' i:»»•:’- ·*‘  I HH V r` '
 .1 X ‘·
i  1* i   umm mmzmt., Xxxyt .:mlln,rl,—.l, _”’i‘f';’?i
· ‘   return; and ye shall lmuw thatl JJ. C. 587. `rtrsidue ofthe hctlthen,and az:l;l..l l"fl[Im_ To
— ; -_ pl am me [_ORD_ i——•——1nll ldunlea,g1 which have Jlppelr. 4"‘|lu,wl IL.
‘ l 10 Because thou hast said, Tllnse u ¤lr_ulull;,¤l. cd it my land into tlltelrpllstttwl   XM I'
1 _ ·   two nntlons and these two cuun—l_ h IS G, With tltgzjoypi all Utrlf ltuitt‘t.\\lt:l {,10 ‘h‘_mhc
t tries shall he nline, alld we \w‘llli'°Pé`_|;"ih dt··sp1tetul1llulds,to cast lt out ln; _Q_M`l’Um
. I V possess it; Dwllereas the Lorain} iS2‘,3' at [IIE?]. } Y { gwiluwlo
· l was there: ' ‘ ti rop lesy tlvre ore celltwnllilg j " _'
,`   11 'lllercfore, ns I live, saith thc . h J:l.2.l3. the land (ll-lSl'1A0l,I\llll say nlltutilt 1ll{)l`{`H{"l;
i· Lord GOD, l will even do :lc·e0l·tl- II, ga q 10 luoulllalns, and to the llllls, tothe ty iI__uh{_
` l iuzktu thine anaer. alld areortlultz S‘ "" ‘ rltjers, and to the valleys. ’lllt;<   mi
L l to tllille envy which thou hast. used m ctl.3li.2. sloth the Lord tion; BclloltI,lll;lu· ·f l _
V l out of tlly `lliltred against them; P5-*>3~ 12,tU- spolten ill my jealousy and lll uy ;ii‘“"fl‘?F_
j n and l will make nlyself ltuown .,dKmm_ fury, llueause yt: have llorllellml  
. I l lltlltlltg tllenl, when l have judged ' shanle ot the llczltllvltr cli} rm]
1 thee. tt nlaglltfzd. 7 'l'llt:refore thus saith the I/ml _f 1 lvl .
` V 12 And thou shalt know that I nm H wa ,, 3 [Gon; l have llttied/: up lnlllell:lll!,  ;_m._l::
· i · ` the Lotto mul lim! I have heard! 1§;i5`,;'9 Surely the heat len that nrc alum ' ‘
‘ » - - · . · · . - . lllitlt-r th
. all thy hlasplleunes wlllcll tllott_ I you. they shall ll<·:lrtlle1r>l1.llli» ll ,,
I l . . hast spoken against the nloulltail_ls'U l=-65-lglll S 1[ But. yu, O llloulltalnsl nt is l;(]_l'§r`;{
{ ` ), of Israel, saying, They are laltlllmlu, sayrael, ye shall_ shoot ltjflll ywl! I·JY’Il;:?n*Il
— — · ,,2* desolate, they are given usm to ' ‘ ' ' lllrallellcsnalldyieldyourtrulltunzy 1 u__ fh
, y   7eensnnle_ `¤U¤·U2·l$· llleople ot Israel; tor they aretz: l? ·f,f‘__~1
. ,4» 13 '1`hus with your nlontllyo have I, ch_35_]O_ IIIIILI to culne. _   "‘
_ I I Bboastctl against mv, and llavel I it l·`ol·, llollold, I nm for you.al.~l. ln { '""°
_     multiplied 11 your words against \` lZ;‘"“‘€f“"_will>_ltlru unto vn you, and ye eta. lf3“;`"§‘I
"     "lia 3:;*5a:·:;;;‘l’i;:a-.m   ·— .Ji‘§‘i3; ,.l‘*t1t*tt:l i··::'li··::;t:;.l,,l, ...t., I,  
l, 3 e _ » l.—.·; ·. t , ~ -· lll ~ I · _· Qi _,  
_ l 5 _. _   the 0 whole earth l·t-joieetlll, I will' Ctltttti tlpmt you, all the houseot`Isl·ael.rml;lII }‘:FEli""[l}$
- to y " ’ matte thee dt·sol:lte. I/'Fl*P”f!tt¤ of lt: alld the eitit-s shall Iltj   6;;] H":] B
I {   j 1 __ · I5 As tllou dalst rejoive at the in- "’"5'"*’· halllted, alld the lz wastes sllallte ’g;,_L;;Dl_
{ t : ·“ Qi ', lleritaut·e of the house of lsl‘ael.~g 1*5,79,10, `butltlcd: 4 _ Nm ho';
I ’ ‘ " .· llecanse it was desolate, so will lh, * Il Ando I will nlultlplv ttpullyll 1 " _‘
. l . , or, l.elzwll.r l . trim, M,.
