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`   `       ' ` ’ YIAII [ J dal fur Fivcrs sm
` l  }§ Goelsyudgvnenl aguuul ZMIIA. . , . H L U 4 I U ` · · Exywrm
' ' ; lhiuc horses mul thy Cll(1l’10tS 9 01 B. C. 636. iq srnltcr mel. thur rejuxcingj xm. MC out du
X Snlvmiuujz —•—~— n$,1r:!]cvm1r L 10 poor sccre y. K mer me (
‘ . i 9Th bmv\v:1snmdcr|{li\GI\ilk0d· ¤ nr, wm. IU 1}***** didst ‘V‘}W_‘;;I""'“5* H'? jg Ann ix
I l nccur11};ng to thc 0uthsu1 Yhu (l'l[>1¥3$. 0 ) _ y Suit \\1\h ullllii h¤¤>r.>, TON!/1 IL ml mum
- ¤ · S ·l·;h. Thuu dnlst ' {W "'””·‘ 1* luc:1 ufpruut. wulcrs. _ I _
. . rmcnlh word. e . , X] unl
· ¥ T I r·lu1vuy1UI,lu·(2uril1\vilh1‘1\‘M‘$. “f"‘””“’°"‘# T6 \\ mu 1 lwurd. my \>r·Kly lrpm· ;{:`_Q:‘Qm[
{ ll) The mmmt:1ius saw Lhup, :1zu{;c_]OS_I0'[2_ bled; n1y_l`|]»s q1}1\i1ir¤}al[:1t thc?   hs: that
` ‘ I I,h9yLn:r11\11¢¢di thcnv¤zri\o\\‘111gni H _ r r¤>ll•:u¤Mr>> ¢r¤¤l¤v¤¤ M1 y   ti {lh LORDWIH
- ·¤ ] the water ynuscd by: the 1l<:up\1L- "’·?7***"·!¤‘· und I lrcxublzcd lll u1) si. . Id hcdn DWL
- .5 ' wma his mma and wml ul, hl, w·r·w-¤~·u1k- Hugh; msn m me duy of h·<»u\>lc: N,1.hm.€i
' · ' Fdi’*"'€ · ~ 1 - · Il u 1 umu 1110 c»»» `
| {mulls nu hugh. . “U‘r“ *'~ ';"""°_ P l V . mu,0 {1 ht
I l ll The suur mul uumu >t{mv.l15I}ll lg;/ith G ivlmrlm wnll 1¤111v:xdn: them wm; MU1mi(‘n
in their lmlntutimx: N ul t M: if H ‘ ’· · · Hf "‘_"’i‘“· _ _ ,. muses, lm
. · j uf mine urgmvs jlwy went, qvuiiw mmm; ll W} :Wh<*\¥¢Zl1 Ylhing 5}°iE?_ Fw] ,QIey§),n;1
x [ ut. [lu: sh1uu1g oi Lhy gl1ttcr1ug 7mI.g;l, ;1uLhh»§·¤o111, m.1l 11.1 s-m_ my we dunk me
Z ` x~»4·;u·, ,3 umn. mm 1ulIu:\'1uj>s;lhclznhuklxQIIIICUIXH: N The E
g  _   'lg ·{·1mu uilglst; mnrcl1l!}r1‘%\_¤5h p»$nww~ $*13 X16 *;ggj·_;**‘Q,_}";;{,2§‘E§.,§{"§; ¤*”“'~" U
·>`  · ezl ' `···L`nL1m11‘L yu: 0 ‘= ‘_* —~·  ,
` ·   {}{;·cL{Z`{1.Z`1s£l#1TSK  aiuucr. B """""`”hc:ut nH'f1‘u1¤)lln$iuhl,:uul I/ure xhafl B? 
. l { ’ 13 Tlmu wuntcst llwkh Hirlhc S11}- " ""- ’""d· bv UU 1****1 l“ mu $'E‘u" ··m1l ew z
1  g i vulionuftlxv[1coplc,cvcn 1hr su\vu». xg ,,,-_ my 1P_Yc}z: {will r¢»_yg>¤··¤> un thc LOW. jj Thml
E:  1 L tion with vllunu u{1¤;xu\a:d; ‘_tln;mu` mm, U, {_w1ll my xu thc hud ¢1f111ys;xl\‘u- my of ml
’  ‘I xvuuudusl the hem r unl 0 Hr piucm W1- . _ -q\\·;._»1cu~
.    1 y huusc uf the wi¢;k<¢¤_l, by \¤¤:¤»- I.; mu 19 The [pun Qui} vs r1i)‘§w¤l1Ii£;) Hf durluli
` };‘f  Q vermg Ljm 1`uuuduuon umu the CM) 13-15. Ingul ·!_¤¢· MIN {¤:·¤}~<»v Hwy limi Will, MM C10
,-  r 4 "y(;];_ _5u1;p_h_ wlumh hrt,.mg u.»\1 111.1 L Il M M A du
·    ; I ll '1'hm; (luis; su-jku through wm; 1* .\'u,·:¤'1y¤t/n. walk 11pqu_n111m hugh pl:yw1·s; Iv hhdu iu:
1   .` i laxs stages thc lmud uf l11s;‘1l1iu:z·>i YS- |J¤U¤· ;31nLrc3:;;3ll?;r1gcr un my 1¤ smugul Mi mmm
‘ -  : · I my 1' umm: uuL us u w nr wun ——•·~—— xs ‘ · 1; Am] _
1 T } ’ / mu. tha
_ g _ · ]\ 1 \ `N\,“N`.`,V.,`,`,VV,W~L».V\»,M~\,W»W WVWAM mul s m
V ? ° "  1 ~‘1uuwl:1·*:
  Y   4 N'_[_;]}_[ M wd! sh
‘ ‘ i'  Q ` ‘ ' :.:1·lLlu:i1‘
; ~ ~·—`Z ‘ ~\~` Ira Nmlb
* `;"£  NW" ·‘·»1xl Tm 1. y I?.C.Gf*(1, 1s“·.»m~ -1113* Hm r,¤n¤,4z and mu: ;l[§(m(,§}’
i ` Q ‘ \§  ; 1 H’hm Zrp/rr1_ufr1h /1f0I17l¤§`ifYI. 2 {L7? '>‘}*’?“` l‘Y M“l"}}“'}‘f C _ H VM me Lunl.
