` I
Chnlvl calls/h Mrrttlzctu. MARK, ll']. The lei/Iimwi h/md hmm!.   E,
E scribes sittinz there, antl reasoning` A. D. 30. { 21 No man nlm setwth a piece of t V
' tn th_etr hearts. , `———•——,2 new eloth on an oltl tzartneut 2 ` i U
` 7 Why doth this _mm1 thus speak d I;_ig_g;_ lclse the new pierce that tilletl it up `
· bln.spltt·nnesl \\ he can forgive 11m.9.9, ltaketh auay from the old and the ` 1 · .
sins tl but bull only { 1 _ lrent ts tnade worse, t , `
{ B And ttnrnethately, when Jesus ‘ ""·*’·m· 23 And no tnan put teth new wine ~ t ~
l perceived in_ Ins spirit that they so -,·_],,(,_-;_;;y_ into old hottles: else the newwme ,
_ reasoned within themselves, he 9,;;; doth burst the hottles. and the I `.
j said unto tlmin, Why reason ye wine is spilled. and the bottles will » i `
N tlaeseltlitiizs in your hearts! E ii“'é9£· he tnarred 1 0 hut new wme must . i ,
· , . t tel ter ts tt easter to say to "·‘ ·*'· te put into new hotties, ` · l
_ ` the sick of the palsy. Thy sins he x nr, ny thu LL}.-\11d11t1. came to pass. that he 1 i j
, ]or;¤;iw—n thee ; ur tn gay, ,\rise,;im1 Pima ,Ur.,,·c went through the corn-tields on ,
take up thy hell. antl walk I 1 me motion the sahhath-day; and his disciples g - ‘
lt) llul that ye may know that the` wot me- heean. as they went, te pluck q the 1 ·
Z Son ot`>man hath powere on earth critrw?. ears of <:orn,` Q ` l
» to l`or:tve sins, (he saith to llte stek 1, Mn 9 ,0 2t Antl the Pharisees said unto t
I ofthe palsy.) _ ` ` ' 'Mi lntn. liehold, why tlo they on the Q
· 1l 1 say tgtto thee. Arise. antl lake _I l_ I _ l§tt{1l[1iJ[ll·Ll1t)’lllltl which is not law- t   i
llftl ty he and go thy way into t .n. ti. a. liu . i
, thine house, > ,, \,,, ,, ,1, ml 25 And he said ttnto them, `llave '   I
· 115 Antl nnnit·thately he arose. "]_,,;{i;,“{D ye never resel what David did, r
· took up the hell, antl went. forth ` " ’ '°ywhen he hall need, ant) was an `
hetore them all; tnsontuoh that lls.l:l§·; linnqt:retl,lie,a1ul they that were ` - `
· they were all atnazetl, antl elorilietl M ¢¤'1·,»; H wtth html
Gotl. saymz, We f never saw it on * ‘ - ’· - ZG llotv he went into the house
this fashion. h’,'·,l,?,1(i·, of (Poll in the days of Ahiathar , , ,
~ . 13 And he went forth neain hy the ,,,.,‘ ,‘,l 'lllltl hteh priest, antl thtl eat the · * i
sea»st1U 7-*1-110 $1111 0 11111-1115 i   '
15 Atal /1 it came to pass. that, as 0 ,,,., 3, {U Lord also of tho satihath. , . _
Jesus sat at meat in his house. `lf ,`,7{ ' i t'lll\l"l`l·Il{ lll. 3  
many pnlrlttzansi and sinners sat >',ij_L;_ 1 T/ttttt·t`Ihvrt·t/ /1/nu! /z¢snlod. 13 The ¤ 1
also al1o:t·tlie·r with Jvsosantl his ,,,,, ,, , Itrttlrr rtprtsllts r/:ox:·:t. ill 11//in · t
thset|»les: t1»r there were many, 7;,,, ,3 fw; arc if/tris/`s Iu·nlhz.:·, uml ststcr, V { ,
antl they lollowetl him. ‘ ', ' ‘_ " mtr] mot/nr, · yy j
lti Atal when the serihes ontl ‘! l)*‘-U--2* ANI! it he enteretl again into the li I
Pharisees saw hint eat wtth puhli- r 15 t.:l.U. i- syna:o;ue; antl there vwas a , Q -
lieans antl stnne1s.they saitl unto , y._,_gy| 3;,,;;; l|lI1lllllUl't} which haul a withered t  
his dtsetples, llow is it that he eat.- i_,_;i_g_ hatnl. _ l   t
oth and tlrntketh with puhlieans , N _ ,, ,_, { 15t\nd theywattrlietl hhnn,whet1i- { l ;
antl stnners! *1;]; Id 1<·r he wuttal heal Ialn on the sab- · ,   ,
17 When Jesus heard il. he saith I.;j,Q_jn_` hal|t—tlay; that they might accuse ‘ 5 , _
unto them, 'l’h•·y k that are whole ig_;g_ l1l\1t· _ · t ' ~
have no oeetl of the physieiaii. ,,, , _, ,6   13 .\ntl he sattli unto the man I   ·
tim. ai.·y not in-tt oett; tt·l.tl..» not " ' ·;,·,,· .y·1_···#1¤, 1¤=··1, the ~~‘¤t11¤r<¤<1 1¤=¤¤11L 3 .<
to eall the rt·*hteous.l1ut stnnersl U ·l‘* ’-—· · **11111 XU1`11- _ 1* ~, ‘
toi·t·pentanot;_ ' Htt·1·ii·   ·t Antl he saith unto them, lsit; , tl `, ·
1S .»\nt| the tltstriples of John and “"- l·*0· ,lttwtttl to tlo :ootl_ on the sahh:_ttli· , ,l ,1
ot` the Pltarisees used to fast: and ((giiAp_ g_) =tlat‘s. or to do evil! to save hte, _e , [I
they tzoiue and say unto him, \\ hy I, \h, ,,,, yer to kill! Hut they held their ~ 1, ,
do the tltstzlples of John antl of the ' ` ' “,;,j ,}1lt1ltYC. I (
]>|,;,I-mags mst, but my Llj5t;iI,|L~$ In U U ye ; 5 And when he hatl looketl round , , _
, Gm not? ‘ 4 ` ' ‘ ' lnhout on them wah an:t·r,he1ug   , ;
15) Antl Jesus said unto them, (`an L L"' I 1* 1* tzrttcvetl for the 2 hartlness of thetr f
the elnltlren ofthe hntlert-liainher * Jtov. lhenrts, he sloth unto the num, l,
fast, while the liritlegrooinm is ·’=\‘~~ll¤1'l* Nlreltch Earth thtne hand. And he l
with them? As lontf as they ""*l‘l "*"l¥i Stte‘r·hetl tl ont: and his hand was , ,
have the lvritlezmoitt with them, pll ·.t5.G. restored whole as the other.   t
they cannot last. 2 ,,, ,/l,,,,l_ i 0 Antl the lttartsees went forth, ,
20 But the tlztvs will come when ,,}__,_ land stratelttway took counsel wtth , _·
the hritleesrooni shall he taken Ithe tl llerotlians azaunst him,hew t t  
away from them, and tlienn shall tl M“'~”·lG- they nnght tlest roy han. _ , · , ,
they thst in those days. `——g;-i 7 But Jesus withdrew lmnself , i
.5. , ,
1 t
, j t ,