Y _
t ` l I L
E ‘ Signs af Citrisfs cnmiug. MA'l"l‘IIEW, XXV. 1’nmbla nf the hn z·iz·am.<.     l {
. 35 lrleaveni aml earth shall pass ,t. I). itil. went tltrth to meet the bride if   `
» awny,but my wortls shall not pass —-—•—~—— groom,/1 lg ' _-
' ¤¤“·`?\)'· { ps4mg_g5_ 15 Antl tlvec of them were wise, lf j
; 30 ‘ll llutk of that slay and hour |s_515_ and tive1t·¢·7·cfooltsl1. l s i .
_ knoweth no 1mm, no,not the angels k hr H 7 Q 3 'l'ht·y that usrrc toolish look thetr { ; { .
; L){ll8l1\'Cll, out my rathoronly. 4 ’ ·' r'.,' lamps, ami took nootl tl wtth tliemt . .
.- , . . l'Itt.q.... t
; .34 But. as the days ot §oe zvmw, so __ _ 0 tt But. the wise took tale ut llltflf , 3
shall also the comtng ot the Sonet l('“·°**·· vessels with their lanms. _ QI. j ` `
; m3gnTbe, I I 1 l lm llu.11.i%, l 5 \\`hile the lxritlegrogtn tarrtetl, I'_; g `
l i~ ·or as in t let ayst iatwere me-* · ·tht-y all slumheretlj an slept. j ·
E} fore the lloutl. lht·ywere eating antll R°·{$·:{· l ti .\ntl at malntgzhtg there was a Q   ‘ *
. . drmkmg, marrytnz and ;m·1ng_inl “’·l"· iery/i matte,l5ehold,thehrulezroom t 7 ·
» " marruwe, unttll the tlay that hoe n Jc.Tt.l5, lr:ont•etl1;;:<1ye uutt to meet lnm. · j
, Z- cnterca into the ark, _ in Ch_m_52_ 1 j 'l'ht·n all thosovn·gius arose, and y
cf 39 Antl knew not, unttl the {lootl _ ltrttmnetl thetr lamps. : -
l ` came and tooktluan all ·uv·tv· so 7’”l‘·2~’-QL Z 5 tml ttm rwhsh cqjd umu me : ' .
. t‘ »   ·.   t t
i l shall also thc comma ofthe bon ol q l'1l¤.5.J. wise. Lore us ot your ull: tor our ,·
· g man he. U _ l ll¤·$~3· llamos are lgone out.}: > yl I
3 40 Then shall two he in the tioltl; rr ar, mt [ami to lint the wise answered, saymz, ;· J
r F the one shall be taken untlthc other aj]; Not xo; lost there he not euouen 3
·   left:. . , .,- 3 Ilimr ns and yon: hut go ye rather! _’ y l
; 41 Two wmrmn shall br erintliozat `7   I" `;   to them that sell, and buy tor your- Y j I
* ***2 ::·*‘* :.***2*:r S*·=***     ff  . ... ....,. .....   ... ,... tt
t ant te o ter e . >»·_¤-- ·- ; nt_ ·t —   ‘· t _‘. * .
- »l2 Hi \\'atehm therclbre: for ye gl-0-*·9· lthe hrttlegrooin came; autl they   .
