. ‘ l
John Bapl1sI’s afee. MARK, I. Jesus Ls brzpltzcd. l
  And as they went: to tell his A. D,33. 15 S0 they took the money, nnd ,   `
disciples, hehold, Jesus niet. them,  •———— dn] as they were taught: nnd this ,·
saying, All lnnl,1 And they CZIIIIQQ J¤"·?0·I9· sayin;iscounnonlyrtpurtedaniong ‘
und held linn by the teet, und xvor» Ill ll*‘·3·ll- the Jews until this day. » V
slnpped hnn. l_‘j';·i’;§‘l·_\ 1ti ll Then m the ¤·l¢·vo1xtlisr:iples I I `
10 lhen sanl Jesus unto them, Be m Ch Q6 32 went uwny into Galilee, mtu xx , l
not alrzudz gu tell my brethren kl,. rh ,6 5, ' mountain xx _.ere Jesus hud nppuint.- 1 `
that they go into buhlee, und there In fj, 'H ‘.i7" eil them. _ I ‘
s null they sev me. p`_g_§ ` 17 And when thev snxv n him I I `
11 it Now when they were going, §g~9,1g_ they worshipped hun: hut some ~    
behold, some ef the wnttrh onine 1tolt.:s. douhted. j Q 4 3
. into the olly, nntl showed untu tty: l~.9.o,7. _ lil And Jesus mnne and spake unto I 1 ·
elnef prnesls all the tlungs th_ t y ¤I:n`.It$·l5. them, snyinz, All 0 power is eiven ‘· ,
were done. · "'· *¤<¤I=¤ unto me ln heawen und in eurth. t ·
l2 Anil when they welrelusseuihle:1 "¤—‘w"=jt· 19 it Go n ye thereture, and I » ·
with the elders, an tad taken "" """ Y tench q ull nations hn tizin:5 I
counsel, they wwe Intec money f:f;;;°;"f""ltl¤l· 1 9 And it vznne to pass ni those I
cth, lt} m/In/It Prler mul elm rs, 32 b lI·¤I.3. 1. ldztys, that Jesus rzune trout Nam- , l y
ami rnnth nirntv. .: lt, toil. proth ol Gnlilm-. und was baptized k I,
I U ‘lll·Zl>c:inn11n;nt`tln· erospvl off ll¤*I_·¤; l· ot John in .lor¤lan. ; It g
Jesus ("ln·1st,tln·l1Sonol`llotl;,   i ltI;\1nlstr1nuI1txvny ronnnnz upout g ,
2 As at is written in the propltets,h— , U ""·‘ T7 · [of tho wntor.l1e saw the lnwwens y t
Behold, l send my tiiosjeinror be-It, ;‘_';’,I   yiopeipnl, nnfl the Sp1lrit,l like n 5 ,( I
fore thy thm- whnth shall prepare -‘,_1"` _' , love I vsoeitt me upon nin: g t ,
thv wav beH»i·o theo. Kr L)'iU§lpl"y ll Anil tln~r¢·ra1ne :1 volvo from ·   "
. . 1s.,1.,.». , I
1l'l`he c voi<·eo1` one cryint: in they p,_;e_|g_ ,lneavou.snwnvfl hou nrt mybelovq-tl ‘     ;
wilderness, l’rt~p:n·e yo tho waxy ofl y_|,,l.,|_s.lg_ `Son.m in whoxn I ann well plmgnd. , I 5 ·
the Lordl make his paths strzneht.   1,l»_11,13, ll wud nninedpnelyl ;ho >p1r1t ~   ‘
4 John zi dnl hnplxz ·in tho xx·ilth·r-~J )lxt.1}.II. drwot 1 nmtutot n:xv1tt·rn1-ss. I 1
ness, und prl·:l<·h tllo buptisin of ‘.|on.l.:I7. l1lAntlnltoxxhstln-rv u1tln:w‘tl•lm‘· i ai ; ·
repentalnve I lor tho ronnssion e ot` . .tes \»e»yl1t*>s torty days, ternptvnl ot baton; » i ,
sms. H ,·_1..l·5 g 3<_ Ia’nd wnslwith thi: wild boasgs; and N ,t ~
F A ltl ·r·xvcnt uut unt hint :x A ·,1.*. Iltiittnivs11l1l1lSt*rt‘t unto nm. _ ~ ,. ~
tlie llilnl  llulloa, and thiiy ol` .It·—l I. )l.iI.3.’|3. ll Nownlmr that John was put in   _
rusalen1,;unl w¤·ro all lnnptmwl o1` ~ L nr. I!~···u, lprison, Jesus o canoe into tiahlee, `_ J
ltnn tn the rivero1`.lordan,oon1`es~-ll I"t`·`tF:¤t· gpreiuclnng the gospel p of tho lung- ` _ ,1 _
` ntlZ{\liilmJiili: was clothed xvnhl ·ll"‘T'£l-L ldlyliiiiilyziyiiiz, The time q is ful-   ' I
Cumel’s hnir. and with a :n·dh· ot`a "‘J;`;·[J·l’*l ,_ _gtllled. und the lnnenlom ol God is ut `;
Skin about his loins; und hoihd out   {I U ‘, ‘, {M Qhautl: repent r ye, und believe s 5
locusts g null wild honey; ~I, `l_,,_;  ‘ Ithe znspol. 1 ,
'7 Anil przmolnell, savtinz,'l`lmrrr}1`,l 1,, » H l lo Now I ns he xvallcod by the sen . 4
Gotneth one rni;:htn·r'lln:nn l nt`t<~r ,· A   `of Gztltlve. he Mtxv Snnon and l ’
Inn, the latnhot o[xx‘l1ost· shoes l t n.,n,,_y;_ ,;\ntlrt·xx‘ Ins brotltvr costing :1 not I
mn not worthy to stoop down an¤|;t Nln.1.l>.Jullt\t¤> Illti Stfiil UWT ll\<’)' WM`0 { I i
nnln..,n_ ' l 1,n,5.-t,&¤. tnshers) > l I . ,
Btindeed huve baptized yeuwiih Tl 17 And Jesus stud unto them, ~ i 4
“ I I I
l I
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tl i .