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I I  Zcrharmh exfioriziiz. ZECHARIAH, I. I 1'ision nflmm;. ·,1rr1zs¤Z¢i_1;"
4   twentieth day of the DIDi.Il11I0lllh,I B. C. 520. 22 And I_ will overthrow 11 111; 111 [`hfi1;;_n€
i » even from thc duyr thut the foun-1 —-—•—· throne ofk1ngd0n1s, und 111:111 des- l1m}'€_ _ mI
1 i` "'*3°“ °'»f1‘“’ »i°"”" “"“""“ """rZ¤¤-Sw- L1“111€I‘E15f5?é‘1‘iY"11’.i1if11111i;'51? ?1Y“E?1&1111
i i hii) ilimihie   yet i11 thc hnrn? :1111,1117 1E throw the clinriuts, and thus; 11111<1IriI1¤UI
' -1  vga, as ye; the vi11eIs :11111 the 11;;- ‘ ` ‘ ' tl1ntr1d:g111then1; :11111 the horses .n11>11U¤-
I   tree, :1111.1 the p0n1e§:ran1:1te,u1_1t1t11c 1 WLS,-1_ :11111 their rt1eriIs11u;I‘$Ic;1I;1e(;Io1I1II; Inngrxfyatk
I ;  olive-t{oeI]11:1t11_1H1§I1{o11g11t11n·th: `NVW mgmvcsne y 10 I;mf\S1 WIU I ¥¤;i€LIi*B';bS   ”?:£f§cII;°'
.1 . 1 1; 111 serv:1111 na e · J   ·
I   TQ@,,Q"“"““"‘ day U the umu hi v Mi.5.10. tie]; siiirth the LE>RD, u11InI\viI11I1u1;1: ZGITI Iviitisg
1   .. -1. -1-1:111
~‘ 21S . k tr Zerubbznhel overnor . thee ns 11 s1¤r11qt.w or 1:11g .. . · I
I   [ J uiiiiii, saying, I wI1ls1iz§ket the w ('°'S'6' i:ho?c11 thee, Dsmth the L01‘1D 111 I1gIM1d“II3
‘ . envens und the e:1rt 1; -•—- 1us s. —~
_ · 111 he :111
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1 ‘ · ’11111i1. sr:1
i   1 .*11.11111 the
1 , I1 ZE C'H.1£lRL4H. [.111111111s.
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I { I A. M. 3181 .... Your of Darius, king 0fPe1s1a, 2. i-1111-m111I
1 1 i 1.1111it np
1 11 111 1 -11 .11,111. ‘1*11* 1*1111
1 1 · 1 _ A rgn_ saw nn;1 im c 10 1 11ms ri
1. 1 CHAPTIJRI. BF.: __ Y . 1 __  I
i 1- 1 Zecharin}1 czliorlclln 10 1·epe11im1cc.i -—•—-I man 1-1:.1111g upon fl red horse, .11111   11111111:
1 I, · 7 T/12 visimi q/thc harsrs. 12 Ju- ,1 mg_1_1_ he stood nmong the 1nyrt1c trim . IIU sc·l(
1 i`  " riisnimx Ls cm:Jvr!:·1I, cio. IIE T , I that were 111 the huttum, ¤l11I¤¤* °”“ ih: 1 18 SQ‘$°1fI11“}‘l'i“1"l'S°itf'°ii111 Low "1ii`ii1i1(i
.1 ’. doings: hut they 11 not 1e111‘ llUI"   ' ' ` `WHUG img" (‘ * ‘ - ·'_ ` i
` ·i` · hcnrken unto 111e,s:1ith the [.0111.7. I »~~~~-- miswcred :11111 sind, _U 11u1u> U: ·'*1~i1°\\[ V
.i · 5 Your [1111111rs, 1vi1e1‘e arc, they? iJ·11.G.13. husls, huw IUUKINI will ihlm "" WEE uml
1 *1‘ und the p1‘o1111ets, do they hve 1orI R».G..1. i1z1ve_111ercj1}_:311 I1%r11s:111·111Iiiiliilltjii   II-
~ '1 i ever! uh 6 1, the ques 11 111:11, ugnnis I . o 11%
` ‘ 1; Bu: my words and my statutes. ` "" limu luwt hm} 1¤¤I¤¤*“*L""‘ U‘“°°" · E""‘“· ‘“
I     winch I c<>n1111u11dc1i 111y survuiits 13 M1 l““V‘ tlireescore und [CII y¢:1l1`S? I _ ~ ~»1€.1\1\¤¤1‘*`* QW ·
Q I uf hosts Iillllltliltv/} lu do unto 11s,‘ 1i1e.6.10. words. I II 1*i*?¤*i\*i1 ii
1 ~ nccor<1i11gton11r ways, 211111 11c<=o1’1i~‘,1 1.11_1·_5_ lll Su the ini!-TGI limi °U}'““""° ·iE"""“·*
Q I   111:Io our doings, so I1 h11tl1 hc denit1 _1I,_2;_11I12_.11·1t11 rnclsnitl untti HCI!. IITEIIIBUEI I{\_g*iI¤;I*
_ .1 w1t1 ns. I 11_ 411; snyingr, ' ' ins $:111 1 10 · j~· . u`
1. ’ . 7 Y @[11111 the hnur and twentieth II _`,I9 I0 hos1sTI :1111 jea1111us11 1`uf J<§Yu*"i“'I‘ ‘Zfi<;¤-
1 11:1y 111 the cluvi-rnth month, which " "" ‘ ‘ illlhi for Z101\\\'1Ii\I\KI`U?\I-Jliitiqmii UUTYII
. 1 is thc 1111111111 51111:11, in the secoinl P°"·¥‘·{·$·_ 15 And I um VUFY Sum -; '¤- with the 11e11t11e11 :/111/ urn ¤1t;I- *1:1111 1111
‘ the I/J1tD111110 Z:·c11:1r1;111, Ihe sun q l<»·|7;¤._ Iinr iq wns h11t:1l1t11<> dl>1*iU·*" _· M12 iu
Q I of 11:1r<1<:111:111. the sun of 111110 1111; <>1·-1·.|¤- 111111 t111;y111;111¤11 1‘1,11-1v11r11t11¢=¤|II**-‘ ·»Iu11g11::11
I   pru11he1,s:1y111g, ,—-—— • —_ 111111, —* 1 MGI
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