Christ warrzclh his disciples. ll.\'l"I`lIE\V, XVIII. Chmt teaches I0 hc hum!x7e   - , I I
jd oIl`end,11 them, gn thou to the st:a,I A. D. 32. I 13_ Anti if so he that he liml it E.ltI,   `
S; antl cast an hunk, antl take up the 1 ———•—T-· I verily I say unto you, he rejoieetli ,-l.lI< I ·
ttsh that first trometh un; and \vl1e11`7¢K¤—If·i-I. Imore of that,e]1, than of the ,I,I_' I
as thou l1ast,I:I1enetI his mouth, tl1ouI C I?·I·3· ninety and ning a-nic]; wont not , I`,] I
W ’ shalt timl Ja piece of nioneyz thatln 2 *"·“·?· astray, }_ · 1 I
H, V take, and give unto them, for me ‘f`j‘IV‘I£I:·“_h 1»1 Even so it is not the will nf *,1 I I
so V lllll-I I·ll0t¢· Imfim ' your lather wlmeh is in heaven, tsl , j ‘
"t ,  CHAPTER XVII; t1_1I1.Ce ,,1  SIM: q uf these Ltttto ones s11on1t1   VI I I ·
. 1C7'lt hel I, ,"‘ ‘I"°"· ." . . I
wd V Digg.["V;';%n;€_:(§1);ngl%?%·Ui"; (CHAP, 11;,) 1:1 1I Moreover if thyr hrotht—r ..I£ I I
in me anomlr ’ y 111 Mar-,9.83, shall trespass azatnst thee. ::0 aml II · _ 1 g
V_ ‘ V I l.n.9.—tG,&1;. tell lnm his fault between lhee `1 Z ·
uc AI :1 the same time came the 2}.2-l,&c. Iantl him alone: if hes shall hear _= ' `
1n tltsctttles uuttt Jesus, _s¤tyttt2,‘¤l’¤~=>l·l0-lik thee, thou hast. gained thy tn-o- `J I 1 2
1,, \Vl1o 1s the ;:reatest111the ktiigdtmt -;G"·?I3é0 ther. It I - 1
ot`l1eavenI C "· ‘;` · lti But if hc will not hear Nice - I I
ny I 2 And Jesus called alittle trhild   Iihm take w1tl1 thee one or twri 5; I I
1; utntiy him, aml set him 1l\I.Il9 midst J2! ji lb ’ Imore, that in the mouth of (Tru or _,   ;
re, 5 0 I· lttlll, C _.,, 'I6 Ii tl tree witnesses I every wor may i 1 t _
j 3 And saitt, Vorilyl say unto vnu · gf g ,j be estahltslted. ' I ` I I
I;. · Except yeVl>e etnivertetl, b antl l1t:;,f']_I,`_'17V;_j_ 17 And if hu shall nezhxct to hear , Z   I I
1-o come as htllet*l1tltlreu.c ye shall g1t··._11.1g, them, tetlit nnto 1.l1etwl1t1r<=l1: hat   , I I
V V not enter into the ktngtloin of hea-I Julie .1. In he neglect to hear the trhurch, V It V 4
HIV ven._ I41a·1·t1· Il. let htm 11 he unto thee as an hea- I 5 I* ,
1,. · 4 \’\ liosoevyrtlierehyre shall hu_u1- ] t vIl·5»€9·$0; then 111an aml a puhlttran. f I I, ,
nl h ltle himselt tl as 1h1sVl1tt.le ch1ltl,I )I¤*`·9¤I3·~l~t· 18 Vc1·1lylsny onto yo11V\\`]1;1L5ty j I, ,1 `
ni;   the same is greatest in the lttt1g·I;‘IIl”I‘I2Il· everv ye shall hind o11 earth. shall · il I, ,
1 ¤It>fl\`0I‘Il0¤llVUll· V U _ I VVV'X;°‘l‘}‘]3 he litiuntl 111 heaven : aml whatso- V-   'I I 1
51; 5 1 nt xv mso s ia receive one ". ", · ever ye shall loose on earth, shall ' ·‘ V .
