1   V  ea J
i I     I Habak/mk Iremblcth at 1·l.\GGAl. I. Gnd's ntmuslt GmZ'sj1zrl
4 . i 1 trusted not in the Lean; she drew It. (7.010. (?I"{llC_f`llltI$t 0f_ thee lllclll that 1r~ tiled with
t 1 not near to her Gnd. ~r»4 Juice 111 tl1yp1·ule, antl thou slnl: but there ·
`   1 3 Her prhntes wttlim her are ruar- ¢tJte.23.ll,82. no rntare hc héttitzhty ¤ because t-t that $11;*111:;
‘ ‘ ing; [inns; her jut aes are evennu: — _3_](· l~_ my IU y ttmun i\|Il» _ _ mm i in 1
1 2 . wnlves; they gnnw nut the hnnes ilu _" I 12 l w1ll also leave 1n the mtdstnl rf Thus
‘ 1 ` till the nitrrruw, ‘ _ thee =1nlat§l1tvtetllu1lt;l{neural pat [`nnsider yr
_ 4 ller 11-uplietsa are livht mid _ =· is t- unt t ley s 1a rus lll it 5(jnttptn
1 i treacherlius persons; het? priests ti ·l°»l`·l>!- ttttlittt ut thc LORD. Wal, and
· ‘ V have polluted the sanctuary, they, 1 ur, ¤t·mt1s. 1.% lhe l`Cl'Ullillll·Ol-ISl`IICISl1KttllIld will take p
i ` 11ave dune viulenee to the law. ld I,__Gs_S_ du 1111tlt11t·y, 7l nur _speak l1es;a it ulnrihed
`- · 5 ’l‘he b just l.01lD is in the midstt \`. 0 0 l|tiltl\(£l'_$llllll Il deceitlul l(7lt1!ll€lt2 pt}; lrnilu
` i' l thereul`; he will nnt dn iiiiq111t;,·;l”·I""'j‘· fotttitl lll their mouth: fur they miiigtnlittl
l Bravery innriiiutt doth he hrinz l1is lf l’r.2£1.3J. shall feet! antl he down, :111tl aunt tll1r1n1C.It]
‘ ’ t judgment tu light, he lailetl1'nut;l l»¤·?’·2?,Z6· Shall rrtrtlie {hem afraid. r anti the l.
{ ; but the unjust ltriuwetltiie slnt11te.c~;.1·=.·i3.c. lt‘li b111::,p 0 re¤waitf ve upon men 1 in. { <1l`>tl1et:_1s nnttltllii he will s;1v1e.l1t~ l1»nr11t‘tl1t
l. * `7 saith the l.<>R1), until the tlay that Igttt J*·2~¤>· will 1‘elt11cc r t,1ver>tl1ee w1tl1 jul"; E2! I het
l . J  I risc 11p tu the prey: 1`ur my tlteter-in M·1t.l3.-tl. he will Urest 111 his hive, he will ttirzillwl,
gt - _ 1,;  l mmumm I-S In gmhm. mc ,miu,,,S_ ,, . U Kumi?. Joy 4wr·rtl1(;t-witlt singniu. .j~»t1let·l1 I
`   `  _ 1 that I may a·~s1:n1l1le the l;111u1lun1s.l V V7 IS Iwtll gather Ilurut I/mt arc S¤t· l..t: ruinnai
· — J. ,;  V ta pour upon them man: ititligxizt-I1’L~'°·~·lfl· rtiwlul for the solemn asrtl1t·n will I turn tu the pen- t T KUL;. do all that atlhtzt thee: a11tl I \\`lll 2¤L1tvl‘1t·lt11‘t
‘   ple a pure ¤l:1nzuage, tl1:1t they J`: Ju _H_ save hier that halleth, antl gutlwt ll lllttll :
’ at  ' may alli tzall t1p<111 the name at W `I 't her that was tlriven nut; and t11c~st:irt;t·r
. ;   the I.¢.1ltD to serve l1i1n with one ` “" " l will llget them praise ant Iillllt `lll`tl tie
,l I V z L.;  G C\1ll$U|ll·.l ."’tl1cI»w·yllauu:n ' _Q '_ `) J·»`tl11slnvtisnlrrwastel V V`*l1"l*l"`
; _g - . the pmpliut, tlnluZ¢·r11l1l1z1ln:lhll111 al ;"~·-·_ :1 Nnw ilu-rr·lt1i·u thus saith lit` lf I" ·"t=
I s .‘ ·,I »—  sun of Sln·al1n·l, 2;;u·.·ernnrl»t .lu- fl !l"'f’ lI,t>ltl1 (v1` lnists; ¢*L`t111s1