· 1 ·  {1
· . ~ T Q The glory nf the rhurrh. MICAIVI. V. T/ur hir/h of Cfmsl.
1 1 --1; theluwshallguR»rtlwfZi0n,¤n11thc I I?. (2. 750. 1Nl)\\'gntlxvr thyself m 1r¤»(1y$_n
‘ _ L; wurd ofthe 1,01111 from Jrerusulcru. 1-—•——· [ duuuhlcr v1` tru¤»5.s: hu 1.;,;;,
J 3 if And {xc shall jxulic :xr¤101\g·1¤ur_,epy1/M. gluid megs: uuninst us; they shui]
, ` 1 many pcup 1;, nn \‘t¢1u<<: >1muqI , .3 xnutcu tlm j\1duu1wfls1‘zu:l wuh
 15 u:x1.iu1xs u1`:u· oil`; mul Khcy >l1uH (I  mal\1p¤>1ntlu·¤·lm4;l;. A
 `1 hem thmr swunlx mm pluuzlv " l}'·"·*’- 2 Bulb lhuu. Bmvllx-lcehvnu Iplym. I
_  gy sh:1res,:mdlh1:i1‘sp¤·1u‘s mm 1pruu-1 l""·3·m· 1=¤h. //wu;1hllun11»¢·liuln unm;m1_B Y
i  V i11g·)muks: xgqnipn >ln:1ll1mL_lni`1, up fJv·'Z·11. Ilmusuuds 0f.11gd:•l1,yz[ <111I.01`{]1.c
 } u swunl uxzunst, nmlmu. 11mlht?I`tl`g [W ;0_;g_ $11ilHh¢fl7l>lllC10l'Ih \11x1¢»1xnu[im;;J
 , s)m\l1Imy Ivum w:u·:•x1y nmrc. 1 r;1,1_{;_{;, 111 hu l'\lll’l' rt m Is1·au¢l; xvime
~  ;_ -1 But r Hwy slmll >iL ¤·vu1·y_ 1x1:111`]‘}.N_._H In uwmzs furlh /:r11·1,·Im:1111·Um m` mj,
~  Q1 nuaher Ins x·1u¢:.uml mulrzr Ins 1i::-   ‘l~' 11111111 1c\·u1‘la1s\1uu.zI
,  f' Irvet; uml mum shall 1:1:11:0 I/mm 2,1],3 lj 13'1`|1n·1‘1:1b1‘¤v\\‘1ll he 2ivc11u:mu¤,
1 E] rnfruulz Gvrlluv mnu1.ho1`lhc Luim 1 J `_ ` 1i1111| Ilm Imur thu! slue mlm,}. ’
5 · ` u{`lms!>hu1hS|v<1kcx\i[. *15-·’S_;l1_; \1‘u\‘u1|&1hlm1hbruuuluik»rxh;11;1·;; `
Q  _ 51·`¤»r:¤l\j`puuplc will walk cvexy H“· I··l§1 Ihvé 1‘1·um1mL of lus l¤1·ulln1·4¢u>||·;\|
` 1 T ` mw an Hu: rmngc uf lus god. uml I ‘ 4l`l‘[\1l'l\1|l1lI']>r:|4-1_
* `  V; wu y wall walk ju thc nnmc u1`lhug’~ Y'5·1·17-il ` _·1TI Amilxus1¤:¤l1s1umluml¤1\·».i
` · I  ;| {mm our Gm! mr uvur uml vvur. 11 1~.Q.1i,7. 1¤11lms1n·11:11¤ux1huL01u>,m11m
, · , ;‘  ,’ 6 In Llmr duy,s:niIl1 thu 1.01:1), will  l1¤.7.|·1.i7.i111:13¤·¤1y nf the 11:nmc of the 1.uy;p
1 j i Iussernbluh her than h:1lue\l1.1 uml] !·‘1-133; ‘h1s Guml ; uml they shall u\m14»_ nr
' :  I1 Twill pmmerl; her than is drwcu “¢·"·'*’· 11ww $11:111 hc he §!!`0i\ZU|1KUU10
5 I-  ; ` nut, uml her that lhuvc nilluztud; 1r1l‘=»·1F·1nZ.i$· n:m\s111`llm uurxh.
Lf  ~ 7 And I will mukc lnrcrthznlhullcd Em, kdm-, ` 5 :\uLl this man shull hn llxw
Q;. rx reumzmt, uml hor that was rusL\ Lic.i5$.:2I. 1]11fJ\(ZU, when Lhc Assyrian :2;;.11
V;    ‘ * {nr mf :1 m·m¤z_ nmlinmz mul thc 1u \w.:2,5, !('¤1!11\7 mtu nur Iamd; amd ulumg
` l ~ *_‘ _ : lmm shgnlll rmuu mm-nj tlmm 1¤¤1U_;c_;_H,_ 1>l1u1l tram] _m uur_ p:¤1;u·c>. rm
    Q  _; mount Zwnfromhc1u·u1u1‘1lx,u»*L:11`P]s_bU_7,EA Mhull wv rzusu 11gz11u>Lhuu smc
_ 1 I E >l '_ y mr nur. Y A 1q 110.].10) ·bI1¤,pl1¤·11|:·,.1x1$l$:1:hL—1;.»u11<:np:¤l1m
1 1 1 .. Lx y N '{T Anal lhuu, O Umor m of -1110 _ l»»\11h.x!\ ·!\\:1;u:1l1¤:l..:J
~ 1 . €'_‘“ Q {$u<·I;,!lms1r¤»11q Iu»l¤l¤»\`\luz ¤l;m;h· ;1` 1*2-1**- 1>l`;\Ssy1‘m wi!h\l1c sw¤>11l.:m¤i1t.Iml\ 1\ vuxm-, ¤ *111-ll ’}1unl u1`Nxumul 5 m thc rulnamru
$1 " E`  ` ¤·\‘¤·u the 11rsL d¤uu1u1m1;11 the 1 l~453.S. \\lm1‘1·ul': thus shull hu] Ll¤·lu¤·ru ~'·"
j · I ,   f }:i11uvl1»|n>lml\ mum 1u thu duugh-1 ·1c..!£·.I 1. '1r1`S\'1‘H11\,\\']|(:i)h(!<'4¢I1‘·i1\
U, I U 1-,;  In- ,,{_;L.l-.N,1(.m_ ` 1hv.ll.S15, Eimo our 11uu],:xxnl when l1u1:¢1u1·
Y ;   mi El Xuw wlw dust thou cry out ` BL t·1l1wi1luu our !>¤>1·durs.