[,,1 = such little child e in my name re- Z}_l;;',l§‘,l°' he loosed in heaven. -;·I' ' I,
Ty · cettleth me. I L[|_§i;];_ 1El Again I say unto ynu, 'I`hat .2 I I- IV   1 I
b but yvlioso shall ttllentl f one of I ygyV;g_ two ot you shall asree on earth as I I   V
tq 3 these little ones which ltelteve in _1,,,,_3_17_ touching a11y thtnzthat they shall 1— . I I
1],]   imhtt were hetter Iorll111I1 thaI _a 10,10, ask,Vit 1I: shalll he doiiallbr them of ` It I
,1 an stone were tanset aiout ns ll·l7. my ·`at1erw1it:his1n it-ar1·11. _,»II I T 1
tp. ’I 11etvk,antl Hip! he were drownetl 1nI l'Tl.l.l5. 20 I·`or where two or three are I III I  
ily ,· Ulf! d€I¤Ill ul the Sell. IN Ltt.I5.»l,&c.   uatlitsretl tozether 1* 111 my name, ;  I , `
H; . '7 1[ \\ o unto the worltl l1<·t·:1use HVV ,V [VNV I there am I in the initlst ot th<·m. ·   ·
;,]| of oIl`e11tresl lor q 1t1nu>tnt· l1t1,;’f__‘][·‘I;. I 21 ‘li 'I`I1e11ca1ne Peter to him. antl I J ' ' ,
yn _’ that otlenees eonte ; but woft luI I"i   3" ,sanl. I,ortl. how111`tshall tttyltrntlter · III , I »
nt] ` that man hy whom the utlenee I 5 4,   1b' sm against. me, and I forgive y htm! I.; ’ IV I
tn. , cuinethl ,],,._`,Q[,Q-_ till st·t·1:n 111111-sl   , 1-
` _S \1\’l1ereh1re,i if thy hantl nr thy gg ._ |;;_';_ 132 Jesus saith unto him, I say not I V,    II I
tot toot otleml theo. cut tht~1noll,antlIn1111_1t,_|7_ 1111t11tI1e1:,I,nt1l seven tnnos, hut, V I II
cast them from thee: it is bettort 10,.3.11-3. Il`nt1lser1:11ty_t11ne> seven, V_2 I II
in for thee to enter 111111 life halt or` 2’t't1.§s.t»,t»1. 1::31} ‘t`|1o1·o1o1·g 1st|1ol;1ng,1,nnn1` , I V. V
he maitnetl, rather than ltzwm: two ¤¤lt·l<¤·lU- l1e1a·t111lnt1111t·tl 111111111e»11·t11111ta11g, . 1 · 11 V
an hamls or two tleet to be cast into ·T*‘*I{U;€3· wl1it·l1woultItalte aeeount : oihis I E     I
everlatstinsr tire. I ‘ “· *’·“· ‘ servants. : . ‘ I ‘
ntl Ll Antl it th1m· evo otleml thee _  Jl Jl And when he hatl lwqun to , 1 .
ml pluck it ot1t.aml east 1I 1`rom thee   ' VU2{I,;;fz']]I)',1 tretzkon. one was hrnuzht unto him, .. :V·1 Z I
nt; it is lietter lor lI1t·t:tt1t:11tt*rI£ tntot ju,. {IV jj 'Iwhioh owed l111nten thousand \ta— ·71’ 3   ,
I life with ont: eye, rather than} LI ¥_`fI' Ilents; V I I
no havin;: two eyes! to he east into _,.J,,ll;E(IV]g_ I 15 llut hirztsnitwli ashe hail not tn ·I_ E I, V
ell Iiell-tire.   11·1,_;_1, Ilav.h1slortleonnnamletlh1n1tol1t; ,j, I Ig
ntl IU 'l`ake heed that. ye tlespisti not y M11-,11,23, >t1ltll.a aml his \y1Di,a11tI t·h1hlren, I3 l·  
nv oneo1`t,l11·se little ones; for say l.11.l7.»t. ant all that he 1at,at1¤ ltaytmeat ~, 1, f
i unto you, 'I`hat in ltoaveti their I : ll~¤.ll.l.!. to ln; inntlo, II '~ ·` '
he antrels 111 tlo always lIt·In1ltIJ1 the ‘ tt Nite! tf Bti 'l'he servant tlterehmre tbll 4 It II · It I
. — . ~ -~ . . . ., 1 · I I.
as taee ofmyI·atherwl111:l1ts111I1e11.- ·j*t *'I"** *‘ tlown, aml - wt11‘s111I1;1t·1l lnm. say- ` 1 1   I
1k- ven. "_ ·’ IV"'·V , ,111:, I.o1·1l, have Itativtitte with nn-, V   II ‘
he ll For the Snn11t`111a11is come to 'I/II  " aml I will Itay there all. V ,1I V I
or save that 0 which waslost. IAMVVUIVVL, 157 '1'hen the lortl ot that servant V ,V';l ‘
or 12 llow think ve! I1` 1 a man; , ._- ’ tw1ts1novt:1lwitht·o1n11as~1o11,baml , I1 * · ‘
. I . ,.11 .1. tot, . 1,, I I
have a11 huntlretl slteep, antl nneot ‘,, lx,. |_ `loosetl hun, and lttrgave It1111 the IV I: I ·
111- theta law gone ast1·ay,tlotl1 he not 1;,,,,,,,;;,; I<.lt~l»t. I It . 1
en leave the ninety antlmno, aml eoeth, 1,,*,,,, iirl ltnt the samtv servant went nat, ‘, I   ,  
into the inountatns, antl seeketh 111·¤,7S:;¤, {aml tountl one ot Ins t`tellow»sor— ·V 1 H , I I
1ltI that wl11el11s gone astray I I-jq——Qra111s which owed httu an hun-   I I
“ I I  1
at I