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tmgy The kingdom EZEIUEL, XXXV. of C/triat. ' 1 1
I1 been l31lt1tl1·lwillbrinz them out from, B. C. 587. tthe h places round ahout mv l1ill :1. 1 ‘ E I ,
tr1e1icople,at1d tzatlier them t`1·01n1-%-—-thlessing; and l will cause the 1 ‘ `
_ iggeouiitries, aud will brin: them t' I<·G5~9·l0· lsitower to couic down in his sea— l 1 E 11
111111 gg 1,1 their own land, and fecd thorn, J*= 23-31* sou: there shall he showers of j ` i ` l`
1, tpouthe mountains oflsrael hy the ,1 Ps.E.’3.l,2. hlessint:. , l
1Dl;;1mg rivets, and in all the iultalnted ls.·l0.|l. 27 And the tree of the field shall E , `
places ofthe cuuntry._ ¢Je.33.l2. yield her fruit, and the earth shall l ` 1 , 1,
11115111,1 ll ls will teed them tn :1 good pas- 11 ,1,45; 15, yield her increase, und theyshalllie ` I , ‘ Q
1s1·,:m~l llleillltl upon the l1iZl‘““’“Ill¤i1tS1 .11111.21.lS. sate in their lzmtl. and shall k11ow A A , l
11{;L11¤1 tiflsracl shall thcir told hc: there t 1, )t;_.1_(;_ that I mu the LORD, when l have 1 I 1 ‘
1111 11,1,, 11111ll they lie in :1 zood told. and in )1a1,1s_11. ,ln·oken the bands of their yoke, amd I i · ll
tlottal (II-Lll pasture shall they teed upon t·t. [delivered them out uf the hand of `   ,
tcsliep- tE1e1not1111a1t1i ot Isaaeli dl _u £h{.%3l7. 1t11ose that served themselves of 1 `
,¤ wi eet it my ov *.:111 wt ¤»¤· -· t tem. `
1 1111,111,1 mttsntluznt to he down, stuth the wAm.4.l,2. 28 And they shall no more be n   ~
p 1111;., lttttl GUVD. _ I Jc_11;_21_ prey tothe heathen, neither shall Q ' l
111,1 111 161 will seek v that wlnoh was hli.l0,l7, the hcast ofthe ltuitltluvonr them; `l ,, ‘
l11st,dat1tl hrmt: again tl1ti.t1))\‘lf1t:l1‘;1,,,,,,11,,,,1lC~l1ut they] shall dwell safely, and   1 1 ,
vc 1111: was nven awa . aut wi 111 u 1 none sha l make I/1cm a raid. : — 1
tellin}- IW Wlllfll WH-V yllftllwtl. and willl   l 129 Andi l will raise up Ihr them :1. 1 - 1 i
`111111111 zttcugtlten that which was sick: 1y ;1yn1_g;_;1g_ , plant 5 ofr1:nowu,a11tI they shall be 1   1   l l
11111 111; tut I will destroy w the tat and the 11 ,,,.1.a, M_ 111o more tl eonsunietl w1tl1 hunger 1 1 ,1 i
111·1111tl.: tttcag; Iwtll toed them 1v1ti1judg· 1 j,w1,_ i11_ the land, neither hear the slnnne 1 5 l l ,1
111 :111:11. men .1 _ . o t ie lioatlien any more. ` 1 . ‘
111 11-1,11;, 171*1111] nsfnr von, O my {lock, thus ' I'u'H'°2` 30 ’l'hns shall they know lhatl the   :  
,1111111,:; Fllgllllltf l.grtlG$m; Bilioltliljudtte 1“ I‘"‘m‘   ljottn their God izmxwith thtet11, amil _; ‘ , ‘
H, nztwetl (watt e ant cat 2. le- _' Ital they, com t 10 muse 0 srae , 1 ’ 1 ·
    the rams aml thu 4 he- 1b   agi   :   1  
1e111.t·s 15 Sccmetli it il small thin: unto , i}°‘,:3‘l9‘ my pasture, are men, and lam your   il
are ;1,11— }‘1ttll11l1a\‘o t·attvn1t11 {hit: aootl pai-1”E*¢‘1f)j,'l§· Gu1l,saitl1Itl15 lful GQ? 1 · - ,1 1 ·l
ltttv. 1t1tyt·11111sttr¢·at 1 owuzwit 1, j`_`,‘1* ' Cl A 'l` `It Xl .`V. 1
thmusfi lwltlctet the residue of your has- 1 R""|"i' Tltcjmlgmml cfmutml Seirfarlhcir 1 1 1 { ,
1111 mz; lttttésl and to lt:tve drunk ot` the 1d I·"·l·3*·m· lmlre1l0f1.s·rm.*L· 1 = ""
1-16 sm- ¤‘t·t1»11·aters. hut ye must foul tl1e1*‘ I1--*3-9· `V[OltllU\’I£R the word of the I l V
1 111 1l.» t1g11lut·11·itl1 your t‘e11tZI I lf.l¤.’1B.6. l Lotto caiue u11to n1e,ls:1ying, 1 _' 1 ,
iortett 1. 1 ut _ ns jor my toc.t. t my cat 1 1; x¤q_$_ts, 2 Sou of tuau, set t ly time , l _ l·
ttttt wlnuli yn have t1·o1l1l1·11 withj_\`“,__\\`,:1zai11stu1ot1t1tSci1‘rtt1tn,l iro hes tb I   FI .