» ; 5;*  :·}mu\' mu 1/urn: no km: m tlugu ! u Lu.3.17. 1 7 Aml 1111: ruuumut uf J;n<‘n11~l1:»1l
‘ ._,· {L  ` H thy <·¤»uu><:llur pwislned 1 1hr~v1>.»1r.15,1G,·11¢111111v1¤11¤1Sl <>i`111=¤115'11¢‘1‘111l‘·¥-5 1
- »— _ Kg;  1 pzmus huvu taken um; us a wu-lw1)\.w 25 :1 TI dmv {nun ilu: 1..01111, an 11.c
1 .   ·_;;; I 1:¤;¤1111xtr;¤vm1. H .I mb 1'1 ' `sluuwurs upuu [he ;;m>$, H.11
'· Y j ‘ j`* f 1 I Ic 111 p:1iu.:nm n\yuur\uIn·in;:_n " " " ,Lu1‘m:llx not 1\u· umm, nur uxnhlu
_  ;; ·  '-   _ ihrth, O ‘¤lu;1:lm2{ uf Zinn, lilin §"""’~"`“' 11\érL11uinr{sTi`1me11. t _ I x
1 ;‘1:,_ 1 wnmuu m ruvxu ; or www s m , guAp_g_ 1 1, .· us I xu mmuam ut .:x<·—1
’:?   1 thou go fhrlh mnt of the vity, and lfMM_27_30{ `slzixll bv zunnm; {lm (j¤:ul1l•·s 11.1%:
_, — sg  { lhuu shult dwull in Hu; 1in~I¢l,:md I \m,'1 Qllllllsf of muuy pn-nplu, an :1 1.11 `
» 2 H  1 umu 5],;.]; uu ,1-(,1 gi, ];;.\,)-{Ou;   ""‘ `u;m»u;;\l|u 1u·us1s¤»1`1}»u1`1»1‘<·>1.=1>1
    Q 1l1¢·rvr[ shalt thou he dul1v•e1·<;4l; "("’·m*w· 15111111: lmu annuumz the r11»1·k~ vi
‘ . * il;  1_h<·1‘u vluz hmm shall u·dm—1x11lu;u _‘ 1/W *'<1!1‘ Of ’*>hc1·p: who, 1K` hc :0 11111**1%
  {L_ l1'<1l1l\]1\¢h:m\\Ul-lhlim(e1\1·|n1us. j ""`"'*U· llmlh 1rr::1dr·Ih down, uml lC1111*1¥11J1
i __ · if ' 11*1N¤>wr:•Isu1mmymuumsm-4; ri }‘1’-¥-9123. xyuzws. uml uumzcaux•I<:l1v<·r.
j Q  y Y 1 erullurrul znuzuusl {hw, Llmt amy, {11**-I-1; l El '1'lnue hum] shall lm 1111111 U?
\.‘ ’   g 11-1 hwr1»<·J<-1il¤·d,;md 11;L our (yy *1"'~I·‘*· ugmx; thmu m\wex·>:m1-s, ::1:1] @1
- _ I, pq ; lm»1ucu\¤1i1v
I .·? {if Q · I2 11111 Huey know nm [ thm; z Z1-¤·.9.10. IU Anal i1 shall mmm; in 5-.1>S Z1
Z E `Q, '_;·   \]11U1ll,L!h1T;;{ thx; I.o1a11{1mit]u;r ulu.1 L|1.2.1·1. {han Any, ximg; tllm Lomw, 119;,1
5 ,§_ V-  ` ¢1zr».xm my n1snn. mul [ wall mukv thy lm¤»1's flu I-! }>1ru11;;lu»ln|s;
ag » (_ _} 1 l‘\`?\$$iVi1?111l] lhuu shalt lnum, m   Q 1 I2 Am! lwi\l em 4»i1` w1t<·I1<‘(:·?$
. _· , ;   g ynuvwr ruuuv pcop\¤¢; and [ will g " “"" ·m1L o1` Ihiuu lumpl ; ¤uu1ll1¤¤l1 =1»·»*
E jg _;‘;  1 <·qfxm· w\mle purm, 1 R1‘·2J·'5· ll vm •>1Y,;1ml my 7 5\{x1ui111£111~·?1$
2 { E   _ =_ _A g _ i ll{\1"l'l·Il{ V, _ iZ1·¤.13.£!. mm 4.1`1\m 1uixI>L4»|`Ih1:&:; :1111|11·‘f
Q    {   1 The Erm nl SCITSIJ *1 ]{1·Y]¢171U— T wr, stnmm. `slxnll 1;¤> umru wurslnp Lhu \\‘111r»~·
·   zf Kr ` mn: 1S(`117lqHlS . ‘.—47- [hun: uunls,
1     *.2*  uu
·¤ z iiék 
. `   B Q
M1'   Tf ‘