1 Ii  N 7
I lf P I I
· I.  , I I .
mimi. Chri.sl’.s!e.<:timany. l\[ATTHE\V,XH. Tlhvs nn Cnywnnzzvn. Q,   I I   `
DUI and that should come, or do we look A. D. 31. don,thny would hnvc ropentedlong   II-`gi , I I
for unothcr'! —~— :1::0 in suokcloth null ushcs. ` I FIIIIII I I‘
Sam fm 4 Jesus answered and srritl unto L I~-$·l·Ll5- 22 But. I soy unto you, lts shnll he II LIIIIII I
Im Shun them,Go nnnlshcw John :1::1111 those lQ"·L·2;II23· more tolemhle Ihr Tyre nnd Sulon   I;iIt I I ·
lm your tlnmzs wluph ye do_hu:1r unil sec: II ";]·é:·30 utthc dayofjudzrnonhthnnforvnu. , III I ‘ I
5 The hlmd ruvcivc their sight,     ‘ 23 Anal thou, Cz1I»ernnum, which I‘ iv] I I I I
DI- yum, and the lame wnlk, the lopons ure   'I I; I nrt! exnltod untn 1c:1vcn.sh:1ll he ,I   I ,
cleamscil, nnd the dcnf hear, tho EI, IOQIIZ brought down to hell: tor if the · I I I ,
va are ilezul nre 1·znsc\u,r¢·1 Inn sou , mu tec, I ; ,
Imc not soc l :1 nnm clothed in soil rnunonl! II I_u_ III_I6_ I Fnlhor, Lord oI` lurawrn nntl ezrrth, , · I I
, lleholil, they that weur soil. clolh- I.;I,_6_II,II;_- herautso thou hnst lull these things I I I
umu M in;} nrc in km;:`s houses. ;I—lI_I·;_Ig_ I tromlhowiseunil In‘¤1on will rovoul hun.   II' _~ I
is Im huth not risen 11 Lfl'|"¢illCl' than John I·I_I7_;`I_ Fl Tl CUIHG lllllll NWI till !/U UNI ]¥\· I . ` `
tho Buptist : notwilhstnntlinz, her! ql.u.tt>.1:s_ IhoII1‘: und orc hcuvy lnden, :111ilI I   I I I  
.. that IS loust in thu l:in·*dou1ot`l1e:i- rep, I wi zivc you lcst. , III I ‘
srross . ¤ , II _· _ , , II   .
·. ' \`IJl\1S urouter thnn he, r Jno.l2.it. .29 luke my yohe upon )O\l, and I I
I5 lm lil Antl from the iluys of John the r` "‘“j""’Ilc:11·11zz pf mc; {url nm mock und I {III I   I I
I` SIIIIII llnptisl. untll_now the knmlom of   I lowly I1 in Ylu·:n·t: und ycc Slllllllllld ,I; I I II
Im Im) hc:Iv•;n l TuIlI:roII1vIolonr:e,n1nltlie L15 1 · rnggtluntoyouisouls. d nd my - NI I I  
` vto out tum zit lylorcu. I"' I 1 ·or_n1yyo*u rs czuy, u I I   _ I
  Ir I·}iZ”"£iI itILEI"i II‘{l‘{I'I§I?I   "`° ii iIIi'IIi*I· II~··II~I· ”IIi`ClI·I—m or I ? III I '
  I I  ~t .   _ = · · ; I , · ,I I I
`Uiuh l 1I Roll i1` yo will receive if, this II, I·__5 gu' 1Chr1s!rz1n·mr::I/1I/11Il’/nzrlsrns [dtml- III, II
  In is ]£Ii;rsknIlriI·lii whs lor tolcouuk t _I,._I_·;_'u_ NIE IylI¢`g`lIill¤I [GQ!/"Z‘VZ<`;;l;ILI;Ii’2 II     I3 I
MII W In re tint hutictus to leur, tl l('ll.l5..27. Sill/H I» IL WIL I .. I I · · ··
, h11n hour. 1: ¤·lI.1<.|$, hmul. c[c._ I I, ;·  
  I lli Hi Hut l whereunto shull llikon Lu. hl:}. X'l`tlrutt1in0a Josus went on tho I I II r I I
LSIIIIII this ;:unernIionI It is like unto Jl·¤I·I:"$_I. I snl`»lI:u`lI-tlfryIln·ouulitllic corn;   I I II ,
“I.,I.II_ ` r‘luhlren sittin! m the markets, und _ g·-I; I lulll his sllsr lll L5 \\L|”*·»·\i\ lull.? V I I ( I I I
,- f_ II _  I-IIIIIIII; IIIIII, IIIIIII·MIIIn·;_ l(·”·l··—-I- Ietl, nnrl lnsgniito pluokb the e.1rs N _ · I It I
Ijjzuph 17 Anil snyinz, \\ e hnvc piped V   lofcorn, zmtl to ont; _ _ II ; I I I I ·
In IIII I, unto you, :ui¤l yo have llUlIl2\!l(Y!?Ll} Z IQ_5;"I§]_' I 2 llur ‘YII€llg·h” lllilmccg mw 'tr I   ,   ·
,I,ImII, _ we hnvo nrournetl unto you, und H III“__I_3_S_ jlhilyf Slllnl Ll tu llllllI IU¢>I\0lUI lilly II, I I
`Im m_ `_ ye IIIIW IIIII IIIIIIIIIIICII, II.U_2_2I_ Ielisolplcs do thnt whuh isnot lrm- _ . II
` IS For John camo ncilhfzr Cilgllllt 1, ZeI~,sl.y,   {III EI   C IIPIIU NIO     QI I I '
nor drinking, und thoysny, um I-J.-_43_n;_ I u IC sou un o _·: , : ~. I , III
‘  · · I ·»·1·l·Il··llllwlelc I ‘I
·. · 1nIl1I;IItm·I1, I1 i.iIII._I,_3_ notI1¢e.n xx ml ·L\l( mu r l ll 1 I I_
   I 19 The Son of mnn mum; entingn (IIIIAII. tj.) I was nn_ liuneoretl, :1nd they thut I   _   I
IHIIM, (  nnnl tl1·iiIknIg, nnil thi-yi s:1y.vBelIoIll Ii M—*Y`·2·.ii1, I\\I•:1lEJx'IEhKIIIIIIIUI mm lh" home of I Ig   I I
—I ‘ 1 I : Y L us .r ;1wmn-n1- _ . I _ ·_I · , . I: ; 1
Iii! QI 2 lie? il‘Iii·ii31Iiilno? nihliiolnisa nnl:1u1tIIIIss I _ U 4   II ,   I
QI IIII I llllto Ihtee, Betlisnirlu! r Ihr if the 2(;h.G.t$, I (I llutl say Yunrtoxyoui ' III?   ins   II I   I
’ I I IIIIIIIIII, IWIIISI WIIIUII WIIUIU IIIIIIDIII M¤|.:t.t,   plnoe is out I:,rt:1tcrztlIlu lb um I ·I __, I I I
Im, II,) -’ you hud been done in Tyre und bl-   PIU- I II I I I
  III · I I I
2} MI I I