~11l5,l1r;t lltttr lent; au1l they tlrmk that 1 _ aaaiust it, ’ I p 5 1 { `* I `
ltlttcli ye have fouled with your l‘Il_‘113?·;}· ii Anil say ttnto it, ’l`llllS saitl1 the Q .1 -. ` 1
tml G0?. l1·0l. Y , 121;;   °‘ Lord Got); lll-l1ohl.tl mount Ecir, 1 ,l Q 1 ·‘ 1 1
~1et·:1111¤¤ ll *1 'l`l1et‘el`ure thus saith tho ,1 ,1,11,11 ' lmu at::unsttl1t~e. uml I will stretch l _   , .1 ¤ 1 ,
euitullv lflltl Gon unto them; Behold 1,1 ,,,,,,,,1 o11t.nunol1a11tl atzatttst theo. autll § t ' , lt
lwrxtus tt'1ttl,\\‘1lI jutttge lietweoit the tht 1, 1_,,_1,yfg2_ will iualte theo lmost desolate. I { t 5 » l 1
111l1tr1`.J fjtlllv aud l1t~twt~t~11tl111 lea111eattlo_ · _ ) _ -l l will lay thy oittus waste, and l { 1 ,! V " ‘ `
111y1lt::1se1l with y11111·l1111·11s_ b¢l¤~!*·lf.Y*`·1 5 llecause thou hast had at 2 per-   t 1 1 tl
,1111,11eu \tlI1‘_1gl1:11·1·s1::1ttt~re1t11114111a11r11a11;1 —I·=··l9-1·'l‘l¤ will 1 save my 11111:1;,1 *‘“'·'·ll—'*· {1/11111/ ofthe olnldren of Israel hy 1 E; · I 1 I
Sal;   ¤1t·1Itl1t·y_sl1all no 11111111 1111 a 111-ny; 1 ("’·'°1$°‘ the -1 tbrcc ofthe sword in the time ‘ 'J i 1 1 1 j ,
11·11l111t1·>;   {1111Il _1utlt;e het1v11en eat11e1‘ ¢;*j;1I’;;_'iZ* t;1` their calanllity, in thcltitne that .1 1; j 11 { ‘ , ,
·1t1c -1- -1 :1 v. 1 1 ·· ‘ /1r*iriniq111l,v ni ancent : tl ‘· . 11 , ‘
1l1t1111* ll :\tt1l I will set 1111 1I; s ; .*1, l“l'""‘ "l‘ re : , 1 *1 sq `t > l €‘1 "
111; tltqkj l—t‘¤1lovt·r them, :111tl‘l11;l;l1ull ltltltljd lmilfxrtd L‘l1t€Ul€\'lll   l¤l¤l‘;Yll\:*l¤llllllh J   I l   · J
1·11l11trt l1tt·1tt. 11::11 111y1;111·v11111, 1111v111; 1111 C1,_25j1;_ 11111111l, aiitllilootlsliall1>t1rsut:tl1et1: _ 1 · 1 1- I l
1l1ttIl1·1‘ hull ttttrtl them, and hg shall he 411 ,,1,,,,.,,] ,,,,1 sithc thou hast not lntttvtl blood, ri     1
uj tt111‘·l1~ I{1"lt¤ltc11I1lllll‘I·* ;\.\tttl c the Loup will 1111 1111111 —¤ /11111111, 7 ’1‘h11s will l malto mount Soir , 1 · 12 ’
l,1111ll111¥— (Ml, and my s111·1·11111, l)111·111 11‘ ¤t·l1.21.1$.2D. 511111gt iltestilato, and out otl' from 1 l 1* {
111 total Itttttttcti att1ot1t;tl11;1111 [11111 Loan ·1l’~.l37.f_. it hi111f that ptuseth out and hitn ·l _ . 5   · l
»11111t=1,_ {)1}‘·=5110ltut11!. 1; Vt-ll‘"·_l 1- that 1·1-t11r111·ll1. Y? l lt; , lt
·tl1t1ttl··j ~t »\tttl I will inake with th11111 11 "**"*I”l*"'l tl Anil 1 will till his Ylllllllltlllllsil ‘· , , 1 ,1 , I
is :1111111- Q'·\‘t*tt1tt1t ot 11ca<:o_11111lw·1ll 111111sa Q"'! 'l"°’·"` v.·1111l1i» slaiiimru: inthyhllls, and ' Ll _ Z . 1 1 A
~11.»111{-I ·{11· col htrastsr: 111 111111$11 11111, 1111,11111 ‘};f,f'& 11111111 1·a1lo1·s and in all thy rivers, " ‘§ ` T . .E
1 1v1ll,t¤‘ *·=l1¤l1¤tt1tl they shall dwell s111t·1yj‘ `fllu {67 11111111 they 1`all that are slain with I. · , l 1 l
1·1;s111.=Il* lll ll1t· u tltleruuss, a111l stoop 111 the ,, 1.1,`_11j_Q;_' tht: sword. ‘ I l t `1
1111 Ill IJ lljttttls. Z M,1,1_;1_.1_ 9 111-111 111111111 thee perpetttnl dtrso· 1-: ‘ l1
w Allhl I Wtll make thorny; 131111 ...7. lations, uml thy cities/t shall not Z , IM    
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