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‘. Labourers m the wnrynrd. Y\lAT'I‘I·IEW, XX. Christ tcuchcx humihly.   · [ [
rry 26DuL Jesus ljpheldz/:cn1.zmg] s_ui¤ll ,1. D, 33. il, they murmured q :¤;;uin>L the sl; ` ` l `
ud uutq tlmxn. \\·1[h men llus 1s_1m-l -—•——·— gm1drnun<»fLiselmnxsc, {Ali ' _·
Hut pnssxble'; hu!. wltlx r Gnd u1ltluugs·r I’¤.Y§·@· 12 Suviusz, Tlxcsc lm!. lmwc ;[`|jl` ·
are posslblnz. W V UZ-lh X wrought bu! one lmur, und thou jl VJ { l
m, 27 1l’llxc;1nnswcred s Pcter und (*’“·’~"- ham} made Llxum rzquul umn us, L`;   { 1
nth sand uumlnm, 1h·lmkl, wc have for ·' ·|l“il0;€g· wlunlx lmvc hornc the burden and A , , l
1 sznkcu all.! and fullowull thee; H,§:·{_<··*· hczxnuf the day. *1 3 ‘
wu f what slmll we lmve_ Llxcrelorc Y U Ch ‘$6‘_,I 13 But_ he auswercd unc nf Ihcm. fi I f `
ley f   And Jesus sand umu them, L`;&jT,é_ and sand Friend,/1 I du thee no l ' r `·
, lcnly I s:1y_ umu you, 'l`l|:1L yu `   wm1_1;:: Llidstnuv. Llmu agree with      
lis, · whnch have iullmved mc, iu the re» ](·,,_;;_g_;;_ me tor :1 penny? A   { 4 :
10- ;;c1m1‘:1l1lgr1 when the S0n_0f man; }{,;_g_g;;_ . 14 '1`:;ke: thy! thine is, mul qu thy , 1 L ·
me sh:r.lls1L1u1hu Lhmnc of lus xzlory, u M¤r.1u.20, lwuyzn I wnll zivc unto llus lus¤ l ' Q
hs yeu ulsq shzlll snt upon l\v{:lve· ISD. cvzeu us unmklxec. CI 4 ·
LS. l.l1runcs.ljudg1ng the twelve Lrnhusl L¤.\$‘·§8, 15 ls lc 1I, uu!. lauvful {br mu to do J l i
cs u1'lsr:nc·. ~ whzn. Iw1ll with mine own! ISL ‘ . ;
5:1- 29 And v even" one that hull; lC°·2·“·_ ll me uw: ·v1l. bccuu 1: l um **0 xl'! , l '
1:- , fqrsukcu l1uusus?¤r hrcllnren,   l(i;ulnLIl1u lust slmll bchflrst, .   Q
I J smears, nr Exthcr, ur mntlmr, ntl Nh} df;] luml ilu: Hrs!. 1:1,%; Ihr u many be g i I
it T wub, ur clxildrcn, or lands for my ‘ ' K " ' `cullcm , but 1l:w r msun. _ (
lm   uun1c's sake, shall receivé zn huu—   l 17 il And u .l1·>us zulu: un I0 Q   l {
wg . Llrcdfold. amd shall iuhcm. ever- H(._4_I` lJcrus11lz:1u,lunk thu twelve disun- li _
2 ¤: Instinz 11fc. , (guAp_`gD_) ples up:u·L 1u Lhu wny und sand uu- g * ` `
Q 30 Bum w many ihai are mst shall 4 (:\.8.ll,lLZ, lu lhvm. I `€   - ‘
llc 5} ba: Inst; and lhe lam s/mil be iirst. buh.lS.2§. l 18 Bulmlel wc go up to Jcrusn- . ,
u — , . · l . , . e r. , n. um· um ue on o mam 5 m m .