~ ‘ l§;;  Gml‘s srrgrn _ym{rm1r1;z41yu1y1sl Ju— F!/.*11 WQ l (¤A1\d ¤hz·mtlx.nt .m:turnu m€ 3
xl ` 1 {  ~ 110/[jar ¤]u.·r;·5 wps, _ ¤;{lQ'!/· [V [rmn {hu Lolm; uml I/mxrl)_1:1lh.n\~ LMC jml
  ;  ;`  · TlIl·j word of thc LORD wluvh "·‘ · ";“"" jxynl sg·uglxty;t!1c [,01:1), m»r111v|11mJ N- MM
_ V ’ ·€  czunu u11luZup\nuui:xI1 (he: sf¤|1,,l;;t_;_’:;f‘Hm '|¤»rlum. JUN, U
~ ‘· Q ·‘  ` ` uf Cushi, thu sun of(}m1:nl1:»1!x._Il11· I, M_ ldwx   7HulnH1Ihy lycnccgntlilm p1‘(]sM1F*j —`A“·u
xxi qi * x ` suuu{.\1u:•r1:n)I{Llmsrm¤»t`l11zk1zzh: H FLHMUIY nl ilu: I,¤>1·¤l (mn; iurg the my  (J ypm
J "   ;Zf  1 in thc days ot Jnsmh the sun ui ,,]`_ y{!10}|A0l¤D rs :15 lmml: t:_»1·tl3cIiQ1:;; M I dw
. 14}};  Auum km: <¤l`Ju¤l:\h. ’ 2}"_:3_.1_*_ _11¤* \ l>}'U!*¥¤\'¤*< il ¥‘¤K'*'i WU- IC ‘~‘·· yp; ·
·, -;L4  2 ll, will mmrlv cmwmnm ull I/Ql€i1.L!d.12., " Wl hw ¤*'U$l*-if . *1},y;·[Y;,t
? . * 3,  l71irwsi`1‘u11x¤»Il'lhc 2lu1ul,s1uihtl1u` .I»·: 114. IH. N ;\11$l1LslmIlugnm mp!:ms1uYh•i "MU H
» -; ·  q {,mm_ `¤21{•.17.3G, `duy nr 1|m_I,01m :4 s:u·rn11rr::,l|1uI MHD pm
* ` f V  Y 3 1will<·¤>usumn mum mul bpm!. ·1|· `w1ll_'¥puu1=11tI1¤,·l}1f4"; {_E§]\ll],,I3
IW E   mzm 1`rum ull` thc land, saxhh ilu: *_H\*~";·m· }lu>!41, whnvh nl] (I!<>)l' nx=1>\¤‘f¤ Wk Inv
3   · ~ Lum:. J W- 'f’4i"· lu>us•·s wut. vmlumzu und dv- _;muh__i
1 ,- ,  N 4I wdl nlsn stretch rmt. minré   ‘fj1"’. rmi. _   A
{     .·  f hand upnu .luml:1h,:nml upon ull lh¤· `{'16;:"J$|'x‘ IU And 1L shui] mum t<¤vpuSS H{ :`Qh_.m
L ,` _r = inhanlvinamls of .Iurus:nlc1u; amd I ., __IL'L_1',‘,i‘d l11»;u,¤1;¤y,s:mh nlm j.<>n1>, I{mII7M* .1ml‘:\Sh
;   % · wxll um mm me mumzuun m` lkml; `,,,v 1,,:,[,“;._<.\='·~// iw rlw n·»¤~<= ··i =¤ s¢ry1_¤‘··¤¤·"**‘ ml lm,
{ -'   from this plzucngnml thu unuu; nf ,,g_ -zishr¤:u¤;, uml am lmwlmz 11‘¤uu_I}\·¢ M. uml
‘   ’   thc Chcm:u‘uus wxih thu prxcslsz ;i 3; .v_g3 g_ §s¤·<·¤m¤I, uml n gram, c1·:xsl1111;!lfl11;w uni xh:v,_4—·—- tcsh, Hur ull thc 1nnur<=Ix=¤¤¤H*if*‘1‘l" __;,,,N {
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