E 2 L
· ' 4 * 4}
WM 1]]:5:1119: of EZEKIEL, XXKVH. Christ'.: kingdom. 7   E I . ..
._,,_', Iheyhzxd shed upon the land, und B. C. 587. ksinght foryjouriuiquitiesand furyour Q ‘   ; ‘
,""xQi'f1 mr tlmr ululs wherewzl/1 they had ——-—·-ulnunuuauons. y I 1 `_
"m'f'j` Wlluxusl it: I Im-2·2·’· 32 Not s fur ynur sakes do I this, , i _.
    lUA11dl} sc:1tted·ed`them amgng y I’s.7~t.lS. szulh the Loggi GED, ha in km`-,-H - ~ .   ~
‘ k mg heutnen, an mey were 15- :1%.115.1. '¤¤\\¤ YOU! B 35 il-{D6 mid CUH- 1 ~ · .
umm Iersudll1rul1;:I1LI1e cuuumcs: uc— ap,_]06_g_ Grundcd for {our own ways, O Q . ~ ; `
“_Emm_ mn,I1u.·;l<{ their way, und accord- b x,§__lG_m_ huugc uflsrave ; Q ` y
mm}; mglu thmr doirms, ljudgcd them. .c ch 20 H 33 Thus sunth the Lord Gon; In . I , ;
. I U: in ,\ml when they entered umu QQ iz ' thc d_ayth:1L I shnl} have cleansed . ; ‘ .
g' aaai me llezulnm, wluthcr they went,. mg:2 5j_ yuuirum ull your 1mquities,Iwn11 Q { I j]
ylhaug muy; pmfuncd my holy name;. or OL, =¤1Sp cause you to dwell! in thu . g *
," in‘M whuu thuy said $0 lliem, 'lhezc are d ds; m' gill?} {md the wastes shall be   ·»
` , · me pcuplc nf tu: ORD aux ure ·_ · · H1 Cm. L
Hmmm gnnr mrth out nfhis land. I P3i·{’h“°· Bl And the degclatc land shall he 1
he I/ml Z1 if Bur, I haul pity mr mine Imlyy 20*; ·3· t1llml,\ylxeruus1L laydesulute in Lhe V Q 3
Bohm] mum, which mhz: huusc of Isr.1el."I;i*f]-I2;) Sptjxwl Hllihuv paused by. _ - ,
rc umu! had pmhmcd among the hcnLlxeu,ffJ °·3O;···· tiibtmld tl§ey:ilm1l_sui;, Thns liqnl E   ~
_ _* · wh,;y,‘»H;n,y wcnh nc. .¤, m was wsu um 1s ecome uc * { { ‘
.!;""Fj._ ?2'l'hcreli»ru say unto the hnusu gJc.33.8. lhé gurdcu of i·Idcx1;u aud_thu   ' 5  
ihuuir uflsmeyy Thus Sgljgh me Lord (jug;. Z¤·_c.I3.1. xyugtc and desuluye amd rumed t ` 1 I ; y 1
lmbm. Idu nur this fur your: sakes, O K·°·G·H· C\¤0$_!¤'¢ [/¢'€0”l¤ i•3i1¤vd. mid MU I · {
V W 4. house ufismcl, but {hr mine 11 holy In ;]¤.j:.ll€. 1l§\{1¤¥]ll¤d»m I I I t I ft § I 1
· `   n;unc`s sukc which yu have pro-] *0 · - `U wil H? will HBHNG MG 0 g · ¤ ‘~
N Wl {med muuuf the heathen whither 2"·32·?2· {yung ubmfi Dliéushiku krwiv iw! I .   .  2 {
  QJ ywnut. i’uc.7. ... nc ORD >u1 nu rumr: p ces, 1 = · `
*°*l‘“d ;3.\ud Ib will szmctiiy my mm 1. 1>.·.au.c. ¤~.13.lG. 3* ihus $¤1|V·h_ W6 LUTQ G0U§_ I · 'Y  ‘ ‘
uh.l“`[; !huhuuihsu shall know that Imrr l·Tp.1.i3.1»l.j\V|U YU'- f0T thus UH l¤l1\1l\‘€d pt lv , ` ` ` 1]
