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t , Christ rrdelh zn!0 Jerusalem. MATTHEW, XAI. Dnvelh the buyers and sellers. ’E j
E among you, let him be your minis- A. D. 3.3. 10 And when he was come into  i za
.. ter; _ _ —•—lJerusalem, all the _ctty was moved, ’— Wn
l 27 And whosoever will he chief I ;_,,_22_2·,_ saying, Who is this? _ .1  
g smmn:yeu,let him he yonrservant: _y,.¤_i3_i_i.i_ lll And the multitude said, This =‘ *$
Q, , 28 Even as the Son of man came, 1=hi,2.7. I5 Jesus the prophet uf Nazareth   {RY;
j E not to he nunistered unto. hut 1 to= of Galilee. ` ,
* t minister, and to give his life a mn- y I~.53.5.S.ll. 12 HT Andf Jesus went into the t;  
_t som lormany.y l]¤;9·2·l.26·~tetttpIe of God, and east out all “°
g 29_ And as they departed from llT··2»6· ’theut that sold and hought in the Jfjl
Jericho,a great multitude lollowed   temple, and overthrew the tables ·  
at l hlnn. _ wg {,;,*,9 uf the muuey·ehan:ers, and the l jj .
, t .30 1l_ And. z behold, two hhud Hu ‘, 3* ‘ seats of them that sold doves, °·fl‘
_ l men sittin: hy the way-side, whenl ' ' ’ 13 And said unto them, lt is er [llc
I _ " they heard that Jesus paused by, Z ch_g_27_ Written, Ny house shall be called A
, E (meg Ulm_dSu)},m_r, lim]; Bmeayloui MU_|G__,6_ thedhquseduf pi?ty;er; but ye have if':
_; 1 V he My [mi Soni, pm _ L,,_l5_;y_ ma etta ono thieves. ~ `·
l ·,t 31 And the multitude rehukedt J 14 And the blind aud the lame W?
, , j;~ them, heeaase they slmald hold (CHAR ;_·i_,,catu~¢ to him in the temple; and: 2~
l lu their peace; hut they vried the he healed them. ( l·*"
, , ll  more, saying, Have mercy on us, u)lar.ll.1. I5 And when l.he chief priests   lllll
wl _  ’ U Lord, [hm: son ol` David l t Lu·l9.29· au_d stvrihes saw the wonderful ji Jl
I _ I ` 32 And Jesus stood still, aridl tlttugsthat he did,andthe children ~ mj
, ~ , , called them. and said, What will l·Z¤¤·9·9· errata ta the tvrttitlc. und Sarittst "l"
gy ; ye that l shall do unto yon? l rlosanna It to the son of David! lf*`
; I · 3.1 They say ante him Lord, that ¤l<-62-ll· llteywere wrctlisvlettsed. Sl
lg t , our eyes may he opened. _ l M“'·ll~l• lt} And said unto him, llearest Wl
    ‘ 3t S0 Jesus hall oompassion on' JUG ,2&f; thou what these savl And Jesus llll
ti,   (Firm, and touelied tlieiroytes; and · · “· saith unto them. Yea: have yo lll
   , itumetltatoly their eyes received [I rh ,,3 ..,0 lnever read, Out l of the mouth of llll
. , ‘ sight, and thev lhlltitvctl lmn. 1,;]  EG hahvs and sueklings thou ll$.\S[ per— lll}
ttl t' ,‘ U _ t _$`llAl"l'l·Il; XXI, l ' ' feetqd praise? 3~
•~ ` 'trzs muzi info mzsulmzi on uu t l.u.2.l~l. 17 [And he let`: them and went `·Y‘
·» { ‘ es.: tlc. l out of the city into BeLhany· and lll’
l. f` ANUH when they drew nigh un-l N ‘‘‘` "` r` he lotltzed there, ` l"i
, E . to Jerusalem, and were come f:,h,,_H_H_ 18 Now in the {mornin: as he re- llll
'. · to Bt·tl1pl1at:e, unto the mount of l_u_lg_,,5 turned into the city, he liungered. ni
` :i  Olives, then sent. Jesus two disci- Mt lit And nt when he saw   a H: llll
Q, Plush ·_ _ Jm»,2_ is, tree in the way, he name to it, and Ci
t· .. izanug unto them, G0 into, ste. linmd nothin: thereon hut. leaves ‘·
I l‘ the _vnla1:e over against yon, and_ _ only, and said unto tt. l.et no t`i’tnt lll:
· l Stratgl1t\vay ye shall iind an ass ;l5·56-t· tzrow Ou thee lieiuretbrwartl tot lll
ll wed. and gr eolxvith her: loose`hJc 7 H evulr. mud presently the tig tree {ll;
‘ ‘ mm. ant r1n·· .mt1ntn me, ‘ ' ‘ wu ieret zi away. .“
  3 And if zniycman say ought unto ;i,_;;5_(;_ _2U And when the disciples saw llll
t | )'0\l, ye shall say, 'lhe_Lord hatht tl, they maryelled, saytnz, llow , J
i _ { lttffltl ttl {heat; and stratghtway lic , l‘ "*"`·9- soon is the lit; tree withered away! ill"
._ t _. wt st-nt 1 tem. . 21 Jtzstts answered and said nnto ·".
