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  Dev12s enter 1`nta the swine. MARK, V. Christ hmloth a woman.
` ~ CHAPTFLR V. A. D. 31. the ship, hc t11aL_11:11l been 1¤u¤ss1ss·
’ . 1 Chnlst dnlincrsth rigs pogseiscd af —•—- gd w11:11;.11e 11u_1{;l,I11r:1yed111111 Lhat
' lh [ ‘ pf dgpi _· 1‘ 11ey gn- _ , 0 1111q1 11: wa 1 11111. _
S 1 tc:1`71lll(1llcsLL1inv. 1C"·“”·J·1 19 llowhcnr, Jesus $11l“1"cre1l 111111
1 1 ANI)at11cy came over unto thc 11 M;1_s,25_ 1101.. hut 5:11111 11111:1 111111, Gu hnmc
I , other $1111: nl' 1110 sean, 11110 the &1—. l0ll1y fr1e11ds,u11d m tcllt11c11111mv
1 cu11nI.rv11f1,11e G:11111r1:11es. L11.8.26,l1;e. arent t11111:s1;1ul1,1dr¤··1· tlwcl
Z him out nf the 11111111s :1 1111111 w1tl1 c PS _,,q l20 lxriglllng 1%:11111101%, 131111 hem?
E 1 u111111c1e:111s111rit, ·’···· f1_DU 1 1s 1 111 uc:11>1» 1s mw 1:1:1:1
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‘ 3 \V110 11:111 Ins dwn11111¤ b umm! lh111··s Jesus _h:ul Lluue fur 111111:
1 I thc t11111hs ; :1111.1 1111 111:111 zglouhl hind d  EG"? :1E1{l?`111 {r1e11l1l11l 131:111*el. 1
1 , . * 1111.111 .11111,w1Lh ehzxius: _ ‘ ‘ Q ‘ 1 11: _w1c11 csus was pmssel
1 1 l4ll1ecl111>1e 11;:11 he 11:11.1 been 0f`1e11 Hm'3"5' {wer 11;,·n111 hy shnp unto the other
· 1 . ` 1>111111111v1L11 I`Ltl:1:11·s,
1* ` B 1·`11r 111: suul unto him, Cnmc xl V Q6 A1111 11:111 >111le1·1:11 1111111y1l1111:S
,1_   1»11•.1»f1|111111:111,/711114 u111¤11¤:¤11 s1·11'11.. 1.1.111 2111.1, 01 111:111y1111ys1<·1u11s.:11111 11:111 upunc
1· . 9 A1111111: ;1w11|>efurc
lg 1 scc 111111 111:11, was 1ms~1rss<·1l w1111 1 11,4311; 111111, :11111 wld Z 111111 :111 Lhc tr11Lh.
1 { L11111111v1l,:1111] 1 11.111 1111: 1<;:11»11.s1t- _ 31 Aml h_c ¤:111l 1111111 111:1*, Duuzh- 1
1 !1m:,:11111e11»’11e11, :11111 111 hm 1”1§l1l U °l\·l0·¤2· ter. thy 1:11111 1: 1111lh 111udc tlwa
  11111111: :11111 they were ufrzxul. k A"-1‘l-9- _w1101e; 1:11 v 111 pence, and be whole
*1 16 .\11<1 1111·1· 111:11. >:1w1£,l11l¤1 11111111 U Isl l_ |7_ 111'111{ pluzue. \
Q 11mv1L11<·1}e111:> 111111 LhuLw:1s pus- gG_,12_ 35 \ llllltt l1uyctspu1{c,t11c1‘c cum?
E scssul w11I1 the 111:1:11,11mlu[suc1»11- g1;g_;,_1g_ {TORI the ruler of thc sy11gung11e s
1 001*11111;: 1111: »w111u. Jwusc ncrtum w111ch sun]. 'Ihy
1 17 A111l1.\1ey 111:;:111 111 pruy 111111 to w $1111-5.27; !11u11:11\er1s deud: w why 1,1·<»ub1cst
dep:1rLL:»11L<11`111e1r u·1:1.srs. ll··1¤· L1111uL|1e: Muster u11y1'11rL11•·r?
18 And when he wus 1:01110 into ·-———•T HG As suuu us Jesus l1eur1l the
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