2W` — L~—·—L ~ ~·—~·—  --. . _.
L li 5 l
. L ~ l L l l
Q. The min of Jonas. HLIATTHEXV, XVI. Chris! forzrsllows his zlrulh.   l l
Her wontlered. when they saw thel A,D. 212. lselves, saying, It is because we 1 Ul , F
_ dumb te speak, the maimed te he -—•—- have taken ne bread. Q/[ lL Y ~
aul, whole. the lame te walk,_antl the IM;,,_S_I_ l B lrV/ur/1 when Jesus perceived, r ll * l L
·nhr blind le see L and they glerltled the ‘he sand nate theu1,e U ye el` little L-` J I
he Getl etilsrael. V V y2lil.-l.»t3,·t4. Raith, why reaseu ye muon! your- ;L , i L l
Q3.! 1l Ihenz· Jesus called lns dis- _ V VV VVV Q selves, because ye have brought L {   ,
he mules mile lum, and scutl, I have · C ‘· ‘· ~·* C· ne bread! ` ~ L
ln _ C0lll[1lISSlUl\ en the mnltntudc, be- H xsl 9 13 [ 9 De ye net yet understand, nei·   V j €
xall V cause they eeutulue with me new j_u_`2j_   {ther reinetnber the tivefleaves of V * ,   V
V three dars and have uotlungto eat: 21_g0_ lthe ave thunsautl. and hew many L L * I
laid and { will unt send them awavhist- Lhaskets ye Leek up ! I !   {
pa- _ mu, est they t`:unt rn the way, Il !\hr.S. l0. lll Nelther the sevcug leaves ef { l L
  Aut! y lus disciples say untu,(CH H, I6 lthe leur Lhensand, and how many ll, I `
yet V hun. \\ Iuent·e_ sheuhl we have sel · ‘ ‘) hrtski-ls ye tank np '!   { j
LLLLL L lltlllllll Ji"?FLi"LL"l }LZl‘fL?ll$‘.`L‘L"l‘“"‘ ‘“ “ Rl ‘i"T‘L lt?}. ’L"’?l" ‘i 'E 'f11`fL’L“ §l"$1‘i‘ llE"§%'& l l l
. s L: L -. ,.Lr,.., . ·zLL, La .·L;· IL L _
the _ 31 And Jesus saith unte them, l,LL.lt,Iti, eeatneruiue lrrvzul. that ye shnultl - I I
I is .  How inafiygleaves luhve ye? VAT] Vcll-V3-I-elk heware efthe lL·avL·n et` the I’ha.ri— V l V
ley san , Qeven an :1 tew itt el "· ->--· sees and et`the SatlLllu*<:e<'! .
eetl hslxes, I ibhn , 17 12 'l`hen un¤h—rsleeLl they how ir   I
ern _3a Anil z he eemmandetl the mul- ` ' ' ‘ that he liatle mlm net beware of , ll l L
au. tltutle le srt tlewn en the tzretuall C La.12.1. Lthe leaven el` lureael, Init et` the tlee» , 1 F
eetl Ziti Aunl he Leek the seven leaves Irine/1 et` the I’har1seesa1al et` the   ,` ·
les, and the ushes,auilr1 rzave thanks. d l(;"fl·G‘S· Sathlneees. ‘ Li L .
gss, V and brake Umm anal save telus d1s—   __ L 13 1f \\`hen Jesus eauie intu the ` J ,
d eiples, and the dlselples Lu the ’ '·“·l°·l’· eeaslsel`t`L;sarea I’lul1p;u.|i<: asked gj l L V L
e- 1uu tuunle. eewvwwe his dlseleles sayin:. \\b"· Vllmu url Jehu the Baptist; Seine, Z L JL l
yre t kets lnll. _ l`l·Sl· ,I£hats; autlethers,Jerel1uas,0r une » V VV l L
38 And they that dul_ eat wercLf€hV]_L_L9_ efthe prephels. 1 *l“~ L
Ta- L fear theusand men, besltle wenienl l 15 Ile saith uutetheui, But whom L V '   .
