 .x ‘ ’ ‘
7· John Baptist bchzmltd. Y\lA'I`THE\V, XIV. Chris! walkc/71 071 the sca. Fljl { I l
nlm when Jesus had lnnshcll these paw A. D, 111, gdcscrt place apart; and when the ‘ *;‘[ l·l· , |_
sc: rahhvs, he departed thence. _ l——•—— people: had heard ihwiq/Q they 1111- [{1;: ; ‘
rm, 54 Anil I when hc was cumc llllO' I uva I H lowcd hun on ibut out 01`lhe eitil-s. *`<   -
ble his ewnl·oun!ry,l1e t:1ughL1hernin MI    ll AnllJcsus went, |in·LI1,:n1ll {saw     ' ‘   ¥ l
t Lhlnr synagogue, iiisiniilxuff Lhati ' ` ’ ' llL{l’BilT.llllllll[lX1l(3, and was moved j :*4 P {
n n tley were astnnisne . an said, , ]l_4g_-·_ `\\l’ll rnnipllssilank inward them   ‘ ‘ l
zell · Whunce hnfh Llns num this w1sdoni,l I   innll he hauled lhelr slek. I j °i ; -
a.i1d//m.y1:1n1:;lily works! I Jne,u.;.:. l 15 ig And when 1L was evening, .' ; E V.
the $1 Is nn!. Llns the f‘ill'[JOI\Il3l':S sun?} lns_lhsc1plcs caunc to hnn. sayin;. Q   I l  
{lll: ls n<1Lh1s nnulher called Mary ! illllli lCll;\l’. 11,) This is :1 desert place, and Ihe_l11nu I ;l , 1 I ,
lhc Ins brclhren,.l:nnes, mldJnses,anndl w G H 1S now pnslvz send lhe innltnullu E E I I `
bnnnn, zn1llJnlln.s? “ L"§ ;   away, that they may gn into the ‘ i ` -
nm 5Q And lns sgstiurs, arc they not all} "‘ "¤ ”‘ villages, and buy thcnlselres vicn- Q ’ j
end with us? \\l1ence [hen hulh this my mp `uznls. ` Jl I `
are nay: all these Llnngs? _ ufrnuéhl by 16 But Jcsns said unto them, They ; Q ? i
._», And they \vere_0iTen¤l lbl llc said, Bring lhvnl hither to   5 Q
ua- SS And he dill not nuniynnglxlyy C ‘.h_gI_gg_ mc. I " l l l
nas wnyks there, because: 0[ Lhulr un- Lu_Qg_4;_ lll Allll he clnnnnzlnded lhenn1]l-|- .e yl 4
do belle!. _ _ _ tulle to sit down on the qrnssl and   I; ·
Clll\l‘TL1`§ Xll. Gin rim Innk the live loaves and the Lwo ` , 1 l
J n 1 Hcr0d's0mn1zm1y C/ms!. 3 John milllt. iishcs. and, lookin: up tn h<-aven. , ·l `g
be Balzllsz he/lauded, 15 Five Illlnz- he hlessell. and l»r:1ke,nn¤·1g»l¤·s In eret nivu n L,    
*011 in prlsnn lhr llC!`Ul-llll-Sl buliu, his, ri ph,1<1_2a, shnr, and lu are ln·lox‘e· hnn unlothe ,   ` 1
3li· I brother l‘hlhp`s wile. l I 0 { 12, 11, otllelr sllle, while he scm. the u1ul·   {LQ {
: ·l l·`n1· John sand nnln lirn. I is M.u·.ti,:3:, mul es away. t _' » ., l
0 r ’ not lawlnl Ihr thee Ln have her. l &c. Lil and when he had sont _Ihe `   I! ‘
Dlul 5 And when he wnnld lmve put. T4\¤—9-_l*hr·*•‘· inuluuxllesaway,lnzulwenl uplnlu . lx ` K! I
T lnni tndl:alh,ln¢ ll::n‘ell the nlnlll- ·l"°·l’»'f» ia inonntznn apart lo pruy: and 1   I H ,
'vn 4 tlilllglnelzzluse Lheycennlell hnnusc 2** \vl1enI llle livmnng Wins curnc, hc `   { li `
HSL i al pmpliel. was t iere :l une. ’· ,
V¥3· 1 li Bn! when lll:rlul`s l>ir:hdav was: """""` Lil lint the ship was nnw in thc _ j ‘j ·
kept the llaujjhler of llei·ulhasl . nnllslnl`Lhe sezmnssell wlthwaves: E i I l
W3 Elnnlwlnll 2 bclhre`Llien1, anll pleased '   l&;I` the;yn1|ll[\vz;_s¤:l;1lnl1’:1¤’§’.) fm V       2
lll lemll, I ‘ ’*` ‘ ij i nl in K le our x wa 0 1 u ie » ‘ .
rut 7 \\`hercnpnn he prlnnised with, k Hu__‘_m_ n1.zl1t.ll*sus went unto Ll1en1,walk— `     , {  
:1nr1.nn. ip c.L . . clnne nn o we on l *a l· . E _,
’m» ll And lnslhchll was brnnzht in u BU And hu said, (/mum. And when { Lil 1
{5 (`lll\l'L{(5l', and given tn the llrxnnsel ;` q l‘l¤i-·\-l3· Peter wns rtoino llnwn om nf the · ;‘,, , I
"‘ und she lwnuglil ii Le hur inollnzr. la _ K} VF Zslnja, he wzllkell on the water,ro ge   tv i
`U 115 Anll lns disciples varne anll` "'·-"°'*=· lll: <·sns. V , i _ g
’l‘* look up the holly, and hnrielly lt, _ H , JU l5nL when he saw the wind _   I
"f" illlll went and llnll Jesus. _' l‘·q9}h··· l3lm1s!erln1s, he was afrlnll; anll {N ; ;
' I3 Ti When Jesus hearll qfil, he/L L3-—‘4¤l· lheunnnuzlns1nk,he cried, saying, , I ll I i 1
Ml departed Lhenee by u slnp nxlu ih ——:—-—-lL¤¤L S¤\'¢¢ H10-T I   I
_ 2 L ll I 5i` {
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