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ny Parable ofthe MATTHEW, MII. sewer mul the smh. ,  · 1 I
' tn _lUllL{lllBl\[ with tliisgeiiemtion. ,4.1).31. {were scorelu-11; and h1:c:1use they Z H, I1}, , `
Q, (Ir and shall condemn y it: heeanse —•——·1ha1l not root they wrthered away. ‘ $1} 1I1   ,1
S m l gh:-1y re111¢11Ied:,t 71 the pre11ch1nTnt g R,_g_g-;_ 7 f\111l $111,11: tell 111111111;: thorns; $,1   j
.on11s· ant hexultl agreatert tan . . ant the tmrns sprune up. and 11 1 1 1 ,
lla", Jonasls here l ”‘I°"'a‘°' choked them S A l F11 1 ‘ 1
,ll°“` {12 'I`h1:_i11ueen of the south shall ‘L“·l LQ 8 Butothers [ell into good ground, i' I,     I ,
~ I _ use up _111 the judgnient with this _ “‘ 111111 hroixtght iorth truit, some an V 1 1
,3,El gcnelration, and shall eentlenin it: k2Cl1·9·|- l1u111]re1l,5oltl,so111esixty-h»l1.\,some   j . 1 f
· or s ie /r eanie [min the utterrnost 11.11 ll #1 lh1rtv—1`u . i 1 "
they . 1 1 .   ' "‘ ' 1 ‘· . ·· ‘¤ ‘ 1 `
. 1•.1rls11tjthe earth to hear the ms- J ,,, .. J Who c hath ears to hear let , ; - I
1lo1n ot Suluinon; aml, liohold, a mule   h11n hear. I ; 1 i   Y 1
fmt? greaterthanS11lonmn1sl11:l‘€. _ , ,,_   i, l 10 Anil llm tllsfllllcs mmm {md I i   l f
J"' 5 —13 \\'heu_l the unclean spirit is "  Q6 ,sa1n!_ lJ111112!.2!7. 1s1·1: with 1}11·ir eyes, 111111 hear with ,_ I, V ` A
lull, lt) Antlh he st1‘1—t-1·l11·1lliortlihlits ecI1.13,.!tI._ I/air ears, anll should ll1ltlCl‘Sl.2ll1t.l j   l
‘ h.u1d touartl l11>1l1>1·1ples, .n1ds1u1l,1 L11.l.t.-11. with I/un h1 art, .11111 should he 1 · V ,
,a“"’ ` llehohl1uy1n11tl1e1·am1111yI»1·1,tl11·e1ll [11,15,51 1·,111\Ert1;1l, ,11111 llshouhl heal tholn.     ‘
· SU l·`orwl1os11ey1·1·shalldnl iewi 1, ,, _ ,Z 2 ti 111,1 iesset 111111 your eyes, or _,   , , I
"_l"l , 11 111`my l·`ather which 1s in lie:_xve11._° _,,I;i,;:,{)_ they see: and your ears, lor they · ; {_ , ,
gill 1 the same is my brother, and s1ster,j ,1c,g<_;1;Vg1_ l11,·a1·,_ 1 I , Tl t I [ , , I
1 and motht-r. 1111.115, 7 ‘11l`\'lt1'l)' say 1111 11 you, ia ,   1 _ 1
'Ylll ~ t`llAl"l`lZll Kill, _ I 201.3.11, lr many ]11·o11l11·ts 1m1l rizhteous » I l     ,
’ 3 Ofthe .r1111111r 11:11/ /l111.vr1·1I;w1/711 15. 1111-11 have tlesiretl to see 1/10,912 , , · I   ,
wl, 112/111r prim/1!r.1·. 12 Why Ciuixl 11 l[r_5.ll, I/111111.v wlt1t:l1y1¤s1:1·, and have not ’ I j ‘ , I, ;
r11|11 ,,,,,,,1,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,1,gCS_ 1,,,,_,,,_,7_ ISU11111/1y111· 1111111ol11-1n·1/101cth11ws F g ; 1 1 5 ·
1111 ~ TIUILJ same 11:1v went Jesus out 1s,,,1o;;1_g1_ whuch ye hear, and have not heartl `   _ g 1
of the house and sat hy the J111.J11..zt1. I/1r·111. ' ,_ V 1 , _
1111* se;1-side. l I :01.1.6. IS '[1 Hear L ye there1i>re the pam— Y ‘1 , = 11 V
mu ` 2 Autl great inultitudes were ua.- 1, }1,._3_5_1;_ hl1: o1`_th1: sower. , 1, I l Il I ~
tltered t1:1;ether unto him, su that l11e.11.11t. I lf) \\he11 any lone heareth the l {   _ , ,
ll"; l1ew1:11t into11slup,11a111lsat;au1l 11‘c.1.l0,ll.  word 111 111 th1:k111u11 e. _ » 1. , _
:11; _, ,,,,,, ,,1,,,,,, ,,,, S.,,,1,:,,_b,,I,,,. sw], H ,,;;1_,g_ I_2tI llut he that. r1r<:e1v1:1l lheseed _ Q  
‘l“ fell hy the wav sitlt:,an1l the lowls ,, ,__5,_;_ ,1ntn stony plaees, the sznne is he , ,,1 ,
]°“ Came and1levoure1lt11e111 11,1.1 , 1.;,,._g;,31_33_ thzll l1\‘1ll'\3l|l \l111ll\11l1‘tl, and anon , »  , J
5 5 · 1311 si 1v 1u=<·s 1 .1 .;,11; wi 1 1oyu1·e1·e1ve ll · _ _ ,-V 1
iys ,,l,,,1,:“h,U;· 1,11lll'illlt uilihh harth l,  iltal I El Yet11:11h_11e11o1,yroot111himself, l A I I ‘
“l' and ti1rt11witht111-y $,111111; 11,1, hej‘,,,,,_g1_1O_ ,111111 tlureth tor a \\’llllU>Z for when ; Q I
tw 0,,,,SU ,),,,,1 1,;,,1 ,,1, ,1,1,,,,,,csg 1,1_ g1,_;11_ trihulatinn or persecution artseth I g 1 1
he 5,,-,,, 1 , *1·1,g.1_ 1u, I1e1·aus1: of the word, by and by he 1 fj 1 l 1
l G And when the sun was Ul1,ll\(!_YI——•——· is Olltfllkltfll-1} 1 I   · l I
isc 15 1 , 111, , I ,
  1 ll? 1 .
1 1 1 1 1 1
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