5Q* j Q t All this was done, that it iiiiglitjlP°'g'2' them, \'or1ly l say unto you, ll` 0 llll
t  · ht: fulnlled which was spoken hy oi )Iar.1l,t3,;ye have tatth, and douht not, yo  
jp   tlte'lt_¤tHpl;t:t,l}z sayin? { r ll j_ t lshall not only do this 10/or/i1.¤ rlotttt lll}
Ji t· yu t ie t au·* iter o Sion et Um lé" t‘¤¢· to t ie tie; lftcté, hut also it` ye shall {l
l   i llehold, thy lint:-i cometh unvto J d_ I., lsay unto this mountain, lit: thou —ll
l l { tht?.nit·{2k,l:nnlsi{.t1iu;npoiian;tss,," " L “‘ ireuiovetl,;2 and he thou cast tultr llll
· t illtt a co t t ie toa ot` an ass, l y l- sq tho sea, it shall he done. lll!
ly l t tt And the tliseiplos went, and did_U $j,},f§];; l 22 And all tlnnzs wliatsot~v·*t‘yt* —l
ll , as Jesus tionunantlotl thtem, t Ja. tit;. Sllllll ¤t—*li V lll l*l`1l)'Ul’» lllllllillllgt W (hl
-7 t ‘ 7 And hroutyht the ass. and the shall roveiye. Y"`
li, ,· <‘t>lt.antl put on them tlioimlatlies, it lt‘~>.13.2. 23 it And r when he was <*otn<· 3*
t~.   aatl they stat tom tlneretm. _ J _ _ into the tmimle, the chief priests fil
l ,   3 And a_ very great mnltitmlo 'I‘\}j··"-I _ and tho elders ot` the people vatuv ‘ll‘
; _ · sprtratl their uarinouts in the wav ;, J1‘[*|F·2l· unto lnm as he was teat·lun::. atttl CU
V,   others rutdown hram·|iesh·omthe ,‘,[;f3’;,, said, ltys what authority dot·>t $"
pi ·   aug stt‘e\t‘iTlLt/1{rri ii; the way.l '   ltliou these things? and who gavtr if
. . _i tt ie nut 1 ti on tiat wo tt ` t v~t| .·: tl t'! (lil
  · ltttttuc, and that tolloivell, vrioil, i-Mar,t|_g7_   ill)L.\nTl`.lUittgli-iidtvervtl and Sttitl Bll
>   sayin;. llosanna to the sun til` lta·, liu..20. t. t1iitt1lht·1n,ltilsowill asl; you one ·l
A . tttl. llltcsstctl tl is ho that oometh is EY ,, H thine, which if ye tell uu:. l in lllw till
_; tu the name ot the Lord; llosanna · ‘·* · twist; will tell you hy what author- ‘l‘
.i 5 tn the highest .e l.—Y- .-,1ty I do these things. *1
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