ml u_-;.;,m1lm llllll ¤~¥~ M. uml
` 4 _ [ Q FI "$ll·l¤l‘ lllllvll |¢»ve·,Irut lhmr lm;u’L U I?f"2"JG`fG‘*lm]ll;lll,Ul, I-;-Jl ltwlll lmzll >l ¤‘—»~ llllluml ll
‘ l_ . .1 ::l¤l:lll i||ll’l' lhmr mvemusnmls. i' *23*-]* ·G· l my glmlm, uml slmlgp lllml *ll·` l{·}`·‘ Fllllli
I · · gi; · lg.! J\ll\lllhlllllllrlfl\ll\l&lLll1:\l|;15;[ · '· · U· l lg 2 AS H ,lml,1,m·ll ,l·.·};l·lll l»l·l-·j Jl .\ull l
‘ ‘ · V2?. ·`l "°‘5 l*ll`<‘l3‘ =·lll¥<>1`¤¤ll¤ llml lmlh Z Jirvrlrllinz lllemk m um (my uml lm 1>=lll l= f·ll‘¤·¤mu\
  ( l$· {gv il ]1ll·1n.~2lul. vulrclz, uml cam pluywl-ll lll ll-4 Mk- `llls glml·p[lm/ urr M·;l11u|‘rll . ‘*"‘·· **""\1l |l~
l  hf ;_   ég llll uu Hl>il‘unu¢uL: fur they lmm Ulf- lslmlg lm; my Slmuy, mul \\l=l‘—" '·*l¤ll1 illll
    illy WUl'¢l>yll'1lllli:)`¢,l0ll1(:l1|lull, ll l~.30.l(l. llwm- llmm ml; uf ull pl:u·¤·> lll·¤’f lll ’ll·· ml
r r_ ·`$.  . dd g\Il\l'\\l1•:I| llus cnmclh lu pups, J<·¤=l >-l·@· llmy lmyl; lmlh ;e,¤u¤:rc·
. rv ll  - l » ~~ y
‘   ._;‘.__l_ ;:  <1u,ltw1ll cuxnu,l lhl:1l1 shall Lhl-y .;•»4. `clululy und xlurk q lla); lu mul
, .¤j>  .&., `? Tls
r l ‘·  ,?· ‘g
' .4- ‘ :1¤·a¥ :
ay 2;. :5*‘·;;T[1l
· ;4_ y h€·.r_.. §·
lu 1* ·•-,5 ,1
~.· lu.;