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rucsfy, God'sy1117g111r11l HAGGA1, ll. .hzdg111mL prmwxuzml. Q 1 ‘ i_ `  
ll1¤lH~ 1111ed w1th_d1·ink; ye cloths: \'0\l,° B. C. 520. 1y0ur_ eyes in cumparisoxl uf it as if " 1 E`!   l
  $l1¤l¤ 11111 there IS none warm; uml hc1——•—— n0lh1ng?b 1·1 * .
1~\'·‘5€ vl 111111 e11r11cl.l1 wages, e:1rr10ll1wugcs1 , {uml 4 Yat now he strong, 1: O Zemh- i E 1 { , 1
_ 111111111/111l1111lmg4w1L11holes. 1 P ' bahcl, suilh the Loim; and 111: ` { Q} . 1
Fgidliyl f7ifV;1l‘11us s111t11L11e L01111 ol'11usts,V,, c1,_2_1GV17_ §;.1‘O;1g,’,lO .1qsl111u, scm of Juscdcclh 1 E 1 1 ‘ l
_ > 1111s1 ur your ways. _ 1e 11**1 pr1esL· and he sm1ng.:1l1 *` *1 ` ,
111 lhs 5G11upl11l11e 1r1uu11t:1ir1,an11 111*1111: ¤111·,{¢1;w11y,,y0 pcllple of tlw land, mill; the  ‘ `  li zi
v1·111»:l111t' IS 1 T   , .
\\'fl1'¥ll§ you is s1;1yc1] from dew, 111111 thc " ]C°·l2·‘l' llhu dc&i1‘1: uluzlll l11:1lil1ll: élldll ' · ` ¤
L1ll·l1U\€ 1;11‘1l1\islsl{1y1¢1ll_¢1·01n hcr fruit, V I l ll' lm1111c:h :11111 1 wlll lill this house 1 .    
B 1 W`! 11 . 111 cu led l`11r 21 d1·uur·1t :. E - ~1 S with :1111}*.::11111 thu L011Dr1{l11>sts. ‘ ll ' ‘ 1
1f\lwc¢ upon 111;:1:1111],111111 upc111ll1c11&11111-lo Ina, ' ` _E ’l`l1· 1. * 1111111 11: 1:1111 s.   · ·· 1 RD 11 ms s, 1 · 5 - 1
lill wi 12‘1i1`l1c11 Zu1·11l1\1:1hcl the scm nf~__\,____,_`,_l 1011 111 the ll1111· and T.\\'l’!\l.l€Xl1 Il , * E l j,
llc Wlll >l11r:1l111—l, 111111 1115111111 lhu _s1111ol`, , =rI0y of lhc ninth mmllh, 111 thc *1 ` 5 * 1 `
}11>u11ccl1 the 111gh pr11:sl,w1tl1 :1111 "L“°·‘l·l0· lsecoud ycnr of Durills, cumc thc ' _ · 1 l ,
arc 5¤1· 1111 m111111111 111 11111 111111111; e1h1~y<·11 Che Q 9 \\'U1'L] of thc L01111 by 1-Iuggui the * ’ {  ,
F*¥2U\lll}'. me 1·1111·u 111` 11111 1.0111*1 their ($1111,;   ' pr11pl11:t,s:1yi111;. 1 l ,..l1 l ,
11l1cr¤· :1111 111e w11r11s 111` 1111:11111 l111· 11c11_1_1;_ 11 '1`hus $111111 tl1cLORD nf hosts; 1  jl, ; 1 1 ,`
_ pt1111l1ct. (ns thu [,0111) their Gmgdl Mm _ V;\sk now the pricslsm cancemielg 1 =_  =  
w11lu11- 1111 $11111 111111,) 111111 111e people d1d`“*·*····‘l"1‘l6·,thc11111*.511)*1115. _ l A kf · l·
ml l\\`1ll 11;111V1el11m 1111; Lmm, V lfN,._g_;0_ 1 13 lf one hear l1n1y flesh 111 lhc VS x 7, 11 l—
l` §.T1!l10Vi 1.1 llu:11 spake {1:1%;:11 the LOI1D's 1»`_51_11V1g_ slim R11 his ¥:‘r111c1{L, 111111 \\'1Ehl11S .   i { 1
1 : :111 mcssc11¤c1· lint 112 01m's111es511gc 11,113,11 1.1_ s *1rL 1 u t011<·1 11*:11 1>r11m»tl:1:s1 or * ¤ ` ‘
111lH1111e ‘111‘11 lllg @11111111, $11)-111;;, 1111 uml V ,;*4 3 Vg; 1w111c,o1·11il, or 111ly 11l1e:1l, ¤h:1lI li bc  1 ’l     lV
cy hilw Wfll1\y1H11,]s111l11 [1111 1,01:D, d 1 V hu ,,,*,5* 1l111ly! MQ} thc p1‘1<;sLs :111s\\‘u1·¤2d  [ j' gg,  1 1,
_ 1.111 l 11: L0111"121 slirrv up L 11% ' "" ` :111ds:1i1l,1 11. 1 _   1 11
1*111:511 511111 111' Z1;1·11111111111e1 1111- $1111 111`*11u¤,.;s1_10, l l11'1‘11e11s:1id 11:1z¤:1i. 1l'111u·1l1afis il l  ‘( l '1 "