· know not what hour your Lortl ··‘~"·H·2· that were really wont tu with htm ;
tleth come. _ _ .~»~»~ we to the inamage ; and the door was t ` `
, 43 But knowtlns. that lfthe eootl· . l, _y,_,,_;;_m_ Lshut.n_ l t ‘
man of the house hatl knoun in vh ,_ 10 y ll vtttterwrml came also the other [ V x
· what. watrh the thtet` wot1ltlt:otm·. C [MTH ab vtrmus, snytng, 0 LUN-l, l·01'd, UPON [ ¥
ho would ltave watt·ht·tl. and woultlf " "’ ‘ [to us. _ Y _  , ( ;`  
not have sullt-rrd hts house to l1e—‘] l‘·‘l¤-'- y 12 1lnl.hean~wered an¢ls:utl.\tzr1-   { l—
l»roltt·n uh. lc 1.ltt¤.z.20, yly lsay unto you. lp know you not. { I
»lt ’1`la*rt=tl»re ltvye also rentlyz tl»r‘j—l·1·h'5_(;_ l lll\\alchi]t.l1t·retore, tor ye know ·l· ; J
in Such an hour as ye think not, the R IU V ,me1thertl1e tlay nor the llt;|ll'\\'llUl'0- [ , 1 ·
Son ot`man t·omt·th. H ‘“ · "· `in theSon ot man euutel 1, J . _
»t5 \\`ho then is a l`:utht`ul antl wise ` It l'l`lt.»l. lll. t ].t ii l·'orr [lin /.mytim1t tgt ftrnrm is J l  
servant. whom los lonl hath 1i1;ulo‘iAm_,|_]2_ Nts a man travellmt: 1ntoatart·oun- L V ·
ruler over his hou~t·holtl. 11 to gtve try. who ealletl las own servants, ~ =
tx or ....» U l . ·
them moat tn one st·a~on t o i · · "'*~· ahtl ilt~livort~tl tmto them lns gxootls. t I   ·
·tt; lllossvtl is that stgrvallt,\vl1t>ln.L l.¤:.l;!.1t3. 15 ,\nrl unto one he ;:avt· ttve I { · N
Y his lortl tt hen ht: ttometh shall tintl ' I I__j;_ |_(;_ talents. to anothertwo.antl to anu- at . tj ,
l so tloine. lnwl H 1, thor one; to evt-ry man acnorttntaz g_ . tl
47 Yertly l say unto you, that ht·` ' ‘ "' T" to his several_alultty;s ant straug tt- ~» 1 lt
sltall make lmn rulorp over all htsl _ U' way took lns_tottrnt;y. I 3- 1 _* l
;;hn;lg_ in ·]“·~’·°· t lti 'l`h<·n he that haul rvrmvetl tho L l   V
>·lS llut antl ifthat ov1lsr~rvantshall lo t~l¤.T.:l-23. *lire talents wont antl tratletl wlth t   ·t i
say in his heart, My lortl tlelayethl lI¤.ll.lT. ltho same antl nmtle lhtm other e {   l
his romtngx; E nhl, my lhvo talents, _ i.` i . .
lll Aml shall hoztn to smite his tltlq} )` y t li' 4-lml lll{U\\'lS(:ll0lll1\l}lf|Il1't'('£'1'U- 1: E t —
l -.‘ ·r *2 nth.: l l ·at. an l lrml’ ` '1""··-l·"··;]{l· zz] two, he also zaxnml otlter two. N . , x
ylllllrlllo lhohllllh ;U l ` ` xl M"'*·l3·,;‘;" , lit llut. he that. hatl recutvetl one { l ,l ,
50 '1'ht· lortl ot` that. servant shall In ,1 .;;;" won: aiitl thugetl m the earth, amt   V it 4 .
r:om<· lll a tlayq when ho lottlttztlt ` ‘“ " ‘ .h1tl ns on sinoney. A _ . I, I
not tor/mn. antl man hour that he ¤‘l·¤t.|¥‘·lJ.&t`.l lit Alter a lon1:tuue.l lltr· lot-tl ot ; t  
t:;;,h»t_ lonvth tt wu t nvm. _ ty - [ ‘
and appoint Into los portion withl .1., nazi. ` Qltantlso hr- thatlt:ul~tr:t‘t;t\etl {rt-et I` I Y `
; the hynovritesz tln·rt· r_ shall be x R._U_\;_ italonts, mono and llttoufz all ot hir '_— V ;
weeping and gnaslunt: ot ltcellt. 1t;o. 1.1. l, g|t\‘U li\lt‘lll*· $·*Ul'¥·_ _<}‘lf vi l‘ll‘ 1 °' ti .
· ,·- ~ . · · » M_ tltvorotlst unto me tut taltuts. ¤e· PN `
1 T, (Hal l{."}l~ ?X\‘ N }]p.l,ll. lholtl, l have ;;am<·tl hustde them el y
ar pom » 4 it rtw nz vmmix; _ y lm. mlullle mm-,._ A V .v ~
rtf Ihr lolzn/S, mul I/tr rttrvotf in "l‘·:l-**4 ~ gl H}, yuh; Hm] unto hah, \\ol\ ltt t 1
I/lost: who uttprovt Num. 31 (lt N"' tt t-l»,t¥..!;t.2t. ,tr.m» {loot ;;t1t¤tl anal t`:utltt¤1l Mil`- l l t
[U5},/lNI!I7Il*/Il~ ,» |,»i,1J,.t |. wah: · thou hast lu·<·n tatthlul tirtrr * l
'Wlll·§X shall tho l;ih;;il..m ofllpa-` {Liv. la 1]»w thmus,l will makerthe ru tcru It . ;
,1 von la: hl;t·nt·tl onto ton \n·» ll*¤··*~!l· lover many tlnnesj entet thou tnto ll · 3 {
g:us,r1 which took their lantys, ant1.—j§——-the Joy ot thy lor .   · i l
_ lt. . i  
t; ` .