t ° (`ll\l"1’]JI‘ YY l’ 19 l' ll 1Llv S f l lll "
IU ¥ Qfihr lahnxzrrvs in thc vrnqynrd, plc. EMM LU-—i9· Elmlrsnycml umu the clnicf priests uml   ' ` `  
-» Fo1&:|»e lunzzmloun nfhuuvuu 1s` i‘}°·(;¤l-fl- umu llmlscrlhcsi und they shull yr e i
Il lxkc umu :1 umu 1/mz is unl _"· · *· cl¤unlcu111 nimI<>mc:1tl1   V
’ h0us1:hul¤lur.1zwluchwcntnutnur- J §§;?él?· 19 And p slmll dulivcxi him tu the Jgl" ` l. `
ul ly lu Ll¤c11mruiug1u lure lzxbuurcrs F In iu? ;(i¤·11Iilus lu umolc, u11dt0scm1rmg,q '. S, · j
ut into lus vimzyxxrd. f[]I1,4}‘l'lj__m ,:unl to crucfiy hun: jmd thc llurrl _   l I
ry 2 Ami when hu haul uzmcll with ~ LIU- WJ wlzny lm slnul risc umm. _ ,=· l l
llnc lxnlmnm-rs l`¤>r u_pe1my b :1 day, 5* L·¤.\5.j!9. l 20 il '[`lmu r mmm to hun thm- _l‘_  
ly · lm seul them iutu lus vmeyzml. { ·$U· lumtluzr ui l¢·ln:slszc’s ul11lllrc:n,\·J1Ll1 ,0   i j ·
lr; 3 And he wen; um nhuut the ‘ M- """‘ llurr suns, worslu|wpu1:: /1_zm, und dc-   l { _
li thinl lmur, uml saw mlms sumll-l {""‘§’i ”,"“ sxrm: an uurt:u11_Llun: nt lmu, _ M . 2,
M5 iu: ullv: m thu rnn:xrl;•;t:-plum, lh;';;'{[_,‘i{§‘V‘   21 And he Mud unto her, \\ lm! ~ ; ; ·
4 ,\.,.{ xm] mm, ;]mm_ (ju yu gll- lJm;y'E_i‘ pyalt Hum! Shu saulh unto lum,   I w
Y su min [ln: vnxmyzlnlj uml wuzusn- k “,_vl,_1_lYH_ }(g1·:nnLIlmLtl1usnz my two sous muy   Q I -
U ever IS nght, lw1ll;;1vuyon. And JL I} H >1l,\l11·<»1xu. jxyzlliur Jvsus i;llT\'U\'\’iLi|\lhulI 1 l   _
he \‘·‘¤¢ul_mn1I, uml lbuml utlmrs :l-‘-';·!;$‘L*- ‘|. uml mlm lmpimwl wlth `, v I r ;
1. stzmwliuexnllu,uml>;utlu1um1lu;m, ”‘{‘fll’·{‘;b'§‘· {lu: .s lnmlxsux that I um lmptm-ll I l E   V A
H \Ylhy; slzmsl yu lmm ull thu pl;xy\ ]I?’is;H··· {will;] lhcy sary unto hun, \\¤: ; t. (   ,
n 4:. r {W; I; 1; wm- u 1 v, _ Y _A ; ` -
*1 7 'l`lu·v suv umu him, Bcczmsu '_ '.." TQ l 153 Amll1c_su1ll1unlcllmm X0: - { I l
L no mud lmhln lnrml us. llu smlh   1:~l1:¢ll drmk mglucd uf my qugl, zunl   ·   .
nl num Llwm. 4] Hu yu ulso 1ul¤{tlm` 1<._&¤~, llJul¤:\pl1Z0¢1l\\’|ll\ the lmpI1s1n_\l1:xI. . Q { { ·
i vxnwyunl; mul wlmlsuuver ns nglu.; I,u_QZ,},|_wC_ l 11111 Uillllllvll Willi; Wil l** F1} UH l- _ U ,
gm; ,,)m1; H, |·,·‘·l.“-U_ ` _],,,,_|~_g,_ 1ny1‘1:.:lnL lmml. uml uu my l<:1l. xs [ ~ ,·
l B No whbu ¢;x·¤·u was name, tlm A.-.3,13. not umm: w_::1w.l1\1L 1IsM1J7hv*r;·1*»   ‘ V _
· lord uf thc vmxeyunl muh uuml 1l]·.|_$.3·7. ug/u lhqu uwxvhuxu 1ll>|!|`U{mrc1l   (_ 4
lus su:wu1‘¤l, full thu l:n|n>111‘<·r<, Q "— *3- Y-   Ul 1l1}' l‘¤\ll1<’¤‘· Q_ L 1
S uml 0 mw {hum ihvzr hm:. l>n·:u1-~"M"·,"_ ·"- Q 231 .\H¤l \\'l1*J¥1 Nw HTH l¤<`¤\¤l ih ~ . ` {j {
, mug {mm nlm lzlsr umm me lim. 5 [_·‘f_~`g· ju- lihvy wurc uwvcll will nmlngnnnlnnu I I 1;
V 9 Aml wlwu Llmy mum [lm! ll ’;{‘; _*’·;· ;uu:uus*.ll1m:l\ml»r<·1l1rc11. `.4  
~ wrrc hlml xnlnlui {Im lel4aw·1nllxf` _,L`.A‘y R i‘ l EG lim, .|v—us_<*:n|lml llllilll mm; All {
* hum'. Llurv 1·•:¢:¤;xvud uvzery mam u_ in ig" l}um,1u1nl xml, he u lenmw tllut thu v_ ·l I
r pgmm ' {ul H` `, ,`.'] -,6 ylxnnnvcs oflhu ImuI¤l lxaxvc wl-:l.;l,11, l=H‘<> ¥¤‘¢1¤'-¤X¤1'€¤$¤¤¤\\'l¤'·¤‘¤&' NWN Q ` ` l
» rcuuxvml nmnrng uml tlwy |1lccw1>u )lw.e·.:=3. lilwllk _ Q ll i ,
» m<:u1w¤lmw¢1·vm:mu;¤¤·nuv. lU·iIl. l 195 llut 1L slmll uu!. lvu1rsz1:u1lu11g -,1; V ; {
ll Aml wlulu Hwy lmll 1>¤;vci\‘cd . -——•—— lyuu: hu! w wlxusuuvur wnll bu grunt. ;· s Q  
··x . ~
ll l ‘ I
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V [ D _ .