lhul l >l1@11ll_1ul, g111·1—r1111r 111` 111114111, :111dI 1\111,i1.1. ,11111:l1:11l111;*:11101111l1111lyl1111r:l1namy `1 Q   lj 1
11ke yllu 1111- 11111-11 Q1 _111g1111111111;$111111{_1(N;.1 Lu.15.27,»1G. 1111111:51;, $11:111 1l 1111 u1112l11:111 ! And  1 ” W .‘ ‘
lun! ill: ¤qvl111l1u11ig11111·11·s1,n1111l11u ::111111 . In ,0 H 111111 [11·1es1s znllswcrud :11111 5:111], It l l {zi `V ‘
1 llum ·I 11111111: 1‘u11111;111l 11111111 [111111111: ;l ' """‘ " sl111lll1c1111cl1=1111. ,1 j' {l" {1 i
rc yuur L111l1l11ey¤ 1-1111111 111111 11111 w111·l; 111 hJ,,,,_1_1_1_ 1 1—1 '1`l1c11 :111swu1·cd lizxqizui, :11111 1.· 1 J.; , · ·l
{vc llU\lSl£ <11` thc 110111) of husl.s,` ,;y1,_;;_g,1g_ s:1id,S110is lhis lluuple, amd so is i"   Z,j‘  1   Y
i.y‘1rG1·11, l illus 11z1t1m1 huH11·u 11111, s:11th Ihr: ' g §:-  I
lp I11 the l`11n1· 111111 twn11liul11 d111·;I I’¤.9$.$. 1,01111; :11111snis1:vc1·y work <1f111q11· 1 1 1;;;  ,· 1
*2 ll1¤~§1xl11 n11111r11, 111 11111 $@111111 l;*·-i;·l·\· 111:1111ls; :11111 111:11. winch they ollcr 1     !
1¤nr1111>11111151111> king, 1 }·|’·~· l’l· 11.l111rc is 1111¢:lc;111. _ 'l 1 1.1  K _ V ` 1
V V (‘l11\1"1'1l1{ 1l_ m LC ,0 ,0 15 ;\111l_ 111111*, Ip1·11y you, r‘011s11lu1‘ l 1   1 *· V
:U1111v111L 1*11r0111·nq1·/11//za pcr1;1[1:I0[l1r " 'I I ' (1*11111 lhls 11:1;*:11111 11]1w11r1l, {1*11111 hu- 1 ; 4, *1 l 1 ·
il1nl\l1" ["¢11‘1':1 1l|I[1; s}1111u;·1}11I1111 1I1gi1·5111s D,. 33 m' 11111: :1 stone was lilltl 11111111 :1 slum: 1 T Q 1;     i
1. '=r111i1:rr1l1hnwm·/r mv, M_`1_;;-_` 11111111 leulple 11l`1h<: l»Ul1I). ` 1 1_ 1 ,
of Nw X ll|<¥5\:\’1*l1ll1 n1l1nI11, i11\l1u1111111 1 A , 16 Sluvu lhusc 1/111/.¤ w1:1‘1·. when l Q li l 1· l
1 _ . 1 , 1 ,1 ]
1r<111l1U· 111111111·e11111;1111[111111l`1111; 1111111l.11,‘r1N1.\Yl.1l. lmm]1 •·;1111c 10 :111 hv:111 <1l l\V011l]/ 1  i1 ; · 1 1·
1 . 1
'iwé Ihr: 1v111·11 41|` 11111 1,111111 l11y· V _ _ 1111·r1.m1·ns,1l1111·1ewum/111/I1:11:wl1c11 1 l _, {Q ~ { 1
) 5*1*,1*] lj1¤11r1111l11:t1[11gg;1i,x11yi111g, ,*7   lvm: 1;11111c 111V 1I11> 111‘n·>s-lul: fqr ln _   i P l 11 ]
scS, HW $*111*11l: 11<1w 111 Z1v1·1111\1:1l1ul (111- """ ‘ draw 11111. lilly wwxzr/s out of 1111: l 1,  . , |
V "»l\|l4 $111;:11111:1,;;11v1:1·1111r111'_I111I1111, l I, C1,_1_6_g_ lpruss, 1111-ru 11*121*1: /111/ lwculy.  1 1_ ig, { Y 1
:111l1111·· 1-1111111 .|1»>l111:1 111u 51111111 J11g1·111;1111,1 j,.,_p_11y_ | 17 1s11111l1:qy1»11w1tl1I11=1sl111¤,u11; yet yo ; 1   , 1
1111111111I _1l\\l111111111-11111111111gy1111111111$1111] ll“~   ~t111·m1l1111l 111 1111:, s:11[l1 Ihc LQRD. g ,,1 I ·
111v1»11~~1 ·`¤f» |11»11s1; 111 11111 llrsl g1111»y1 111111, A"‘·‘l-—’· l IH t'1111>i1l1v1· 1111w 1111111 llus day _ 5 l
1111- 1.11 $*11 11111*1; we 1L1111w1 1,; 11 11111,111 ~-.-——Z;11111 1111w111·d, l`1·1>111 thc luur :11111 ··  11 =
M1 .1,  °
¤ · 11*1  1
El `  *1 l