sts, _ andr·h1hlren, gvh.I5.3t. say ye that I aut ! M L il L '
we L 39 .\u¤l he sent away the nuxlti· V _' I, M l lt} Anil Sunen l’eteranswered and I jl A L  
ef ~ tulle. and Leek sh1p,anLl b earne in- '“ L ”‘   Vsaiil,l 'l`heu art the <.'hrisL, the Son V V; Q » IV
lsly tu the eeasts el; Jlaeilala. V, M,,_¤_27_ Vutjhe hvnu: (Jell. V     , V
  V ( ll.\I Il;lt_A\l,_ j_LL,g_L;.V&C_V Il Anal Jesus answeretl and said V ·V ; l
Z a. J 1 I`/ie ]’!u1r1sLlrs rrquzrensnnl. 5 Ofl _V 1 juuttrluui,Illesseil all then, bunuu L   , [ V
intl the lmnnrgf l/1r1’/iarzscys mul e_/ A *L‘·l’lj·; lla1·—|t»na ; ter llesh in and Iileed * ,-‘- :5
her 17m S'ul]i!1zr‘{rs,alr. l "*J·"J· lhalh unt revealed 2/ nut? lhee, but V lil ;   I
Ill·I l’harlsees alse with the 1CrL_|.i,3g_ `71 my tallner whuzh 1sin leaveu. A ' Q 5 I
q l T Sasltlluawes wana-. and teinpt—l l··..!,7. l ld Anil Isay alse uule thee. That L i L *  
Jell ` ine, desired hun that he wenltl Jn··.l.·l9. ltheu art lhaer; n antlp neun this · ? 1 LI l
shewthennas1:unl'reluheaven, l Av.U.zZQ. Lreeh I will h_nlILl my cluireh; and V L, L
my f HU \{,;,s,,-U,·,,L] and hm,] LLLLLUL llc.! J,:». Vrhe gatL¤TL{ ul hell shall net prevail L é     z
tiein. Hen it. is evt-nine, ye s.Ly,L,,, LC,L_g_LO_ ~rat;aLns 1 . V V · . ;
tis 1ta·i//be fair weather ter the sky (`1.l.Iti. l EU Autl I will ;:1ve unte thee the ‘V l l ' ·
~n`s ls red, I I·Ip,2,S, lkevs el` the knlgtleiu et` lufaveui _ I L ' '
3 Anil in the ulerniuz. Il will be H UVVVV , anal whalsllever then s shat nut ‘ ., ‘ , L ,
.   _.  -.   .L -4.**w. .. . . , ,.   2 L .
al ¥::l‘,.:::LLilac,.*.l.*.;··tL·L£l·;.L*;;·;,:£LaL;LL   2::;: ·:ll**\|l\l |1'll ue Luau that . l .
**F —t A wieketl anal atlnllereus ::eue—L V   VQ ` he\;3LsV.les\1sl|l;¢<`llrlsl. V_ VV V VVI l L
*‘ll~ rattan teehetlr alter n sLen· and *1 '$·-- L ` Ul -`rlnn u t xal tune nr 1V we- V ,_ , _ ,·
lu' there shall ue sign he ;;lvt·uluute L- |,,5;_L;·_ Itiilll -l**>*1S *** >l***“’ ****l** l*** l**$¤¤l—     , ‘
****1 it, lun the sign ul` the In-upllet Je- I l_ N Lples. haw that he_tunst ee nnte Je? { llj L_
l**’ nas. b Anal he 1el`l there and the-   ' " i‘nsaltau.:ual s*V11i¤·Vr many lhumse:1 {   {
LLLL ,,1,-LMLV ll u2$."D. Ltln; elllers ann mc net prlests an 2 ; L
In Aint wlaen his tlLs<·lLLlL·s were Li1,LL,sl,gg, ,>r*r·*¤L:s.=ul¤l*··=l¤l*l¤=l*L¤llnl *lc¤‘=u=ud ll {lj, V L V
****’ ceiue te the ether sale, they hatlL |>_1lI. ~a2alu_tIle lll||'tl slay l~ , L
avr fergellen le lake brezul. ‘ all lr,7. ‘ 22 'l hen Peter leek hun, annl be- L l l
¤**· 6 'LL ’l‘lLLLLL Jesus saulunlntl1llkl= *¤ll¤¤Ls¤lylll¤L * llc ll 2 I
***** Take ln·L=rl. antl lvewnrie LLl`the h·a» i;_LLy,;Ly,_U; tar fren: thm:. Leul: this shall nut l     L L
l***l vena! el` the Pharlsees and el} the J , , ,, llll ******l *l*U**- l _*P l € L
5u,jL]LL,,,L,,$_ ’··l“·l·’···z· zi Ilut he tnrned.and saul unto § Vg l ‘ l
***9 7 And l.ln·y reasened among them- · T Peter, Gut thee Deland uu:,batan: v L   , V I
l, l I L l l
r L . L
l l l l
’ L A L
I Il l