` ‘ 11m[,oRp_s;m1;y,|,g [,0;-;] G()'[),whg“ lJm.3.zZ1. hy the huusp uflsmel, .1: todo nt br n `  ; _
www lslmll he snncuhed inyuu c hefure m (2.;.2.;;;. llu:m1;kl wgl Lncreusc them with I ‘  {
_, · $lh·1r   C»».;.. . Illlill 1 uu uc'. ‘ * , __
igflglxgfj .HL[_»u?Td will mkc you {mm! HH0_é,6_7_ 1%8JAs th? 0 hplgi (l0cki:1sth1g {kick   2 `     ·
, , Q amnuztlm hcenthemunduntlxcryou L ""· · U 0¤'¤$¤¤ Cm 1¤ WF $9_€m¤ €¤}$$‘ ‘ ·, - ‘
,;i‘{%;‘,Q 0¤!<_·I` all cuuutrms, and w1ll brm; n Hm L10. su_ shall Lhu waste cmes be iqlmi _ ·  » ‘   E
,0 mu 3‘nu1umymu· own mm], 0 ;xm,y4Q]_ wnth flocks ufmcn: uml they snull ~ ` ;  .A >
3 ` Z5? 'I`lrcu c will 1 s yrinkle clczm R¤».G.l·|. k\l0W tlpnl I rmx Phu LQQD; ,   { ; ;
mwwg \\`¤If*rfupo11ym1,nuns ya shall hu U·¥U~ H (}{=\V1 LR XXXY U- { ·  3 ,
,].nQ`. Plmmz 1'rmn ull your iilmluywgsd; p11·».2.21.azz. 1 I/1crrmm·z*rhn_:1njglrylmzuxv. 2i E `  ·; ;.
hCg,‘m;g mm frmu ull your mms, mu 1 q¤»._w.m,ea. '1"#m1·?¢¤·1Sq~%fIf`/·ES¢‘¤/¤#·v·'0¤~· .   · ;    I
_‘.,]¤ clouusuymh : A . u umn u tm 01mwz¤;11pll\U, uml ccanrrxcd mu out m ilu; I `   4  ¤ i v
` ¥¤¤,muI ax new spi;-ir wu] I yum D 9 _ bmrnlq uf Llm 1.01m, juni sunduu t ., ; ;  ` 4 `
· . 4, “`lih1uyuu· uml I xv1ll[;;l*umvuy ·‘ °· ·”· ll\!\Yl\ su lhc llllIll$*L ui the vu ey · ~ ( ,1 l
Ygiijli me >zm,yLY|mm~L Ou; of yur]; {wxh, tZ¤·c.S.7,B. which wu.: ful} ui huuus, 1 5 7 jl K 1 Z
l`.\[`fk, 1-HJ I w1ll gum; vuu uu hum; of u Jucl 2.3. 2 And csunscu mc Lu pass hy them ; _ ··  · . . { 5 V;
M flash}: ` Uu0_H_4.g) round ulmut; uml, behold, [hmm I`; V  ; .
(Mm. L’7.\11d I will pur my Spiritl wiLhiu w ZM I0 cg w<’f€ VGTY ¤¤¤¤i1Yi“UW USUN I v=¤\1¤¥¤ gl 1 i
,M\i‘;.Q Y‘•\l.1lIl\l muse you Lu walk m iu 13i9_' y I =¤§<1k1   ·· 4 ;.
`_ [Q- ¥¤?M¤zl¤1v¤s,a11d ·u shall 1’€€11Il *l u·.x.xG. ' - U W 5**** uu U ,'“°· n ° .‘ 1 l w
ML IM 1HvlL·1merus,;n\nl di {hum. ` I ) 4 Ut*"·5·M· mum Cnnlmgc Em? gw? and {   V I  V   I l 4
_ y— Killrd yu shulldwull in the land I ph,2g,3[_ ¥¤\·i\\'UF0l» OT UD, WU ' I ¥ ;  { , T 1 ‘
hizfuf ¥Qm[Ig1;vuInyuurf:\Ll\c1‘S;1\l\&l)'0` liv-1U·¢'. |'““"V°?t’ ~ »   I ' I';  A 1
uu lh.,] $~···\1\»¤» my pcuplu, n und 1 w1l1 bc: 22. 4 A§i¤\¥\ he smd unw Ymhl mI’h(‘*)' ~ Z }   { 1
`_ M. Eyurliull, Gjlngko/huly upon these buncs, und suy umu ll · l I W  V 4
{mlm. JU wall also save 0 you Emu ull* @**3*- Ulwh U Y0 d*`Y b"“°$· l“'*“` Mw ` |, 2 , A . I
W UU !Q<*\11'\i1u·l¤>