, _ _g it E s   do unto thee zlthou shalt he deso-\ (,,·_ ,pl,_,_ 'mau alld [least, aud they shall tit- H l_._uj-  
- ; py . 2 qt latc,Ouloullt 5cll·,aud all ldunlca, HA, 9 [3 ¤crease nlld ln·nl,z lrult; and ltthl Wm_Y_h_
‘ E l·~* Q 1 rrrn all of lt.: and they sllall l{.Il(}\\"[ ‘j;"‘K; · fsettle you after your old rs*:l!t<, b\hUIT_;ll*l
  »i   ' that l um the l.0ttD. "‘ ‘ land will do llettcrp unto wml Hull , ‘
‘i " `*· V " * <·tl·ti··l·l··l· xyyvl ~l·—-gl ··t · l ·¤~· · · ~- - i`-»~llll t*!"'*‘**>'**
1, 4,4 . . it .  _ . t s., . . ,.l your lc. innings. ant yt.l ,_,., _
g ’   l', 1 YVlr;Iail1!qt Itrnwt ix rqnl_l0rluI,rIr. fh!) 3 S ikylow q thafl mu the LORD V `§;,`_I_ psf
; ` gf   ~ 25 'l he blrsslllys 0/ Cllz·l.sI'sl:1n;,ulm1l. `   | li) Ken, I will cause lncn lt>\\'H;i nlm; ml;
§ ·   ' tg LSU, thou sun of ulau,prophcsy ».,`~\.,M~`, upon von, com llly people lstitlwi wi mm
,   .2.;   all ‘§2§‘f if lZ‘lS1ElZlEfll§f Alf l;E;I;l;f g~§;·2~§· allZZl{SiI}21li riliill,l£*§TI\;»?.lZl3§i'·{.IZ-it ·‘l53¤;~;;_ggi
‘ { { " A  hear the word of the Louis; " " "‘ ' ,thou shalt no nloro lle1lt·et`¤t1ll¤· ' j
l :.1 ; 3-  : 2 Thus saith the herd tion; Bu-`]¤¤l*·$5-l0»l'. Tli¤\Vf$`lltUtU vfvtwt s , m{,l}ll2i,\Q
.   [   muse the enenly hath said atzanlst {1.* 123 3 yl · I3 lhus saith the Iltll‘tlt·!0tt1_li; my wh`,]
t_·" · _ · you, Ala. even the alleiellt lngha— " L ’ ` tpanse they say unto you. ' ` l<¤t1ii‘~¥ , "` g
_ N . ` Q planes are_our's inll possessloll: ik “l‘·20·”· lllCV0l|l't1>7 l1pS lmflt. ittttl l*i‘*[ lr  ml]
 H Ml . §  ~   'l`llt·l‘t·ttu‘e prophesy and sny,]1 Alll,!t.1{t,tt. reaved thy nations: ill \;;d I`,
Y - _ ¤ ·£ 'llll1S saith the Lord tion; 1lle~ym1,_ 59,; 14 'I`llerethl·e thou shalt tlvtiiii? ,]u` md (
  V lj eause the. have nlade wl1tdt~snl:ltt·, ‘ "' lnen no lllore, llt'||lltll" ‘* ll·*t•‘¤t\* l`-[ g,‘,Q,`.M.[_
, 4 ‘   aml swallnw¤·d you up on evi-ry " l`·Gl·l· nations any lnore, saith thu lm .:,]},l;ml`I`
Q l *l :-2, side, that yo nn; lt he a possessloil uJu.3t.Q7. iGu1l. CI ` ’ j
    g ‘   untutlle l‘esldtleot`Illu h¢·al.hell,alld UUJZ- \ 15 Neither will I l·nust· nett "   il
· ?‘ tt? 1 YG Ut'? ’ titlfvtl ttpri lu _t|lc llps ot` p I».5l.7·l0. hear lll thee the shzlnle ottlttr lit-· >l1"u\;Q‘;lt
I ·-Q    i; talktirs, alld are an nltalny of the`,] [__;2__l_g_ lihen rally lnnro, luoaller jllalt tlui mrljllll
. ;`* ; * ?¤ P€f¤l{€‘i j _ .. __ leart le repronol ot tw lla   . ‘
 ~ ’ i ;v gg »t 'lllerchlre. ye lnoulltaills of Is-nl 4fh'lf*$" iallyllloro, lleitllel· shalt tllotr¤‘1=‘·j ,f}:Ul_i::"_l}_
l tl!   ·;y. rael, hear the word of the l.el·d ·¤Nt·lJ-—l!· *thy n;lnnn4 to tail nny Itlttlitit > ~--~· t M HW my
l' = V ·_f¢ . }t MOD; 'l‘|lus saith the Lord Goh to tor, mlm In the Lord tion. _ mm. no
I { j the ulountauls, alld to the hills, to pl'!. { lt} 1[ )Iol·eovl·r the notd ttf l··` U {Ml
 E " · [_ the it rivers. Kllltl to the valll·ys. to [ y·,_e;y4;n_;|_ ll,o1lllcalll¤· llllto lne. >:¤ymJ· _. ;u,,`l,M_ ,
` M .   the dt·s·llate wastes, and to tho jl»I,,g_g, I 17 son ol`ln;ln_ when the ti·*tl" Q pil] Hlj;"
_ t .` T ,' li tttttuttlitt ill"!lttl'$¤\l€t'tt.\\'lt1<'lllll}- my www ~1sl~;ll¤1 ttwelt ln lltt'lt”>U“'U l·· `~ ,_,,);_').H_{l
. ` · _· l;_ Gttttuc it ]¤t‘4·yrl and th·r1slon1:to they }lf_§1." ’“" \ll4·v>*’ *‘— Wm ‘_\_|l`
_` ;;_   _’g {J lltwtrtore tuus saith the Lord rt·ell,t>i.it·i.3<. nlwellloyed wonlzln. _, lu, mn
      {-01); barely lll the th·e_r`ot' nly uw?. ` is \\‘illll·ol1»l#e l poul·t·d MY   1.,mm, ‘
`   `B. gl Jvitlutlsy lutyt: lspoken against the —-T`- upull tholn for the lllu¤t'l¤" ····‘ ' ·
i  .< =?=-s g t ·~°
  va.;  l:·
1 X  ·_;,:   ll
» - t~¤u‘n»¤· 
“=  . . 2%-.`>€·Yta